MTL - I Heard You Like Me Too-Chapter 34

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Du Yushu is funny, when he is a 13-year-old child? Although she is sometimes naive, is it a good person? If she sees a text message and rushes out to find someone, she doesn't have to mix it from the entertainment circle;

Is she so stupid?

Du Yushu unfortunately touched her cheek, and then deleted the text message to blacken the number. Although she wanted to know how this person knew her mobile phone number, she was not interested in going to the late-night contract;

She is not idle, she has nothing to do, she does not sleep at night!

"What's wrong?" Du Yan yawned back. In the past few days, he rushed to work and catch the plane. He squinted and smiled. "Look at your frowning face. I don't know how much I thought with me." Let you feel sad."

"Brother, don't be arrogant, there is such a beautiful person to accompany you, and you are happy," Du Yushu laughed a few times and smiled. "It's just a spam message. Where can I have a crush?" But you are, your eyes are stunned. Don't open it, close your eyes and sleep with you."

Du Yan is just smiling, not speaking.

Du Yushu said again: "That man, is it really coming?"

Du Yan traced the natural person who knew who Du Shushu was. He raised his hand and rubbed the hair of Du Yushu. He was soft and comfortable. He sighed softly: "Mom certainly didn't come, I just don't I hope someone will disturb the world of our brothers and sisters."

"Don't you say that you have become a confidant with Ye Jing'an?" Du Yushu asked with a funny smile.

"No matter how you see it, it can't be compared to my baby sister." Du Yan traces the truth, "You are the most important."

Du Yan traced and looked at Du Yushu. The starlight in the throat was a little warm and soft.

Du Yushu glared at his chest and said: "Love a word, 朕 心 心 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Let's get along with you."


Du Yan traced Du Yushu to the hotel door. After Du Yushu got out of the car, he waved against Du Yan. Du Yan said: "Baby, you and Ye Jingan..."

Hesitated for a moment, Du Yan did not finish, Du Yushu got out of the car busy finishing his hair, did not hear the problem of Du Yan trace, had to ask the head: "What?"

Du Yan laughed a little, waved his hand and whispered: "Nothing."

"Get a script a few days ago. You must be very satisfied with a character. I will send you an email address. If you are satisfied, please tell me, it is okay to get a character."

Du Yushu laughed and waved: "No problem."

Only the older brother will treat her as a child, and she will consider everything for her, for fear that she will not be happy.

She is now a powerful faction. It is popular. Everyone knows that she is not guilty of the script, but only her brother will carefully select a script for her during her busy work.

When Du Yushu returned to the hotel, he was picking up the second text message. At that time, the person had changed a mobile phone number, but the text message content had hardly changed, or just those, Du Yushu chuckled and deleted the short Blacklisted the mobile phone number;

What gave him this confidence and thought that he would go to an invitation to a person who would not be exposed?

Du Yushu opened the notebook and downloaded the script that Du Yan traced back to, and opened it carefully.

The script is called "Princess". It is a very simple story. It is a civilian-born teenager who has stepped into the prime position with his own efforts. In order to express his grace for the young and to monitor the teenager, he is now the most The petting daughter married him.

This young man is Xie Jun, who is the first of the four sons of the capital. The princess is also the daughter of an ordinary daughter. He has already heard the name of Xie Jun. At that time, there was a saying in Beijing that "married to marry Xie Jiajun", this gentleman, nature Just mean thank you.

The princess is very satisfied with this marriage. After a period of marriage, the two also raised the case, but the good times are not long. Xie knows the meaning of the emperor. He is destined to not trust the princess completely, and the princess is a staunch and finally The princess decisively and Xie Jun and left, on the occasion of the country's ruin, led the troops to expedite, and finally died in the battlefield, leaving countless legends.

This princess is a cannon fodder in the political whirlpool, but it is also a hero of the whole country. She has also been gentle and careless. She has also embroidered and fed fish. She also used to wash her hands and make soup. At that time, she was with any ordinary one. The woman is no different. I hope that I will be a double for the rest of my life. I hope that the case will be old and white, but the reality does not give her this opportunity. When the prime minister has taken birth control pills in her diet, they will not be able to;

Therefore, she abandoned her own illusion of life and a double, resolutely and decisively demanded and left, and then led the troops in the country's crisis, and the princess at that time, what a heroic, so proud!

Du Yushu touched his chin and felt that he wanted to play this role. The gentle and unconspicuous thoughts in front of this character are in stark contrast with the heroic posture behind him. In this, the princess also After a lot of struggles and pains, I came to this step. At the same time, the gentleness of the front is just because the princess’s love for the prime minister, but the kind of pride in the bones can’t be erased, but it can’t be more expressed. ;

This script, Du Yushu is quite like it.

In that year, the young talented man was in a state of disappointment, and she had a faint person in her heart;

"Is the role of the prime minister fixed?" Send the text message to Du Yan.

Du Yan traced back to the text message very quickly. "No, no role has been determined. How, have you chosen?"

This text Du Yushu did not reply, and then sent a text message to Ye Jingan, "There is a script that is not bad, do you want to try it?"

It is impossible to say that this flash is not lit up.

Juvenile talent, Yu Fan Lun, talk and laugh, talented, how many girls lost, how much affection?

Ye Jingan came to play, in some respects, it is quite suitable.

"So can't live without me [cute]? How can I refuse you?"

Du Yushu threw the phone aside and took it up after half a mile. He sent the script to Ye Jing'an's WeChat and threw the phone aside.

The cheeks were a little red, and Du Yushu stretched his hand and pinched it.

After more than half an hour, Du Yushu was sleepy and ready to sleep, only to receive information from Ye Jingan.

"I don't play."

“Why?” Du Yushu replied inexplicably.

"He slags you, I will not **** you, even in the movie." After a long time, Ye Jingan replied.

Du Yushu looked at the text message, slowly raised his hand and played several words, and then deleted it a little bit. She originally wanted to say that the movie is a reality. It is a reality, don't confuse it, she wants to say...

She wants to say a lot, and finally deletes it.

Then replied: "Okay."

In fact, he does not play, how much is still somewhat lost,

Du Yushu thought, the reality show usually took three days to shoot, "Dear, Good Morning" has also entered the final stage, and the time to get along naturally will be reduced.

Thinking about it, Du Yushu went to sleep. She was so tired that she couldn't open her eyes. She almost fell asleep, and now she has slackened. The whole person has entered a state of distress and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Du Yushu woke up and went to the crew after cleaning up. There was only one text message from the person in the mobile phone, and another number was changed. Du Yushu calmly deleted the black and sat down. script;

On the stage is the opponent's play of Ye Jing'an and the florist's wife. This innocence is too hot. Du Yushu will take the script fan for a while.

After a while, Ye Jingan came down from the stage and watched Du Yushu smile gently: "Is it angry yesterday?"

"Ah?" Du Yushu was inexplicable.

"I thought about it all night," Ye Jingan looked at her with a smile. "I really don't want to interpret, but I can play the general."

"Cold for you, protect your half-life general."

Ye Jingan looked at Du Yushu with a smile, his eyes were soft and watery, showing a thick warmth.

"I thought about it, let me stay in another crew for a few months, seeing three days a month, I can't seem to stand it anymore."

"I want to film with you, Shu Shu."

Ye Jing'an's voice is very light, but it reveals a few rare affections.

Time seems to be banned at this moment,

Ye Jingan looked at her and Du Yushu looked at him.

Suddenly, the vibration of the phone broke the atmosphere.

The deputy guide walked over them and saw the words: "Are you doing this? Are you a crew? Are you mad? The two of you just quarreled a few days ago. I want to fight in these few days. Jing If you are still a man, you can’t make a little girl!”

Du Yushu smiled, and Ye Jingan had no choice but to spread his hand. "Which eye do you see me bullying her?"

"Which eyes have seen it!" The deputy guide gave him a look. Since the pile of things that microblogging broke out yesterday, the artists have been discussing these things together this morning. Now Ye Jingan is still bullying Du Yu. Shu, isn't this a big blow to them?

Ye Jingan surrendered generally raised his hand, Du Yushu smiled a few times, looking at the phone's new text message.

"Du Yushu, I am Xia Ninghua, that is the few text messages I sent you. Don't you want to know the truth? You were cheated by Ye Jingan! Do you think he really has feelings for you? You are just cheated. It’s already! He used to lie to me. I just can’t bear to see you being cheated. Why don’t you believe me?! There is a bar called 'sky' near the 23rd Street of Wutong Street. I am here today. You, I will tell you the truth!"

Du Yushu casually picked up the lips and was trying to reply something. He just heard the call of Zhang Dao, and stuffed the phone into his clothes and walked over. 2k novel reading network