MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2335 ? Never seen crossing robbery

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Peerless demon sword cut off Zhu Xuze's arm, another sword followed, and a dark blue sword pervaded the sky, descending towards the head of the tribe of Zhu Xuze, with a strong murderous cohesion, even the black ink in the sky was torn. Make a huge rift.

Zhu Xuze crushed the last jade on his body.

The blood of the sacred beast Suzaku was released and condensed into an indestructible blood shield.

Bang! !!

The giant sword is split on the blood shield, the energy burst is distorted, and the domineering and weird blue sword is very powerful, but it cannot split the blood shield!


When the Blood Shield loses energy and ruptures.

Zhu Xuze has extended the distance again.

"It's just a senseless struggle." Peerless Demon failed to make a hit, and his face didn't have too much look. With wings behind him, he quickly approached Zhu Xuze again.

All flames of fire were rushed, and they were split by the peerless demon's understatement.

Zhu Xuze watched the peerless demon approaching again, a sense of powerlessness rushing through his body, the suffocating momentum and invincible power could not be beaten or blocked at all.

At this time, the great Sword of Peerless Demon once again fell off.

Zhu Xuze had nothing to save his life. Looking at the blade that was getting bigger and bigger in his vision, he finally knew that he was about to face death.

There was perseverance in his eyes.

He still wanted to struggle, but the sword blocked all his actions, and he could not avoid it at this moment ...

Suddenly, the shadows came out, and there was a cold light!

A young girl jumped out of the shadows, blocked in front of Zhu Xuze, and held the blade of cold light for three thousand miles.

The Peerless Demon was blinded by this cold light difference, and the terrible murderousness made the power of its whole body solidified.

What kind of murder is this?

So rich that it can affect the rules of heaven and earth?

The face of Peerless Demon changed dramatically for the first time. The giant sword in his hand fell, but fell on the cold light of that world, and the strength of both sides burst into flames again.

It can see that the girl in front of her is the girl who was defeated by it before.

Similar scene.

It is also the peerless demon and Ye Ling weapon handover.

But this time, the Peerless Demon felt the terrible power from the sword, and it could no longer split the girl with a sword.

The Peerless Demon is a little embarrassed. Isn't this woman crossing the robbery, how can she run over to fight? The robbery was over, but the man was able to smash it against him, and the other robbers had already died ten or hundreds of times.

Immediately afterwards, it discovered something more weird.

It found the maiden's artifact dagger entangled with some kind of hazy, blackish thunder in purple, that thunder gave it a very dangerous feeling.

"What's this ...?" Peerless demon eyes fixed.

"Guess." Ye Ling's mouth rose slightly.

The purple and black thunder on the dagger suddenly spread all the way along the blue giant sword, and instantly spread to the body of the peerless demon. The destruction of thunder and lightning exploded, destroying everything on it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", the body of a peerless demon was suddenly torn and destroyed by a horrifying thunder, and that horrible energy screamed it.

This is the legendary thunder that even the creation gods can hurt. It was born from the original **** thunder in the chaos. It is above the heavens and the earth. Its horror is far beyond all the powerful attacks of the combined realm!

When Ye Ling saw her artifact entangled with this horrible power, she used the chaos **** thunder on the sword to kill the peerless demon, and the bold idea was born from the bottom of her heart.

"Let's die!" Ye Lingqing sighed, the dagger in his hand was cold and glorious, and the chaos **** thunder above was transferred to the peerless demon without reservation.

The extinct thunder light travels like a dragon and snake, runs through the demon's body, and blows out several large holes in its wings. Then, with extremely high energy, he madly destroyed its physical functions, and even the flesh kept boiling and bursting, which was more exaggerated than the extreme fire burning.


Destroy thunder can explode.

Even Ye Ling was taken off by the aftermath.

She managed to stabilize her body, looking nervously towards the center of the explosion.

The rest of the monks were amazed by Ye Ling's performance against the sky. They were too late to marvel, and all looked at the thunderstorm center with a deep breath.

The thunder dissipated, and a sorrowful demon appeared at high altitude. It didn't have a complete place all over it, its wings were torn, a lot of black ink dripped from its body, and its head was bombarded with a big hole.

"With the force of robbing and killing powerful enemies, I kneeled to Ye Ling."

"This is the robbery killing? The most extreme operation that has never been seen before, this is definitely an epic robbery that can be loaded into the history book of the early continent!"

"Did you make it?"

"It's been bombed like this, why can't you live?"

"Let's make up a few knives and burn them more thoroughly!"

"it is good!"

Several elders returned to the realm, releasing a terrible flame technique to bomb the peerless demon.

At this moment, a blue aperture suddenly appeared on the whole body of the peerless demon, blocking all their skills.

"Hoo ..." A long, yet deep, exhaling sound came.

The temperature between heaven and earth was several degrees lower at this moment.

Ye Ling's eyes trembled slightly, and the dagger was clenched in his hand: "It's not dead ..."

That chaotic thunder, which can be spiked with super powers in spite of ~~ ~ can't even kill the demon in front of me ...


"Such a terrible human being can even take advantage of the affliction ..."

"I will definitely leave you to ..."

The Peerless Demon showed a dreadful smile, and the purple flame behind his tail turned into a dragon-like flame wrapped around two blue giant swords, causing the giant sword to ignite the deadly flame.

It is holding two huge burning swords with purple flames, and its broken wings are extended even more. The great terror that belongs to it has erupted, and even caused a tide of energy for thousands of miles, like a peerless devil, letting the world All creatures are terrified.

"Oh, your trick to attack me by a thunderstorm is really strong, but now there is no thunder on your weapon."

"Next, what else do you fight with me?"

The Peerless Demon's words became more and more for this first human who could hurt it, and he seemed to want to see the despair of the other person.

Zhu Xuze flew to Ye Ling and said, "I'll stop it. You've done enough for us. Hurry up. This is the battle of Suzaku. Let us hand it over to you ..."

Ye Ling glanced at the scarred man beside him.

She knew that Zhu Xuze couldn't bear to die here, but she didn't move her feet, her clear eyes glanced at Tian Mo, and Yingying smiled: "My weapon is no more thunder? You're right, but next, it's different Oh. "

Ye Ling held up the dagger, and Qingyue's voice echoed to the world: "Thunder comes!"


The dim sky, the havoc of the world, the chaos **** thunder burst into the sky!

Lei Guang was dazzling and dazzling in the world, like Ruyan came home, and fell on the girl's dagger again, dragon and snake dance! !!


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