MTL - I Quit Being The Devoted Supporting Male Character-Chapter 286 Food Anchor in Interstellar 43

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   Chapter 286 Food Anchor in Interstellar Text 43

The news of the    rebel army being wiped out all over the internet spread throughout the week in an instant, and everyone cheered.

   For a month, Ang Patama was pressed into the Star Court and accepted the trial from the court.

   On the other hand, Gu Jingyu has completed the survival challenge for nearly a month, and the final result is that there is no champion.

   Instructor Mei Yue's name said: "As an underage cub who has just entered middle school, he should not have such a strong desire to win and lose, and he should study hard."

  Gu Jingyu:  …

  All students:…

   So what are they working so hard to survive on the planet for?

   Before they could react, the presiding officer said again, "This is also the first lesson our instructors will teach you in your study life. Don't trust others too much!"

   Everyone looked at the instructor and felt itchy hands.

   During lunch, Gu Jingyu and Su Hao were sitting in the cafeteria, and while they were eating, they heard a chat from the instructor at the next table.

   "What's going on in this survival competition? Didn't we already agree on the prize for the champion?"

   "That prize is too expensive, it's not that you don't know that our military region is so poor, you must be able to save a little bit."

   "Shouldn't be. I heard that some time ago the government allocated funds. I owe a few months of military salaries, and it was paid out. I'm not so poor, right?"

   "It's not that you don't know the logistics of those who are stingy, and the budget is rubbish. Our chief instructor directly canceled the championship in order not to lose face."

   "Ah this..."

   "Those who are stingy in logistics, except when buying military supplies, really sting them to death."

   "That's right, there's no way! Who makes our planet not tax enough, we can only rely on the government to support it, and saving a little is a little."


  Gu Jingyu and Su Hao: ...

   I never thought that this would be the reason, so is the army really poor?

   The two shook their heads, then hurriedly finished their meal and participated in the afternoon training ceremony.

   The 15 days of military training passed quickly. In fact, including the 30 days in the abandoned planet, they had a total of 40 days of military training, and everyone was more or less familiar with them.

   stood in the position of his own class and found a stranger standing in the position of the instructor.

   Their guide, Langya, has never been seen until now.

  Su Hao looked around strangely: "What's going on? Why hasn't our tutor come yet?"

   Gu Jingyu smiled, it seemed that Gu Xingjue had already settled the matter.

   Everyone walked over, the stranger claimed to be their temporary guide, and when they returned to school, they would arrange a new guide for them.

   Although everyone felt strange, they didn’t say anything.

   After all, they haven't seen many faces of Langya during these times, and it is impossible to say how deep their feelings are.

  The end of the training ceremony was over, they returned to their school and said their final goodbyes to the instructor.

   In these short dozens of days of military training, they have only one encounter with these people in the army. After this time, the instructors are still soldiers, guarding the planet.

   As students, they are the hope for the future of this planet.

   Back at the school, the school gave the students three days off. During these three days, it was time for Gu Jingyu to fulfill his promise with Lan Ya.

   It was still a little uncomfortable, so I went to sleep first, so today, everyone should see this story and realize that the story is coming to an end.

   This story has the longest time line. It was expected to end very early, but the prediction is always so inaccurate.

   The next story, just write the npc in the game, was the most popular in the past few months.

   After writing NPCs, write a world of immortality, then write about Gu Gu's original world, and finally the finished world.



   (end of this chapter)