MTL - I Have Medicine-Chapter 949 Rules and rules

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There, there is something like the size of the water tank, the whole body is gray and black, it looks very dry, there are countless bulges on the object, dense, very ugly, screaming and screaming.

--what's this?

Gu Zuo did not recognize it, and the iron sergeants did not recognize it.

The eyes of the public scorpion fell on this object, frowning.

Although everyone still doesn't know what this is, he understands that it is very important. Otherwise, those black people who do not know who they are, but they are quite powerful, how can they put such a vast and ridiculous continent, countless Regardless of the precious resources, and concentrate on finding such a thing? There will only be one reason, that is the importance and preciousness of this thing, and it is above all other resources!

Gu Zuo slowly walked over and slowly used his own mental strength to test.

This temptation is like a mud cow entering the sea. It is simply unable to excite a little spray. It seems to be the same dead object. No fluctuations are sent back, but... because it is a dead thing, there is no danger.

After thinking about it, Gu Zuo took it out in the past.

- The means previously used by the black man did not leave any traces on the body, but there is no doubt that it has been weakened to not reject anyone.

Several people continue to look at this thing.

For a long time, the public scorpio said, "Azo, do you look at it... like a tree root?"

Gu Zuo heard it, and took a trip.

Tree, tree root?

What does Big Brother mean?

The public scorpion Tianding is fixed to look at Gu Zuo.

Gu Zuo and his own big brother looked at each other. This pair of eyes looked at each other and seemed to think of something slowly, and the expression could not help but give birth to change... He said with a wide voice: "No, no?"

The public sorcerer smiled: "I thought it was for my brother."

The two men looked at each other, but the five iron sergeants did not know what they were playing.

Fortunately, Gu Zuo has nothing to sell off. He smacked his mouth and said: "My brother and I suspect that this thing may be the root of the broken mainland that belongs to this continent."

Siberian Sergeants: "..."

Have to say that this guess is very reasonable!

If such a thing is the root of the mainland, then the raised parts above are like the "scars" formed after the roots have to be dropped? The reason why it is dry, like it does not reflect the situation of the ridiculous continent at this time? There is no such thing as the size of a water tank. It is also the performance of the limit. Otherwise, how can it maintain the roots of a mainland continent? How can it be such a decaying appearance? It must have been reduced a lot.

Such an analysis, of course, is more and more similar.

Think about it too, if it is really the root of the mainland, then those black people do not want this, it is normal. What is just confusing is that although the root of the mainland represents the fundamentals of the mainland, it is a very good thing, but it has been damaged to this extent, and what is it to do to get it back?

It’s really hard to understand.

Gu Zuo did not understand, but the root of the mainland was directly received in the Temple of Medicine, and then said: "Whether it is, then take it back and show it to the Jagged Master. This is not something we can handle." , or after searching for other things as soon as possible, just go back soon."

The public scorpio also opened his mouth at the moment: "Deliberately want to take the roots of the mainland... Those black people are afraid of uneasiness, and no matter where they come from, if there is a sergeant after the iron, you may wish to remove the scorpion. It also weakens the arms of the people behind them."

Although the Iron Sergeants do not know why Shaojun will be hostile to those in black clothes - as they seem, even if the black people come to take the roots of the mainland, what is the relationship with their Iron Palace? Deliberately killing, it is really unnecessary. But Shaojun’s orders are absolute, and they will naturally do the same – indeed, it’s not necessary to deliberately kill, but it’s not that killing.

Of course, this matter cannot be done in a big way.

The Sergeant of Iron and Blood received orders, that is, when the black people who were scattered elsewhere continued to search for the roots of the mainland, once they were met by the Sergeant of Iron and Blood, they would not hesitate to grab things, but at the same time It is a matter of course for the other party to get rid of it.

Therefore, the number of black people is actually quite a lot, but in the next few days, they have been killed a lot. At the same time, disciples of other different forces will come and be robbed. A few will not give face, and they will kill after robbing. It seems that it is not just a black man, even if it is done a bit.

After that, Gongyi Tianzhu and Gu Zuo still traveled while searching for treasures, but they were not smooth sailing.

The reputation of the public scorpio has already spread among countless forces, and the aliens have been mixed into this ridiculous continent, and the shots will be smashed by the public scorpio!

However, there are five strong men around the public scorpio, and there are five strong ones in the Shaodi world, and each one is full of battles. Where can you fear such a killing? Naturally, there is no return, and I dare not beat his idea easily. However, the public scorpio Scorpio himself has been shot several times in a row, and he can easily escape from the hands of the less powerful empire, and more and more people know that he is not easy to deal with.

In this way, ordinary people will not find someone to come and kill the public scorpio, this is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing, even if it is afraid that no one will come to him again in a short time, but in the long run After that, there will be strong players who are very talented and good at layout, laying down the nets and dispatching more powerful people, and using a careful plan to bring down the public.

By that time, it is better than the means of one side!

- Closer to home.

After another month or two, the search was almost the same. It was difficult to find anything particularly precious after further excavation. Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao left the ridiculous mainland and returned to the blood. In the palace.

At this time, there are still a lot of people in the black, but the Sergeants of the Irons have not taken care of them anymore. This is also the idea of ​​Gu Zuo and the public scorpio. If it is done too much, it will cause black people. Behind the attention of the great emperor, it will not be good if it affects their return.

It is also because everyone has removed a lot of black people, but they all have cover up and are very cautious, so until the end they can still return to the void world without encountering unsolvable troubles.

After the sergeants of the Iron Age, Gu Zuo, the public scorpio and the fierce singer went to meet the Iron Emperor.

The natural environment is that all the resources that have been cleaned up are packed with large-volume storage weapons and presented to the Iron Emperor. After the delivery, the fierceness is gone. The two men and the Iron Emperor will take the black people to take the mainland. The root thing is said.

Gu Zuo does not quite understand: "What is the other magical effect of the teacher's respect, the roots of the mainland, so that those people are so valued?"

Really, adhering to the respect for a piece of the mainland, I have heard that the roots of the mainland will be damaged. He never really thought about the things left by the roots of the damaged continent. Can it be used for refining or what? Other functions...

The Iron Emperor listened to Gu Zuo and asked him a little.

The root of the mainland is the foundation of the mainland. If there is no such thing, the mainland does not exist, and if the mainland does not exist, it must be destroyed.

After a while, the Iron Emperor slowly explained to several people: "Since the reference to the roots of the mainland, I am afraid to mention how to break through to the situation of the Great Empire."

Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao are a glimpse.

Is it related to ... breaking through to the Great Empire?

The public scorpio Tianyi said: "Master, disciples, etc. listen."

Gu Zuo is also respectful.

To be honest, he is very curious in his heart.

After the Iron Emperor, he also preached: "From the king's emperor to the broken air, I have to understand the power of some space, break the empty nuclear, so that I am no longer bound by the mainland, can break more boundaries. From the broken air to the lesser emperor, it is also a process of deepening the understanding of the space and artistic conception. In this realm, it is necessary to re-condense an empty core, and this empty nuclear is no longer linked to any continent. It belongs to the military itself, allowing the military to stand away from everything and stabilize itself."

Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao listened carefully.

These are the experiences of the great emperors. After listening to them, they will be of great benefit to their future martial arts practice.

After that, the Iron Emperor said again: "However, from the Shaodi to the Great Emperor, the reason why the countless people are hindered further is that it is necessary to cross this level, not only the strongest of the lesser emperors, but also the power of their own. There is also a need to get an understanding of the law.” He paused. “Between the heavens and the earth, there are rules and rules. The rules are norms. The public recognizes them and follows the truth. However, it is not completely unchangeable; the law is a kind of The law, the world is self-generated, can't be changed, I can only comprehend."

To put it simply, rules and rules are consistent with the law, but the law is fixed. The existence of everything depends on it. If it is changed, it will be finished. But the rule is not. It is also naturally generated between heaven and earth. It has been recognized by the heavens and the earth, but it may gradually become obsolete according to the development of the times. It is necessary to change it against the sky. As long as it can withstand the consequences, it is nothing to do, and it will not cause the world to collapse.

The rule is higher than the rule.

The reason why the great emperor was a great emperor was because they realized a certain law and became one of the spokesmen of this law. They realized that they would be close to the law in the future, and they would be able to live to "one dollar" for a long time.

Well, one dollar is the 12th meeting, and there will be 10,800 years.

Speaking of this, the Iron Emperor looked at the gaze of the public scorpion with a color of appreciation: "In general, the taboo power must contain the law, whether the law is strong or weak. Comprehend the taboo power, there will be The door to the great emperor. Scorpio, with your understanding of taboos now, you can only make your own practice in the day, you can understand the rules and achieve the great emperor. It is only the reincarnation that you understand. I have never seen anyone else realize that in the future, if you want to comprehend the law, you can't go wrong. When you practice, you need to be more careful."

Gu Zuo heard this and suddenly realized it.

It’s no wonder that there will be a great emperor. It’s not just because the big brother’s talent is rare, but more importantly, he has already taken a very important step!

However, why, in addition to the Emperor of the Moon, only the Emperor Wansheng and the Jagged Emperor had to accept the Big Brother... He carefully recalled what the Ironman had said and understood.


According to the meaning of the Jagged Master, it is said that there is no great emperor to understand the power of reincarnation, so there is no way to give pointers, and it is not certain that his eldest brother will be able to get out of the predicament and constantly create a deeper practice, so there will be no other great emperors. Come to the disciples. The Wansheng Emperor had a bad impression on his older brother. This is not to mention. The reason why the Jewish Master is so attached is so valued... Gu Zuo thinks about the character of the Jagged Master, and thinks that he is not doing well because he feels that he is a big brother. Enough and smart enough, so I am willing to accept it.

I thought clearly, the light in Gu Zuo's eyes flashed.

Jagged Emperor said: "The law sets the roots of the mainland as the basis of the mainland. The mainland relies on the roots of the mainland to support survival. The rules regulate the characteristics of the roots of the continent. Therefore, it is contaminated with laws and rules."

In fact, everything is due to the law, and there is no rule, but it is only a long time, subtle, these are considered ordinary, and they contain very few rules, so it is not worth mentioning, but common sense. .

There are always things that are shrouded in rules and rules and are more demanding.

The roots of the mainland are undoubtedly the most rigorous of them, so the laws of its pollution and the rules it contains are very powerful, and even the most powerful of all things.

Gu Zuo thought for a while: "The meaning of the iron-and-blood master is that the people behind the black people take the root of this continent in order to understand the rules of the law and the rules contained therein?"

Jagged Emperor said: "After the damage of the roots of the mainland, I can't think of other uses. However, the laws and implication rules contained in the roots of the mainland are of little use to me. If you understand different laws, it is difficult to protect. have conflict."

Gu Zuo also felt that this is the truth.

How tall is the law, it is a fixed truth, everyone can comprehend a rule, but also have a good luck, high talent, who wants to self-esteem too high, to understand different rules, then different The law will collide with each other while practicing, and do you want to live? Even if he is a big brother, there are still six seas in the body. There are also six incarnations including the deity. Every incarnation wants to understand a rule. It is very simple. Because the incarnation is six, the consciousness is only One! Even if the external performance is not like it, it is still the consciousness of his older brother, then it is only a collision to understand multiple rules.

The person behind that... Is it that he understands the laws that are rooted in the roots of the mainland?

But this is impossible, unless it is the root of the mainland! Otherwise, it is not the roots of the mainland to comprehend the laws that determine the existence of the roots of the mainland. It is purely full of support.

Because... this is impossible to comprehend, the species are different!

As for the rules contained in the roots of the mainland, it is also the scope of the roots of the mainland. It stipulates the size of the roots of the mainland, and stipulates the basic purpose of the roots of the mainland... To understand these rules, where is the use?

Gongyi Tianzhu summed up: "Whether that person wants to take the roots of the mainland, but since this matter is called a disciple's whim, then taking the roots of the mainland, it is a plan to break the other side, and the hostility of the other party is also It’s very common. It’s just doing it all, and the actions of the disciples in the future should be more careful.”

The Iron Emperor slightly decapitated: "After I gave you a few pieces of life-saving things."

Gongyi Tianzhu quickly thanked.

When the Iron Emperor looked at Zuo Zuo, he nodded gently: "You also have."

Gu Zuo: Hey?

Then he immediately showed a smile: "Thank you for the iron master!"

I have almost finished this matter, but how the roots of this continent are used, they still have not figured out.

But it is also true. They did not intend to do anything with the roots of the mainland. Anyway, they are not good for the enemy. As long as they do not harm themselves, it does not matter.

This ridiculous mainland line ended so soon, and Gu Zuo and Gong Yi Tian Hao once again fell into a busy life with only cultivation and nothing else. But it is also because they are so hard, so the progress of strength has not been under anyone for a long time.


Deep in the palace.

The man sitting behind a stone table holding a book roll did not raise his head.

His eyes were soothing, and he looked calm and kind, but he did not know when he appeared in front of him. The black man who worshipped the ground was constantly screaming and seemed to be unable to stop and fear.

"Big, the Great..." The sweat of the black man wet the ground in front of him. His voice was also forced to suppress but could not tremble with control. "Please give another chance! This time, this time is subordinate, etc. The mistakes... there will be no such thing happening! Please, please the great emperor... Rao..."

The man turned over a page of books and his tone was mild: "But you know, there is never a second chance in me." When he said it, he smiled a little. "Mr. Hey, I will take this waste." give it to you."

The black man was even more frightened. He buckled his head heavily and almost smashed his forehead: "The Great is forgiving! The Great is forgiving! Please give it another chance! Your subordinates and subordinates will not let you Disappointed! Please -"

However, the words of the black man can no longer be said.

Because in the side door opened next to it, the wind and the wind smashed out the old man of Tong Yanhe, and he smiled and waved, and he had already come to the black man.

At this moment, the black man's face has already shown a look of extreme fear, the pupil shrinks, and his mind is somewhat distracted.

But he wants to resist, but he can't resist at all.

Can't move... Then there was a "bang" in my head, and I didn't know anything.

The old man of Hefa’s boy’s face picked up the soft, black man who lost his mind but was still alive. He said to the man: “The emperor can immediately have hundreds of prostitutes born. What are your plans?”

The man is addicted: "First adjust|Teach it. If you teach well, you will send it to Yuxi."

When the old man thought about it, he nodded. "Yu Yu had never sent a prostitute before. This time he invested a hundred, but not much. After a few decades, you can see some effectiveness."

The man sighed: "The time is running out, I will give you many celestial bodies, Mr. Yu, you have to cultivate the best prostitute for me."

The old man promised: "That is natural! But the great emperor is also very powerful. You can get so many bodies from the Dazu Dabu. I am squatting, and 80% of them are in your hands?"

The man looks at himself: "There is no difficulty in this. In this big comparison, these corpse corpses are also handled by the emperors of the parties. This time I am going to come to this errand. Just send those neutrons who are not offended, The rest are unattended, and there is nothing to hinder."

In fact, in addition to the top arrogance of the aliens, other alien corpses do not care much, and the fallen top Tianjiao bones are gone, the aliens have no face, and they have already left.

There are quite a few people on the side of the Terran, such as the Iron Emperor. For his accepted pro-disciplinary disciple, he will take back the surviving Tianjiao’s body where his pro-disciple is located. Unfortunately, if it’s not iron and blood. Inserting a foot, the public scorpio, is now supposed to be his disciple.

However, if you miss it, you will miss it. He still doesn't want to get irony.

It’s a madman to be a madman, or to be farther away from him.

When the old man walked away, the black man was hot, and the man gently clap.

During the time, several people came in from the outside and crouched in front of him.

The man glanced at them: "Do you hear everything?"

These are also black people, they all said with a voice: "Yes, the Great."

The man said: "I have never been rewarded for doing the right thing, but if I am blind and can't do anything, how can I end up? I don't have to say much if I want to come."

Several black people’s voices tightened: "Yes, the Great."

The man nodded slightly: "It's very good. This time is preemptive by the iron and blood, it is not easy to find, you wait for the manpower, go to chaos and then find the ridiculous mainland. If you find it, you can come back, you can't find it within ten years. Go and give the old man a potion."

He said that he was understated, and several black people were cold and sweaty.

But they did not dare to resist, but they were killed and left silently.