MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 153

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After Robin walked through the woods and came to Chenos' side, his face changed greatly.

The sea in the distance was full of dark clouds, giving people an extremely depressing atmosphere.

A thunder light pierced the darkness of the sea, revealing the situation on the sea.

Just in front of the sea where Chenos was fishing, there were densely packed pirates, and these pirates were so numerous that they almost occupied the entire sea.

On the pirate ship headed, Marco was standing at the bow, staring at Chenos with murderous intent.

After Robin saw this scene, she instantly remembered the scene when her hometown O'Hara was executed by the navy's slaughtering order, and the whole person shuddered with fear.

"Mr. Captain...Mr. Captain, let's run away...we'll die, we'll all die!!"

Just then, Chenos took off his jacket and put it on Robin.

With a gentle smile on his face, he gently rubbed Robin's head and comforted her: "Don't worry, no matter what happens, no matter what enemy you encounter, I will stand in front of you to block it.

I am your captain! "

After finishing speaking, Chenos flew up and flew towards the pirate ships, looking down at Marco condescendingly.

"What, do you guys want to understand, are you going to come to join me collectively?"

Marko saw that Chenos was still wrapped in bandages, and his eyes suddenly lit up, which meant that the injuries on Chenos had not recovered. In this way, their chances of killing Chenos would be greatly improved.

"Chenos, the only person who can be our captain is Whitebeard!!"

With that said, a light blue flame ignited on Marko's body, turning into a phoenix and charging towards Chenos.

All the pirates on the pirate ship also shouted in unison and attacked Chenos.

Countless bullets and cannonballs shot towards Chenos volley, but the bullets and cannonballs stopped in front of Chenos, and then fell into the sea like raindrops.

Chenos scratched his head, looking a little distressed.

"Oh, Whitebeard, you really have a bunch of good sons!"

At this time, Marco had already rushed in front of Chenos, and grabbed his belly with a claw.

Facing the menacing Marco, Chenos just casually stretched out his right hand to block Marco's claws. Foil Bista also came to Chenos' side at some point, and slashed towards Chenos with a sword. past.

Chenos grabbed Marco's claws, swung it hard, and held Marco's legs to resist Bista's slash.

Bista frowned, instantly changed his sword move, and slashed Marco's leg with a knife, but he didn't even cut the skin on Marco's leg. chopped over.

Chenos raised his eyebrows slightly, released Marco's claws, clenched his fists, and smashed towards Bista's sword.


There were space cracks in front of Chenos' fist, and these space cracks blocked Bista's sword.

At this time, Diamond Joze appeared behind Chenos, his arm turned into a shining diamond, and then he was covered with a layer of armed domineering, and he punched Chenos' head with a punch.

In the face of Joz's attack, Chenos just stretched out his hand that was scratching his head and patted it lightly to block Joz's attack.

Looking at the three main combatants of the Whitebeard Pirates, Chenos sighed helplessly.

"Before Whitebeard died, he made a deal with me, and I promised he would let you all go.

Now I give you a chance.

Leading the Whitebeard Pirates to leave, this will be the last chance I will give you, once you refuse, then I will complete the Whitebeard deal.

By that time, you will have no chance to surrender! "

Marco looked at the bandage on Chenos' chest, because blood was oozing from the bandage on his chest because he was resisting the movements of the three just now.

"Stop bluffing, Chenos!

The injury you suffered from the battle with your father, is it still okay?

The members of your subordinates also went to take over our territory and left your side, right?

Now is the best time for us to kill you and avenge Daddy.

Die! ! "

With that said, Marco raised his claws and kicked at Chenos.

"Phoenix Seal!!"

A shock wave in the shape of a phoenix charged towards Chenos, and Bista also took the opportunity to use a sword move and slashed towards Chenos.

"Rose Dance!!"

I saw Bista wielding two swords in the air, and countless rose petals formed under Bista's sword and flew towards Chenos.

At this time, Diamond Joze waited for an opportunity behind Chenos to block Chenos' retreat.

And the captains and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates below also rushed over and attacked Chenos together.

If an ordinary person faced such an attack, they would have fallen into a desperate situation, but Chenos faced such an attack with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Give you a chance, you have to take it well,

Since I rejected Whitebeard's good intentions, then I made a deal with Whitebeard, can die. "

Chapter 306 The man who dares to touch his concubine (old mother), courting death?

An extremely terrifying tyrannical arrogance spread rapidly toward the surroundings, and its scope even covered the entire surrounding island and sea.

Almost all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who followed to crusade against Chenos, as well as all members of the affiliated Pirates, were stunned by this domineering overlord.

In front of people with domineering looks and domineering, the number of people doesn't matter at all.

The captains and captains who attacked Chenos in the past, although they were not stunned by this domineering domineering, their attacks were still affected by the domineering domineering of the king, and they were blocked for a while.

Chenos took the opportunity to wave his fists and swiped at the surrounding air.

"Shocking air shock fist!"

A terrifying force erupted from Chenos' fists, hitting the space on both sides, and there was a cracking sound from the space, and countless space cracks attacked Marco and Bista. Spread over and resist the attack of the two.

Diamond Joze, who was staring behind Chenos, seized the opportunity, immediately moved, and rushed towards Chenos.

Diamond Joz turned into a diamond shape and charged towards Chenos.

"Shine · Crash!!"

The original hardest defense suddenly turned into the most terrifying attack, and Diamond Joze slammed into Chenos like a dazzling meteor.

And Chenos also noticed Joz's attack, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry, withdrew one arm and patted his chest lightly.

No one in the Whitebeard Pirates saw the huge wound under the bandage of Chenos, and with Chenos' tap, it disappeared instantly.

A small energy-absorbing ball appeared behind Chenos.

There is a scarlet energy on this energy ball, and this scarlet energy is constantly swimming in the energy ball.

After Diamond Joze saw the energy ball, he ignored it and rushed straight towards Chenos.

He knew that this should be an attack from Chenos, but he is in a diamond state now. In this state, he can be immune to most of the attacks, so he also intends to carry this attack hard and continue to move towards the North rushed over.

Under the collision of Joz, the energy-absorbing ball quickly hit Joz.

At this time, Joz's pupils shrank suddenly, and he seemed to see the white-bearded father reappearing in front of him, holding his Cong Yunqie and slashing towards him.

This also caused Joz to lose his mind for a moment, making it too late for him to use his arms to resist the attack.


A huge wound appeared on Joz's body, and his diamond fruit seemed to be useless, unable to resist this attack at all.

Countless blood gushed out from this huge wound, and Joz also directly exited the diamond state under this attack and fell toward the sea.

When Marco saw this, he shouted anxiously: "Joz, are you alright?"

However, his words did not get a reply from Joz. At this time, George had passed out in this attack.

Anxious Marco immediately fluttered his wings and dived down, and there was the sea below. If Joze, a diamond fruit capable person, fell into the sea, he would surely die.

All the other captains and captains saw that Joz, who had the strongest defense, couldn't hold a move under Chenos's men, and their faces became solemn.

But even so, not a single person retreated, but continued to charge towards Chenos.

At the same time, Hancock and Liu Ji, who were shopping in the town, were constantly competing in a store.

Hancock held his head high and said to the shop owner, "Bring the best and most noble clothes in your clothing store to the concubine."

Liu Ji also said to the boss: "The same quality as hers, but bring me clothes one size larger."

Hancock rolled his eyes at Liu Ji, "What's the use of you even if you're old? It's not fake, huh, not like a concubine, but a natural beauty, grown by yourself."

"I also grew out of my ability. If you have the ability, you can become bigger than me."


Saying that, the eyes of the two collided with each other, and a terrifying thunder light flashed.

The shop owner looked at the two in a dilemma, not knowing what to do for a while.

But at this moment, the shop owner suddenly seemed to be swept away by something, and the whole person fainted directly to the ground.

And all the passers-by outside the store, like cutting wheat, all fainted on the ground.

The expressions of the two were stunned for a moment, and then they exclaimed at the same time, "Domineering and domineering?"

They also felt the extremely terrifying tyrannical arrogance, and everyone in the entire town was stunned by this arrogance.

On this island, Chenos was the only one who could emit such a terrifying domineering arrogance.

At this time, Chenos was studying Whitebeard's tricks on the island. They also knew that. In order to study this trick, Chenos didn't even let Liu Ji help him treat his injuries.

With injuries on his body, Chenos wouldn't have such terrifying domineering arrogance, because using this level of domineering arrogance would only aggravate his injuries.

But now Chenos actually used the domineering look of the overlord, which shows that Chenos was under siege before using the overlord color to clear the soldiers.

Hancock's beautiful face, which is incomparable to the world, is full of murderous aura at this time.

"A man who dares to move his concubine, courting death!"

And the clear eyes under Liu Ji's white hair also turned into pure black at this time.

"Chenos is still injured. Someone actually attacked a wounded man, and this wounded man is still the man I love. All these people deserve to die."

Said the two of them were like swords from the string, and rushed towards the direction of the domineering explosion of the overlord.

When the two rushed to the location of Chenos, they saw that Chenos was being besieged by dozens of people. Without saying a word, the two rushed into the battlefield and attacked those people.

Hancock tapped his lips with his fingers, conjuring a huge pink peach heart-shaped substance, which Hancock pulled back as a bow and arrow, and then released forcefully.

Countless peach-colored bows and arrows shot towards the pirates who besieged Chenos.

Liu Ji stretched out her fleshy wings and flew towards those people. When she came to the back of those pirates, a black, fog-like whip appeared on her palm and swung it towards those pirates.

"Foul Whip!!"

A few captains were too late to dodge, and were hit by Hancock and Liu Ji's attacks, and the people who were attacked by Hancock instantly turned petrified and fell from the air.

The people who were attacked by Liu Ji did not have any scars on their bodies, but they fell into a coma. There were countless pustules on their bodies, and their heads were so hot that hot smoke came out, and they completely lost their ability to fight. It fell into the air.

For a time, the tightly surrounded circle was opened by the two of them.

The two also took the opportunity to rush to Chenos' side, and took a defensive stance on the left and right of Chenos.

The two shouted in unison: "A man who dares to touch his concubine (old mother), is he courting death?"

Chapter 307 Marco, for my patients, dedicate your fruit ability

The two of them saw that the bandages on Chekes' body had oozing blood, and they thought that Chenos' injury was not yet healed, and the expressions on their faces became even more angry.

Hancock said to Liu Ji: "You are a doctor, you are by Chenos' side, and your concubine will deal with them."

It's just that Liu Ji did not listen to Hancock's words, but said to her: "Your strength is relatively weak, you stay by Chenos' side, and I will deal with them."

After speaking, Liu Ji vibrated the fleshy wings on her back and charged towards Marco and the others.

Hancock also thought about rushing over, but after glancing at Chenos, he backed away.

She scolded and said, "A stinky doctor actually rushed to the front line of the battle. What is she trying to do? Obviously, the concubine is the main battle personnel!"

Seeing Hancock's indignant appearance, Chenos couldn't help laughing.