MTL - I Thought I Got the Redemption Script-Chapter 32

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Senior sister made the clothes.

For a long time, she put down the half-made clothes for Xiaobai, and thoughtfully said: "You are right."

The magic of nature.

Manpower is invincible after all, so what does this have to do with her weak beastmaster and their equally weak master?

After all, the beastmaster is just a tasteless profession in the eyes of other monks, the beastmaster family has fallen, and the orthodox beastmaster has long been lost. Who can believe that there are still beastmasters now? Like thousands of years ago, a single command can drive thousands of troops?

What a miracle of nature.

Nature is so powerful, then if so...

One day later, several families who had united to besiege the Mo family, and bad news came one after another.

First of all, the Zhao clan, who first proposed to besiege the Mo family, started by supplying raw materials for the food repair large "food for the sky". This year, two-thirds of the Zhao family's money has been spent on farming scallops.

However, just when the head of the Zhao family was sneaking up to the brothel, the disciples of the family ran over crying, and before the head of the Zhao family was angry, they said tearfully that the scallops they raised had run away.

The head of the Zhao family clapped the table and stood up, angry: "Run?!"

The disciple cried: "Patriarch! You can think of a way! All the scallops on the four islands ran clean overnight!"

At this time, the head of the Zhao family didn't know what the "clean" method was until he went to the island and saw the clean island with no shells left.

His expression was blank, and he muttered: "Run... how did you run?"

The disciple said: "It...has legs, so it just ran away."

After a pause, the disciple suddenly sighed: "This may be the elusive nature of nature."

Homeowner: "…"

Then there is a homemaker who mainly produces all kinds of coral jewelry.

That night, a group of demonized starfish suddenly floated along the ocean current on the reef where they raised coral...

So on the second day, the head of the Wen family just woke up when he heard his eldest son say in horror: "Not good! All our corals were eaten by starfish!"

The head of the Wen family: "…"

He felt that there might be something wrong with the way he woke up.

What was eaten? Eat what?

In the end, the two families who suffered heavy losses together felt that something was not right.

First, the Song family was destroyed by monsters, and then something happened to their family.

This makes it difficult to think about the Mo family.

The two families found the Mo family.

The head of the Mo family, the father of Mo Hanli, is a physique of 1.95 meters tall and full of tendon flesh.

Big Brother Tixiu listened to the two people in front of them, one of them saying that the scallops ran away, and one of them said in tears that the coral was eaten by the starfish, and his face was stunned.

The eldest brother, who did nothing, felt that these two were just messing around.

He said angrily: "Did your family's scallops run away from our house? Or did our Mo family bite your coral? Are you sick!"

The two wanted to argue again, and a group of men and women who were over 1.8 meters in height came out.

A junior of the Mo family raised his hand to wipe the sweat, lit his arm that was thicker than the other's thigh, and showed a kind smile: "What's the matter with the two of you?"

Two people: "No, no."

After the two of them left in despair, the Mo family blew up.

The juniors said with excitement: "The two immortal scallops really ran away? Are the corals really eaten?"

The head of the Mo family scratched his head: "Could it be that this is really karma?"

He wrote to his daughter about the miracle.

Mo Hanli took the letter: "Ah this..."

She was also confused: "Is it really karma?"

The passing eldest sister chuckled softly and said softly: "No, this is all a miracle of nature."

And for now, these are all for the time being.

At this moment, Yu Que only saw his big sister stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, not knowing what interesting things came to her mind.

Yu Que asked, "Sister, what's the matter?"

Senior Sister picked up the unfinished clothes again, and said casually: "Nothing..."

Then she changed the subject and asked casually, "By the way, what clothes did you make for Xiao Ha?"

She was asking casually, but Yu Que proudly showed her the unfinished clothes, begging for praise.

Senior Sister looked silent.

Originally, she thought that Yu Que would continue her aesthetic that the more flowers the better, and continue to make her flowery dresses.

However, when she saw that Yu Que did not choose those colorful fabrics, she chose simple black and white, she felt a little relieved, thinking that Yu Que finally gave up her aesthetic .

But now...

After a while, she asked calmly, "What is this?"

Yu Que said with a fantastic smile: "It's called a maid outfit."

Black skirt, white apron, pleats, bow, lace.


It's not bad, but...

She was silent for a while, then asked: "Do all the maids of the Yu family wear this kind of clothes?"

The old thing that Yu Que said beautiful.

She shook her head: "No, that old thing doesn't deserve it!"

Senior sister didn't get into why this dress had to be called a maid skirt, but stared at it for a long time, and suddenly realized: "But, Xiao...Xiao Ha, he is a male dog, A maid skirt... it sounds like it's for girls."

Yu Que: "Also, the boy wears a maid outfit..." She didn't know what to think, and suddenly smiled: "Isn't that better!"

Senior Sister: “…”

Yu Que looked at Senior Sister with bright eyes: "What do you think?"

Senior sister was silent for a moment, then said lightly: "When this dress is ready, call me when you put it on for Xiao Ha."

Yu Que nodded immediately with a look of "I understand".

In the evening, Yu Que and senior sister packed up and went to the banquet of the wife.

Firstly, to celebrate Canghaizong finally sending the money after two days of inkblotting, Shi Niang and Yu Que each made a fortune, and secondly, to celebrate her successful dissolution of the engagement.

In fact, after the news of the accident in the Song family came, the mistress felt that it was immoral to hold a banquet while others were in an accident, and she wanted to cancel it.

But Yu Que didn't do it, she didn't forget the fate of the teacher in the original book.

She asked directly: "Sister Mo, tell the truth, they are unlucky, are you happy?"

Mo Hanliu thought of the secret and secret operations of those people since the engagement, and honestly said, "I'm a little happy."

Yu Que said earnestly: "So, we not only have to drink, but also drink a lot, wouldn't it be more exciting to dance on the grave!"

So tonight, Yu Que led many graves to dance.

She even hugged Xiao Ha.

Xiao Ha has been avoiding her for the past two days. She was dragged over by her, and she was also a little absent-minded.

Yu Que looked at Xiao Ha thoughtfully.

The night of Xiaoha and Xiaobai is still vivid in my mind.

Although the big sister explained that things are not what she thought, but, after all, he is an adult dog, and it is time to start a family and start a business. No... It's time to think about a little bitch?

Yu Que thinks he has enlightened!

So from the beginning of drinking until midnight, Yu Que didn't even touch a few glasses of wine, and kept observing Xiao Ha without a trace.

Xiao Zhuo: “…”

He always thought she wanted to do something, but he had no proof!

Don't ask, it's just his experience of being tricked for so long!

Xiao Zhuoken was carried over by Yu Que for the sake of the Valley Master of the Medicine King who had also been entertained, but being stared at by Yu Que, he abruptly failed to find a chance to approach the Valley Master of the Medicine King.

And the feast is almost over.

He couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Yan Xingzhou, who had not spoken much, said that it was late at night, he could send the little junior sister back, and by the way, the Valley Master of the Medicine King Valley.

Master looked at them and nodded: "Be careful on the road."

So Yan Xingzhou left with a half-drunk and half-sober Valley Master and a little junior sister.

Xiao Zhuo followed up subconsciously.

The Valley Master of Yaowang Valley is drunk and talks a lot. He has been saying that he is worth the trip. Not only did he succeed in the Canghai Sect, but each of their teachers and sects were talented and very harmonious. his appetite.

Yan Xingzhou seemed to be chatting, and said casually: "The owner of the valley has not seen a brother of mine, his surname is Xiao."

The owner of the valley thought for a while: "Xiao... Well, I brought a patient some time ago, also surnamed Xiao."

Yan Xingzhou was surprised: "This surname is not common, maybe it is someone familiar to my senior brother, Gu Master, what is the name of your patient?"

Xiao Zhuo pricked up his ears subconsciously.

The owner of the valley said lazily: "I only treat diseases, who remembers his name."

Yan Xingzhou smiled: "It must be his disease that can't trouble you, otherwise, if you encounter a disease that can make you powerless, you will not be afraid to remember the patient's name. "

The owner of the valley suddenly laughed when he heard this, and said unceremoniously: "The old man can't cure his disease, but what he has is not a hard disease, but a stupid disease, even if he To die, I was also stupidly killed by myself!"

Yan Xingzhou: "This..."

The owner of the valley didn't give a shit, and said directly: "That idiot, he was a good person, but he died to learn the Yaozu exercises. After half of his studies, he found that something was wrong. Only then did he know that what he was learning was the Yaozu. Yes, now I'm only one step away from the cripple, and I want me to cure it! Ha!"

Yan Xingzhou frowned and said: "The human race learns the demon race, can it be cured?"

Master Gu said with a blank expression: "It can be cured, but I can't."

"After all, in his situation, he either waits to die, or completely turns into a demon, a human becomes a demon... Oh, where can I find him a demon strong enough to fit his demon veins."

Humans can become demons by using the demon veins of the demon clan.

How could the Valley Master of Yaowang Valley lose the last Qingming to do such a thing.

Yan Xingzhou and Guzhu were still chatting, but Xiao Zhuo felt that he couldn't hear anything.

He was struck by lightning.

In his last life, he didn't understand until he killed Xiao Yan.

Now, the truth is placed in front of her without warning.

Monster Clan exercises, demon veins.

He has always known that he is the product of his father and a demon woman who had a romantic night. They may have fallen in love, but this is not enough for a demon to let go of his hometown, and it is not enough for a monk to marry A monster.

When his mother left, he left behind him and a copy of the Monster Race.

Xiao Zhuo can choose to be a demon and learn that exercise, but in his previous life he wanted to be a human.

Then he never saw that exercise again.

So Xiao Yan... Did you learn that exercise by mistake?

No, maybe it's not a misunderstanding, he has mediocre aptitude, if he wants to become a demon...

Then of course he finds a suitable one that fits his demon vein.

There is nothing more suitable than the demon veins on his body.

It's just that he probably didn't expect that in his previous life, even if he "fornicated with the demon clan", so many monks would not be able to catch him.

He may not have imagined that Xiao Zhuo would dare to break into the demon clan so alone.

The truth was revealed, but Xiao Zhuo suddenly felt dull.

I just don't know if he, the younger brother, asked this accidentally, or...

He looked thoughtfully at the younger brother in front of him.

At this time, Yu Que was also looking at Xiao Zhuo thoughtfully, not knowing what he was like.

She looked unpredictable, and the system couldn't help thinking more.

Did Yu Que guess something?

But it shouldn't, because of space constraints, the original book on how the demon emperor entered the demon world was not written carefully at all!

It tentatively: "Host, what are you looking at?"

Yu Que pondered.

The system is anxious and so on.

Then it heard Yu Que suddenly say: "Look at Xiao Ha's waist, I always think he is thin, should the waistline of the maid dress be reduced a bit?"

System: "…"

It said indifferently: "Oh."

Yu Que: "Also."

The system didn't come up in one breath, but raised her heart again.

Yu Que frowned and said: "Look at how much Xiao Ha's expression has changed in a while, is it really a boy who is a teenager with a change of mood? Should I hurry up and find him a little bitch? ?"

System: "…"

What is it expecting?

Oh, it can also expect Yu Que to find a little **** for the demon emperor.

So the next day, the system watched as Yu Que, carrying everyone behind his back, sneaked down the mountain and ran to the dog market.

Yu Que has a selection at the dog market!

The system looked at her with a bewildered expression and commented that the dog was too small, and that dog would not bury it.

It said stiffly: "Did you...really find a little **** for Xiaoha?"

Yu Que looked serious: "I am against arranged marriages!"

The system breathed a sigh of relief.

Yu Que: "So I decided to bring Xiao Ha directly, he wants to have a blind date!"

System: "..." Ah, ah, ah, stop! Do you know what you are doing! !

Yu Que didn't know, she ran back excitedly.

When he ran to the foot of the mountain, Yu Que suddenly saw a big pure white dog outside a forest.

Yu Que originally thought it was Xiaobai, but was about to go up to say hello, only to find that she was a circle smaller than Xiaobai, and she was also a little bitch.

She still has blue eyes!


Yu Que was instantly conquered by these eyes!

When did you get such a good looking dog here!

Yu Que looked at the white dog, then thought about Xiao Ha's appearance, and suddenly wanted to be a match.

She immediately said to the little bitch: "Wait, I'll find a handsome guy for you to see!"

She ran back excitedly!

System Weak: "Host..."

Yu Que: "Wait!"


It is equal, but the one you are looking for is your sister's contract beast! He and Xiaobai were born together!

Yu Que didn't listen. After she went back, she took out the clothes she just made.

Maid outfit!

She is sure that Xiao Ha wearing this dress on a blind date will absolutely shock the audience!

Therefore, when Xiao Zhuo's thoughts were still in his mind when he suddenly learned the truth, Yu Que picked him up without warning and put clothes on him.

Xiao Zhuo's face was stunned, Yu Que was moving too fast, he had no idea what she was putting on.

He thought it was the same colorful clothes as before.

And he...under the constant torture of Yu Que, he has long been accustomed to that kind of clothes.

So he didn't even struggle this time.

Yu Que was dressed very smoothly, hugged him and walked out.

Xiao Zhuo began to feel wrong.

Where is this going?

He looked at Yu Que with a dazed expression and took him to a small wood at the bottom of the mountain, stopped suddenly, and said earnestly: "Xiao Ha, I found a white and beautiful blind date for you. , you must seize the opportunity!"

Xiao Zhuo: “…”

What is beautiful? What a blind date!

Wait! Isn't he a dog in Yu Que's eyes, a dog's blind date...

Yu Que stepped into the woods.

Then Xiao Zhuo saw... a white and beautiful dog.

This dog...isn't this a contract beast of Senior Sister!

Wait, you got it wrong!

Xiao Zhuo struggled frantically.

Yu Que held down his struggle and said with a smile: "This is Xiao Ha, the handsome dog I got for you, look at how he is, if you think it's good , why don't you have a blind date and another date?"

The little white dog didn't know whether he understood or not, and looked at her with his head tilted.

Xiao Zhuo: Wait…

Yu Que: "If you agree..."

Xiao Zhuo: Wait! This dog she...

Yu Que: "Let's start!"


A giant black beast with a height of one person jumped out of nowhere and looked at Yu Que coldly.

The little white dog barked cutely and leaned against his leg happily.

The giant beast licked her gently and looked at Yu Que... and Xiao Zhuo coldly.

Xiao Zhuo: She has a partner for this dog...

Yu Que was stunned, and when he released his hand, Xiao Zhuo fell off.

Xiao Zhuo looked at the giant beast in front of him with a numb face.

After a while, he suddenly let out a long sigh, picked up Yuque and ran!

I ran all the way, got rid of the giant beast, and ran back to the mountain.

He ran directly back to Yu Que's yard, put her down again, and looked at her silently.

Yu Que was stunned.

She never thought, she just wanted to have a blind date, how could it turn into a life-and-death chase.

Oh yes, that beautiful dog has a husband.

Damn! She didn't mean to be a tauren!

Xiao Zhuo was still a normal beast at this time, and his lungs were about to explode.

He looked at Yu Que speechlessly.

He thinks, he probably won't want children in his life.

He really doesn't want to experience the taste of raising a bear child again.

However, seeing Yu Que's frightened appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted.

He was thinking about whether to comfort her or not, when Yu Que suddenly came back to his senses and said, "Little Ha! You can save me in this situation! We really did Master and servant love!"

Xiao Zhuo: "..." He didn't want to save him instantly.

"So." Yu Que put down his hands covering his eyes, and looked at Xiao Zhuo eagerly, with anticipation on his face.

Xiao Zhuo felt numb in her scalp.

Yu Que: "Change for me!"

Xiao Zhuo: "..." What? What has changed? What?

What's up with him...

The next moment, Xiao Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran frantically!

Yu Que reacted quickly, pounced on him and grabbed his tail: "Quick, quick! Change me!"

Xiao Zhuo is going crazy.

Let him go! Become a big head of you! His demonization is almost over!

He is really going to change!

The next moment, a white light flashed in front of Yu Que's eyes, causing her to close her eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, where Xiao Ha was standing in front of her... Suddenly a handsome guy about 1.8 meters appeared.

Yu Que: "!!"

She opened her mouth slowly.

She looked at the handsome guy with a bewildered expression.

The handsome guy looked at her with a bewildered expression.

Finally, Yu Que's gaze involuntarily fell on the handsome guy's chest.

The miniature maid costume made by Yu Que was tightly stuck on the other side's chest muscles.

Incomparably full.

Yu Que recognized the person in front of her with her maid outfit.

She is incredible, unbelievable!

In the sight of the other party who hesitated to speak, Yu Que murmured: "... Really changed?"

Xiao Zhuo: “…”

Let him die!

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