MTL - I Wasn’t Born Lucky-Chapter 217

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But Xiao Li knew that this kind of love was difficult to last for a long time. It was like a fiercely burning fire that would always go out, leaving only ashes after burning.

It is always difficult for humans to maintain eternal passion.

Zheng Yi didn't understand what he said, so he subconsciously asked: "What is not enough?"

Xiao Li retracted his gaze, drank the last sip of Coke, and threw the empty box into the trash can not far away with one hand: "Nothing."

Zheng Yi muttered a few words quietly. He originally wanted to wait for Shen Mirzhi to come back and say hello to him, but he looked down at his watch again and found that the appointment time with his friends was approaching, so he had to say to Xiao Li, "Xiao Li Li, then I'll go first, and we will contact you next time."

Xiao Li nodded slightly, said hello, and watched him go away.

Not long after Zheng Yi left, Shen Mirzhi walked over. The young man held a cup of milk tea in his hand, and he handed that cup to Xiao Li.

This is the newly released milk tea with internet celebrity in recent days. Just queuing up to the stairs of the mall, Xiao Li didn't calculate the exact time, but he knew that the other party had been in line for at least half an hour.

Xiao Li didn't answer, looking at the bag in his hand, "Where is your own?"

Shen Mirage squeezed his earlobe, and smiled softly: "I don't like sweet things."

He had been in the line for so long because Xiao Li looked at the sign of the milk tea shop more often.

The young man's stamina is very good. He has been in line for so long without sweating at all on his forehead. He still looks like he just came out of home.

This kind of intimacy made Xiao Li a little uncomfortable, but looking at the nice smile on the other side, his heartbeat speeded up slightly. Without saying anything, he took the cup of milk tea and took a sip. The taste was mellow, and a sweetness came from the bottom of his heart.

Shen Mirage turned his face to look at him: "Where do you want to go?"

Xiao Li bit the straw and answered without lifting his head: "Go and see my cat in the pet hospital."

Shen Mirage: "Cat?"

"Yeah," Xiao Li said, "I picked it up the day I met with Wang Huai. I injured my foot and was treated in the hospital."

Shen Mirage's eyes darkened, as if a layer of ice was quenched on the beautiful colored glaze: "After it is cured, do you want to raise it?"

After a pause, the young man continued in a low voice: "Don't you already have a cat? Would you like to raise another one?"

His tone sounded quite dangerous, as if it was a metaphor, but he took care of the person in front of him, and wrapped a scabbard around the deadly blade.

Xiao Li: "I didn't plan to adopt it. I should find him an adoption."

This little white cat is different from the black cat. The black cat is a plot creature and can be taken out and released at any time when entering the dungeon. The little white cat is just an ordinary cat. If you bring it back to stay with the ghosts at home all day Together, it may not be very good for its body.

Although the little milk cat is really cute.

Shen Mirage was silent for a moment: "I will go with you, and I want to see that cat too."

Xiao Li couldn't find a reason for rejection. The two of them left the mall, and Shen Mirage drove to the pet hospital.

When Xiao Li arrived at the pet hospital, the little white cat was kept in a foster cage, wearing an Elizabethan ring that did not fit her body, and the cat’s head mournfully draped on it.

Before he approached the kitten, the kitten’s sensitive ears stood up, and it seemed to know Xiao Li, and his milk screamed, "Meow."

The doctor opened the cage door for him and introduced the injury of the little white cat: "The cat is recovering very well. The cat is very resilient. There is nothing wrong with it. Just a few more shots of the vaccine will do. I will show it to you later. Recovered film."

The little white cat's head rested on the boy's fingers, purring happily from his throat.

Xiao Li took the little white cat, put the milk tea aside, and smoothed the hair between her ears with the other hand.

Shen Mirage looked at him, and he found that Xiao Li really liked cats, whether it was the cat he became in the copy, the little black cat, or even the stray cat.

The young man said: "Like it?"

There is no beginning and no end to what he asked, but Xiao Li still understood what he meant: "Furry, why don't you like it?"

Xiao Li pinched the white cat's ear again.

Shen Mizhi suddenly said: "In this case, I don't want to adopt it, I will adopt it."

As if he had figured out something, he continued meaningfully: "Give it to me, it's more reassuring than to a stranger, right?"

"...But it's the first time I raise a cat. I don't have enough experience. If I have something to do, I still need your advice. I may often disturb you in the future," the young man said lightly, "Don't bother me."

It sounds like it makes sense.

Shen Mirage does not seem to know how to keep cats, but at least he will not abuse cats.

Xiao Li: "Okay, no, cats are actually very easy to raise."

At least you don't have to slip every day.

Shen Mizhi's eyes glanced at the little white cat, and the little white cat immediately took two steps back, looking frightened.

The pet doctor walked over at this moment, holding a bone sheet in his hand: "Come with me."

Xiao Li embraced the little white cat and walked out of the foster room behind the doctor.

Shen Mizhi didn't catch up immediately. He looked at the milk tea Xiao Li put aside, and suddenly reached out and took it, taking a sip with the straw that the young man had just held.

...It's really sweet.


On that day, when Xiao Li returned home, the little black cat who had stayed at home without entering the little yellow book immediately jumped from the scratching board.

It circled Xiao Li, its pink nose kept sniffing, as if it smelled the third cat.

Xiao Li spread his hand and let it check.

After discovering that Xiao Li had not brought the little white cat back secretly, the little black cat sat down with satisfaction, wagging his tail, and swept the boy's face with his tail.

Xiao Li grabbed his tail: "Lost hair."

He just flicked it for a while, and the black shards floated in the room like dandelions, without wind.

The little black cat used his small paws to reach the hair in the air. After reaching a strand, he ran to the trash can and threw the hair in.

"Great." Xiao Li praised it.

The little black cat is even more proud. It holds the cat's head high and continues its work, becoming a fully automatic grooming machine.

After a brief wash, Xiao Li lay on the bed and swiped her phone.

During his bath time, WeChat saved a lot of news.

In addition to Zhou Yingwan's few small recharge reminders from Wangzhe Pesticide, the first one to bear the brunt was the cat raising inquiry from Shen Mizhi.

Shen Mirchi bought a bunch of cat toys, cat climbing frames, cat litters, and so on, and sent photos to ask Xiao Li how to put it.

He has not officially taken the white cat from the hospital home, just some preliminary work.

Xiao Li replied casually: "It does not matter how you place it. Basically, this one in my house does not sleep."

Shen Mirage: "Really?"

The little black cat is now sleeping next to Xiao Li’s pillow. Basically, he is on the sofa, and the little black cat is sleeping on the sofa. When he gets on the bed, the little black cat will also jump into the bed. It occasionally sleeps under the ancient paintings. .

Xiao Li simply took a picture with his mobile phone and sent it to the other party.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at the door of the room.

The door of his room was concealed. He had turned off the TV when he came in. But at this moment, there was a TV commercial sound from outside the door. Listening to the sound, the TV station was constantly switched, and finally it was a singing. Variety competition "I am the King of Singer".

Immediately, from the microphone, the voice of singing along with the players came.

As if afraid to disturb Xiao Li, Fu Zige's singing voice was lowered, but he could still vaguely hear him.

Xiao Li thought for a while, he reached out and pulled the laptop on the table in the room, opened it, found the official website registration mailbox of this variety show, and sent the original Fu Zige song he recorded last time to the program group.

It didn't take long for his cell phone to go away, Zheng Yi sent him another message.

[Sherlock, come here, look at this. 】


Xiao Li clicked in and took a look. What he sent was a link to a forum with the title: [How is this emoji package red? Is this a real ghost? ? 】

The picture is a snapshot.

That was when Xiao Li showed his evaluation to the figure in the movie when she was in the movie theater in Stellar's Misty Town, the expression on that figure.

I don't know who uploaded it. After being processed by someone, there are three "???" on the P, which is very vivid and comparable to the black question mark in the real emoji package.

At the bottom of this post, someone replied: [You don’t even know this? It was taken by Shen Wang and made by Xia Shen. 】

[I know it's them, but... is this a real ghost? ? ? Isn't this from PS? 】

[In fact, I also suspect that it was post-processing. How can the real ghost's expression be so vivid? Look at the slightly distorted eyebrows, the face that is obviously horribly distorted but with a sense of doubt, and the slightly twitching corners of the mouth. I want the ghost head leaning forward because I want to see Sherlock's handwriting on the mission book...]

[Grass, a kind of plant, is so funny, I can't do it anymore. 】

[I have saved this emoji package and sent it to my classmates in real life. They all like to use 2333, and it feels like it's getting hot. 】

[Hurt, Sherlock turned ghosts into emoticons, and ghosts turned us into emoticons. 】

[This emoji package is really amazing. You can apply for the intangible cultural heritage of the reincarnation class. It is used to warn later generations and ghosts that there will be doubts! 】

[Ghost, it's also a question mark! 】

[Wait, will the ghost...remember us? 】

[Probably not, but I have already figured it out. If I go into the dungeon and encounter this ghost and don’t know what to do, I will send it this emoticon pack! ! Before I die, I have to respond to it!]

[Even if you kill me, you are an emoticon. 】

[Suggest not to make movies in the future, and debut in the emoji package. 】

[Everyone, I have a bold idea. If you can take a picture of all the ghosts that Sherlock Moriarty Hercule has made, and compete for meme 101 together, who will you pick? 】

[My pageant sister pomelo has many functions, who can leave the phone now? 】

[Oh, don’t step on upstairs, Kangkang, let’s stand on it, model workers, full attendance, inseparable dolls, love flowers, love peace, a green silk can be long or short, vote for her. 】

[Moriarty, as a member of the ghost story, must support our other ghost stories, Duck, Fu Jiang, legs, red sister rush to me. 】

【Bloody Mary? Although I can't say it, but the body is very honest. Tsundere beauty big sister, who doesn't love? 】

Xiao Li: "..."

He began to pray for the one who replied, praying that he would not be seen by Bloody Mary, otherwise he would definitely come back with revenge based on the other's character.

Xiao Li quit the forum and was waiting to reply to Zheng Yi. At this time, another message came in.

Xiao Li exited the dialogue page with Zheng Yi and opened it. It was from Wang Huai.

Wang Huai: [Tonight, ten miles away, will you come? 】

Xiao Li pondered for a moment: [Supper? Is it too far? 】

Wang Huai’s dialog box immediately displayed [The other party is typing], but he did not send this sentence after typing it for a while. Finally, he typed and deleted, and only sent this sentence to Xiao Li: [ I think the supernatural event may be related to the secret of reality. 】

Like I am not born with Ou Huang, please collect it: ( I am not born with Ou Huang's literary update the fastest.