MTL - I Thought I Was Straight-Chapter 63 Teacher, don't do this ① (catch insects)

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After completing another task, Yang Ge returned to the transfer station, Eggy asked him very caringly if he needed to take a rest.

Yan Ge said: "Are you resting here? There's not even a TV, what are you resting for?"

Okay, the host loves work so much, it's not easy for Eggy to dampen his enthusiasm. He said: "Okay, we are going to go to the next mission world soon, host, do you have any requirements for your new image identity?"

"I don't have any demands." Yang Ge said calmly, "Even robots will fall in love. I don't want to struggle anymore."

"Host, have you broken the pot yet, host?" Eggy said with full of sympathy, "Host, if you want to open it up, at least you won the mental damage fee for yourself."

This is probably the only comfort in his heart...

Eggy said: "Is there really no requirement? Then I will choose randomly."

"Wait." Yan Ge interrupted Eggy, he said: "I want a face that the male supporting role can't refuse."

Eggy nodded, "Kuo Yi."

Yan Ge: "I want to be the most accessible male supporting role."

Eggy nodded, "Kuo Yi."

Yan Ge: "I want a male supporting role with the most irresistible power."

Eggy: "... Kuoyi."

"Okay, that's it." Yan Ge said, "Let's go."

Yan Ge opened his eyes and found himself lying on a huge bed. He thought about the identity information of this body carefully, and was shocked when he thought about it.

Yan Ge is now the male lead's twin brother, yes, the one who looks exactly the same. The male protagonist is the male protagonist's classmate, and the male supporting actor who needs a strategy is their teacher.

Although Yan Ge and the male protagonist Shou are twin brothers, he is a genius. He returned from university abroad when he was a teenager. After that, he started his own business and is now the president of a well-known technology company.

Yang Ge covered his face with his hands. What kind of magical Mary Su character design is this?

"Host." Eggy said, "This is an identity created entirely according to your requirements."

Yan Ge looked at him in disbelief, "Since when did I have such a request?"

Eggy said: "First of all, you want a face that the male lead can't refuse. May I ask, is there any face in this world that the male lead can't refuse more than the face that the male lead accepts?"

"..." Yan Ge: "All right, what about the others?"

Eggy said again: "You want the identity that is the easiest to get close to the male supporting role. May I ask, is there any identity in this world that makes the male supporting role feel closer than the identity of the male lead's brother?"

"...Yes." Yan Ge said, "For example, the male supporting brother's brother."

"Host, how can you do this?" Eggy said with inexplicable excitement in his righteous words: "Now all major websites have banned brothers/□□."

Yan Ge didn't know what to say, so he asked again: "Then what's the matter with my status as a crazy, cool and tyrannical character?"

"You want the most irresistible power for a male supporting role." Eggy blinked innocently, "But the male lead in the original plot is relatively ordinary by his parents, so I can only let you criticize it yourself."

Yan Ge: "..."

The hero Yan Yang was talking on the phone with his classmates in the downstairs living room. At this moment, Yan Ge came down from the stairs. The sound of the top handmade custom-made leather shoes colliding with the floor made Yan Yang tense up all over. He immediately hung up the phone, and when he turned around, he saw his brother coming downstairs.

Although his elder brother was only born a few minutes earlier than him, Yan Yang was afraid of him since he was a child. His elder brother's excellence is beyond his reach. He has already started a company before he graduated from university. The overly precocious elder brother has always had a serious expression, making Yan Yang daunted.

When Yan Ge went downstairs, he immediately saw the younger brother of the cheap hero who was looking at him with inexplicable fear. He said, "What are you doing here?"

"Ah... I, I'll call and call my classmates." Yan Yang felt that his tongue was **** when he spoke.

Yan Ge knew at a glance that he was lying, and he said to Yan Yang, "When will you go back to school?"

Yan Yang: "Tomorrow..."

"Didn't you say you want to travel?" Yang Ge said, "Why don't you go?"

"No money." Yan Yang said weakly: "Is there still time, it's not easy to ask for leave."

Yan Ge said in his heart that God helped me, and he immediately said: "Money is not a problem, I can give it to you. Time is not a problem either, I can ask for leave for you."

Yan Yang looked at Yan Ge flattered, when did my brother love me so much?

He excitedly said: "Really?"

"Really." Yan Ge squeezed out a loving smile and said, "But you have to promise me not to come back too early, and you must have fun before you come back."

"En!" Yan Yang was moved to tears, "Brother, you are so kind!"

"Of course, let's go now." Yan Ge took out a card and gave it to him, "Swipe whatever you want."

Seeing Yan Yang happily preparing to go on a trip, Yan Ge began to sort out the plot.

Yan Yang and Li Yu are childhood sweethearts. The two separated in middle school and reunited in college. The friendship between the two naturally sublimated. The supporting actor, Lin Rui, is Yan Yang's professional teacher, but he never forgot your face just because he took one more look at you in the crowd.

In short, as a teacher, Lin Rui involuntarily had sinful feelings towards his students. After he found out that Yan Yang had someone he liked, he didn't dare to show his feelings, and became a dog licking without expecting anything in return. . It's just that licking the dog until the end has nothing, and licking until the finale Yan Yang didn't choose him.

This Yan Ge doesn't understand, this Lin Rui is young and very promising, why is he willing to be a licking dog?

Eggy said: "It's not because of his personality."

All right, Yan Ge nodded, if he understood how to do the task, he wouldn't have to worry about it so much.

The next day Yan Yang set off under his brother's loving eyes. After he left, Yan Ge sneaked into Yan Yang's room and changed into Yan Yang's clothes... He thought he was so coquettish...

Then he looked in the mirror, and the self in the mirror had the exact same face as Yan Yang, and was wearing the exact same clothes. Except that the eyes are not as silly and sweet as Yan Yang, they are almost exactly the same as Yan Yang.

Yan Ge squinted his eyes and tried to make a silly look. He didn't know if Lin Rui would find out. If he found out, he could only take a step forward.

The way Yan Ge asked Yan Yang for leave was not to ask for leave, he went to school directly instead of Yan Yang, so that he would not be absent from class. He drove a luxury car and parked next to the school, then got down and walked in. Walking in the school, surrounded by young students, Yan Ge felt that his vicissitudes of life were a little younger.

He was looking for a classroom according to Yan Yang's schedule, and when he was wandering in the corridor, he was slapped **** the back. When Yan Ge turned his head, he saw a youthful but unfamiliar face. He frowned and thought carefully about who this person might be. That person reached out and rubbed his head again, and said with a smile, "You are stupid? Didn't you say you were going on a trip? Why are you back at school?"

Yan Ge looked at this person, and carefully recalled this person's attitude towards him just now, he said a little uncertainly: "Li Yu?"

"What's the matter?" Li Yu said, "It's almost time for class, why don't you go in?"

Oh my god, it's really Li Yu, didn't he go on a trip with Yan Yang? How did it appear here? Where did Yan Yang go?

With his many years of acting skills, Yan Ge didn't show too much shock. He said to Li Yu: "Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

After finishing speaking, Yan Ge walked to a corner and called Yan Yang. The voice of Yan Yang on the other end of the phone was unusually cheerful, "Crooked? What's the matter, bro?"

"Where are you?" Yan Ge immediately said, "What did you do?"

"I'm traveling." Yan Yang said inexplicably, "Brother, don't you know?"

Yan Ge: "Are you traveling alone?"

"Yes." Yan Yang was even more puzzled.

Yan Ge was about to collapse, "Aren't are you alone? Don't you want to travel with someone?" For example, your sweetheart Li Yu.

"I just want to travel alone." Yan Yang said: "Being able to walk around alone is something I have always wanted to do."

Yan Ge stretched out his hand to scratch his hair, "I remember you have... a very good guy named Li Yu? Why don't you go with him?"

Was his hint obvious enough?

In the end, Yan Yang said: "Brother, don't mention him, I have already broken up with him."

What is the position of breaking up? Yan Ge hung up the phone in a daze, and Li Yu came up again, "Who are you calling?"

"Stay away from me." Yan Ge said with a cold face, "We have already broken off friendship."

Li Yu's face turned bitter, "Don't be angry, let me apologize to you, okay?"

Yan Ge ignored him, and he didn't know why Li Yu and Yan Yang had a conflict. In short, his purpose of coming to the school in place of Yan Yang this time was only for Lin Rui, and he didn't want to care about anything else.

Yan Ge found a seat in the back row and sat down, and Li Yu sat beside him. From the moment he sat down, he bombarded him in various ways. After one class, Yan Ge's ears were ringing, and he didn't even know if the teacher spoke during class.

"Stay away from me! Can't you understand human speech?" Yan Ge stared at Li Yu angrily, "Get lost!"

Li Yu is also a young boy, he has never been treated like this before, his expression immediately became serious and said: "I have already explained to you about that matter, apologized to you, and coaxed you, so you really Do you want to be so heartless?"

Yan Ge was terribly conflicted, and he didn't want to destroy the relationship between the two male leads, so he said: "Let's talk about it after a while, I don't want to talk to you these days."

Li Yu said: "How long is it after a while?"

Yan Ge counted, Yan Yang should be back in half a month, so he said: "Half a month, let's talk about it in half a month."

After finishing speaking, Yan Ge turned his head and left, Li Yu was behind him with a broken heart, how could anyone want to be quiet for half a month? Is he going to break up with himself completely?

Yan Yang, who is traveling, has been waiting for Li Yu's call. Although he is very angry, he is still reluctant to break up. He just wanted Li Yu to explain, apologize and coax him well, but he didn't even call him when he didn't go to school today? What does it mean? Has he decided to give up?

Yan Ge walked irritably, Eggy reminded: "Pay attention, the target person is right ahead."

As soon as Yan Ge looked up, he saw a young man in a gray windbreaker standing in front of him. He is tall and straight with fair skin, and wearing glasses because of myopia, he looks refined and refined.

This is exactly the kind of man I like...

Bah bah, I don't like men!

Lin Rui walked towards Yan Ge, seeing the irritability on Yan Ge's face, he said worriedly: "I just saw that you and Li Yu seemed to be arguing, is there any conflict?"

Just as Yan Ge wanted to say that there was no contradiction, he thought this is a good opportunity. So he immediately made a dejected expression, and said, "Teacher..."

Lin Rui panicked, and Yan Ge said, "I want to watch a movie."

"Oh, I'll go with you." Lin Rui thought how sad he was, and offered to accompany him to the movies.

Li Yu, who silently followed Yan Ge, saw this step, his broken heart was further reduced to powder, and he sent a text message to Yan Yang: "Let's stop there."

Yan Yang, who was in the car, finally waited for news from Li Yu, but what he waited for was this sentence, a bolt from the blue!

Yan Yang clenched his fists on the train and shouted, "You scumbag!"

This roar startled everyone in this carriage, Yan Yang knew that he was ashamed, so he quickly retracted his head and covered his face with a hat, so sad that he had no face to face others.

After Li Yu sent this message, he felt a little regretful, and immediately sent another message to Yan Yang, "Are you lying to me when you said that you will come back to you in half a month?"

The result showed that he had been blocked, Li Yu: "..."

Lin Rui drove Yang Ge to the cinema. He looked at the posters and found that they were all sci-fi, horror and suspense films, and none of them were about healing. Yan Yang is sad now, he should watch some soothing and healing videos. Lin Rui was a little embarrassed and asked Yan Ge, "What do you want to see?"

Yan Ge saw the huge dinosaur on the poster at a glance, he liked to watch this kind of movie, so he said, "Let's watch Jurassic World 3."

Lin Rui glanced at the mouth of an unknown species of dinosaur on the poster, and nodded silently.

This movie was really exciting, Yan Ge watched it with gusto, and when he got out of the movie theater, he didn't have the sad look on his face before. Lin Rui always felt that something was wrong, but he still suggested, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

"Okay." Yan Ge nodded and said, "I know there's a pretty good restaurant nearby."

Lin Rui felt even more wrong. Yan Yang had always treated him politely and unwillingly. What happened today?

Lin Rui, who never watched Gou Xue novels and TV series, never thought that the person in front of him was no longer his favorite Yan Yang, and he didn't know that Yan Yang had a twin brother.

The two went to the restaurant and ordered two steaks, while Yan Ge ordered a bottle of wine.

The waiter poured wine for the two of them, and Yan Ge picked up the glass and said, "Have a drink."

Lin Rui can't drink very well, but at this moment he is more worried about Yan Yang, "It's better not to drink."

As soon as the words were finished, Yang Ge raised his head and gulped it down, then said, "I've done it, you can do whatever you want."

Lin Rui: "..."

How could he be casual in this situation, so Lin Rui could only follow suit. After finishing the work, Yan Ge continued for him immediately, Lin Rui said: "I really can't..."

Yan Ge drank another gulp, "I **** you as you like!"

Lin Rui: "..."

Just like this, the two of them drank a bottle of wine, which was nothing to Yan Ge, but Lin Rui was already on the verge of losing his mind. His fair and delicate face was flushed, and he completely forgot that he was driving here.

Seeing him like this, Yan Ge smiled, and he settled the bill and helped Lin Rui go out to take a taxi.

Lin Rui leaned on Yan Ge, staring at Yang Ge's profile obsessively, and Yan Ge said, "Teacher, where do you live?"

Lin Rui: "@#¥%…&*"

"What? Speak louder." Yan Ge: "Where do you live?"

Lin Rui: "I like you so much..."

"Okay." Yan Ge directly asked the driver to drive the car to his home, since Yan Yang was not at home anyway, he was alone at home.

Lin Rui's drinking capacity is really bad, and Yan Ge was afraid that he would vomit on himself while helping him upstairs. But fortunately, the wine is not bad, and he can talk nonsense at most when he is drunk.

Looking at Lin Rui lying on his bed, Yan Ge originally wanted to cook the raw rice directly, but he had to do it later. But his rationality tells him that it is wrong to do so, you have to remember the fact that deep down you are still a straight man.

Lin Rui, who was lying in his clothes, suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Yang Ge onto the bed, then kissed him twice on the face.

After only two bites, he let go of Yan Ge, and then shed tears of regret, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like this..."

"Yes." Yan Ge said, "Teacher, what are you doing? Why did you take off my clothes?"

As he spoke, he took off Lin Rui's coat, and then he said, "Teacher, what are you doing? Why are you taking off my pants?"

As he spoke, he took off Lin Rui's pants, and then he said, "Teacher, how could you do this? Why did you touch me?"

As he spoke, he lowered his head and kissed Lin Rui's Adam's apple...

When Lin Rui woke up, he felt pain all over his body. He stretched out his hand and patted his head. He recalled that he seemed to be eating with Yan Yang before. Why did he wake up from the bed now?

As soon as he moved on the bed, he encountered a smooth and warm body.

Lin Rui shook his body, turned his head in disbelief, and saw the face he had been thinking about day and night beside him.

His mind went blank for a moment, and he reached out to touch the bed. He wasn't wearing anything, and he wasn't wearing anything either.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the feeling at this time is thunderous, why is it like this? How did it develop to this point?

Lin Rui desperately began to recall what happened before, and vaguely remembered that Yan Yang asked him where he lived in the car, and then he seemed to say sorry and should not treat you like this...

Then Yan Yang said why did you take off my clothes, why did you take off my pants, why did you touch...

God! So it turns out that he did something inferior to a beast when he was drunk?

But why is my back hurting? Did the drunk self even change this?