MTL - I Was a Top Student In Conan, But I Was Actually An Onmyoji-Chapter 15

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"Miss Xiaolan, Miss Xiaolan," a man who looked like a bear poked his head out of the car window, and he greeted several people, "Get in the car."

This bear man seemed to only have Xiaolan in his eyes, and Conan didn't even ask Sagawa Yan when he met him for the first time.

Sonoko whispered to Sagawa, "This is Mr. Wakamatsu, it was love at first sight for Xiaolan."

A few people got into the car quickly, and Xiong Nan's driving skills were very good. While chatting with everyone in the car, he drove to the destination.

Today, the protagonist Katsuhiko Minagawa in various senses officially debuts with his friends.

After staying for a while, Sagawayan regretted it a bit. It was nothing more than a group of college students eating, drinking, and talking about things in the university. It would be better to let Sonoko accompany him and continue to study the Kakutani conjecture in his own home. Get your mind moving quickly.

Forbearance, I will bear it, for the sake of 10 points of spiritual power and the chance to shake Xiaolan, I will bear it.

"After talking for a long time, we haven't introduced ourselves yet." Xiong Nan suddenly realized the problem, "We are all members of the Tennis Club of the Faculty of Medicine of Mihua University, Minagawa, let's start with you."

"Okay, I'm the president and I'm Katsuhiko Minagawa. I'm very glad to meet you all." Minagawa, who moved with 10 points of spiritual power, took up the conversation, and deliberately made a show of being handsome.

It's a pity that he is not as handsome as Sagawa Yan, not Sagawa Yanbuki, he suspects that there are no more than 10 people in this world who are more handsome than him, and the Minagawa in front of him is obviously not qualified.

Yuanzi, who is used to seeing the handsome face of her boyfriend, is very insipid about this. She has a feeling that she has seen the real beauty, and she will never be tempted by you ordinary flowers and vulgar plants.

I heard that the childhood sweetheart of 10 Lingli Boy also followed, "Everyone, my name is Guan Guxiang, Miss Xiaolan, please take good care of the children you brought."

In the animation, Miss Sonoko's childhood sweetheart, because Sonoko has Sagawa Yan's boyfriend, the target of the target becomes Xiaolan.

"She seems to be prettier than me," Yuanzi looked at the other party with a little self-confidence.

Sagawayan found it very funny when he heard it. How could the other party's appearance without figure and appearance be comparable to Sonoko, "Obviously you are more beautiful, you are doubting my vision."

"No way," Yuanzi retorted softly, blushing.

"Be quiet, someone else is introducing themselves, what are you guys arguing about?" The gloomy man who likes Guan Guxiang seemed to have heard their words, and shouted at Yan Sagawa, "A group of little ghosts are still learning how to fall in love with others. It’s just **** to study hard.”

"Straightforward, you drank too much, what nonsense," Xiong Nan smoothed things over.

"I'm not wrong."

"Quiet you."

Obviously, they are more protective of friends they have known for many years, and no one refute what he said is wrong.

Heh, scumbag, Sagawa smiled instead of anger, really shameless.

Chapter 32 I'm Not Against Whom (Part 2, Asking for Flowers and Support)

"68", Sagawa Yan said lightly.

"What?" The tennis club didn't hear what Sagawa Yan said.

"The admission deviation value of Mihua University is 68, and the medical department is even higher at 71. It has to be said that it is a very high standard. Those who can enter the medical department of Mihua University are the elite of the elite."

Yan Sagawa seemed to be praising them, and the atmosphere improved a lot.

"Actually, it's okay, Miss Xiaolan, as long as you work hard, you will definitely pass the exam," Xiong Nan said with a smile.

"Hmph, you know we're great, don't talk less and listen to people who are stronger than you." The gloomy man thought that Sagawa's words had softened, and said after taking a sip of his drink.

For some reason, Xiaolan felt a little lost, only Sonoko and Conan felt that something was wrong, and the Sagawa Yan they knew was not such a good man who would not even talk back when he was scolded.

"However, please make no mistake, you are not included in these elites!"

Sagawa Yan changed the subject and said sharply.

"What did you say!"

Xiong Nan Wakamatsu changed his face handsomely, waving his thick arms and said.

"In addition to the elites admitted by Mihua University with a high deviation value, there are also some internal students who bought in with money. I'm talking about you! Learn! Scum!"

The faces of everyone changed, as if their masks had been pierced.

"Neither the elites who entered with high scores, nor the second generation who are really powerful, rely on a little money from the family, pay a large donation, and then enter Mihua University to get a diploma. You are not scumbags, what are you?"

From their clothes, the car they bought, and the situation of the reunited family, Sagawa Yan made a definite inference.

"Maybe you still want to refute. Let me ask you a few random questions. Since you are a medical student, you should know how many bones are in the human body and how many liters of blood are in the human body."

No one answered. These so-called Mihua University medical students couldn't even answer such a simple question.

"So, I'm not targeting anyone, I'm saying that all of you here are rubbish."

Sagawa Yan glanced at them contemptuously, and jumped like this with a few dollars, a real Bai Fumei like Sonoko was so low-key.


Xiong Nan wanted to use force, and Sagawa Yan was about to throw a phantom at him, but Minagawa Katsuhiko stopped him.

"Is there something wrong with what he said, Junxiu, we are not such a group of people", Minagawa Katsuhiko laughed at himself.

"I'm going to smoke a cigarette", he walked out of the room.

"Keyan", Guan Guxiang chased him out.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely cold for a moment, and no one in the tennis club spoke.

Miss Sonoko doesn't care about these people. On the contrary, she prefers the way Sagawayan defended her just now, and she leaned on Sagawayan's shoulder and said excitedly, "Yan, you looked very handsome just now, and you scolded well!"

Xiao Lan also agreed, and then mentioned, "The atmosphere is so embarrassing now, why don't we go back."

Yuanzi also felt that the friendship should be out of the question now, and agreed to leave.

That can't be done, today's key point hasn't come yet, Sagawa persuaded, "It's not good to go now, if it's still so embarrassing after a while, then we'll leave."

Conan was very happy, looking at Yan Sagawa and Sonoko, he thought to himself, "I can't see that you, a gossip husband and wife, sometimes do good things."

At this time, the tennis club looked at the very gentle last person to smooth things over, "Everyone doesn't care too much anymore, after all, they are all young people. I will introduce myself next. My name is Watanabe Komi."

Coupled with Xiong Nan's continued courtship to Xiaolan, the atmosphere really eased up a bit.

Sagawa Yan who was near the door suddenly heard the sound of arguing outside the door.

"Here we come", I waited for a long time just to use this scene to plant the seeds for Xiaolan.

"There seems to be some movement here," he hinted to Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

The two of them leaned over curiously and listened.

The voices of Minagawa Katsuhiko and Sekiguka came in from outside the door.

"You are different from before. Since that incident, you have been giving up on yourself," Guan Guxiang said.

"What do you know!"

Minagawa Katsuhiko was taken aback for a moment, then roared out.

"Of course I understand, am I not your childhood sweetheart?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan froze suddenly, "My childhood sweetheart..."

"Are you willing to accept this box of chocolates?" Guan Guxiang took out the packaged chocolates and confessed to Minagawa Katsuhiko.

Unexpectedly, Minagawa Katsuhiko refused without any hesitation, "You take it away, I just want to be ordinary friends with you."

Guan Guxiang was sad for a moment, and insisted, "Do you really like Haomei?"

Sagawayan said in a voice that Xiaolan could hear just right, "My childhood sweetheart is indeed defeated by heaven."

Xiaolan became depressed, and thought of her childhood sweetheart's parents, who ended up separated indifferently, and thought of Kudo Shinichi who didn't know where she was, and murmured to herself, "Is it true that childhood sweethearts can't be happy?"

A seed was successfully planted by Sagawayan, and he will take care of it carefully until the seed breaks out in Xiaolan's heart.

Chapter 33 Intact and broken (Chapter 3, ask for flowers and support)

While no one was paying attention, the bear man Wakamatsu Junxiu sat next to Xiaolan, with a tense expression as if he wanted to do something.

Conan noticed this and quietly sat between the two of them.

"It's fine even if you touch your hand, okay, let's start!" Xiong Nan's big hand stretched out from the table and touched a tender and smooth hand. He rubbed the back of the hand a few times and squeezed it tightly. go up.

Conan: "What is this bear trying to do?"

"What a cute little hand, is this a girl's hand?" Xiong Nan blushed in bewilderment.

"Miss Xiaolan!"

He no longer suppressed his feelings, put his hands together, hugged the owner of the little hand, and kissed it fiercely.

The people who only discovered the situation at this time looked at this scene in a daze.

Xiong Nan seemed to want to be more intense, and had a French kiss, but Conan refused to obey, and kicked Xiong Nan.

"Miss Xiaolan, I really like"

He opened his eyes and found that it was not Xiaolan in front of him, but a cute boy!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The two separated instantly, each vomiting endlessly.

Xiong Nan Wakamatsu Shunxiu grabbed Conan and wanted to throw him out.

"Conan", Xiaolan shouted.

Sagawa Yan, who had watched the whole scene, felt that it was time, and stood up, "Put that child down, and what did you want to do to Xiaolan just now?"

Seeing the handsome Sagawa Yan walk in front of him, Wakamatsu Toshihide exploded out of the new and old hatred that was ridiculed just now, plus the hatred accumulated when he was ridiculed by Minagawa.

"Why, you little white faces want to pick up whoever you want, but I can't catch up with anyone, tmd, die to me!"

Xiong Nan's arm muscles bulged, and he punched hard.


Xiaolan got up and wanted to help Sagawayan block the blow.

Onmyoji. Magic!

In Gen, who had been promoted to level 2 last night, Sagawa Yan was able to control the intensity of the hallucination to a certain extent, this time he was going to give this guy a big pain.

In the eyes of everyone, Wakamatsu Toshihide's fist suddenly became limp and weak, as if he had lost his target, but Sagawa Yan strode forward and aimed at the most vulnerable chin of the upper body of the human body with all his strength.

As soon as Xiong Nan's confused eyes regained clarity, he felt a burning pain in his chin.

"it hurts!"

"Junxiu, are you alright?"

"well enough?"

The voices of the tennis team were chattering together.

"Yuanzi, Xiaolan, let's go", things have developed like this, obviously it is impossible to stay here any longer.


"Okay, Conan, let's go."

At this time, no one stopped them.

Although Sagawayan felt a little regretful that he lost 10 points of spiritual power, he had successfully left an idea in Xiaolan's heart, and he didn't regret it.

"I really didn't expect them to be such people. Xiaolan, I was wrong. I shouldn't have wanted to introduce them to you."

Yuanzi confessed to Xiaolan pitifully.

Xiaolan smiled and shook her head lightly, "I'm fine, but remember this lesson, don't try to introduce a man to me next time."

Conan secretly celebrated, "Alright, I finally disrupted this friendship, and the next step is to find the chocolate."

"By the way", Sonoko remembered her main purpose and took out her own chocolate.

"Yan, please accept this."

Sonoko held up the beautifully packaged chocolates in her snow-white hands, and stared nervously at Yan Sagawa with her autumn-like eyes, as if she could hear her own heartbeat.

Sagawa Yan also took it with both hands, and opened the package. Inside was a small human-shaped chocolate, and Sagawa Yan's eyebrows and eyes could be vaguely seen.

"It might be a little bad, please don't mind," Yuanzi said in a low voice.

Thinking of Sonoko's dark circles, Sagawayan would not mind.

Put the chocolate in your mouth, chew it carefully, and seem to feel Yuanzi's heart, "It's very delicious, it's the best chocolate I've ever eaten."

He praised from the bottom of his heart.

Hearing Sagawa Yan's praise, Sonoko's small face stretched out, revealing a happy smile. "As long as you like it."

Xiaolan, who was sprinkled with dog food at close range, withdrew her envious gaze. Now that Shinichi didn't know where she was, she also took out her own chocolate, but she didn't know who to give it to.