MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 1 Palace change

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   Chapter 1 Palace Change

  The setting sun had set, and there was only a dark color against the blood red of the East Palace, which was only a bit more hideous and cruel than before.

   The East Palace, which was full of joy and red silk, was already in chaos at this time. On the day of the prince's wedding, he was accused of treason, and the evidence of the crime had been reported to the imperial court.

   The once prestigious East Palace has now become a blood-soaked purgatory on earth. The eunuchs of the soldiers who were copying and inspecting scolded and reprimanded them, and all the eunuchs of the Eastern Palace were like driving away pigs and dogs. If there is a slight violation, the escorting soldier will not know, and the long knife will be slashed directly, blood is accompanied by screams, and many timid ones will faint and lose control.

  Lin Suisui opened her eyes in a daze amid the screams and wailing around her, her eyes turned red, causing her already drowsy head to become even more chaotic.

What is this scenario?

   She only remembered that she should be on the towering city wall, and the last memory was the arrow that passed through her chest...

  Why did she open her eyes again, she would be in such a completely unfamiliar and chaotic environment, and she didn't know the cause and effect!

   So what the **** does this mean?

   Thinking that her death is not enough, change her identity and let her die again? !

  Lin Suisui slumped on the ground. She learned from the King of Medicine, and she has accumulated virtue and good deeds since she was a child. She has saved countless people as a doctor for many years.

   "Bang", the door of the hall was smashed open, and a group of people wearing inner official costumes rushed in with the **** aura coming towards them, almost without any thought, they blocked Lin Suisui in the middle.

The man in the lead was startled when he saw Lin Suisui who was blocked in front of the bed, and then the desire in those turbid and fierce eyes made the hairs on Lin Suisui stand up. More still disgusting.

   "Tsk, I have long heard that Miss Zuo Xiangfu's Sixth Miss is a rare beauty, but now she truly lives up to her reputation!" The man took two steps forward, and he was about to stretch out his hand to squeeze Lin Suisui's chin.

Lin Suisui took a few steps back very quickly, and only stopped when she hit the bed behind her. She only felt that the outstretched hand was sticky and disgusting, but now is not the time to be distracted and think about other things. With a small face, he tried his best to look at him: "What are you, you dare to touch me?!"

   "Tsk, I can't see it, this is still strong!"

The inner **** was not angry when he was reprimanded, but just turned his head and laughed with the companions who came with him, and when he looked at it again, his eyes were full of affection: "Little beauty, are you afraid that you are still doing it? The dream of a princess!

   Little did you know that the evidence of the prince's treason was conclusive, and now you can only wait for the sage's will to annihilate the East Palace where you are!

  If you are sensible, just be obedient and let your brothers love you so much that even if you die, you can die more easily! "

   Nei Huan's words caused laughter all around, but for Lin Suisui, who was sitting on the foot next to the bed, it was like a thunderbolt, and she was stunned.

   Now, her identity turns out to be a crown princess? !

  So, the current situation is that on the day of the prince's wedding, the prince was accused of treason...

   What about the prince? !

   Countless thoughts were circling in her mind, and the inextricable strands became a mess. She didn't have the spare time to take care of other things, and was trying her best to sort everything out. But she didn't feel it herself, but such a hazy and hazy deer's eyes fell into the eyes of those who wanted to humiliate her, obviously people were scared and stupid!

   That **** looked jealous, he was instructed by the third prince to come here to humiliate the East Palace!

  If I could humiliate the princess who only entered the East Palace before the couch of the prince's comatose...

These eunuchs have all been stabbed, and their minds are a bit more dirty and dark than others. Seeing Lin Suisui staying there with a pitiful expression on the verge of tears, it is even more greedy and eager to deceive He took a few steps forward and approached her: "Little beauty, if you are more obedient, my brother will love you so much, maybe I can think of a trick to make a living for you!"

"Really, seriously?" Lin Suisui calmly squeezed a golden hairpin hidden in his sleeve, shrank back and moved it back, with a frail and frail appearance, even more so She is as slender as a willow, cute and pitiful.

   Her delicate and helpless appearance made the eunuch's soul almost disappear, and there were other things that were noticed there. She only laughed and reached out to Lin Suisui's clothes: "Beauty, you..."

   The next moment, he only felt a gust of wind swirl through his sleeves and a pain in his neck.

  Lin Suisui held the golden hairpin in his hand, and it stabbed into his neck fiercely in an instant.

   The pitiful eyes that were about to cry just a moment ago, now only indifference and determination are left, like a sharp blade unsheathed, showing its sharp edge!

Lin Suisui's head was very clever, and almost the entire long hairpin did not go into the eunuch's neck, so when she pulled it out very neatly, the gushing blood also sprayed her face. .

  Unfortunately, although this wound was fatal, it was not immediately fatal!

"Jian man! Looking for..." The **** raised his hand subconsciously and covered the wound and took two steps back, looking like he was gnashing his teeth. The eyes, like the ghosts and evil spirits crawling out of purgatory, are breathtakingly beautiful!

   Even though he suffered a heavy blow, the desire in his heart has not been reduced by half, on the contrary, it has become heavier!

   He's going to play her to death!

   It's just that his cruel words haven't finished yet, the whole person is like a goose with a strangled neck, his eyes are round, and the whole person falls backwards on his back.

   And between his eyebrows, a slender golden hairpin was inserted.

   It was the one that Lin Suisui held in his hand and used to stab the **** for self-defense!

  Lin Suisui stared at the person who fell to the ground, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

   Dead, dead? !

   Thinking of the coldness that had just passed by her fingertips, she turned around a little bit and looked at the bed behind her, but suddenly met a pair of dark dark eyes.

   It is like a cold jade that has settled in a thousand-year-old cold pool, and it is like a lone wolf in the desolate desert. It is cruel and fierce, without the slightest popularity.

   is the prince.

   He was half leaning on the head of the bed, and his pale and bloodless face showed no joy or anger. He just looked at the group of panicked eunuchs with a cold, emotionless expression, as if he was looking at a group of dead people.

   "Come here." The prince's eyes finally fell on Lin Suisui, and with a rare touch of warmth, he reached out to her.

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   (end of this chapter)