MTL - I Save The World In The Text Game-Chapter 16 Can I get used to your 1NPC?

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[The body of the treasure monster, a strange monster that hides in dark corners all year round, waiting for someone who is destined to come to give you warmth. The buttocks of this monster were bloody, and it died from a brutal 'backstab'. Compatibility: 43% (+25%)]

"It's a pity, the Pokmon's compatibility is too low, otherwise after possessing the body and invading other apostles, that scene..."

For a moment, Lin Xun's brain was wide open, imagining that the other apostles suddenly saw a treasure box, thinking that they were happy, but after opening the treasure box, they were bitten off by themselves.

"Huh? When did I become so perverted..."

Lin Xun opened the inventory to check the loot he had just obtained.

[Intermediate forging stone: A magical ore with unknown power, which can be used to strengthen intermediate equipment, and requires learning forging-related skills before using it. 】

[Sandpaper Enchanted with Moonlight (Prop): A tough paper for grinding, endowed with the pure power of the bright crescent moon, rubbing the weapon with the sandpaper will cause magical things to happen. After use, your current weapon will be temporarily enchanted with the 'White Moon' attribute, and the enchantment will disappear after killing monsters or the body dies. 】

Enchanting the White Moon attribute is a bit interesting.

From the memory of the original Yusanjia's body, we know that the background of this world is the process of falling in love and killing each other between the White Moon Church and the Blood Sun Church after the Shenguang Church split. Two forces restrain each other, one is filthy and the other is pure.

Using a weapon enchanted with the power of the white moon to slash the monsters of the **** day is probably very effective.

Looking at the primary forging stones in the inventory, the number has reached an astonishing 15 pieces.

"Even if I use a forging stone this time, I will smash the blacksmith's mouth."

After exiting the mine, Lin Xun entered the blacksmith shop again.

[You entered the temporary blacksmith shop. 】

【The sunken blacksmith waved his hammer and ignored you. 】

Open the inventory, select the primary forging stone, and click Give.

[The sunken blacksmith took the forging stone, raised his scarlet eyes to look at you...then lowered his head and continued to knock. 】

Money worship, right? Brother now has forging stones.

Lin Xun presented it again.

[The sunken blacksmith took the forging stone, raised his scarlet eyes to look at you...then lowered his head and continued to knock. 】

[The sunken blacksmith took the forging stone, raised his scarlet eyes to look at you...then lowered his head and continued to knock. 】

[The sunken blacksmith took the forging stone, raised his scarlet eyes to look at you...then lowered his head and continued to knock. 】

[Your primary forging stone has been exhausted, and the blacksmith is still repeating the mechanical beating action. 】

[Would you like to present an intermediate forging stone? 】

"...#¥*&%@#! (Quintessence of China

The primary forging stone that took several hours to mine was gone, and he searched the mine hole inch by inch without missing anything.

In other words, he can no longer obtain forging stones at present.

At this moment, Lin Xun is like a red-eyed gambler, losing all his capital and only one chance to come back.

And this intermediate forging stone is his last bargaining chip.

"Will you fight or not? If you don't give it away, all the forging stones given before are in vain. If you give it away, you may even lose the last intermediate forging stone."

Lin Xun gritted his teeth and became ruthless, so he clicked to give away.

The text that appeared next gave him a chill.

[Sinking Blacksmith accepts the intermediate forging stone, raises his scarlet eyes to look at you, his eyes full of meaning...then lowers his head and continues to knock. 】

! !

What's the matter, little brother? You don't do anything after receiving money, right?

Lin Xun was so angry that all his hard work was in vain.

Including the one forging stone he gave at the beginning, the sinking blacksmith received a total of 16 forging stones, but he still ignored him.

For a moment, anger rose from the heart, and evil came to the gallbladder!

"Didn't your mother teach you the principle of being short-handed and soft-mouthed? Can I spoil you as an NPC?"

Looking at the ugly and greedy face of the blacksmith, the mocking eyes "full of deep meaning".

Lin Xun clicked on the skill column of the cultist of the Blood Sun, and sent the blacksmith to heaven as soon as he fired a "backstab".

【You cautiously walked around behind the blacksmith, and took out a two-handed sword...】

[A miserable howl echoed in the blacksmith shop. 】

[You defeated the 'Sinking Blacksmith', and the experience value increased slightly. 】

[You have obtained primary forging stone*16]

[You got an intermediate forging stone*1]

Lin Xun's great revenge was avenged, and he felt as if all the pores on his body had been opened, and he felt extremely comfortable.

All the forging stones sent out before were returned to their original owners.

[You look at the body of the 'Sinking Blacksmith' in front of you. 】

[The body of the fallen blacksmith, the blacksmith who appeared outside the castle for some reason, now its buttocks are shattered and out of shape, and died of a brutal 'backstab'. Compatibility: 92% (+25%)]

"What kind of blacksmith do you need? I am a blacksmith myself!"

The current body space is full, and he is going to discard the body of the "Guardian Knight of the White Moon Church".

The level of this body is too low, and the quality of the body is much lower than that of the Discipline Knight. It can no longer keep up with Lin Xun's game progress.

Before abandoning the old body, Lin Xun kept an eye out, took off all the body equipment of the guardian knight, put them in the inventory, and then possessed the body of the 'Sinking Blacksmith'.

[You are possessed by the body of the 'Sinking Blacksmith'. 】

【You have taken control of this strange body, and the memory fragments of the blacksmith's life remain in the body. 】

[The blacksmith was born in a family that forged weapons for generations, and he is the most famous blacksmith in Saint Lance, the land of moonlight. Later, he was temporarily recruited by Lord Fox to forge weapons and armor for his soldiers. Unfortunately, the strong metal gates outside the castle were of no use. The power of corruption spread from within the castle, and the blacksmith was not spared. 】

Click on the blacksmith's body panel

【Body—Sinking Blacksmith】

[real name: unknown]

【Compatibility: 92% (+25%)】

[Body Quality: Normal]

[Body Level: 6]

[Body equipment: family-heirloom fine steel forging hammer (excellent + grade), this forging hammer is a treasure handed down from generation to generation in the blacksmith family. After more than ten generations of forging and hammering, this hammer has a trace of blood power. UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not a member of the family and cannot be used. Using this forging hammer, there is a certain chance to trigger a mutation probability when forging (crafting, strengthening, repairing, recasting, enchanting, etc.) crafts. 】

[Body skills: master-level forging skills (rare + level), forging skills passed down from generation to generation in the blacksmith family, skills honed by swinging hammers for thousands of times. This skill can be used to forge the body equipment of quality below the epic level. 】

Seeing the body panel of the sunken blacksmith, Lin Xun was dumbfounded, and called the blacksmith to be killed.

If he knew that the blacksmith was so awesome, would he still be able to dig mines for a long time? A long time ago, the blacksmith was killed with a single knife, and he possessed the body.

And from the attributes and quality of the blacksmith, he has roughly calculated the quality level in the game.

From low to high are: dilapidated, ordinary, excellent, rare, epic...

Going up because there is too little information currently known, it is still unknown.

The forging materials in the inventory include wolf dog's tusks and fur.

Lin Xun tried forging skills. The game text shows that the materials for making equipment are too single, and forcible forging will reduce the quality of the produced equipment.

I tried strengthening weapons again, and found that primary forging stones can only strengthen dilapidated and ordinary quality equipment, while intermediate forging stones can strengthen excellent and rare equipment.

He directly used the mid-level forging stone on the dragon hunting gun.

[Whether to consume an intermediate forging stone to strengthen the broken dragon hunting gun (excellent + level)]


[Enhancement is successful, the enhancement level of this weapon is +1, and the power is slightly enhanced. 】

Lin Xun looked at the dragon hunting gun +1 with satisfaction, the only pity was that he didn't encounter the small probability mutation that comes with the forging hammer, and he didn't know what would happen after it was triggered.