MTL - I Want To Be Qin II-Chapter 1080 Inspect the Chidao Project!

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   Chapter 1080 Patrol the Road Project!

   "This is not a reason!"

   After a while, Yinggao shook his head: "When I left the two alone in Xiazhou, it was because I trusted the ability of the two of them. Others are not at ease, and the father is not at ease."

   "Over the years, Gu and the court's support for Xiazhou has shown a clear inclination in terms of policy and money."

   "However, the results of the two to Gu and the father were not satisfactory."

   Having said this, Ying Gao looked directly at the two of them, and said, "The imperial court has so strongly supported the construction of Xiazhou and Liangzhou, which has already made the rest of Daqin's counties dissatisfied..."

   "Isn't it true that I didn't tell the two of you the importance of Xiazhou, the importance of digging the road, and even the importance of Shennong Valley!"

   At this time, Yinggao was very dissatisfied with Meng Yi and Wang Li.

   In his opinion, no reason can change the root cause of Meng Yi and Wang Li's dereliction of duty.


  In the study, the atmosphere was dead silent for a while.

   Whether it is Wang Li or Meng Yi, it can be seen that Ying Gao's dissatisfaction with their work is just to save face for them considering some factors.

   At this point, Meng Yi and Wang Li looked at each other, and they were silent for each other, and even the words had reached their lips, but they could no longer speak.

  Because they all know that no matter how many reasons or excuses there are, no one can change the problem of their dereliction of duty.

   "The ministers are negligent, please punish the prince!" At this moment, Meng Yi and Wang Li could not help but bowed solemnly to Yinggao and said.


   coldly snorted, Ying Gao looked directly at the two of them, and said in a cold tone, "The road will be completed one day earlier, and Daqin will be more stable for one day."

   "Daqin goes east and annexes various countries, which requires a protracted war. At this time, materials are very important. Now, because of the speed of the road, the Silk Road is limited..."

   "The deployment Gu once made is now only half of the effect due to your delay..."

   "One of you is the confidant of the king, and the other is the confidant of the lonely. There are some things that the lonely will not hide from you."

   "If the two of you feel that things are difficult and you are unable to do it, then abdicate and let Xian go, and send someone from Xianyang to take over."


  It is heavy if you are tall.

   However, Meng Yi and Wang Li did not dare to refute a sentence, they both knew that Yinggao entrusted such an important matter to them because of trust.

   Now that they can't do it, they have failed the trust of Ying Gao and Ying Zheng, and they feel ashamed.

   "I owe the punishment first, Meng Yi is ready, and I want to inspect the Chidao construction site!" Ying Gao pondered for a long time, and said to Meng Yi.


   nodded in agreement, Meng Yi smiled awkwardly, and said to Ying Gao, "Prince Prince, the small banquet is ready, if you don't eat it, it will be cold..."

   "Well, eat first, and then go to the construction site of Chidao." Having said that, Ying Gao turned towards Meng Yi and said, "Don't tell Shennong Valley, I just want to see the real situation."



   The small feast begins, and everyone eats separately. Ying Gao was also a little hungry after the trek all the way. In order to speed up the march, they all ate dry food from the army.

  The main one is mutton jerky, the kind that can satisfy hunger with water, and the taste cannot be taken into account at all. During the march, hunger is the kingly way.

   At this moment, he had a mouthful of hot rice, which made Yinggao feel happy. He was the crown prince of a country, but he lived his life as a big soldier.

  It is forbidden to drink alcohol in the army. Because Wang Ben, Wang Li, Tie Ying, and Ying Gao are not convenient for drinking, Meng Yi and Zhang Liang looked at each other and had no choice but to drink herbal tea and look away from the jug.

  After the meal, Ying Gao instructed Wang Li, "This time, Meng Yi will take Gu and Uncle Wang. Wan Sheng Army and Iron Eagle Ruishi are enough to calm all the turmoil."

   "Don't use the army in Xiazhou at the moment, you will be in charge yourself."


   nodded in agreement, Wang Li's expression was as usual, he knew in his heart that this was his responsibility, and he was naturally not as good as Meng Yi when it came to things on the road.

  Xiazhou couldn't be chaotic, and he didn't dare to let his father Wang Ben sit in Yuecheng.

  Otherwise, the **** will bloom when the two of them are together. Their old Wang family has always been rough, and I have no pressure at all to beat my son.

   He often sees the old man beating up his father at home, and he is often beaten by his father. He is fine at home, but this is Yuecheng, and he is the prefect of Xiazhou.

  He Wang Li is also a person who wants to save face.

   After eating and drinking, everyone headed for the galloping project, especially the Iron Eagle Rui Shi, the guard of the Wansheng Army, who was like a rainbow.

The    army was rampant, and after an hour, they arrived at the project closest to Moon City. Perhaps because of the wind, the construction team and slaves were working hard.

   Looking at Chidao, which was still in the excavation stage, Ying Gao's head was so big that he couldn't get the black powder out right now.

   Yinggao knew in his heart that the biggest beneficiary of gunpowder used in the military was never Da Qin, so he was researching, but did not propose it.

   "Your Majesty, the mountain is sturdy and tens of miles in length and width. If you want to completely penetrate the road in Xiazhou, you must dig a passage. Although there are equipment sent by Shaofu and Shang Workshop, it is also extremely difficult."

  Meng Yi smiled bitterly, opened his mouth to Ying Gao, and said, "This is also one of the reasons why the chariot in Xiazhou has not been opened. At the same time, there is also a point that there is too much rain, which is easy to cause collapse."

   "This has led to many projects that have just been excavated and the earthwork cleared, but suffered from collapse, so that rework was delayed and time was delayed."


   After looking at the Chidao excavation site, Ying Gao couldn't help shaking his head: "Mengzhou Mu, this matter is not impossible to solve, at least it can be alleviated a little."

   "Especially in the case of continuous rainfall and difficult excavation, the current model should be abandoned, and excavation and construction are completely disconnected."

   "It should be changed to synchronizing the excavation and construction. After the excavation of the front foot is completed, the rear foot will be built immediately. After the reinforcement of reinforced concrete, there will naturally be no collapse."

   "It's just that it is very difficult to excavate. There is no good way to do it right now, so we can only excavate it manually."

   "If there are not enough manpower, let Wang Li attack the land of Baiyue, plunder the young and strong to supplement the lack of slaves, so as to speed up the digging and penetration of Chidao."

   "Don't be afraid of sacrifice. For the sake of Daqin's control of Xiazhou and Liangzhou, and for the prosperity of Xiazhou, it is inevitable that some slaves will die."

   Yinggao's words are extremely indifferent. At this moment, both Wang Ben and Meng Yi take it for granted.

  The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, in such an era, human life is the least valuable, they are used to seeing life and death, and they have already become indifferent.

   As long as they are not from the old Qin Dynasty, as long as they are not from the Great Qin Ruishi, no matter how many other people die, they will not be moved.

   (end of this chapter)