MTL - I Transmigrated Into A Divorce And Remarried A Hunter Husband-Chapter 388 , here comes He Hong

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  Chapter 388, Hehong is here

  Now she doesn't teach.

  In the future, letting outsiders come to teach is when they will suffer a lot.

  Han Qiao was reluctant.

   "Although you know you are wrong, you still have to learn a lesson. Mother punished you to go over there and stand for a cup of tea. Go."

  The two children obediently went to face the wall and think about their mistakes.

  I didn’t remember anything else, but I remembered that I can’t touch my parents’ things at will, and I can’t touch other people’s things.

  Han Qiao sat on the side, drinking tea with them.

  Heng Yi came from Telford, seeing this scene, he glanced at A Yao.

  Painted distressedly, but did not ask A Yao to come over, sat beside Han Qiao, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Stirring around on my dressing table, knocking over a bottle of pearl powder and smashing it into pieces. The two kids knew they were wrong. Ayao caught a rice field eel and went to make amends to me. I accepted it. The punishment I deserved cannot be missed. "

   "It's not that pearl powder is so expensive, I just want them to understand that it's not allowed to tamper with adults' things, and it's even more forbidden to touch other people's things when they go out in the future."

  Smallness is one thing, rules are another.

  Han Qiao pulled Heng Yi to sit down, "Don't feel sorry for them. I'm teaching them now to love them. If you really ignore them and pamper them blindly, you will harm them."

   "Our family background is here. If there are no rules, it will be a disaster in the future. Thinking of a good child being raised and abandoned, I feel very sad."

  She didn't dare to think that if such a well-behaved and lovely child were to be a good person, he would not only be worthy of those who followed him, but more importantly, they would be worthy of themselves throughout their entire lives.

  Heng Yi kept looking at the two children.

  The two children also looked at him. Seeing that Heng Yi was silent, they hurriedly looked at Han Qiao.

  See Han Qiao frowning.

   They turned their heads away in fright, concentrating on facing the wall and thinking about their mistakes.

   I absolutely dare not move anymore.

   Wait until a cup of tea is over.

  He Cheng wanted more, A Yao threw himself into Heng Yi's arms and cried out.

  Heng Yi's heart aches.

  But he still heard the sound to coax him, "Do you know what's wrong?"

   Ayao nodded vigorously.

  Heng Yi took the handkerchief handed over by Shulan, and wiped his face, "Your mother did it for your own good, you broke my mother's things, have you apologized?"

  A Yao froze for a moment, then choked up, "Mother, I'm sorry."

  Han Qiao rubbed his head, "Just know it's wrong."

  He Cheng also apologized, "Mother, I'm sorry, I won't bring my younger brother to rummaging through things in the future."

  Han Qiao also rubbed his head, "Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference."

  The child can only play for a few days, and in a few days he will be able to read and write.

  Han Qiao pulled the two children to her side and told them the rules.

  "No matter when you do things, you must pay attention to the rules. Without rules, you can't get along."

   "In the future, whether it is walking in the rivers and lakes, entering the court, or entering the military camp, there will be rules and regulations."

  Han Qiao sighed slightly, "Mother will tell you slowly later."

  Today is A Yao's first birthday, and Han Qiao couldn't bear to keep training him.

   After saying a few words, let him play with He Cheng.

   After the two children ran away for a while, laughter came over.

  Heng Yi laughed helplessly, "The child is still young, teach him slowly."


  Han Qiao loves when she should love, and she must be punished for making mistakes.

  For a child who has been loved and grown up, the penalty of standing is already very serious.

  However, children are also very forgetful, and they will forget about being punished after a while, but they will know not to touch adults' things or other people's things.

  Aunt Zhao brought the cook to cook the dinner, and Han Qiao cooked longevity noodles for A Yao.

  The whole family sits together, and each person gets a bowl, and Han Qiao feeds A Yao.

   Ayao ate bite by bite, today's noodles were extraordinarily delicious.

  A noodle looks so long.

  The most important thing is that the mother feeds him.

  From the time he was able to eat by himself, he took a spoon and ate it bite by bite.

  Wow wow wow wow, eat happily bite by bite.

   "Is it delicious?" Han Qiao asked.

   Ayao nodded vigorously.

   After eating noodles and a few sips of soup, my stomach is full.

  He Cheng pulled Han Qiao's sleeve, "Mother, when is my birthday? I also want Mother to feed me longevity noodles."

  Han Qiao was a little surprised.

  He doesn't remember when He Cheng was born, but Baicha should know.

   "Mother will arrange it for you then."

   "Yeah." He Cheng was overjoyed.

  Dengdengdeng ran to find Ayao to play.

  Han Qiao asked Bai Cha after he had finished his meal, "Do you know when Cheng'er's birthday is?"

   "It seems to be the twentieth of the winter month. When he was born, it was already cold."

  Han Qiao remembered it in her heart, thinking that she would also give it to He when the twenty-first day of the winter moon came.

  He wants to eat longevity noodles, so she cooks for him.

  In the next few days, Han Qiao will be very busy. First, I will tidy up the whole house, and clean up all the unsightly things.

  After tidying up, the house looked much cleaner and more atmospheric, and all the corners and corners were removed, she was afraid that the child would fall and touch it.

   Some corners are wrapped with cotton cloth.

  She doesn't have the ability to predict the future, she just wants to worry about the sky, and think of bad things first, just in case.

  Ayao, He Cheng, and Wen Yu's boys are all boys. Boys are energetic and like to fight.

  After tidying up the house, the servants respected Han Qiao even more.

  Don't look at her looking gentle and gentle, but she has her own thoughts and opinions in doing things. No one can change the things she decides.

  After the house was tidied up, Han Qiao went to Heng Yi, Bai Cha and the others to buy those shops.

   "You can't fill your own pockets."

   She still has money to buy these dozen shops.

  After the shop was transferred to Han Qiao's name, she started recruiting people.

  I also bought a few nearby to open a pharmacy.

  Han Qiao took people out, and she found that people from a distant village came to sell vegetables and some chickens, ducks and geese raised at home.

   Several shops have opened.

   "It seems that someone is earlier than us." Han Qiao laughed.

   There are two rice shops and a grocery store, and there is actually a coffin and wreath shop in the corner.

   is outrageous.

  If a small town wants to prosper, all kinds of shops are indispensable.

   "There are still a few food shops over there."

  Han Qiao looks like buns, steamed buns, and wonton noodles.

   There is also a fast food restaurant.


   "This is pretty good. Only when a hundred flowers bloom can we be more prosperous, and it also makes us more stressed."

  Whether it’s a fast food restaurant or a restaurant, what is just one restaurant?

   And when there are more and more soldiers in the barracks on the opposite side, this side will be more prosperous.

   All kinds of food, street stalls will have business.


At the barracks, more and more people came to join the army, especially those with a little ability and ambition. Everyone started from scratch, and after half a month, they would have the opportunity to be promoted, even though they were only acting team leaders. , Acting captain, hope anyway.

  Li Zhao went to the barracks after he bought the house next door, and the house was full of housekeepers.

  By the time Han Qiao’s fast food restaurant opened, it was already the fifth day of October.

  In the barracks, the first batch of acting team leaders have been confirmed.

   Among them are Li Zhao, Han Dacheng, Han Dayong and others.

   And the daily training is harder than before at the Han family.

  Ninety percent of the boys that Han Qiao bought in the early days joined the barracks, and 17 of them became acting team leaders.

  The five hundred men all went to join the army. Heng Yi gave them some convenience. They could go home once every five days, stay at home for one night, go to the military camp the next day, and then go home for 10,000 nights.

  As for their wives, Han Qiao arranged work for them, making clothes for the soldiers in the military camp, earning money to supplement the family, and even a little cloth.

  Cloth heads can also add up to make a small purse, make some shoe soles, shoe uppers and so on.

   These Han Qiaos will also be collected by others, and then sold to the barracks.

  They also have money in their hands, and they can buy some items they need at home.

  The shops in the small town were basically sold out within a few days, and even the houses were snapped up.

   There are still some under construction, which are to be rewarded to those soldiers who have done meritorious service in the barracks.

  November 20th, He Cheng's birthday.

  Heng Yi came back early.


  He Cheng wore brand new clothes and ran towards Heng Yi.

   There is another person behind Heng Yi.

  That is Hehong.

  (end of this chapter)