MTL - I Ran Away After I Online-dated the Slag Marshal-Chapter 58 Thank you very much

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The adjutant never expected that Jiannai would make such a bold proposal!

Accurately, I dare not even think about it.

The adjutant said with some embarrassment: "The environment over there is quite messy, and it is definitely not as good as you in the Marshal's Mansion."

Jane Nai didn't want to say, "It doesn't matter, I don't care, as long as I can be with him, I don't care where I am."

The adjutant was stunned, but he did not expect that Jiannai's feelings for Lu Zefeng were so pure.

He thought…

Jane Nai whispered: "Adjutant, you can take me there, I promise I will not cause trouble. As for the marshal, I will explain it to him when the time comes."

The adjutant hesitated: "But..."

"It's nothing." Jiannai said quickly, "It's not too late, let's go quickly."

Everything is beyond the adjutant's reaction.

He couldn't refuse Jiannai, and in the end he could only agree.

And Jiannai herself is more excited and happy.

He and Lu Zefeng have not seen each other for a long time, and he really misses them very much.

This is his first time on an interstellar warship. The adjutant treats him very well. In order to prevent any inconvenience and discomfort on Jiannai's journey, he arranged for a few small soldiers to follow him.

But Jiannai is unexpectedly worry-free and labor-saving. He hardly cries or complains. He is really peaceful and worry-free along the way. No matter the bumps or the speed on the march, normal people can't stand it. Jiannai's reaction to the warship's dizziness is not uncommon, such as dizziness and vomiting, but he never complained. From the bottom of my heart, I have a little more admiration for Jiannai.

It was about a day's journey and the warship arrived at its original location.

This is a somewhat unfamiliar galaxy. When you look down through the glass window in the sky, you can't feel the beauty of this planet, but only feel white. When descending, Jiannai found that the planet was covered with white snow, the surface and all vegetation were almost invisible, and it was extremely cold.

And on the other side of the planet is a hot summer day.

No grass grows.

The adjutant explained: "This planet was originally very beautiful, but during the century, they vigorously developed heavy industry, exploited planetary resources for wealth and desire, resulting in serious environmental pollution. A few months ago, we received an emergency distress signal from this planet, a special natural disaster occurred here, and many of the aborigines on the planet have mutated due to biochemical pollution, which is very difficult to deal with."

When the warship passed by a place, Jiannai saw some so-called mutants.

To be precise, it is no longer a person.

, that monster is in a very distorted state. When it feels a warship passing by, it even spit out spider silks as long as tens of meters in an attempt to attack the warship.


A missile landed and blew the monster to pieces.

The adjutant had almost no hesitation.

Jiannai was frightened and exclaimed, his whole body was a little shivering, seeing the broken ground of the stone, even his legs were a little soft, when the warship continued to move forward, like this Things happen almost every other distance. There are thousands of mutants, and the number is uncountable. Even creatures, animals, and plants have mutated.

Jane Nai said softly, "Sir, come to participate in the rescue in person, will this planet be saved?"

The adjutant smiled and said: "This planet used to be our friend star, and it is under the jurisdiction of our dark star, so we must not let it go, but from the current situation If so, the planet should be hopeless, and we should apply for a trial from the Interstellar Federation in the future, and after confirming the existence of heresy on this planet, we will arrange for recycling personnel to recover it.”

Jane Nai suddenly found out that he didn't know much about the universe, and he didn't understand many of the words the adjutant said: "Recycling... What does it mean?"

This is a silly question.

The adjutant dutifully said: "Destroy."

The mutated planet is equivalent to a tumor.

Its existence becomes a time bomb, maybe it will endanger the safety of other planets, so it will be destroyed.

"The group of people in the Interstellar Federation will deal with it cleanly. Don't look at the group of people who are polite, they are actually a group of vicious people." The adjutant smiled and said: "We adults have been Worked in the Interstellar Federation for a few years."

Jane Nai realized that Lu Zefeng still had a past that he didn't know or understand very well.

They finally reached the military base.

As soon as the adjutant came down, he saw a young major general coming over not far away and said, "You are finally back. Your Excellency is training people inside."

The adjutant asked, "What happened?"

"It's a long story." The young major general replied, "The squad we sent in reinforcements had some trouble because there were rumors in the army that the planet was about to be judged by the Federation. , so the leaders of this planet began to want to leave the victims and run away, there is a fierceness in this meeting, you are not ignorant of the temper of the adults, go and persuade them."

The adjutant glanced at Jiannai.

Jane Nai never saw Lu Zefeng's angry appearance, and didn't know what to do.

The adjutant whispered, "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Jane nodded.


"Fearing crime and fleeing before a special disaster, the crime is one more class." Lu Zefeng's voice was sullen: "If you want to die, I will fulfill you now."

There is a kowtow-like begging for mercy.

When Jiannai looked over, there was another smashed cup on the floor of the room, and several aliens were detained on the ground by soldiers in military uniforms, speaking a language that Jiannai did not understand very well .

Lu Zefeng leaned against the table and looked at the person on the ground coldly, his face cold.

The dispute continues.

The adjutant coughed lightly and walked in, finally breaking the awkward atmosphere.

Lu Zefeng glanced at him: "You're back?"

The lieutenant salutes: "Yes."

Lu Zefeng: "How is Madam?"

"Very good." The adjutant's voice was firm: "It's just that Madam cares about you very much and asked me when you will go back."

Lu Zefeng's hostile face was a little softer, as if the hostility all over his body had dissipated a lot, he looked at a group of people kneeling on the ground not far away, opened his lips and said : "Get out of here."

The group was relieved.

Lu Zefeng said to the adjutant, "Go out too."

The adjutant nodded: "Yes."

A group of people filed out, only one person stood at the door and did not leave.

Lu Zefeng frowned, a little displeased: "Why don't you leave?"

This sentence can be said to be full of sternness, and it also contains the coercion of spiritual power, and the tone is as severe as Jiannai has never been murdered before.

But Jane was not so afraid.

He walked forward in small steps, not only did not walk, but also took the initiative to reach out and grab Lu Zefeng's hand.

Lu Zefeng subconsciously threw it away, but those little hands like white jade stopped him, he looked down, Jiannai wearing a hat showed his face, those bright eyes looked at Lu Zefeng smiled at him.

This was the first time that Jian Nai felt a look of shock in Lu Zefeng's eyes.

But this emotion is only fleeting.

Lu Zefeng frowned: "How come?"

Jane Nai whispered, "Adjutant brought me here."

Lu Zefeng wanted to speak, but Jiannai hugged him, put her head on his chest, and said in a low voice, "Don't blame the adjutant, I miss you so much, I asked him to bring me."


Lu Zefeng did not speak.

Jane Nai was a little uneasy: "Are you upset and don't want to see me."

After this possibility appeared, he was a little nervous.

There was a moment of silence in the space.

Then a pair of broad palms landed on Jiannai's head and rubbed them, wrapped one arm around his waist and took the person into his arms, and said with a sigh, "The environment here is poor, You don't fit in."

"I'm not afraid." Jiannai whispered, "I just want to be with you."

Lu Zefeng's lips curled into a smile unconsciously.

Even the eyes seemed to be a little tender, which was completely different from the severe look before.

Jane Nai and him are sticky like candy, but Lu Zefeng is unexpectedly not rejecting, even after his wife shows dependence, he feels a little happy, and even a little depressed all the time The mental ability of the man has also been relieved, as if this person is staying by his side, which seems to be a natural instinct of males.

Lu Zefeng said to him, "Even if you don't come, there are about ten days left, and I'm ready to go back."

Jane answered and said, "Is the situation here serious?"

Lu Zefeng replied in a low voice, "Yes."

Jane sighed: "I saw it when I came over."

Lu Zefeng touched his head, as if silently comforting, he thought Jane was scared.

Jane said softly, "What will happen to the people on this planet in the future?"

"After passing the federal inspection, the remaining survivors will be sent to other planets that are willing to accept refugees." Lu Zefeng hugged him and lay down on the sofa, while kissing Jiannai's lips , while whispering: "The Federation will arrange, our rescue is only responsible for transferring them."

Jiannai breathed a sigh of relief, and he said, "Will the dark star take it in?"

Lu Zefeng did not hesitate: "No."

Jane blinked suspiciously.

"Dark stars accepted the human inhabitants of the earth as early as thousands of years ago." Lu Zefeng said quietly: "The scale of An Paradise has developed very well, and we do not want to accept any The idea of ​​a second planet."

Jane's heart trembled.



If they are accepted as refugees, does that mean that in the current long history, Earth civilization... has already perished?

How did it perish?

His heart suddenly became cold.

Lu Zefeng noticed his absence and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Jane Nai nestled in his arms helplessly, and whispered, "You know I told you before that I wasn't from Dark Star before?"

Lu Zefeng's hand walking around him stopped, the man paused, nodded and said, "Remember."

"I used to be... an earthling." Jiannai whispered and told him tentatively, "But at that time, the earth was still developing very well, and it didn't perish."

Lu Zefeng was silent for a moment.

Jane Nai was a little nervous. He wondered if normal people could accept this kind of thing, or would he think he might be a lunatic?

In this thought, Jian Nai heard Lu Zefeng say, "What about later?"

This sentence seems to give Jiannai courage, he finally had the opportunity to explain to Lu Zefeng well: "My work on earth is a star, in fact, I don't play games, But that day my good friend was deceived by the scumbag, I..."

This story is a bit long.

But as soon as Jian Nai finished speaking slowly, Lu Zefeng also listened quietly without disturbing his speech.

Jane Nai said that she was online every day and waited for him, and when she said that she could not contact him at all, her eyes were red, and she even gave Lu Zefeng a resentful look: "You are so cruel heart of."

Lu Zefeng hugged his person and patted Jiannai on the back comfortingly.

When Jiannai finished talking about Lu Jie, Lu Zefeng held him in his arms, he lowered his head and kissed the corner of Jiannai's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Before I met you, I have an adjutant, I grew up with him, but in a war, he betrayed me..."

This is their first heart-to-heart talk.

Lu Zefeng said his story calmly, listening to Jian Nai's heart trembling.

Lu Zefeng finally said: "I thought you also cheated and betrayed me, so..."

Jane Nai looked at him, her eyes trembling slightly, and whispered: "Then, why did you forgive me later? It was because we accidentally slept together because of Chinese medicine, and we married me. ?"

Although she knew it must be because of this, Jiannai still asked.

The air was silent for a moment.

Jane's heart tightened.

Just when he was apprehensive, Lu Zefeng kissed his lips, it was a deep kiss, and even made Jane feel breathless for a moment, when the kiss was released , He panted heavily, and when he heard Lu Zefeng in his ear, his voice was hoarse, and seemed to be full of endless affection, and said in a low voice, "Because I love you."

No words are more emotional than this love story.

Jian Nai's heart was beating wildly, just when he was about to lean over and kiss back, there was a knock on the door, the adjutant's voice said, "Sir, the princess wants to see you. On the one hand, I have something to tell you."

The princesses and royalty of this planet.

Jian Nai's cheeks were flushed, and the temperature in the room heated up. Lu Zefeng said, "Let her go."

Jane pulled his collar and whispered: "Don't, don't delay the business because of me, I'll go inside and avoid it, you are busy with yours."

Lu Zefeng still hugged him, but Jian Nai stood up sensible and ran to the back in small steps.

Said: "I'm here to apologize to the lord on behalf of the father."

Lu Zefeng's voice was a little hoarse: "No need."

Knowing that if it weren't for your timely reinforcements, Lord, all of us might not have survived."

Lu Zefeng whispered: "International military operations, you are our vassal, and reinforcements are humanitarian, don't take it to heart"

The princess looked at Lu Zefeng's eyes, but the man sitting on the sofa didn't know why he looked different from the first time he met, not so unattainable Yes, he doesn't look so cold. He looks extremely sexy, and his every move seems to be silently exuding the charm of male hormones. He possesses extremely high power and ability.

The princess knew very well that if she was judged and went to a backward planet, even if she was a princess, she could only become a slave.

But if...

Being able to climb on Lu Zefeng is different.

The dark star is the strongest star in the universe, and he will only have endless glory and wealth with him.

Princess's voice was much softer, she approached and said, "Your Excellency is really polite, how can you forget the grace of saving your life, I'm here this time to thank you and thank you..."