MTL - I Hide And Farm In The World Of Cultivation To Increase My Proficiency-Chapter 55 City people play with flowers

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  Chapter 55 City People Play Flowers

  In the study, Lu Yuan looked at Xu Waner's uneasy, nervous and shy eyes.

  I didn't know what to say for a while.

  Should I say it or not, you are a young girl, what are you pretending to be in your head!

   Is it possible that your head is not pretending to be anything else, but just pretending to be shy?

  Although Lu Yuan thought he was an LSP, he couldn't do **** in the current situation.

  Especially when the other party is a person who has only known each other for less than a day.

   Facing Xu Waner at this time, Lu Yuan shook his head speechlessly, and then took off the mask on his face.

   "Miss Xu, it's not what you think I brought you back."

   "Tell me about your family."

   "After all, what Shang Tianshi told you before was not a joke. Your father's all likelihood, there is something weird about it."

  Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Xu Wan'er was stunned on the spot.

   Repeating the same words repeatedly made Xu Wan'er understand that Lu Yuan didn't seem to be joking.

   It was her father's death, which was indeed related to Xie Chong.

  Thinking of this, Xu Waner's nervous mood gradually calmed down.

  Looking at Lu Yuan's handsome face, she began to talk softly about her past experiences.

  As a peerless beauty who was born with natural luck and talent, she can overwhelm the country and the city.

  Xu Waner's life is both lucky and unfortunate.

  When Xu Waner was young, she was just an ordinary merchant's daughter.

  Father Xu Jiaping became a wealthy businessman when she was six years old because of her good management.

  If Xu Waner's father stops here.

  The family lived a wealthy businessman's life without worrying about food and clothing, and there was still no problem.

  But people are not easy to be easily satisfied.

  After gaining a certain social status, Xu Waner's father, Xu Jiaping, suddenly felt that there was no future for him to be a businessman.

   Slowly, the idea of ​​becoming an official came into being.

  Relying on his outstanding financial resources, Xu Jiaping really got an official position as a county magistrate later.

  Relying on his own business experience, Xu Jiaping's county governance has been quite effective.

  If this is the case, Xu Jiaping's life is wonderful.

  Whether they are businessmen or officials, they have all reached a good level.

  But everything changed when Xu Waner was ten years old.

  The reason for saying this is because in that year, Xu Waner felt that something had changed in his father Xu Jiaping.

   Xu Wan'er didn't know exactly what happened that year.

  But she clearly remembered that in that year, her father suddenly came back holding a Buddha statue.

  She still remembers what her father said to herself when he was holding the Buddha statue.

   "Wan'er, whether our Xu family can soar into the sky in the future depends entirely on you."

  From that day on, Xu Jiaping's official career became smooth sailing.

  In just three years, he was promoted to the fourth rank, and even moved his family into the imperial city.

   And this official product has already reached the standard of entering and exiting the palace.

  Xu Wan'er this year just turned thirteen years old.

   It was only after arriving in the imperial city that Xu Wan'er knew her father's plan.

   That is, he actually wanted to make himself close to the current emperor and become the queen of the Great Xia Kingdom.

   For Xu Wan'er who has been staying at home, this is simply something she has never thought of.

   After all, she doesn't feel that she is the material to be a queen at all.

  er was also in the second year when Xu Jiaping entered the imperial city.

  Rumors began to circulate inside and outside the imperial city that 'the Xu family had a girl who grew up and was raised in a boudoir before anyone knew her'.

  In a short time, Xu Wan'er's fame spread throughout the capital of the imperial city, and no one knew about it.

  When Xu Waner was fourteen years old, the palace held a banquet.

   This time, the Emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, Chen De, asked Xu Jiaping to bring Xu Waner by name.

   Obviously, Emperor Chen De was also very curious about this strange woman from the Xu family.

   Not surprisingly, Xu Wan'er was indeed gorgeous that night.

   Not only won the emperor's "peerless beauty" praise.

   Even many dignitaries came to Xu Jiaping to propose marriage after the banquet.

  But Xu Jiaping also knows what he wants.

   Only when his daughter Xu Wan'er becomes the emperor's concubine can he get the greatest benefit.

   After weighing the pros and cons, Xu Jiaping categorically rejected all those who came to propose marriage.

  He only wanted to let Xu Wan'er participate in the draft after five years.

  The next five years will also be the most glorious five years for Xu Jiaping.

   Relying on the beauty of her daughter.

  Xu Jiaping even sat all the way to the official position of the second-rank official.

  Everyone knows what his official position means.

   also understand the abacus in the emperor's heart.

  The daughter of a second-rank official is fully qualified to be the emperor's concubine, Genzheng Miaohong.

   But Xu Jiaping and the emperor had tacit understanding, which undoubtedly moved the interests of some people.

  Almost everyone could see that Xu Jiaping's idea was to let Xu Wan'er enter the palace.

   Finally replaced the current queen and became the mother of the world.

   But in this way, Xu Jiaping undoubtedly offended another terrifying interest group in the Great Xia Kingdom.

   That is the relatives and dignitaries headed by Xiao Yuran and Empress Xiao.

  Standing is often irrelevant to personal character and intelligence.

   It's about where you are.

  No matter how Empress Xiao feels about Xu Waner.

  Xu Jiaping's promotion to the second-rank official is undoubtedly sending out a very dangerous signal.

   That's her queen position...dangerous.

  If she doesn't do something at this time.

   Not only those who support her will be displeased.

   Even some people who remain neutral will shift their positions because of this.

  So it is no surprise that when Xu Waner was 20 years old, that is, the year she was about to participate in the draft, something happened.

  At a palace dinner, Xu Jiaping left the banquet in the middle of the banquet.

   And not long after he left, an astonishing news came from the harem.

   That is Xu Jiaping, who was hangover after drinking, actually belittled a concubine in the harem.

  Under the insult, the opponent chose to die to show his will.

  Although the whole thing is weird, there are witnesses and evidences.

  Under pressure, the emperor had no choice but to put Xu Jiaping in prison.

   But maybe for some well-known purpose.

  The emperor did not implicate the entire Xu family, but confiscated all their property, and did not demote the Xu family to a humble status.

  Xu Wan'er's mother died prematurely, and Xu Jiaping has been focusing on officialdom for the past few years. As a result, only him and Xu Wan'er are the key figures in the Xu family.

   Therefore, this kind of punishment is definitely an extrajudicial favor for the Xu family.

  With the departure of the servants, the property was confiscated.

  The huge Xu family disappeared in an instant, and Xu Wan'er became a commoner.

  The leak in the house happened to be raining overnight, just when Xu Waner was running around trying to save her father's life.

  She suddenly received the news that her father died suddenly in prison.

   Later Xu Wan'er wanted to bury her father, but she couldn't afford any money.

  Go to help my father's former colleagues.

   But these people are all human beings, so keep her at a respectful distance.

  After all, once they choose to help Xu Wan'er, they may not only offend the current queen, but may even offend the current emperor.

  Don't doubt, a middle-aged man's suspicion is just that heavy.

   It was under such heavy resistance that Xu Wan'er sold her body to bury her father today.

   What happened to Xu Wan'er today seems to be an ordinary incident of evil young men robbing civilian women.

  But secretly, it might not be a golden cicada's plan to get out of the shell of a middle-aged LSP.

  He asked his son to come forward and take the man away first.

  In this way, even if something happens, you can let your son take the blame.

  As long as Xu Wan'er does not officially become a concubine, then there will be no problem with Empress Xiao's position.

  So letting the sixth prince **** Xu Wan'er away is a happy ending, and both sides can be satisfied.

   It is the best result after a multi-party game.

  If it wasn't for the Demon Slayer's intervention today.

  The current Xu Wan'er may have been imprisoned somewhere in the imperial city.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yuan suddenly sighed.

  Should I say it or not, these city people play with flowers!

  Some seemingly simple things are actually so complicated after careful thought.

   But others are afraid of Empress Xiao, but Lu Yuan is not afraid at all.

  Thinking of this, Lu Yuan also had a decision in his heart.

   "This seat probably understands the matter. This seat will let someone take you down to rest. As for the rest... This seat will take care of it, so go out."

   Under Xu Waner's complicated eyes, she was quickly led out of the study by others.

   Lu Yuan was left alone facing the statue of the evil Buddha in his hand, lost in thought...

  (end of this chapter)