MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 258 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 258

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The studio exploded.


Expert foreign aid?

Do you mean more professional than DFA Golden Team? ? ?

Lu Liran's previous live broadcast peaked at nearly 70 million viewers, but now the number of people online in the official rescue live broadcast room is 380 million!

Among the 380 million people, the proportion of people who have watched Lu Liran's live broadcast may not even be 5%.

Naturally, most of the live broadcast barrages were voices of distrust, and occasionally clarification and introduction barrages floated by, which were quickly overshadowed by other doubts.

[With all due respect, can an earthworm from a low-level galaxy really come in handy? 】

[I think this person doesn't obey orders at all. The captain called to search, but he ran to climb a tree. What's the matter? 】

[I don’t understand what the operation of DFA is about]

[It's a little funny, are they officially stupid? If these two people don't have anything, the DFA boss meeting specially invites them to take part in the action? 】

[Every one of them shouted that they were awesome and had something, but in a blink of an eye they knew that they were from a low-level galaxy, so they immediately changed their faces, and the discrimination should not be too obvious]

[+1 The sense of superiority is accepted, since he can be invited by the boss of DFA, it must be unusual]

[The question is, what is he doing now? 】

[...climbing a tree? 】

Lu Liran is indeed climbing trees, if there are old viewers here who are familiar with his live broadcast, they will know that Brother Lu must climb trees at the beginning.

There are no trees, and you have to climb high slopes and ridges.

Although the previous rappelling was from high to low, the height of 60 meters in the air was enough for Lu Liran to have a clear view, but all he saw was the canopy of trees, and he couldn't see what he really wanted.

Only by climbing the tall trees in the forest can he observe the distribution in this primeval forest in more detail.

In Mo Sang's heart, he had long planned to divide these two people into his own group. To him, these two people were completely uncontrollable ticking time bombs, and it was safest to keep them under his nose.

For example, now, Mosang's eyelids twitched, he had just given an order, and everyone else acted, only Lu Liran was climbing a tree, while his companion stood in place, like a wooden stake.

Mo Sang suppressed his anger and asked coldly, "What are you doing?"

Lu Liran had already climbed to the top of the tree, about ten meters above the ground. Looking out from a distance, he could see a continuous inland river flowing through this primeval forest.

This river is marked in the positioning and navigation system. It is called the Sana River, which means "mother river" in the language of the Saiyan tribe. It is the river that all tribes and tribes in this virgin forest depend on for survival.

Anyone who knows the dense forest of Aiken will know the Sana River.

The Sana River stretches westward, extending out many tributaries, like a mother's embrace, embracing this dense forest.

Mangya Spring happens to be in the middle of the three tributaries of the Sana River, and it is precisely because of the water volume of these three tributaries that Mangya Spring has constant running water throughout the year.

Lu Liran quickly chose a direction—he wanted to walk in the direction of the Sana River.

He got down from the tree, pointed in a direction, then nodded to Ke Ji and said, "Let's go here."

It is true that DFA with manpower and materials can detail the rescue operation to every direction, so as not to miss any possible discoveries, but Lu Liran will only choose the only route with the highest probability, and they have no time for trial and error.

Mo Sang didn't expect that Lu Liran would ignore him so completely, he frowned, but because of his actions, Mo Sang hesitated for two seconds and then quickly followed Lu Liran.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for him to let the two foreign players who are not DFA players act alone. Whether it is the safety of the two of them or the safety of the missing target, he must keep these two under his nose. .

Lu Liran went straight to the lower reaches of the river, but the terrain here was like a labyrinth of a mountain city. From time to time, a low-slope valley would appear in front of him. The ups and downs may only be three or four meters, but it stretches endlessly.

Traveling under such terrain undoubtedly quickly exhausted the physical strength of the three of them.

And this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that at this moment, they are blocked by a cliff, and not far from their feet, they can see the Sana River rushing past.

There is no way to go! They are located on an almost vertical cliff, more than 20 meters high from the ground below. If they want to bypass them, they will have to walk twice as hard.

【Hiss, how did you get to a dead end?】

[Sure enough, this foreign aid is not reliable...]

[But to be honest, in this kind of primitive forest, there is no way at all, no one knows what will happen in front of you when you walk]

[It’s too targeted to say something unreliable]

[Whether he is reliable or not, the problem is that he is on a dead end now, and he still has to go downstream? 】

[If you want to leave, you can't leave, can you? 】

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room believed that there was no way out, Lu Liran fell in love with a blossoming fruit tree not far away.

The flowering fruit tree in this season has not yet produced fruit, but it is a hundred years old, and the aerial roots hanging down are thick and long, like hemp rope.

Lu Liran tugged a few times, and felt that it was still firm, so he climbed up to a position close to the crown of the tree, pulled out the kukri, and easily chopped off the aerial root with a wave of his hand.

Mo Sang looked puzzled, frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Grapple hook, T-shaped pickaxe, whatever you want to call it." Lu Liran grabbed a piece of wood on the ground, which was not rotten and was very hard. After he cut a crack in the middle, he stuck the aerial root in it.

After seeing Lu Liran's movements, Ke Ji immediately understood Lu Liran's plan, so while Lu Liran was climbing the tree, he peeled off the bark of a nearby palm tree layer by layer.

The bark fibers of this palm tree are so strong that they can be used as rope.

Lu Liran used these barks to tightly bind the piece of wood and aerial roots together, and then stuck them in a rock space.

He flicked the aerial root to the bottom of the cliff, and the length was close to the ground, maybe two or three meters in the air, but it was obviously enough.

Seeing this, if Mo Sang still doesn't understand Lu Liran's plan, then he can go back to the furnace and rebuild.

He opened his eyes wide in surprise. He didn't expect that Lu Liran actually made a grapple in front of him after just a few efforts. The other party even planned to climb down the 20-meter-high cliff like this!

[Fuck, this god-level tool-making ability! Freehand pickaxe! ? 】

[It's silly for children to see, how can it be like this? ? 】

[So, no detour? Straight away! ? Ox! 】

【Ah, there is no grappling hook in the equipment of the DFA troops】

[…I am even more curious, why is it so difficult to go down, why do you still persist in going downstream? 】

The curiosity of the audience in the live broadcast room was also Mosang's doubt.

The direction Mosang considered was more about efficiency and cost-effectiveness. For example, how much physical energy and supplies would be consumed if they insisted on going downstream, what kind of threats and difficulties they would encounter, what was the probability that the search and rescue target was located in this direction, and they were obsessed with this direction. Will the direction affect the overall search and rescue efficiency...

In other words, Mo Sang's thinking mode is completely different from that of Lu Liran.

Lu Liran glanced at Mo Sang, said lightly, and spoke quickly: "If it is an ordinary passenger who lacks experience, I would not choose to go downstream, because the first reaction of ordinary passengers is to stay behind when they lose contact. Waiting for rescue in place, the second reaction was to return by the same route after realizing that rescue was hopeless, that is, to try to go to the camp on the edge of the Aiken jungle.”

Mo Sang paused, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "In this case, the direction of action will be completely opposite to the direction of your current judgment."

Lu Liran nodded: "That's right."

"But I noticed the video before the missing target. From the details of the video, I can conclude that the other party is a person who is good at outdoor hiking, so he has a certain amount of outdoor common sense." Lu Liran changed the topic.

"If he gave up waiting for rescue at the spot, it probably means that some kind of threat appeared at the spot, so that he had to leave." Lu Liran analyzed, "And once he leaves, he has very few choices."

"The Sana River is known as the mother river, and most of the settlements are distributed in the place where this river flows. Therefore, as long as he finds the tribe, the possibility of getting rescue will double." Lu Liran looked at Mo Sang, "So, I think he's going to go down the river."

They are now located in the upper reaches of the Sana River. The riverbed is narrow and the water flow is relatively fast, which is not suitable for settlements. The downstream is usually an alluvial plain formed over the years. The terrain is flat and the prey is rich, which is more suitable for the development of settlements.

Mo Sang did not expect that Lu Liran would give such a detailed analysis, he was taken aback for a moment, no wonder the other party chose to go downstream without much hesitation!

He nodded excitedly: "I understand! Then let's leave as soon as possible."

Lu Liran raised his eyebrows, he was a little surprised that Mosang accepted and approved without any grievances, he thought that the DFA captain had a very xenophobic opinion towards them.

Seeing this, he twitched the corners of his mouth, didn't say anything more, and directly dragged the aerial root to climb down.

For Lu Liran, climbing operations like this are already the basic route for survival in the wild.

If you can climb, you will never go around—God knows how many times it will take time and energy to go around.

But for the audience in the live broadcast room, it was quite novel.

No one has ever seen someone grabbing such a rough and natural grapple and climbing down from a 20-meter-high cliff without any protection!

This is too reckless!

[I rely on me to worry that the stick will break! 】

[I'm afraid that the aerial roots will break! 】

【I'm afraid the tied bark will break! 】

[It's so insecure, this brother is actually climbing down with his bare hands like this! Definitely a ruthless person! 】

[Cough, actually, I want to say that this anchor used to do this kind of thing before... it's all basic operations]

[? ? ? I order within one minute, I want all the live broadcast data of this little brother! 】

[Want the host's live broadcast information? First you have to climb over the galaxy wall]

When Lu Liran climbed to one-third of the way, Mosang took out an automatically retractable grapple from the equipment bag, buckled it with a gun, and then slid down slowly like Lu Liran did.

"Are you worried that our grappling hooks are not strong enough?" When he got down to Lu Liran's side, Mosang sincerely recommended, "Actually, our gripping strength can reach thousands of cattle. You can trust it. I think it is better than this." Aerial rooting is more reliable."

Lu Liran: "..."

Gan, forgot.