MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 16 Yanwuchang

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Qin Nuo and Qin Xun broke up and returned to their respective homes.

Qin Nuo gave the fifty soldiers who had been brought back to the director. The head of the county's house, Wood Sea, was arranged by the House House. Naturally, he became familiar with these matters, and soon arranged the arrangements in accordance with custom.

Several veteran veterans temporarily served as the coaches of the house's family members, and the others were incorporated into the guard of honor or the nursing team.

Among them, Lu Dong, the one-eyed middle-aged man who is said to be the archer of the gods, was unwilling to squat in the inner house all day to serve as a coach, clamoring for the guard.

Woodhead complained a bit. The key to the guard of honor for traveling was to be decent, and it was too uneven to get in a one-eyed dragon.

Qin Nuo doesn't matter. He has a laid-back county king who can get through on the big side, so why is it so bright and beautiful.

After arranging personnel, and moving out my family at night to calculate the annual income, Qin Nuomei went to bed and slept well.

Early the next morning, Qin Xun arrived.

When I broke up yesterday, I said I was going to find myself today, but I didn't expect to be here so early.

Qin Nuo greeted the door and saw Qin Xun wearing a pearly white collar robe, coming in roundly.

In all fairness, Qin Xun actually does not look bad. If you think about the appearance of Emperor Jing Yao, plus the beauty of all kinds in the harem, you know that there is nothing ugly in the prince. But Qin Xun is a bit too fat! The whole person has at least two hundred pounds. Seeing him lift his foot across the door, Qin Nuo almost thought that a white tender and smooth egg rolled into the door.

Holding back his smile, Qin Nuo stepped forward and greeted, "Qi, come here so early."

Welcomed Qin Xun into the main hall, where the guests and guests were seated. Qin Xun glanced around, and the fat double-layered chin lifted up: "Nine brother, your house is clean and clean." The eyes fell on the maid who came forward to serve tea. It ’s not thin for you. ”

The maid's face is peachy and her figure is slender, which is one of the two special purpose maids sent by the inner government before.

In fact, among the Yahuan servants dispatched by the Home Affairs Department, these two people are indeed the most prosperous, so Dongbo arranged the two of them to serve tea in the main hall, which was light-handed and able to support the facade.

Qin Nuo said casually: "The seventh brother is polite, this is the lack of a child with a top green lotus."

Green Lotus? Qin Xun froze. Wasn't that the maid of the sleeping quarters, his eyes glanced at, and he regretted that twice.

What kind of expression is this? Don't you want to say something? How are you filial piety period!

Waiting for Fengcha's maid to leave, Qin Xun asked casually, "Did you handle it?"

Qin Nuo frowned slightly. "This brother doesn't know."

"Oh, now, when is the maiden who hasn't dealt with it, who dare to use it with confidence, even if it has been dealt with, don't trust it. The gang of dogs in the House of Government, but very treacherous. Afterwards, Shizi asked them for a few maids, who said so well that they all took the sterilized soup medicine. Hi, it was only a few months after entering the house that they had a body in succession. As a result, Wang Shizi was severely impeached. Almost lost his title. "

His seventh brother, who hadn't noticed such a gossip before, and this ability to inquire about the gossip, Qin Nuoben thought that his sister Qin Hui was enough to gossip. Now it seems that Qin Xun is better. These two people should be twins, not the wrong one when they were born.

Qin Xun finished a short gossip, and then the words turned sharply: "So as I said, it's better to go and pick two suitable ones and use them with peace of mind. If you are interested, Jiu Ji, I have a good way."

Qin Nuo was totally uninterested in this, and coped with it casually: "Say it later, and don't worry at this time."

"Well, you are still the ninth brother, you can control it and save money. You know, once you buy a person, you not only spend money to sell your deeds, but then you have to spend money on clothing, food, accommodation, homes, and jewelry. It used to cost you everything Do n’t worry about it when you leave the palace. It ’s not easy to get your own silver for every stitch. ”

As soon as Qin Nuo was in his heart, why Qin Xun suddenly burst into tears and became poor, this is the main purpose of his visit today.

"But what is the distress of the seventh brother? The younger brother still has some money in his hand, and there is no place to use it anyway." After the opening of the government, the House Office sent the first year of Lu Lu. Therefore, Qin Nuo's small vault is still quite full.

Qin Xun's eyes brightened: "Small Jiu, you are really kind and different from those people. But I didn't come to you to borrow money from my brother. I don't know how much money you have? My brother came to you today. Negotiating a fortune? "

Qin Nuo was quite surprised and asked, "What's the best strategy for Brother Qi?"

"Well, Jiu Ji is free today anyway, just come with me."

So Qin Nuo followed Qin Xun out of the county king's palace.

After boarding Qin Xun's carriage, Qin Nuo probably understood why Qin Xun cried and said that silver was not enough.

Qin Xun really valued enjoyment more than himself, and even the carriage was so gorgeous. There was a spotless white fox fur under his feet, and behind it was a whole white tiger skin cushion. On the table of sandalwood, the cups and dishes are made of fine jade materials, and they are embedded with delicate silver patterns. Even the barley ball lamp on the wall of the car was studded with precious stones.

The fruits on the table are not seasonal fruits of the season. They are cherry watermelon and other things you can't see in this season.

Seeing Qin Nuo's gaze sweeping in the carriage, Qin Xun sighed: "It's not my brother and I'm extravagant. This is the atmosphere in the circle of Beijing today. If you don't have such a carriage, you will be embarrassed to go out. You haven't seen After three brothers and his carriage, more than a dozen are made of golden nanmu and copper, and the Western-style tribute BMW pull cart is absolutely prestigious when going out. "

The two were talking, the carriage went westward and stopped at a camp.

Qin Nuo got out of the carriage, glanced at him, and couldn't help but be surprised. The huge stone building in front of him was magnificent, and he faced a three-story gate with the words "Star array performing martial arts" on it. Half human height.

This seems to be a performance martial arts field under the military camp? What can I do to get rich here?

Turning his head to ask Qin Xun, he inadvertently saw the disdain on Lu Dong's face behind the carriage.

Recalling that he was also from a military camp, Qin Nuo asked, "Do you know where it is?"

"If you return to Lord Wang, this is a performance martial arts camp belonging to the God's battalion." Lu Dong replied indignantly.

The site of the magic camp? The information content is too little, but from Lu Dong's attitude, Qin Nuo still heard a little strange.

Qin Xun could not wait to hold him in front. "Let's go, my brother will show you insights. I guarantee you a worthwhile trip."

Entering the martial arts field, the front office is the office of the office, which looks no different from the ordinary office door. The flowers and plants planted outside are flourishing.

The steward who came up to welcome was a thin, middle-aged man with a small moustache and a funny look. He nodded and limped up, "Master Shu, how come you come to our little place today?"

"You guys are a small place, just last month I ate four thousand and two dollars."

"Master Wang, you're welcome. Last month it was your kindness to reward young people. Today, Wang Ye is full of joy. At first glance, he is full of luck and will be successful."

"Okay, no need to talk nonsense, tell me first, is there anything to see today?"

Guan Shi smiled and said, "There are three shows today, I don't know which one you want to see."

"My younger brother is here for the first time. I have watched all three games. Let's exchange them for two thousand two jade cards."

The steward glanced at Qin Nuo and saluted quickly: "Master Sun Chun has also come here, and he is full of vitality."

Qin Nuo followed Qin Xun into the corridor from the back door. From the previous conversation, he probably guessed where it was. Qin Xun actually gambled? Moreover, every move is thousands of dollars. It is no wonder that the money comes quickly and the money is spent quickly. He is absolutely not interested in this illegal entertainment.

It's just that the casino site is too roundabout. I walked around the tortuous corridor and walked to a stone room door before stopping.

Immediately, Xiao Xiu, who had a clear eyebrow, stepped forward to open the door for the two of them.

Although the room is not large, it is quite luxuriously laid out. The sapphire blue carpet is laid out at the feet, the fragrant pear wood tables and chairs are spotless, and the bronze fairy crane furnace in the corner is burning with elegant lily fragrance.

The attendant consciously stood outside the door and guarded, and only Qin Nuo Qin Xun entered the room. Not long after, a pretty niece entered the room and offered tea fruit wine to the two.

Qin Nuo got up and came to the only big window in the room, looking out, couldn't help but be taken aback.

The room stands high, and below it is a large performance martial arts field. The glorious sun shines down from above, magnificent. It turned out that they were in a huge pit. No wonder they just walked down the tunnel just now.

From this perspective, Yanwu Stadium has a sweeping view, and at the same time, it can be seen that there are many rooms surrounded by it. The whole building model has the style of the ancient Roman theater.

Such a huge tiankeng, even if it is natural, wants to transform it into the scale of today's fighting field, I am afraid it is not a simple project.

What can bet here? Qin Nuo had a vague feeling.

Not long afterwards, another cricket came in and presented a booklet.

Qin Xun couldn't wait to open it, his eyes swept away, and he suddenly burst into light, "Haha, the first game was exciting. Brother Nine, you and I will have eyes on you later."

Soon, Qin Nuo understood what Qin Xun called "eye blessing".

The first match soon began on the Yanwu field, and a few people in charge of the show led two people who were about to confront into the central field.

Qin Nuo was very surprised, the first match turned out to be two young women with beautiful appearance. Wearing silk dresses as thin as cicada wings, he barely covered the key parts, like Lu Feilu, which made people think more infinitely. It seems that this gambling game is not as simple as it seems.

The noise came from the grandstand on the east side, there were no rooms, there were rows of seats, almost filled with people, with Qin Nuo's eyesight, most of them were young men, directed at Yanwu Stadium. The two facing each other cheered loudly.

Xiaoli, who was standing in the room, asked respectfully, "Can the two nobles have chips?"

Qin Xun yelled twice: "What's so good about this girly show, hey, forget it, I'll go a little bit, the one with the big breast on the left, let's take the five hundred on the left."

Xiao Yan immediately took the order and went down to register.

In Qin Nuo's unbelievable eyes, the contest between the audience began.

Two women used a long sword and one with an Emei stab. This was the first time Qin Nuo saw a formal competition between people with martial arts after crossing it. He looked very carefully. But after reading for a while, I noticed that the taste was not right. The two women's moves were also regarded as fierce. After a while, their bodies were covered with bloodstains, especially the women who used long swords. It was just because of the fight that the already thin clothes soon fell apart, showing the beauty. There were waves of whistle and cheering all around, and Qin Nuo kept frowning.

In today's world, although there are many warriors, there are still fewer women practicing martial arts. These two women look good at their skills. Why are they here to kill and perform. And at the foot of the emperor, there are such brutal things. He originally thought that Qin Xun brought himself to gambling, such as dice and mahjong. He made up his mind to only play with a few players, and then left for no reason. He was not addicted, saw a vast field, and doubted horse racing Dogs and other gambling, but never expected, not a fighting dog, turned out to be fighting people.