MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 238 Comprehensive Fanwai: Return to the old days (3)

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After getting off the battlefield, Ren Jinglei and Pei Tuo together with a group of officers of the Five Guards of the Imperial Army gathered together.

Pei Tuo gave Ren Jinglei a punch in the chest and teased, "Ren, girl, the effort of embroidering your fists and legs just now can be sold on the stage."

"Go away." Ren Jinglei kicked him with a smile.

Pei Tuo jumped back and kicked away.

"It was Ren Jinglei who played well. Pei Tuo, you can't do this kind of rewinding easily." Dou Guangxie laughed next to Perak camp. He has been stationed in Beijing for many years, and he is more informed than the two who just returned from North Xinjiang. "The elder brother's identity is precious. In case of injury, he can't eat and walk."

Pei Tuo snorted, "Have you heard that it is not the emperor's nephew, can he be compared to the emperor?"

"Haha, you are right in this sentence, I'm afraid that I'm more honorable than the prince. I heard that when he was a child, he had a dispute with His Highness Five, who was scolded and punished by His Highness Five."

Another officer lowered his voice: "Speaking of them, His Highness Five seemed to have died of the cold because of the punishment this time.

Ren Jinglei said with a smile: "The emperor loves his nephew, I am afraid to see it in the face of Princess Xining. I heard that the emperor took great care of his sister when he heard the emperor's residence in the early years." Although he had just returned, some news in Beijing also knew.

"Ha, otherwise someone secretly called this little princess. I'm afraid the emperor would love this princess as the second princess of Xining." Zhao Pingyi of the God's camp also came up, showing a thief smile.

Everyone remembered Cui Wei's outstanding appearance. In the next two years, he must be even more cute and cute, and the little princess is really appropriate.

A group of people laughed, but a strange voice came in.

"But it is based on the domineering stuff of the holy pet, and it is not learned." An officer from Pidongying passed by them and snorted, "It is difficult for General Ren to compete with such people. Hearing The northern army is highly skilled in martial arts and does not admire wealthy people. Now it seems that it is nothing more. "

The words were too unpleasant, and even if it was smooth and stunned, he didn't even know what to do.

The other party didn't seem to think about him answering, and turned and left quickly.

Seeing several people in Pei Tuo's anger, another officer of the Shenbattalion interjected and laughed: "Don't care about him, it's the Shen family. No wonder they have bad weather."

"Shen family, do you mean the prince's family?" Ren Jinglei responded immediately.

"It's his family. Recently, the princess has just hung up because of this Cui Gongzi, making Shen's family look unsightly, one by one, like a gun battle, very angry."

"No matter how angry you are, you dare not go to the Lord."

In the sound of several people making fun of it, Ren Jinglei understood the whole story.

It turned out that not only was the emperor's favor, but His Royal Highness also treated the cousin differently. They lived and eat together in the palace from an early age, and they were very close.

The prince had just married Zheng Fei half a year ago, and was the daughter of the famous nobleman Shen family. Last month, the Crown Prince didn't know why. She suspected that the prince had abandoned him and she had a close relationship with the Swiss grandfather. They didn't hesitate for a moment, and they quarreled a few words. For more than half a month, she did not walk into the gate of the concubine. This is not to mention. After being heard by the palace, Queen Huo immediately introduced the princess to the palace, reprimanding her as a noblewoman, but she did not know the etiquette and manipulated her tongue. He was asked to kneel in the small hall of the side hall to copy the female ring fifty times.

It took the princess to take seven or eight days to complete the copy. Her knees were swollen and she went back to the East Palace in tears, but found that while she was trapped in the palace, the Prince raised her two side concubines into the house. Is the daughter of a noble family.

This turmoil almost threw the face of the princess to the ground and stomped on it. Although the Jingxun circle did not dare to say it, everyone secretly used it as a joke.

Pei Tuo was slow for a long time before he could hear the meaning of their words.

He was always bored with the intriguing fighting among these palace princes, but before Zhao Pingyi they meant, it seemed like ... it was like ... it was talking about that Cui Yi, who had an extraordinary relationship with the prince.

The capital is really complicated, but Pei Tuo grinned and said nothing.

Ren Jinglei recalled the neat and eloquent behavior of the man just now, but felt in his heart that these rumors may not be true, but the person's handsome appearance and what he saw in his life, I am afraid that only his own eighth brother can win a little. No wonder such rumors spread.

Thinking of Mynah, now that he is returning to Beijing to promote his position in the army, the situation in the south is getting increasingly difficult. Do you want to contact the people in the south ...

Out of the bureau, Pei Tuo turned his head and asked, "Why don't you talk?"

Ren Jinglei took away his thoughts and laughed, "I just feel that the water in this capital is really deep. I don't know which spray comes over at any time, and I get wet."

Pei Tuo ha ha smiled: "No matter what spray he has, you and my brother can just walk sideways, no matter what, let's get rid of our sleeves and go back to North Xinjiang."

"You are a crab." Ren Jinglei glanced at him, too lazy to ignore him.


After running outside for a day, Cui Wei returned to the palace, it was already dusk.

He first returned to his dormitory for bathing and grooming. Two years ago, Emperor Jing Yao arranged for him the Minghui Hall at the north end of the East Palace as the dormitory.

Out of Minghui Palace, he went to Feng Huo's Palace of Queen Huo. He passed by the small garden east of Xiyue Lake.

A little girl in a pink dress was squatting under a rocky hill by the lake, wondering what she was doing.

The familiar figure made him recognize immediately, "Sister Young Silk, why are you here?"

In the silent dusk, unexpectedly someone suddenly approached, Huo Youchan was startled, turned to look, and whispered: "Brother Brother."

Cui Wei rolled over and leaped out of the corridor, and came to her in three or two steps. Looking at the tears on Huo Youchan's cheek, he immediately became tense and asked, "Why are you crying here alone, your maid? Is someone in the queen's maiden's palace bullying you?"

Huo Youchan stood up and shook her head: "No, I just feel bad in my heart. I ran here to cry."

Cui Wei has been close to Huo Youchan since he was a child. He first saw his younger sister at the age of six. The patriarch of the Huo family and the dignified Ying Guogong finally had a young lady who was nearly 30 years old. Not the wife of Mrs. Huo Jiatai and Emperor Huo's late hope, this child is still the focus of attention.

In the midsummer season, Mrs. Tai took the little girl with the full moon into the palace to greet her. Cui Wei and Prince Qin Cong were accompanied.

Cui Wei liked this delicate baby almost from the first glance. He remembered how his mother was going to die, and the baby girl covered in bruises carried by the midwife. That's his younger sister. If she had the good fortune to survive, she must be so cute.

It was also thought that although Huo Youchan was lucky enough to survive, her mother died shortly after giving birth. The feeling of sympathy for the sick made Cui Wei pity the baby girl even more.

Queen Huo also likes this little niece very much, and often tells her to go to the palace to accompany her. Huo Youchan has a good looks since she was a child, she is clever, and she can be regarded as a sweet girl with Cui Wei and Qin Cong.

At this time, seeing Huo Youchan crying alone, Cui Wei was so anxious that he quickly asked why.

Huo Youchan wiped her tears and said something a little embarrassed.

"The mung beans I raised may not be there anymore, and I feel sad, so I brought the rock I loved to lie down on it and buried it in the water.

Mung bean is a small turtle raised by Huo You silk. It has been raised in a transparent glass tank for almost two years, and it is changed daily to take care of it. Cui Wei also helped her to collect a few plants in Xiyue Lake.

"Is mung bean sick before, isn't it alright?" Cui Weiyi said.

"Mung beans are not good, just a new turtle." Huo Yousil whispered. Mung beans have been ill since last month and have been unable to eat, but the day before she woke up, she found that mung beans had recovered and were as lively as before, even more lively than before. The people who took care of it all laughed that this turtle was really fatal, and it must have been blessed by Miss Fukuzawa. But Huo Youchan knew that mung beans were gone, and the little turtle in the glass jar was just looking exactly the same.

Are girls so sensitive and sensitive? Those turtle looks can't be distinguished! Cui Min thought without boundaries.

"But those slaves are so abominable that they dare to deceive the Lord. I will teach them back for you."

Huo Youchan quickly waved his hand, "Brother Ye, don't blame them, they don't want me to be sad."

So I came here crying alone, mourning my mung bean that I didn't know which corner was thrown into. Cui Wei sighed and handed her the serpent, "Wipe your face first."

In the distance, Queen Huo was walking through the suspended cloister among a group of palace maids, turning her head inadvertently and pausing.

A female officer next to her followed, and although far apart, she recognized it was Cui Wei and Huo Youchan. The girl officer immediately laughed: "It's the little grandpa and Miss Huo. It's so cute as a golden girl."

In the setting sun, the water is undulating, the rocks are rugged, and the flowers and trees are lush. In such beautiful scenery, the young men and women standing opposite each other are handsome and upright, and beautiful and beautiful.

In this way, the childhood friends are right at home, and the two have been affectionate since childhood. They are just a match made in heaven!

The female officials thought they were right. But did not notice a glimmer of haze in Queen Huo's eyes. In particular, seeing Cui Min raising her hand and touching the top of Huo Youchan's head, her intimate movement could not help but tighten her sleeves.

What are you talking about? So happy ...


Cui Wei laughed: "Everyone is amazing, I can't compare."

Huo Youchan's eyes widened: "No, my elder brother's martial arts are already very good." In the palace, none of the princes were at all opponents of Cui Yun, and many elite guards could only tie him.

It's strange to compare with the prince. As for the guards, they let themselves. Out of the palace and Ren Jinglei played a trip, Cui Wei extremely confirmed this. "I really have to work hard in the future."

In order to make Huo Yousil open his mind, forget about the mung bean. Cui Wei told her about the various scenes in the Five Guards Department of the Forbidden Army and the battle.

Sure enough, Huo Yousil's attention was attracted, and she was no longer so sad.

The two talked along the way and went to Fengyi Palace.

Entered the main hall and found Queen Huo was waiting for the two.

Huo Youchan was a little uneasy and pleaded guilty.

Queen Huo laughed, "Why did you come so late, where did you go?"

Cui Wei knew that Huo Youchan didn't want to let her cry secretly, and rushed to say, "No, I just happened to meet."

Queen Huo gave a sigh of relief, not commenting. Soon after, Prince Qin Cong also came from Ganyuan Hall. Fengyi Palace is even more heated.

The side hall set up a sumptuous dinner, and several people accompanied the queen Huo to dinner.

In the past two years, due to the aging of Queen Huo, the relatives in the palace were weak. Emperor Jing Yao visited the palace on the fifteenth day of each month, and only talked about palace affairs and court affairs.

There are many beauties in the palace, from the former Guo Guifei, later Chen Fei, and later Yu Fei, and now Ding Zhaorong ... Queen Huo is also contemptuous, and doesn't care about grace, and only concentrates on his son.

During the meal, the atmosphere was harmonious, and Queen Huo did not restrict them from eating and sleeping, so Cui Yun talked about today ’s news with interest, and said that he would re-invite a famous teacher and practice well.

Qin Cong happily talked to his cousin about the military arrangement of the five guards of the embargo.

The young man was so energetic that Queen Huo looked at it with a smile.

In the following days, Cui Yun was really busy, not only taking over the military affairs of Pingxiying, but also because he had a clear understanding of his martial arts, he began to demand himself with more stringent standards.

As a prince, Qin Cong has long been involved in government affairs. Huo Youchan returned to Huo's house. During this period, she had less time to enter the palace.

Unexpectedly, Cui Yun unexpectedly paid attention to his martial arts practice, and often called on him to inquire about progress. She didn't understand it, but it didn't prevent her from sitting on the throne, listening to the teenager with excitement and talking about all the fun things of martial arts cultivation.

"Getting those cheats, I'm afraid I can really use them less." Queen Huo laughed.

Cui Yun said distressedly: "This is the way of martial arts all over the world. Most people who want to make rapid progress have troubles, and they are very easy to get into the magic. Just like the" Putuo Yadu Sutra "I recently got, it is said that one year of cultivation At half a load, you can make rapid progress with deep internal forces, but you have extremely high requirements on your mind. You need to be as calm as your heart and stay calm. If you are not careful, you will become enchanted. "

Queen Huo concealed and said with a smile, "Isn't that only a monk can do it, no wonder it is a Buddhist practice."

“Even a high monk, it ’s difficult to do. In the past, monks practiced in the past, and they often went into chaos and died.” Cui Wei said of these past events on the rivers and lakes. Easy to fall into my hands. "

"So weird." Empress Huo's eyes showed thoughtfulness, and she immediately smiled: "Don't try these things of Rush."

At the end, Cui Wei was ready to leave. Queen Huo laughed suddenly: "Take me the secret of Putuo's classics."

Cui Weiyi, Queen Huo has never practiced martial arts, can't understand such things at all.

Queen Huo Yunqing said lightly: "This palace just feels curious, what the **** are these things?"

Of course, Cui Wei couldn't refuse such a simple request, and he didn't need it anyway. After returning, he readily sent someone to give the cheats to Queen Huo, and then the matter was left behind.