MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 131

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"Back!" the officers shouted hoarsely.

Their roar is more like an instinctive reaction, as if the comrades who heard the voice after roaring out like this can miraculously gain some power, and really retreat from the dangerous place at a superhuman speed. Unfortunately, a miracle is called a miracle precisely because it is one in a million.

The Wenjialuo Fortress was shrouded in a red cloud, and the cloud was only a few meters away from the ground, just as palpable as in the poem, but no one thought it was a poetic thing. The overwhelming fire crows rushed up, and the ice wall made by the supernatural beings resisted for a few seconds. The moment the giant bird appeared in the fire cloud, it completely evaporated. The giant bird just flew far above the fortress, and the soldiers fell straight down before they could lie down. They were scorched, like used matches.

The temperature on the city wall was higher than that in the steel factory, as if it had been thrown into a furnace. A cannon exploded due to the approach of the fire crows, blasting away the surrounding people and fire crows. The commander immediately ordered the artillerymen to take the gunpowder down the city. Chris rushed to the cannon closest to the Fire Crows and threw it into the Fire Crows.

The cannon exploded in mid-air, and the red clouds croaked and scattered, and gathered again not long after. The supernatural beings on the city wall tried their best to protect the soldiers, and the frontier army kept shooting arrows at the sky and the city. They yelled "retreat" to their comrades who were in danger, but after surviving this wave of attacks, they could not leave the most dangerous city wall. Outside the Vengalo Fortress, beast tides were rushing towards them.

Since the red cloud fell a quarter of an hour ago, the difficulty of this beast horde has increased by leaps and bounds, and it is more like a death trap than ever before.

But no one ran.

The border army gritted their teeth and struggled. They had learned how to deal with enemies in the sky during their training, although this time the difficulty was far beyond imagination. Water pipes were connected to the top of the fort, and artificial water jets were continuously sprayed on the soldiers to prevent them from being burned in one encounter. The defenders who were divided into two parts relied on each other, one part attacked the beast tide below the city, and the other part dealt with the fire crows in the sky.

Chris threw every cannon that was too late to withdraw at the red cloud. After finding that aiming at the giant bird was useless, he set his sights on the fire crows. The densely packed fire crows shrank by more than half after several explosions in the air. The chief knight raised his giant sword and spun it above his head. The blade of the sword was like a fan facing upwards, shooting down a group of fire crows that were trying to attack downward.

Like the dark clouds under the sun, the group of fire crows became thinner and dispersed, and there was no longer the oppressive feeling that made people unable to breathe. However, Chris did not relax, and most of his attention was on the huge light and shadow among the fire crows. The giant bird in the red cloud ruined the lives of a small half of the soldiers just by descending. The moment he approached just now, Chris felt that his hair was about to stand on end, and a warrior's intuition issued a sharp alarm, warning him that it was not something he could contend with.

However, on the current Vengalo fortress, probably only the chief knight himself can block it for a moment.

Huge firebirds circled above the fort, like vultures looking for a place to gnaw. It hovered quite leisurely, not paying attention to the struggling and resisting people below. It circled for a while and let out a high-pitched cry.

Almost all the soldiers shook for a moment, their faces suddenly lost their blood color, as if they were seriously ill within a few seconds. The siege beasts also suffered heavy blows. The firebird's indiscriminate attack did not favor other beasts at all. Except for the firecrow, all creatures within the range of the sound fell into chaos, wilting to the ground amidst the continuous singing .

Chris felt violently dizzy, and for a few seconds his thoughts seemed to be cut off. He bit his lower lip hard, biting himself out of blood, and the pain dragged him to gain some clarity. The knight quickly locked on to the target within a few seconds of breaking free, raised his sword, and threw it with all his strength.

A giant sword as wide as a person flew out like a javelin. It flew aggressively towards the giant bird, twisted when it was close enough, and then turned red. When it touched the flames around the fire bird, it instantly melted into molten iron and dripped down like ice cream. . The iron slurry burned several small holes in the city wall and the ground, and the Firebird was unharmed, but the maddening chirping finally stopped.

The firebird in the sky saw the insect that challenged it.

The muscles in Chris' whole body were tense. He jumped off the city wall without hesitation. Most of the falling force. His back ached from the impact, but the knight didn't waste a second as he plunged into the moat as fast as he could.

This choice is extremely wise.

In the next second, the Firebird crashed into the place where Chris landed just now, and the flat-haired beast instantly accelerated to a terrifying speed. The acceleration process could not be captured by the naked eye, and the distance from the sky to the ground seemed like a step away to it. Chris dived to the bottom of the moat, feeling the warming of the water above him.

The knight didn't waste any time looking up and inspecting the situation. He held his breath when he jumped into the river. He used this breath to swim all the way forward at the bottom of the moat, and quickly got rid of the leather armor on his body—fortunately, he wasn't that This kind of knight who is used to dressing up as an iron can will only delay the death by a few milliseconds for the strange beast in the sky that is beyond common sense, and the iron can can turn you into a teppanyaki. Chris was as nimble as a fish. He leaped tens of meters in the blink of an eye in the increasingly high water temperature. When he swam along the moat into the wide river beside the Vengalo fortress, the water in the moat had already scalded him. Redness of the skin.

The shallow moat water was continuously heated behind Chris, boiled, and then evaporated extremely quickly. The small fish in the moat smelled of being boiled and burnt. If Chris slowed down for a second or two, that would be his fate too.

The big river beside the Wenjialuo Fortress is wide, deep and turbulent. Animals who are not good at swimming will drown in the big river. It and the steep terrain on the other side form the unique environment of Wenjialuo Fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The blond knight thrown into the river was rushed tens of meters away in an instant, and in the eyes of the giant firebird, he had become a small point that kept going away. The firebird stopped chasing, it flapped its wings, flew up again, and flew to the Vengalo fortress again.

Chris rushed out of the water nearly 100 meters away. He choked out a mouthful of water and tried his best to keep his balance in the rushing river. The physical enhancer abruptly grabbed the rock in the middle of the river, pinched his fingers into the crevice of the rock, and pulled his body out of the river. He took a few seconds to catch his breath, stepped on the slippery rocks, and jumped towards the nearest river bank.

Chris grabbed hold of the river bank and quickly climbed up. He was sent by the river to the forest thousands of meters away from the Bungalow Fort. The strange beasts along the way did not hinder him, and they were all still in the aftermath of that cry. But that also means that the same goes for the border troops on the walls.

The knight looked towards the fortress, and saw a huge firebird hovering over the city wall, not knowing when it would land.

At times like this, it looked like there was nothing more the Chief Knight could do. His attack is useless to the firebird, and the lethality of the firebird to humans is obvious. The monster in the red cloud made the Queen of Thunder fight hard for a long time before, and finally drove it away at the price of almost dying, so for Chris, who is just an ordinary person in comparison, rushing up is just to die.

Chris broke into a run, heading for the tallest cypress tree nearby.

As an omega with extraordinary swordsmanship and good at resolving battles with flexibility and speed, few people still remember that Chris's physical strength enhancement is all-round.

Speed, self-healing ability, and strength.

The tall purple cypress shook violently, like a tooth clamped by a dentist's pliers, it made a toothache sound, and was smashed from the bottom. Chris hugged the trunk tens of meters high, accelerated, and rushed to the Vengalo fortress.

Such an incredible scene can only be seen in a world with supernatural powers. The knight is holding a cypress tree that is many times larger than himself, and is running in the open space in front of the fort at a speed faster than that of a racing car. When he finally got close to the falling firebird, he threw the purple cypress wood in his hand just like when he threw the giant sword just now.

This scene looked extremely shocking. A tree with a height of tens of meters and luxuriant branches flew into the air. Using this as a javelin after the run-up was definitely unprecedented. It's also pretty comical just from a wider perspective. The purple cypress is much bigger than a human being, but still smaller than a giant bird covered in flames. Like an ant holding a toothpick to attack a sparrow, the whole thing is full of the tragedy of a mantis' arm.

Cedar wood is not combustible, and the concept of "non-combustible" is like "non-conductive", which is only valid within a certain range. The flames lit by ordinary people can't do anything to purple cypress furniture, and people with fire abilities can't make it burn, but a giant bird that can melt steel and evaporate river water can't do anything with a tree? impossible. The tree followed in the footsteps of the great sword, and when it got close to the bird it spontaneously ignited into a large fireball, and soon there was no trace of ashes.

But the purpose of the knight has been achieved.

The Firebird, who was repeatedly provoked by the same ant, was finally irritated. Its eyes locked on Chris, making the latter stiff for a moment. This is not something that can be overcome by willpower, just like a sheep will tremble under the gaze of a lion, it is simply a biological instinct. Chris swallowed, every cell in him screaming danger danger danger, but his heart was jumping with joy.

"There are **** and Ts in the team... I mean, there are priests and knights, which is great." Chris thought of An's smiling face for no reason, "Knights, the most important thing is to be able to resist, no, the most important skill should be Pull hatred. Attack power? Attack power doesn’t matter, the knight only needs to trip the enemy, and as for killing the enemy, leave it to me.”

That's what Chris is doing.

He repeated the same trick, turned his head and rushed back to the river. The muscles all over the knight's body are aching from overuse, and his speed has been raised to the limit, but it's just not fast enough. Chris could hear the wind breaking through the air behind him and feel the air getting hotter and hotter. He looked at the distant river thousands of meters away, and felt that he might not be able to escape in time. He tried his best and failed to depress the enemy, but he did not make Chris despair. He had the same determination in his heart as the border army standing on the city wall—

Ann will come and she will rescue Wen Jialuo.

The scorching wind hit Chris.

He swerved sharply at the last second, narrowly avoiding a direct hit. But the scorching air around the Firebird is also its accomplice, passing by is enough to cause disaster. Chris collapsed to the left, badly burned in the pass, with blood drying directly into the wound. He felt the heat first, and then the sharp pain, and then all of these disappeared. Chris's body was left with a weird numbness, and the disappearance of the pain mechanism is not good for any human being.

Simply put, Chris is dying.

The giant bird didn't have to do anything else, it just had to wait a while to see the provocateur die. However, it turned around, ready to make up for the little bug. The Huobi's huge body turned around, and then it stopped.

Firebirds did not attack the Vengalo defense line for food or to show off their strength. It came to seek revenge, but it didn't sense the existence of the creature that made it flee in embarrassment before, so Firebird came to the place where it had been before, trying to force the enemy out. Just now, it felt the presence of the other party.

And in just a few seconds, it also saw the other party.

An Xu floated in front of the fire bird, staring at the scorched human figure not far away. In the field, you can feel things without seeing them face to face, so An Xu already knew what happened before it appeared.

She "saw" Chris fall.

An Xu could feel how Chris was brushed by the high-temperature air, how those terrible high temperatures destroyed his skin, muscles and even internal organs, turning healthy organs into tattered pieces. She could feel how Chris fell to the ground, what kind of scratches the skin had when it hit the ground, and some dust and mud were stirred up on the ground, all of which were detailed and clear as if they were filmed in slow motion at 360 degrees. under the lens. She can sense everything, but she can't stop it.

An Xu discovered one thing, when people feel furious, they don't feel hot all over, but feel cold hands and feet.

The javelin made of condensed spiritual power shot at the Firebird heavily. If it had a pair of eyes that could see the spiritual power, it would find that the javelin was condensed rather rough, like a Christmas tree. The tree shot at the firebird with a thunderous force, unlike what the knight had just thrown, it hit the giant bird firmly.

Of course, such a hasty attack did not break the defense, but because the mental power used in it was too large, it "smashed" the whole Firebird out. The fire bird didn't realize that she used her ultimate move at the beginning of the game, and she was smashed into flames. If it were an ordinary bird, it would be a messy scene with fluttering feathers.

Therefore, there is a specialization in the art industry, and the knight only needs to be a shield. Why can't you see the job of grabbing DPS? If Chris is awake, An Xu would say so.

This villain, haven't you heard that don't beat her friends in front of the brave? —If Chris stood up properly, Anshu would say so.

But Chris didn't stand, he was lying down, the fire of life was like a candle in the wind, and it wouldn't be surprising when it went out. Therefore, An Xu didn't think of these witty words in his mind. She was like a frozen volcano, and she could overturn the entire continent with a slight touch. She was mad and frightened, and doubled down on her rage to keep from thinking about the frightened part. Whether the world is real or the world is fake, An Xu has this premonition at this moment: if she loses the same Chris, she will never get him back.

There will be no substitutes.

Even toys of the same style and shape are different from the last one.

In this rage, she confronted the Firebird dozens of times, allowing herself to be pushed back and forth like a ball, and all her attack power was used to hit the position of the previous attack on her left wing. An Xu has improved over the years, and has become more familiar with the manipulation of mental power, and has indeed broken through the firebird's defense several times. However, in that old place, Anxu's spiritual blade only left a shallow scar, and the fire bird did not fall immediately.

Are you still playing the "same moves are useless against saint fighters" meme! Isn't this kind of treatment only the protagonist can enjoy! An Xu thought irritably, she also suffered minor injuries on her right arm.

In the first few minutes of their meeting, they had fought more than the last half hour. If the two forces used on each other hit the ground together, they might be able to create a terrifying effect similar to a nuclear explosion. An Xu tried his best at the beginning, and Firebird had to be dragged into the rhythm. Anna the Destined doesn't have any plans to beat the tempo, she just doesn't have the time.

Chris will die at any time, and the beast will wake up earlier than the border army.

People can only know what they can do when they are persecuted. For An Xu who spends most of the time in this world with ease, this is simply the truth. Usually she doesn't have anyone to practice against, but now facing an enemy who can fight with all her strength, her potential and the results of her practice have exploded.

An Xu's mental power can control the battle hundreds of times faster than ordinary people's reaction speed. She can accurately and decisively decide what to do next, and can completely keep up with the firebird's actions. Apart from combat wisdom, a part of his mind is freed up to think about other things non-stop. An Xu is quite clear that it is impossible for her to compare with an animal compared to her fighting instinct. Her advantage lies in the wisdom of human beings.

Thinking about it carefully, what I said before was not quite right, this firebird can also be regarded as a candidate for the protagonist. The favored person, the quasi-god, the familiar, kind and longing existence in the induction...Noah said that "there are really only three people who are qualified to be called a quasi-god", there are text traps in it. There are only three human quasi-gods, Urban I, Noah and Anxu himself. However, there may also be quasi-gods among non-humans.

The Firebird in front of him is definitely one.

Do dreams that are not theirs belong to them? In the doomsday dream, gods, abilities and beasts all appear in the doomsday? Something to do with meteorites? An Xu tried his best to recall the dream, looking for similarities among the messy and vague fragments. Bird, the left wing was injured... She remembered the dream she had after the last battle with the fire bird, in which a meteorite hit "her" on the left shoulder, could this be the fire bird? But what is the use of knowing this? !

The more anxious An Xu became, the more she couldn't calm down. There was a hole in her defense and she was pecked out again. There were only a small number of minor injuries on her body, and her condition was much better than last time. But An Xu would rather continue to be covered in bruises than the current situation.

She forced her thoughts back to the battle channel, wondering why the firebird would suddenly appear again a few years later to seek revenge, was it because of Noah? What role did Noah play in it? He undoubtedly used mutual induction to prevent Anxu from flying to kill the king frankly, dragged her to the Bungalow defense line, and used a bunch of nonsense to prevent her from driving back. Can Noah hide his own presence, or prevent her from probing elsewhere? Did he disrupt her senses, or cut off the connection between them and the firebird?

The latter, An Xu immediately confirmed this point, if only to prevent her induction, the firebird should have flown over when it found them. What is Noah's purpose? Who is the beneficiary? He indirectly helped the king, so the Holy See... No, the point shouldn't be here.

Noah doesn't care about humans, whether it's the royal court or the Holy See. In his heart there is only himself, because he, the quasi-god, is above everyone else.

An Xu can simulate Noah's thinking to a certain extent, because she indeed, like Noah, feels that she is above the world. She doesn't mind any identity, gender, kinship, or anything else, just as a three-dimensional being looks at a two-dimensional being. But on the other hand, she is completely different from Noah.

The reason why Anxu tried his best to fight against the firebird here was those mortals that Noah would not care about.

Wait a minute, An Xu suddenly caught something, if Noah thinks I am the same person as him, why does he think I will fight with Firebird?

When An Xu left Noah who was smiling meaningfully, she could feel that Noah was waiting for her to fight Firebird, that strange certainty was like a telepathy between twins. Noah felt that they were similar, and felt that she would fight Firebird, which meant that he himself had a reason to fight.

The picture from a long time ago flashed through her mind, and Anxu remembered the ice bird and Noah on the border of Tibes, they were confronting each other, and the ice bird was injured... She suddenly found something else.

An Xu's unforgettable memories, in retrospect, are like entering a Pensieve in Harry Potter, where every detail is recorded. How to describe it, it's like you have returned to the dream you had when you were a child. Things that were completely incomprehensible at that time, as your mind matures, you begin to see the clues.

In the memory that was just an inexplicable dream in the past, she touched the way Noah hurt the ice bird.

An Xu's thinking speed is very fast, she is like a computer, performing countless calculations in the background at a speed that humans cannot understand. When she was thinking quickly, everything that happened outside seemed very slow, but it was not so slow that it stood still. With a sudden change in her mind, An Xu understood that she could not copy Noah's method. She didn't have so much time to lay the groundwork, and she couldn't face the immediate crisis with a relaxed face.

What does that matter? It is not Anxu's style to prepare for many years with anticipation and foresight, so that there is basically no risk when the actual action is taken, and the action is calm and breezy after the action.

The god-favored Anxu made up his mind, suddenly withdrew his mental power to isolate the flames, and slammed into the firebird.