MTL - I Was a Top Student In Conan, But I Was Actually An Onmyoji-Chapter 103

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Experimental physicists are still dismissive, and string theory is dead.

Quarrels continued to erupt among physicists.

Fortunately, many of them are not very good at surfing the Internet, otherwise it would be another scolding battle.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, a scientific research institution, is most famous for its selection of the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

But it is also a well-known and powerful scientific research institution, with more than 300 Swedish scientists and more than 160 foreign academicians.

A middle-aged man with black and white hair was also looking at the paper.

He is Edward. Witten, a physicist in the White Eagle Country, the founder of string theory, and a master figure in the field of physics.

"Introducing supersymmetry is such an amazing idea that I hadn't thought of it."

He muttered to himself, and then turned to another physicist, Brian, beside him. Green said.

"Hey, I didn't expect such a great idea in this ordinary paper. I almost want to meet the author of this paper."

"Many people probably have the same idea as you, but they want to scold the author even more."

For a proponent of string theory, Green says with a smile, the more such papers the better.

"You mean those who cling to experimental physics. One day the times will prove that my theory is correct."

Witten smiled disdainfully when he mentioned those physicists.

Every scientist is a stubborn cow who cannot turn a corner. Unless you slap him in the face with scientific proof, he will always hit the south wall and die.

Perhaps the development of the times will prove that their insistence may be wrong, but no one can deny that it is because of them that human technology can develop so fast.

Green shrugged, "Unfortunately, you can't prove your theory at all."

Wei Teng was quite annoyed when he mentioned this, "Which side are you on?"

"I only stand on the side of truth. The whole world knows that you can't prove your string theory, otherwise you won't be given the Fields Medal, and you won't be given the Nobel Prize in Physics."

Green calmly pointed out one of the key points.

Witten sat down helplessly, and the string theory was deduced purely by his strong mathematical ability, and he couldn't even falsify it, let alone prove it.

"However, the idea of ​​introducing supersymmetry is really powerful." Green changed his voice and talked about the paper again. "I went to check the author. He is an 18-year-old high school mathematician from the island country."

"You should be very clear about his recent results, Sagawa Ran's theorem."

"What, that 18-year-old mathematician who completed the discovery and proof of the theorem?! He actually wrote this paper..."

Wei Teng opened his eyes wide and looked at his friend in disbelief.

"That's right, even such a genius, I can't believe it, but you have to admit that the people of the world have such geniuses beyond the imagination of the world, and they promote the development of science."

Green is still calm, or he has passed the initial shock.

"No, I must meet such a genius!"

As the one who may be the best in mathematics in the current physics world, he finally found a similar genius, and Witten can't wait to meet him.

"As you please."

The next day, Yan Sagawa was sitting at the dining table in high spirits, reading a copy of "Quantum Field Theory" restlessly.

"King Kong's incorruptible kidneys are so strong. He's still so energetic after not sleeping all night. He's just a little tired." He practiced Lei Fa all night last night, and finally he was able to release some electricity.

It's a pity that it is still not recognized as a skill by the system.

However, an overly powerful kidney also has some side effects.

"Yan, I always feel that your eyes are very aggressive today, which makes people blush even more." Sonoko noticed the eyes that Sagawa Yan occasionally looked at them.

"Haha, is that so? After all, I am also a normal boy. With two beautiful girlfriends by my side, I must be a little impulsive." Sagawa Yan raised his head from the book, and said with a smile, " Would you hate it?"

"No, such strong eyes are also very handsome." Xiaolan continued.

They are a little bit shy but also a little happy, which is also a proof of their charm.

Otherwise, with the two girls by my side in Xia Tian, ​​the boy didn't react at all, wouldn't it be a problem.

The faces of Xiao Ai and Ming Mei on the side were also a little red, and they were also looked at by Yan Yan with this kind of eyes.

"Lolikong", Xiao Ai whispered.

"By the way, I'm going to pick up today's letter." Sonoko said.

After a while, I heard Yuanzi's surprised voice, "Come out quickly, you have so many letters!" Sagawayan and Xiaolan hurried out.

I saw that the letter box was full of letters, and there were even some on the ground, I'm afraid there were more than 100 letters! .

Chapter 208 Meeting, String and Nuclear Physics! (Part 3)

"So many letters?"

Sagawa Yan was also a little surprised.

Even when I proved the theorem last time, I didn't send so many letters.

Sagawayan was more cautious, secretly used the spirit vision technique, and checked all the letters. "It is indeed an ordinary letter, why are there so many?" He was very puzzled.

Xiaolan has already picked up the letters on the ground, checked the envelope, "Yan, they are all sent to you from abroad." "Take it in first before we talk, it's so hot."

Sonoko, who had been standing outside for a while, quickly suggested.

Together, the three carried the more than 100 thick letters back to the house and put them on the table.

Opening one at random, Sagawa Yan examined it carefully.

"Dear Mr. Sagawa Yan, I find it very absurd to introduce supersymmetry into string theory mentioned in your paper..." "For this reason, I specially write down my proof..."

I read a few more letters, all of which are similar, against or in support of string theory.

Both are physicists, each of them has a long row of derivations.

Sagawayan finally knew that it was the paper that caused the incident.

"Unexpectedly, because of the little thing I left at the end of the thesis, this group of people would actually quarrel." But these letters still have to be answered, and to refute them also requires reasoning and proof.

This greatly helped to increase his understanding of string theory. "Yan, have you published another paper?"

Xiaolan thought of the last time this happened, when Sagawayan's achievements were widely reported by the media. "Well, a small thesis with no results." Sagawa Yan explained to the girls.

It's a lie, so many letters, no matter how you look at it, it's not a small paper.

The expressions of the girls were full of disbelief.

Seeing this, Sagawa Yan wrote a reply in a muffled voice.

At this time, the doorbell rang outside the door.

"Who is it?" Xiaolan walked over.

"Hello, is this Mr. Sagawayan's house?" He spoke fluent Baiying language.

Xiaolan managed to hear clearly, and hurried over to ask Sagawayan for advice.

"Yan, it seems that a foreigner has come outside, looking for you."

Sagawa Yan walked towards the door curiously, "Foreigner, who will come to find me?"

He opened the door, and a White Eagle native with black and white hair, hooked nose, and sharp eyes looked here.

The visitor stared at Yan Sagawa with scrutiny, and then greeted him.

"You are Sagawa Yan, right? Sagawa Yan who proposed the introduction of supersymmetry into string theory?" "I'm right, may I ask you?"

Yan Sagawa had already guessed that the other party was here for the thesis, but he didn't know the identity of the other party. "My lord Edward Witten, nice to meet you." He stretched out his right hand to Sagawa Yan.

Sagawa Yan stretched out his right hand in a daze.

edward. Witten, the physicist who proposed string theory?

He actually came to find himself in person?

Thinking about those letters again, Sagawa Yan felt that he had underestimated the influence of superstring theory. "Why don't we find a place to chat?" Wei Teng offered after shaking hands. "Professor Weiteng, of course." Sagawa Yan said, so after greeting the room, he took the initiative to take Professor Weiteng to the cafe.

The girls in the house are dressed coolly at home, and Sagawayan will not bring anyone home.

In the nearest cafe.

The two sat down one after another and ordered a cup of coffee each.

Witten couldn't wait to start the conversation.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​introducing supersymmetry into string theory? Of course, I don't mean to blame you, but I think this idea is really great." Sagawayan had already returned to normal at this time, and said with a smile.

"Professor Witten, you know eleven-dimensional space, right? Your string theory has always believed that there are multi-dimensional spaces." "So, what if we go a step further and believe that there are parallel spaces?"

Professor Witten frowned. As the pioneer of string theory, he would not deny the possibility of parallel worlds.

"Is it the parallel universe that inspired you? It's really unexpected." No, it's time travel.

Sagawa Yan thought to himself, he has traveled through time, and the facts are in front of him, then I must believe in parallel time and space.

"I just came up with an idea. I didn't expect it to cause such a big commotion. Even Professor Wei Teng came here on purpose." "Hahaha, it's not your fault, it's just some normal differences."

Professor Wei Teng was very generous, "I saw the mathematics paper you published, it is really exciting." He looked at Yan Sagawa with admiration, and he did not expect that there were people similar to himself.

Sagawa Yan was flabbergasted by such eyes.

I'm not gay, Professor.

He almost wanted to shout out.

"Do you want to go to my graduate school in the future?"

The more Professor Weiteng looked at Yan Sagawa, the more he felt that this was his very good successor.

Good at math, young genius with potential to further develop string theory, and great talent in physics.

He couldn't help but extend the invitation.

Sagawa Yan wanted to laugh, let's wait until I can go to college first.

"Professor, in fact, what I'm most interested in now is nuclear physics." He politely refused.

"Nuclear physics, isn't that high-energy physics?"

Professor Witten was not angry either, and asked with great interest.

"That's right, I think energy is the root of everything, and only controllable nuclear fusion is the key to it all!" Sagawa said firmly, his eyes seemed to be shining.

"I understand your thoughts. 803, you still want to make a solid contribution to the future of mankind." Professor Wei Teng seemed to have made a mistake, and looked at Yan Sagawa in admiration.

No, professor, you are thinking too much, I am for my own sake.

Yan Sagawa thought silently, only something like nuclear fusion can satisfy his thoughts about energy.

At the same time further improve their status.

If the current self is marked as a genius mathematics teacher in the ZFs of various countries, he can't even be listed in the intelligence systems of some countries.

But as long as he completes the research on controllable nuclear fusion, he will truly become a national treasure.

In the end, I don’t have a sense of belonging to the Sakura Country, so I can use this technology as an excuse that science has no borders, and exchange this technology for benefits in various countries. I am safe, no one will target me, and I can gain a wave of favor from other countries. "After all, Guo Jia, who can tell me that a scientist has a motherland, has already ascended."

Sagawa Yan thought lightly.

In the following time, Yan Sagawa and Professor Witten discussed string theory and superstring theory after the introduction of supersymmetry.

He studied hard from the master's personal lectures.

The afternoon passed by in a hurry, and Professor Weiteng went back quite satisfied. He was very satisfied with this meeting.

And Yan Sagawa was equally happy watching him quietly reach the physical level of lv2. .

Chapter 209 The Transformation Begins (Supplement to Chapter 4)

"Okay, physics has reached lv2."

Sagawa Yan was a little happy, the source of fire was only short of engineering and energy.

After watching Professor Witten go away, he walked back to his home.

Several girls are waiting for him.

"Yan, who is that?" Sonoko asked.