MTL - I Really Don’t Know How To Practice-Chapter 948 artifact

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As soon as Han Xu returned to the Three Realms, he saw everything that happened before through his spiritual sense.

Just when the poisonous mist diffused into the Three Realms, Li Qiong flew up from the Taoist gate as if feeling grateful, and blocked the entrance of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

When the other supreme beings came and were forced back by the poisonous mist, Li Qiong was in charge, and opened the drinking universe without hesitation, and sucked all the poisonous mist that had entered the three realms into the drinking universe, just as the drinking universe was about to be full. , Han Xu's enchantment on the ancient starry sky road has also been completed, blocking the poisonous fog from the source.

By this time, Li Qiong's body had already been invaded by the poisonous mist. He was holding on with his strong will to protect the common people in the Three Realms. Du Fa fainted.

Han Xu didn't care about reuniting with his relatives, and appeared directly beside Li Qiong.

"Let me see." After Han Xu finished speaking, the rest of the people retreated one after another, giving Han Xu an open space.

Next, Han Xu's vast spiritual thoughts enveloped Li Qiong, and waves of ripples emerged on the surface of Li Qiong's body. Han Xu took out the silver needles and struck like lightning. A total of 108 silver needles pierced into the body. Li Qiong's acupoints.

Soon, wisps of poisonous smoke rose from the ends of each silver needle. As soon as Han Xu stretched out his hand, he released a divine power to refine the toxin discharged from Li Qiong's body. In Xu's hands, he couldn't even hold on for a blink of an eye.

Just when everyone felt that Li Qiong's condition was improving, Han Xu withdrew the silver needle and withdrew his divine power.

Although Li Qiong's complexion looked better, he still didn't wake up.

"Han Xu, how is Li Qiong?" Chu Yu stepped forward and asked, and the rest of the Supremes also showed anxious expressions.

Han Xu shook his head, and said: "Senior Li and Yin Qiankun have become one, and the connection is too close. If you want to save him now, you can only destroy Yin Qiankun, but in this way, Senior Li will lose his cultivation."

The atmosphere became heavy all of a sudden, because everyone knew that if Li Qiong was allowed to choose, he would definitely choose to die, because losing his cultivation was more unacceptable than death for a strong man like him.

No one dared to help Li Qiong make this decision, Chu Yu asked, "Is there really no other way?"

The Buddha clasped his hands together and said to Han Xu: "Amitabha, if possible, the poor monk is willing to disperse his life's cultivation and life in exchange for the life of Li Qiong's benefactor."

Leng Zong said: "I am willing too."

Chu Yu also took a step forward, and even Yang Yuntian stood up.

The reason why Li Qiong became like this was entirely for the common people of the three realms. It can be said that everyone present owed him a life, so how could everyone watch Li Qiong fall like this.

Han Xu pondered for a moment, and said, "Everyone, step back for now, and leave Senior Li to me. I have thought of a way to heal him while maintaining his cultivation."

After finishing speaking, Han Xu saw Luo Ling, Zhu Weitong and others standing behind the crowd, he nodded to them, Luo Ling smiled relievedly, turned around with Zhu Weitong and others and went back.

She knew that Han Xu had serious business to do. In fact, the sisters had reached a consensus that as long as Han Xu was safe and sound, it was not that important whether they could have time to accompany them.

"Senior Qinglong, please stay here too. Seniors Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu, please line up at the foot of the mountain and don't let others disturb you here."

"Okay!" The three divine beasts immediately disappeared in place according to Han Xu's instructions. The next moment, three soaring rays of light enveloped the entire mountain. In today's Three Realms, no one can break through the three god-level powerhouses. The enchantment laid down by the attackers.

Although Qinglong wondered why Han Xu kept him, he didn't ask. He thought that Han Xu had reasons for keeping him.

Han Xu didn't speak, but sat down cross-legged, as if he was adjusting his breath. It seemed that what he had to do next was not easy.

After adjusting his aura to the peak, Han Xu suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed the completely black artifact beside him and drank the universe, he broke a space crack in front of him, and entered it in a flash.

Then, Qinglong was surprised to see Han Xu take out the Ziwei Excalibur in the turbulent flow of space, and slashed towards Yin Qiankun with a sword. The sword energy fell on Yin Qiankun, and the splashing sparks were very dazzling.

"He wants to ruin Yin Qiankun!" Qinglong instantly understood what Han Xu wanted to do.

Yin Qiankun absorbed all the poison that poured into the Three Realms. As long as the poison inside Yin Qiankun was not cleared, it would keep going back and forth between Yin Qiankun and Li Qiong, and the poison in Li Qiong's body would be eliminated forever. Endless.

If you want to cure Li Qiong, the most direct way is to destroy Yin Qiankun, but if you destroy Yin Qiankun, it is equivalent to destroying Li Qiong's cultivation base. Qinglong knows this, and it is impossible for Han Xu not to know, but Han Xu still made such a choice, so Qinglong subconsciously thought that Han Xu's priority was to save Li Qiong's life, and he didn't want others to take the blame.

Drinking Qiankun is a divine tool anyway. Although it is not as powerful as the Ziwei Excalibur, it is also extremely tough. Even after being soaked in poison, Han Xu still cannot break it with a single sword.

Terrible sword energy raged in the turbulent space. Han Xu swung sword after sword tirelessly. In Qinglong's eyes, he could only see endless sword energy and brilliant sparks.

Finally, after Han Xu slashed thousands of swords, Yin Qiankun could no longer resist and exploded. Before the poisonous gas inside had time to erupt, Han Xu used Nantian Diyan to completely refine it.

At the same time that Yin Qiankun was shattered by Han Li Qiong, who was unconscious, spit out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time that the black air receded from his face, his cultivation base also dissipated quickly.

Han Xu returned from the space crack, Qinglong thought that Han Xu would do something to stop Li Qiong's power from passing away, but Han Xu did nothing, just watched quietly until he could no longer feel any cultivation from Li Qiong breath.

Then, Han Xu took out a pill, squatted down, and carefully fed it to Li Qiong. After a while, Li Qiong woke up.

The first thing he said after waking up and seeing Han Xu was: "Han Xu, I finally helped this time!"

As he said that, he showed a gratified smile and said: "You don't have to waste your time saving me. My life is worth it if I can see the crisis in the Three Realms is completely lifted. Let me go quietly and wait for me to die." Finally, just find a piece of Jiangyang for my ashes."

"Wait!" Li Qiong finally realized something was wrong while talking, "Why can't I feel my Yin Qiankun, and my cultivation base, where is my cultivation base?"

"You're so determined to die, why do you care about cultivation?" Han Xu said with a smile.

"what did you do to me?"

"It's nothing, I brought you back to life, I just ruined your Yin Qiankun and your cultivation."

After hearing this, Li Qiong's face was deathly gray, and said, "That means I can only be a useless person from now on? Han Xu, you might as well kill me!"

After speaking, Li Qiong had already started to growl.

Han Xu didn't intend to continue teasing him anymore, the power of faith descended and completely enveloped Li Qiong.

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