MTL - I Transmigrated Into A Divorce And Remarried A Hunter Husband-Chapter 401 , mother bad

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   "It's just that he is still young, he is still a baby, what does he know?" Jun's voice was gentle.

  Heng Yi heard A Yao crying at the top of his voice, he couldn't sit still.

  Han Qiao raised her hand to hold his hand.

   "Let him cry for a while, this kind of thing of lifting the bowl can only be done once, I really want to spoil him..." Han Qiao also felt distressed.

   This is the child she gave birth to in October, how could she not feel distressed.

   It's just that he's too smart to be restrained.

   If you pamper him again and again, you will raise him to be lawless.

  When a catastrophe is caused, it is too late to regret.

  When he was very young, let him know what rules are.

  There are some things that cannot be done recklessly by relying on youth and ignorance.

  With his background, as long as Heng Yi is capable and does not overturn, the glory can be extended to A Yao.

  Since this is the case, Ayao must be more cautious in his words and deeds, and he must not make any mistakes.

  Jun didn't say any more.

   It's not her child, and she can't interfere.

   "Let's eat." Heng Yi said.

   shook Han Qiao's hand.

   First move the chopsticks to pick up food for Han Qiao.

  The children were silent and didn't dare to make a sound, they only dared to eat obediently.

  He Cheng looked at his parents, not daring to show his anger.

  Outside the dining room, Ayao was crying. After crying for a while, seeing no one came to hug him, he touched his stomach.

  Hungry and uncomfortable.

  He said in his heart: "Hey, just wait a little longer, and when your parents feel sorry for you, he can have a meal."

   It's just that he cried for a while and no one came.

   I cried for a while and still no one came.


  This is not what I expected.

  Because he expected that he could eat the delicious food on the table by flipping the bowl instead of eating a little salty meal.

  Ayao cried a few more times, but still no one came.

  He knew that if he did not admit his mistake tonight, no one would come to hug him.

   "Mother, A Yao is wrong."

   "Mother, Ayao is hungry."

  In the dining room.

  Han Qiao slightly paused the hand holding the chopsticks.

  Heng Yi put down his chopsticks and wanted to get up, but was held back by Han Qiao.

   "Hungry him again." Han Qiao said.

  When you are hungry, you know that you can’t lift the bowl next time, you can eat whatever you know, and you know that his little thoughts can’t be hidden from his parents.

  Heng Yi sat down slowly again, eating bite by bite with chopsticks.

  A Yao cried for a long time, but no one came to comfort him.

  And the older brothers and sisters left through another door after dinner.

  Until Han Qiao and Heng Yi stood in front of him.

   "Father, mother." Ayao was extremely wronged.

  Seeing my parents crying and choking, it's so pitiful.

  Han Qiao reached out to him, "Ayao."

  A Yao grasped it in understanding, "Mother, A Yao is wrong."

  Han Qiao didn't respond, and led him towards the kitchen.

  Heng Yi followed behind.

   In the kitchen, Han Qiao asked someone to cook rice noodles for A Yao.

   "Ayao, look, you have a bowl of rice noodles, just prepare the food and bring it to you when it's cooked, what do you need to do?"

  Although the taste is light, there are many steps.

   Stewed chicken soup, fried rice noodles, ground miscellaneous grains, chopped chicken, vegetables, boiled porridge.

  In addition to less salt and less oil, it also takes time to bring it to A Yao.

  Han Qiao and Heng Yi didn't speak.

  A Yao ate the rice porridge in small bites.

  Crying earlier, he might have been forced to do so, but now he seems to know something is wrong.

   Filling his stomach, Ayao wants to hug him.

   "Daddy, hug."

  Heng Yi hugged him and rubbed his head.

  In his life, there may be only such a drop of blood. He can't afford enough pain and love with his life. Wherever he is willing to let the child cry, his voice is hoarse.

  But he also hopes that the child will be good, sensible and well-behaved, and be a good person, instead of being beaten by everyone and leaving a bad reputation forever.

  Go back to the main courtyard.

  Han Qiao looked at the corner of the yard.

   There used to be a large area of ​​peonies planted there. Although it is bare now, it will be extremely beautiful when the flowers bloom in the warm spring next year.

  After pondering for a while, Han Qiao decided to take A Yao to farm tomorrow.

   But the focus is on the outside, and Ayao can't see it.

   "Shu Lan, go find someone to get two big flower pots to put in the yard, and get some green vegetable seeds."


  Although Shulan didn't know what to do with these? But I still went to order someone to prepare and move here tomorrow.

  Wait for her to enter the room, Heng Yi washed A Yao's face.

  A Yao complained in a low voice, "Mother, bad."