MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 459 planning

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  Chapter 459 Planning

  Duo Gele Aha's words caused Lin Suisui and the others to change their expressions slightly. No one expected that everything that was originally planned would encounter such an accident.

  Although Lin Suisui was shocked in her heart, she didn't show it too much on her face. She just calmly finished the family banquet, chatted with Duo Gele Aha and the others for a while, and then got up and said goodbye to Lu Ze.

  As soon as he left the camp, Lin Suisui asked Bai Guo to invite Anduo Shaman.

   "Has there been such a situation before?" Lin Suisui smiled at the Anduo Shaman, and very directly stepped into the topic of inviting him over today.

"No." Shaman Shaman Shaman shook his head, and replied with certainty: "The Harvest Festival is a big event. To say something disrespectful and offensive, this person's birth, old age, sickness and death can happen at any time, how can one offend the gods just because of one person's illness?" of?

   Actually, I am dissatisfied with you, Goddess. I have already received some news about the Harvest Festival before I went to the dinner party, but I haven't confirmed it yet, so I didn't come to report it.

  Now everyone is very repulsed by this arrangement, and the royal court is afraid that there will be trouble again in the past two days. "

  For the people of the northern barbarians, the Harvest Festival is a festival that cannot be desecrated. Naturally, the celebration should be as grand as possible, because it can indicate the good weather for the next year.

  But King Zade Khan, who is now presiding over the affairs of the royal court, made such a decision, which undoubtedly directly caused public outrage.

   Not only can't celebrate, even the rituals that should be done to worship the gods and gods have been announced to stop...

   This not only made the ordinary people below angry, but even the lords and nobles who supported King Zade Khan before showed great dissatisfaction and anger.

   "So, this accident may still be an opportunity." Lin Suisui pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Ze with a smile on his face, and sure enough, he saw the same smile in his eyes.

"Then I'm afraid I'll have to work hard for Anduo Shaman." Lu Ze nodded at Lin Suisui, and then looked at Anduo Shaman who was still a little dazed and couldn't react: "Since everyone is concerned about Zade King Khan has a lot of opinions, then Andor Shaman, you might as well use this opportunity to stir up the water a little more."

When Lu Ze reminded, Anduo Shaman immediately reacted, and couldn't help nodding his eyes brightly: "Yes, that's true! If we handle it well, we can even find a more suitable opportunity for the Goddess to descend on us. In front of everyone!"

  With the target, the next operation of the Shadowr Shaman becomes much easier.

  He is an old hand in the matter of pretending to be ghosts. He just released a few carrier pigeons and sent out a few believers to deliver messages, and everything was almost arranged.

   Sure enough, just as Lin Suisui and the others had guessed, this provocative approach brought great trouble to Nina's side concubine who made this decision in the royal court.

"Cough, cough, you just killed me, and you made this stupid decision yourself." King Zade Khan spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the furious Concubine Nina with a particularly provocative smile. Strong schadenfreude, his back was ripped apart by the whip, but he could still laugh.

   "I told you a long time ago, telling you not to be stupid, you didn't believe it yourself!

   In fact, this is because you are too selfish and conceited. If you can think about others with your heart, you can think, if someone tells you to stop worshiping your Naga snake god, what will you do? "

"Presumptuous!" King Zade Khan hadn't finished speaking when Ting Nuo, who was next to Nina's side concubine, whipped him heavily. Ting Nuo glared at King Zade Khan with an extremely ugly face: "How dare you?" Insulting Goddess Naga?!"

"Look, I just mentioned one sentence and you can't stand it. Then when you come to Beiman, you will stop the harvest festival sacrifices. What do you think those people will think?" King Zade Khan was whipped but did not Instead of being angry, he smiled more happily.

  He leaned on the ground, staring at Nina's side concubine master and servant, the resentment in his eyes almost condensed into substance: "So, you all just wait for the backlash and retribution!"

"Don't get complacent too early." Concubine Nina turned around, glanced down at King Zade Khan, she smiled coldly: "This is just the beginning, you should put away your complacency first." It's still unknown who will win the battle!

   Don’t think I don’t know, many of the troublemakers here are instigated by your good brother! 'goddess'…

  Hehe, I really want to see how incredible this existence that has been praised to the sky is! "

   After she finished speaking, she turned her head and winked at Ting Nuo, only to see Ting Nuo drooping her eyes and quickly retreating. Seeing that there were only him and Concubine Nina left in the tent, King Zade Khan's face suddenly changed. He changed his complacency and shrank back in horror, wanting to get away from Concubine Nina. The farther the better.

Concubine Nina just glanced at him, then laughed softly, walked slowly to the side table and poured a glass of wine, and walked towards King Zade Khan slowly with the glass: "King Khan, What are you hiding? You and my husband and wife, Dunlun is the most joyful thing, not to mention, I also want to give you a lively and lovely little prince, King Khan!"

"Demon girl, don't come here!" King Zade Khan struggled to avoid Nina's side concubine's restraint, but Nina's side concubine moved extremely fast, clamping King Zade Khan's chin with considerable force, He poured the glass of wine directly into it.

"You are only useful to me now! Otherwise, do you think that I would still be willing to treat a waste like you?" Raising his hand and throwing away the wine glass in his hand, Concubine Nina stretched out her hand to grab Zade King Khan's skirt: "You'd better be more obedient to me, my patience is limited!

  If you are still so useless that I can't conceive a child, then don't blame me for using other methods!

   After all, when the time comes to send you away, is it up to me to decide whether the father of this child is you or not? "

  When Concubine Nina said this, her hands became even more cruel.

  The man in front of me is really useless!

  If she still can't conceive again, then she has no choice but to use another method! All she needed now was a child anyway.

  After the future situation is settled, who is the father of the child...

  Who dares to question? !

"How dare you!" King Zade Khan's face turned purple with anger from Concubine Nina's shamelessness. He couldn't help cursing directly, but just like Concubine Nina said, he doesn't even know what to do now. He didn't have any power to resist, and the medicine in the wine gradually took effect, and he quickly lost his reason and thinking ability, and he directly followed Nina's side concubine's wishes, and fought with her thoroughly...

  (end of this chapter)