MTL - I Was a Group Pet In 80-Chapter 11 fight 2

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  Chapter 11 Fighting 2

   When the two of them were just fighting, some people around stopped to watch, and many people had already surrounded them for a while.

  People in this era are relatively simple. Originally watching them fight one-on-one, everyone just watched the excitement. After Zhou Hui joined in, the people around couldn't stand it anymore.

  What is it if two adults hit a teenage girl?

  A 40-50-year-old aunt in the crowd hurriedly came out to fight: "Don't just look at them, quickly pull them away! They are going to beat the girl to death!"

  As soon as the aunt greeted, several women went to fight together, and the men only watched from the side, but no one intervened, because the social atmosphere in this era is not so open, and the men are likely to be accused of hooliganism.

  The people who pulled the frame had also done physical labor. Don't look at the woman's strength, she pulled Zhou Hui and Li Guihua apart in a few strokes.

  Wu Yue really wanted to rush up and beat Zhou Hui and Li Guihua, but there were so many people around, they were all pulled away. If she rushed up to fight again, she would be unreasonable.

  When Li Guihua pulled Wu Yue's hair, the strength was not adulterated at all. Wu Yue touched her painful scalp and said to the people pulling the frame: "Thank you."

  "You're welcome." Seeing Wu Yue being so polite, the people who were fighting said that they felt that it must be Li Guihua's fault.

Li Guihua wanted to rush up and beat Wu Yue, but she was dragged to death, and immediately sat down on the ground and played foolishly: "My mother! I can't live anymore, this fool has almost passed the door. You beat me to death, what kind of evil did you do..." She cried and wiped tears from her nose onto her trouser legs.

   "You fool, why don't you hurry up and send my mother to the hospital?" Zhou Hui pushed away the person who was holding her, and ran to Li Guihua to see her swollen hand bitten by Wu Yue.

  One of the people in the fight heard Li Guihua's cry, and asked Wu Yue suspiciously: "What's going on! Is that person your mother-in-law?" The person who asked the question looked at Wu Yue obviously differently from before.

  It is very bad for a daughter-in-law to fight her mother-in-law before she even passes the door.

  Before Wu Yue could answer, suddenly a girl in the crowd seemed to recognize Li Guihua, and said crisply, "Isn't this the guy from Principal Zhou's house?" The voice was not loud, but everyone around heard it.

   "The headmaster's house?"

   "Is she Principal Zhou's wife?"

  People around were stunned by the girl's words.

   Originally, Wu Yue only knew that Zhou Jianwei's family was better off than his, but she never thought that Zhou Jianwei's father was actually the principal.

   Let's look at Li Guihua again, what does she look like as the headmaster's wife? She's just a shrew, okay?

   Wu Yue had an idea now.

She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, making the eye circles red, trying to squeeze out a few tears, and said to the aunt who asked the question just now: "Principal Zhou and my family made a baby kiss when I was young, and now the Zhou family sees it It's not as good as my family, and I despise my family as inferior to his family, saying that having an in-law like my family would embarrass her family, so when she saw me, she rushed up and beat me to death without saying a word..." After Wu Yue finished speaking, she looked at her timidly. Li Guihua took a look, as if she was afraid of Li Guihua.

Li Guihua and Zhou Hui were already stunned when they were revealed their identities. At this moment, when they came back to their senses, Li Guihua didn't care about crying after hearing what Wu Yue said. Yue: "I'll beat you to death, girl, and make you talk nonsense.".

   Every time I see one more recommendation ticket, I can’t help getting excited, let me get excited again, dear friends



  (end of this chapter)