MTL - I Was a Top Student In Conan, But I Was Actually An Onmyoji-Chapter 51

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Borrow the east wind, light the flames of war, the time is with me!

Following this momentum, his brain was extremely active. "Soon, soon"

The stone blocking the way is about to be broken.

There was a knock on the door, and it was the big meal he wanted.

But Sagawa Yan has completely sunk into the world of Mersenne prime numbers, and he can't hear it at all.

After a long time, Professor Shimura walked in with a big meal. Seeing Yan Sagawa's concentration, his eyes showed appreciation. He affirmed that he put down the food, walked out carefully, and closed the door gently so as not to disturb Yan Sagawa.

Time passed slowly.

The draft paper filled with writing has piled up into a hill at the corner of the table. And the crumpled draft paper was thrown all over the floor under the table.

Sagawa Yan felt hungry, he raised his head and looked at the time, it was 1 o'clock in the morning.

It's no wonder he was hungry before dinner, he didn't pick anything, he ate some of the food that was delivered by someone at the door of the room, and he was still thinking about the Mason prime number in his mind. When the time reached 3:30 in the morning, Sagawa Yan, who was buried in the manuscript paper, was shocked, "It's solved!" He didn't stop, took out a bottle of energy drink from the system, drank it in one gulp, and continued struggle.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Master Shimura came to look for him and found that he was still writing hard.

At 10:00, Sagawa Yan, who had finally completed the entire proof process, fell asleep.

At 1 p.m., Yan Sagawa was woken up by a phone call.

It was Xiaolan and Yuanzi calling.

"Yan, let's work hard for today's meeting." This is Yuanzi. . . . . . Ask for flowers. . .

"Yan, we will cheer you up", this is Xiaolan.

While Sagawa Yan's heart was warm, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty, ahem, he still has thoughts about He Ye.

Bah, you scumbag.

Sagawa Yan scolded himself, and then went to wash his face with cold water, scum is scum, let's get rid of today's math meeting first. "Sagawa, are you awake? The time is almost up, and you are the first to come on stage." Professor Shimura's voice came from outside the door.

"Wake up, by the way, professor, I want to temporarily change the topic of sharing!"

Sagawa Yan's eyes are full of compelling confidence, he is the one who won this battle!

The audience of the Osaka Mathematics Symposium was crowded, and there were probably hundreds of people sitting there. Most of them are well-known mathematicians in Sakura Country, and a few are family members and friends.

Filming is not allowed here, only interviews will be given after the meeting.

There are many big figures, such as the most famous master of Mathematics in Sakura Country, Kodaira Kunihiko, a famous figure in the Department of Mathematics of Kyoto University, famous mathematicians Mori Shigefumi, Hironaka Heisuke, etc. were all present.

They have all heard that the first person to share on the stage is the most famous new force Yan Sagawa recently.

Some were curious, some were expecting, some were disdainful, but everyone was waiting for Yan Sagawa to come on stage.

He Ye felt that he must be crazy, and he actually took a leave of absence from school and ran over.

The mathematicians in the room didn't know a few, and the only one they knew was Master Kunihiko Kodaira, who wrote high school mathematics textbooks. "Sagawa-san, no, Sagawa-senpai is going to share it in front of so many masters, it's amazing." She curled her lips secretly in her heart, and even concealed her age, she was obviously one year older than me, and asked me to call her a classmate.

3 o'clock arrived soon. After the host of the conference gave a brief speech, it was the turn of the first sharer to take the stage.

With a confident smile on his face, Sagawa Yan stepped up to the stage and greeted everyone's scrutiny.

This is the first time he has faced all the mathematicians in Sakura Country, but it will definitely not be the last.

Today, he is dressed in formal attire, looking serious and dignified.

He wrote the topic with a signal pen on the sharing board, "Proof of Sagawa's conjecture, discussion of Mersenne prime numbers!" There was an uproar in the audience! predict.

Chapter 111 Let Your Name Live Forever (Part 1)

Many mathematicians are talking about it.

The conjecture you put forward a few months ago, and now you have to prove it, what is the situation?

He Ye could hear the whispered discussions of several mathematicians around him. "What is he doing, sensationalizing?"

"He's still young after all, and he probably wants to make a big splash, but he doesn't even think about how many of his seniors are sitting here." "Is the Mason prime number so easy to prove? Hmph!" Ling Heye didn't expect the maliciousness in their mouths at all.

She clenched her little fist, wishing she could give them a punch to make them shut up and be quiet. "Sagawa-senpai, you must work hard."

Kodaira Kunihiko didn't make a sound, squinting and looking at the young people on the stage.

Mori Shigefumi and Hironaka Heisuke were whispering something.

And Shimura Goro stared at Sagawa Yan, "Sagawa, it's time to let them see your "743" glory!"

Sagawa Yan on the stage turned a blind eye to the noise below. Mathematicians have to use mathematics to talk to them and teach them. When I start to prove it, you just need to keep quiet.

The marker pen in hand began to write the proof process on the sharing board.

No one cares about the first line of calculation, the noise is still there.

In the fifth row, Kodaira Kunihiko opened his squinted eyes wide, and Mori Shigefumi and Hironaka Heisuke stopped talking.

On the tenth line of calculation, some mathematicians took the initiative to stop talking, looked at the sharing board seriously, and some even took out their pens to record.

The twentieth line of calculations, the audience is already silent. Many mathematicians stared at those calculations, frowning, thinking, and writing down the steps. Some parallel mathematicians who still couldn’t understand also shut their mouths. Arrived, the atmosphere is not right.

Yan Sagawa heartily showed the results of last night, the knowledge already engraved in his mind.

The calculation formulas on the sharing board are still not counting, and soon a large sharing board will be filled. He paused his pen for a while, and said to the staff member, "Can I get a blackboard?"

The staff was at a loss. It was the first time for them to face this situation. They didn't understand mathematics, and they didn't know how ingenious the calculations of the densely packed people on the sharing board were.

"Give it to him," Mori Shigefumi couldn't help but said, he was following Sagawa Yan's thinking step by step to prove that he was stuck there and couldn't continue, feeling extremely uncomfortable like a stick in his throat.

Seeing that he was talking, the staff hurried to the backstage and got two huge blackboards from nowhere.

"Thank you," said Sagawa Yan politely, and continued to prove.

Those who can understand have fully understood what he wants to do.

Prove a world-class conjecture at the sharing meeting, or propose a conjecture by yourself and solve it by yourself?

Madman, many mathematicians couldn't help but whispered out, and then they could only continue to watch the madman's performance.

As the calculations become more and more complicated, fewer and fewer people can follow the train of thought and understand them, but still no one speaks.

He Ye looked excitedly at the very mature and handsome Yan Sagawa performing on stage today. Although he didn't know what he wrote, those annoying guys who said bad things not only shut their mouths, but also took out pens and papers and desperately Records, which let her know that Yan Sagawa must have written something of great value.

Kodaira Kunihiko and Mori Shigefumi could still keep up, but Hironaka Hirasuke couldn't keep up with the ideas written on the blackboard because his research direction was not number theory, so he chose to copy it down and study it slowly.

Yan Sagawa didn't think about anything on the stage, he just revealed and proved the mathematical laws that have existed since ancient times.

And this is also the charm of natural science. Whether it is mathematics, physics, or chemistry, the truth contained in them is there. Maybe the surface is covered with a veil, but someone will eventually uncover the veil and reveal the wonderful truth in it.

Soon, the second and third blackboards were also filled, and the staff had to replace the fourth and fifth blackboards.

Sagawa Yan's proof has also come to an end.

Mori Shigefumi couldn't help asking Kodaira Kunihiko next to him, "Can he succeed?"

In his opinion, if there is anyone else who can judge it, then only Fields, the winner of the double prize of Wolff Mathematics.

Kodaira Kunihiko shrugged, the mathematician who has always been taciturn, said in his hoarse voice, "You will know if you just look at it."

"What will happen to him if he fails?"

Heiyou Hironaka, who was next to him, heard the voice here, and also interrupted to ask.

"That will be a big joke. It will be the laughing point of Sakura Country's mathematics community for the rest of this year, and even next year. It will change from a star of hope to a star of jokes."

Shigefumi Mori said...

The three of them are all mathematicians from the Department of Mathematics of Kyoto University. Now seeing such an outstanding young man in the Department of Mathematics of Dongdu University, they feel complicated. They hope that someone can prove this conjecture and solve a world-class problem. Difficulties, and do not want old rivals to profit too much.

"There are no ifs in mathematics, if you can, you can, and if you can't, you can't." Kunihiko Kodaira said a few more words rarely.

The three were silent, and continued to look at the young man who was challenging the stage.

The fifth blackboard was about to be filled, but there was no suspense in his proof. Before the last line, he thought a lot, but he didn't seem to think about anything. He smiled and wrote it down.

【…The above proves that the Sagawa conjecture is true, and Mersenne prime numbers exist and are arranged according to this law! 】

Everything in the audience was quiet.

Sagawa Yan turned around, faced most of the mathematicians in Sakura Country, and smiled.

"I would like to thank my friend, Toyama and Ye, for her inspiration, without her my proof would not have been so smooth."

"In addition, I hope that the proven Sagawa conjecture can be called Sagawa Ran's theorem."

"The above is all I shared, thank you for watching."

Leave our names together in mathematics, I don’t know if we will still exist in the future, but at least one theorem will witness our love, let your name last forever, I love you, Lan, this is me Send your birthday present.

Sagawa Yan was surprised to find that he had no joys or worries, 1.4 was just very tired, mental exhaustion made him just want to go back to the hotel and sleep.

Facing the silent audience, Sagawa Yan bowed, then turned around, and walked off the stage without a moment's notice.

The audience is still dead silent, no one knows what kind of voice to make, congratulations, congratulations, inquiry, praise?

The one who broke the silence was Kunihiko Kodaira, the leading mathematics figure in Sakura Country. He stood up and applauded first.

clap clap...

Others also came to their senses and gave applause one after another. Although they don't know whether this proof is correct or not, it doesn't prevent them from giving the biggest applause to this young man who dares to challenge.

Shimura Goro watched this scene with tears in his eyes, "He did it, and the light he radiated made everyone see it!"

Chapter 112 Black Technology: The Source of Fire (Part 2)

After Yan Sagawa came down, he only had a brief exchange with Shimura Goro's classroom. Sagawa said: "I want to go back to sleep." Shimura Goro: "."

It was really just a short exchange. Professor Shimura wanted to say something, but he was stuck in his throat by this sentence, and finally he said angrily, "Go, go." Then Sagawa Yan really didn't care He went back to the hotel to sleep regardless, he was really tired now.

After Yan Sagawa left the venue, the influence of his staying at the venue had just begun to spread.

Naturally, the rest of the sharing couldn't go on.

Some people have shared proofs of world-class problems before, which makes other people go up and share something.

The organizer simply followed the advice of several bigwigs, and directly displayed the five blackboard books on the stage, turning a seminar into a research meeting.

Kodaira Kunihiko once again went through all the proof process in his mind, and proved several key steps on the draft paper, which was completely correct, and let out a sigh of relief, "Young people at 28 are awesome."

Seeing this, Mori Shigefumi and Hironaka Heisuke next to him basically confirmed the correctness of the proof, but they did not stop the process of their own verification. This is the basic quality of a mathematician. After a long time, Mori Shigefumi also raised his head, with complicated eyes in his eyes, "He succeeded."

They are the two mathematicians who proved it the fastest, while others are still struggling to verify it, and even with the entire proof process, there are still many people who still can't understand it.

He and Ye looked left and right, everyone was either immersed in verifying, or discussing in whispers, and there was no trace of contempt on their faces.

"Senior Sagawa really succeeded, it's amazing." After this seminar, she has become half of Sagawa Yan's little fan.

"Hehe, Senior Sagawa thanked me specifically. My parents will be surprised if they know about it." He Ye thought cheerfully, "Is that Lan the girlfriend of Senior Sagawa? How lucky, Senior Sagawa It's so romantic to name a mathematical theorem after two people."

Kazuha thought of Hattori Heiji again, and twitched his mouth, "It will be great when Heiji can learn."

At this time, Kazuha still loves her childhood sweetheart Hattori Heiji wholeheartedly. In her heart, Sagawa Yan is more of a good friend and half an idol, but opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. ... "But it seems that no one is on stage now, anyway, I don't understand, should I slip away?" She wanted to go home a little bit, after all, the math scum who was mixed with a group of math bigwigs really couldn't afford to hurt.

The few media reporters at the scene went crazy with joy at the moment. The seminar, which was expected to be as dull and boring as usual, unexpectedly gave such a big surprise this time.

Prove the world-class problem on the spot, put forward this conjecture, solve it by yourself, and the name he proposed, which is obviously a girl, plus the naming of the theorem at the end, there is too much to write.

Although the only ones who can be on the scene are academic media, but I don’t write gossip, I can ask reporters from other sections of my own to write, these are all sales.

At this moment, what they most want to interview is Sagawa Yan. Just saying anything can greatly increase sales.

The only pity is that the photographic equipment cannot be brought in, only photos and written interview drafts.

When Sagawayan woke up, it was already night, and it seemed that the news had not spread yet, so he called Xiaolan and Yuanzi one each, and it was not urgent, only one called at 6 pm.

"The dissemination of information in 1996 is still slow." Sagawa Yan nodded with emotion. If this was in the era of mobile Internet, countless news would have spread, and everyone would be a disseminator of news.

"However, fortunately, this also gave me a chance to prepare."

Sagawa Yan made a phone call to Suzuki Shiro.

"Uncle Suzuki, good evening."

He said hello first.

"It's Xiaoyan, why did you call suddenly, shouldn't you still be attending that seminar in Osaka?"

Suzuki Shiro wondered.

"It's like this. I accidentally proved a theorem in the seminar. Some reporters may dig up information about Yuanzi and Xiaolan, so I want to ask my uncle to do me a favor and say hello."