MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 25 I see

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The 10th anniversary of Tokugawa is coming, and the whole school is in full swing to prepare for it.

It was originally an unrelated matter, but now that she knows Qin Huai, it is difficult for Yu Xing to know.

When she heard the news, she received his invitation. She didn't know whether to agree or not. She couldn't make up her mind.

Don't let her struggle for too long, Tong Youjing came to be a lobbyist immediately: "Go! It's fun! Let's go together!"

Yu Xing asked, "Have you been there?"

Dry smile to hide her embarrassment, Tong Youjing honestly admitted: "I have never participated in their school celebration." It's not as good as ours, but it's okay."

Without waiting for Yu Xing's in-depth questioning, she intensified her efforts: "Let's go together! I heard about Tokugawa's school celebration arrangements. The first day was their on-campus performance, the second day they each The class will arrange entertainment programs, which must be fun!"

Yu Xing doesn't care about being interesting or boring: "Will you go?"

"Well, Shen Shiyu and I all went there." She said. Joining in the fun, how could there be such a calamity in Shen Shiyu.

With her arm holding her, Yu Xing thought for a while, and when she let go of the last hesitation in her heart, she nodded in response, and Tong Youjing immediately smiled. Suddenly remembering something, he said again: "By the way, that friend of yours...Su Qiu, ask her to come with me!"

Yu Xing paused: "Together?"

"I've heard you say it so many times, but I haven't seen it before. I really want to get to know you." Tong Youjing said, "It just happened that the Tokugawa school celebration was half-open this time, everyone went to play together, it was very lively. !"

Her entanglement is very good. After a few minutes, Yu Xing smiled helplessly and had to call Su Qiu on the spot.

After school hours, public schools have tight control over electronic products. Su Qiu probably found a hidden corner to answer the phone, and his voice was slightly lowered: "Hello? What's wrong, Ayu?"

Yu Xing opened and said, "Qiuqiu, that's it. The one I mentioned to you, Tong Youjing, do you still remember?"

"Ah, remember."

"To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Tokugawa High School, a friend invited us to play. Tong Youjing said he wanted to meet you and asked if you were free to go with us."

Su Qiu was stunned, "Ah?" A little embarrassed, "I, me...?"

Tong Youjing hugged Yu Xing's arm, couldn't help but interrupted, "Su Qiu! Su Qiu—"


"I'm Tong Youjing, hello!"

"Hello..." Su Qiu coughed lightly, "I'm sorry, I'm a little nervous."

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. Xingxing often mentions you to me. She said that you are very gentle and cute. Let's go to Tokugawa to play together in a few days?"

"She also mentioned you to me, she said you were very nice..."

The two of them praised each other, Yu Xing was like a stand, and Tong Youjing was half hugged and half leaned, and whispered: "If you lean forward, your face will go into the screen."

Tong Youjing feigned anger and hit her.

Then continue to chat with Su Qiu at the other end.

Yu Xing couldn't help laughing while holding the phone.

These two can talk.

If the three of them are equal to one thousand ducks, then Tong Youjing and Su Qiu are almost catching up to nine hundred and ninety-nine!

"How are you sure?"

Dechuan High School, Class 4 of the third grade, Luo Momo frowned in her seat, surrounded by a group of girls.

Xiao Rui took a lot of effort to get the photos. If it wasn't for Qin Huai who happened to have a boy chasing her, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to get it.

"She's still chatting with friends." Xiao Rui said.

Who doesn't know that Luo Momo only has Qin Huai in his eyes. As soon as he came to Tokugawa, Luo Momo was interested in him. At first, Qin Huai also had an affair with her for a while, but he soon lost interest and found a girl from another school.

It didn't take long, and another one was replaced, and then the days of endless waves in the thousands of flowers began.

In the past, Luo Momo was just a little unpleasant towards the women around Qin Huai, mainly because she had a hard time with Qin Huai herself. In her opinion, those people are not worth mentioning at all, they are just playthings, and there is no need to take them seriously.

This time is different.

Qin Huai ran to Lintian day by day, obviously there was a problem. Under suspicion, Xiaorui asked Xiaorui to chase after her boy. When she asked, Qin Huai seemed to be playing it for real this time, and even changed the wallpaper of her mobile phone to a picture of a girl.

When Luo Momo got the photo, when she saw that the other party was a really beautiful girl, her throat was sour.

Seeing that the anger was about to erupt, the people around him suddenly surprised and said "Huh".

"I've seen this woman, she seems to be from the third middle school!"

Luo Momo just lost her anger, and immediately rolled her eyes and said, "Your brain is flooded? You said it's sky-high and doesn't have ears?"

The attendant with dyed red hair was so fierce that she shrank her neck and stammered: "No, no. I really saw her, she may have been in the third middle school before..."

The angry Luo Momo was frighteningly fierce, and the red hair was afraid of touching her bad head, so she had an idea and hurriedly said: "I asked my friend, she is from the third middle school, she knows!"

Speak, take out your phone and make a call.

Greeted on the phone, and soon transferred to WeChat, Hongmao sent the photo, and it didn't take long to get a reply.

"It's her! It's really her, I'm sure I'm not mistaken! My friend has shown me pictures of her candidly taken by others before, and I saw her when I went to No. 3 Middle School. It's her, she I used to be a vixen in No. 3 Middle School, with a bad reputation, specializing in robbing other people's boyfriends, which is very disgusting!"

Luo Momo's eyes lit up.

Red Hair graciously handed over the phone: "Sister Mo, look-"

Luo Momo took a look, and the chat records in the dialog box were impressive.

"Wow, how do you have her photo? Where did you see her?"

"It's her, the one I told you about."

"We haven't heard from her for a long time."

"Didn't I tell you at that time that the boyfriend of our school flower was handsome and rich, so she deliberately seduced people."

"The girl was very kind to her and took good care of her, but she didn't even want her face, so she did this kind of thing."

"It was very disgusting. I was a freshman at that time. Anyway, there was a lot of trouble in our school, and many people knew it."

"Do you know what is the most disgusting thing? The most disgusting thing is that she went to school as usual afterward, without any sense of shame. She even quarreled with others, saying why she should transfer to another school. "

"But after a semester, she may have no face to stay. In the second year of high school, we have not seen her since the semester started. She seems to have transferred to a very good school."


Seeing that Luo Momo was serious, Xiaorui said aside: "Since it was turned over, it is not the same as Lintian's, there is nothing to mess with. And she used to be famous in the third middle school. So bad, 80% is not a good person, Qin Huai must have been deceived by her. I asked Zhang Hao, he said that Qin Huai had an appointment with this woman, and she would probably come during the school celebration. "

Luo Momo turned to look at her, her eyes darkening slightly.

[Go to clean the lounge after school. 】

—This message, sent twenty minutes ago, received a reply.

She said:

[I have an appointment after school, no time. 】

Short six words, not shy about using Qin Huai as a shield.

Where is the interference?

Sheng Yi was on the side of the basketball court, frowning nervously at the phone. The jacket was put on the seat next to him, and the water he picked up while looking at the phone was held in the palm of his hand. At this moment, he suddenly had no desire to quench his thirst.

Everyone on the field waited for him for a long time and urged: "Sheng Yi?"

Disturbed, Sheng also threw mineral water and mobile phone on the clothes. The ball was thrown far away, he turned to catch it, and immediately entered the state.

Several people surrounded him in an instant, Sheng Yi's eyes flashed with anger, and he dribbled the ball quickly like lightning, throwing away the surrounding opponents.

In an instant, he reached the stop, he jumped high, and the ball in his palm dunked into the basket.


The rebounds and rims shook violently.