MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 480 God's Law Manifested

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  With Song and Zhou's arguments, Yapo didn't dare to neglect her at all, so she hurried out and asked the people in the yard to notify Catcher Wang.

Wang Butou here was still irritated by Song Jianxing's nonsense, but when he heard the words from the yapo, he found a reason. Without saying a word, he sneered, and ordered the brothers next to him to come forward, and he would still cry there. After shouting for a long time, Song Jianxing, who didn't see a drop of tears but only thundered and didn't rain, was directly overturned to the ground, and all kinds of people were tied up.

This sudden turn of events was unexpected by everyone, especially Song Jianxing, who was tightly tied up, even yelled loudly: "You are crazy, why do you tie me up? You don't want to ask for my aunt's help." To be fair, let me kill that poisonous woman, but you still come to tie me up, is there any justice in this world, is there any law of the king?!"

   Not only Song Jianxing, but also the surrounding people were all puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, and started chatting with their companions.

   And Wang Butou did not hide it for Song Jianxing. As a neighbor who has lived together for many years, he really knows what kind of virtue this man in front of him is!

   Right now, he just opened his mouth and spat at him impolitely, and cursed contemptuously: "Shut up your stinking mouth! Why did I tie you up, do you know for yourself?

   Who killed your own mother, do you want me to remind you again? "

  What Wang Butou said made Song Jianxing's face turn pale. He looked away in a panic, trying to make an unconvincing excuse: "You, what nonsense are you talking about?

  How could I poison my aunt? No one in the neighborhood here knows, but I was raised by my aunt who has been a widow for many years!

  Who doesn't know what I am like to my aunt?

  Only that poisonous woman, maybe it was because she was dissatisfied with my aunt that she gave birth to such rebellious and unfilial thoughts! If you don't bring that vicious woman to justice, but tie me up, are you being reasonable? "

   I have to say that Song Jianxing's rebuttal is quite convincing and inspiring.

  Many people who came to watch now are old people who have lived in this area for many years, and the Song family can be regarded as neighbors for several lifetimes!

   As for those things in their family, they are also very clear.

  Although Song Jianxing is not very good to his wife and children on weekdays, he is indeed quite filial to his wife, Mrs. Guo, and it can never be overstated by words.

  So it doesn't make sense to hear Catcher Wang accuse him of killing his wife, Mrs. Guo!

"You wouldn't poison your own mother, but what if the target of your poisoning was your daughter-in-law Song Zhou?" Before Catcher Wang could speak, he led Bai Guo and the others out of the yard wearing a veiled hat. Lin Suisui, who came out, had already directly opened his mouth to retort Song Jianxing's argument.

  Speaking Bi Lin Suisui also ignored Song Jianxing who was rolling on the ground, and turned his head to motion for Bai Guo to show the two rough pottery bowls on the tray to Wang Butou.

   "The two bowls here are the ones that held the custard last night. Although they were cleaned last night by Song Zhou, who didn't know about it, after all, the cleaning time is still short, and there are still poison residues in it.

   It is strange to say, but one of these two bowls is poisonous and the other is non-toxic.

According to what Song Zhou said, after she made the custard yesterday, she was called by her mother-in-law to give her a lecture. The remaining custard was in the kitchen.

As a result, the mother-in-law who came out later heard about this matter, and she immediately sent Song Zhou to prepare water for the Song family to wash, and she went into the kitchen to give the custard that should have been given to Song Zhou. After eating, I became a scapegoat for my daughter-in-law! "

  Lin Suisui's words not only made Song Jianxing lose the power of sophistry, but also stunned the surrounding people.

  If this is true, then why did Song Jianxing suddenly want to kill his wife?

   "But, why did he suddenly want to poison the Song and Zhou family?" Wang Butou was also stunned for a long time before he realized it, and directly asked this question on behalf of the people around him.

"I have to ask the big brother of the Song family who is lying on the ground!" Lin Suisui glanced at Song Jianxing who was lying on the ground and began to tremble because he could not suppress the fear, and simply did not give him any room. The hypocritical disguise he put on was completely stripped away: "Mrs. Guo has always been very dissatisfied with the Song Zhou family who gave birth to three daughters in a row, thinking that she killed her precious son's queen!

  Under the subtle influence of Mrs. Guo's attitude, Song Jianxing became more dissatisfied with the Song Zhou family every year. He also felt that the Song Zhou family was incompetent and could not bear him a son!

  So in the past two years, he gradually had a relationship with the eldest lady of the Fang family who was a widow in this alley.

  The reason why she chose to do it now is entirely because the eldest lady of the Fang family is pregnant. If she doesn't want to find a way to enter the Song family's door, her stomach will not be able to hide it!

  But the Song Zhou family has been married into the Song family for so many years. Although they failed to give birth to a son, they can't find fault in other aspects. And most importantly, in order to expand the business of the dry goods store last year, the Song family borrowed a considerable amount of money from the Zhou family!

  If he proposed to divorce his wife at this moment, the Zhou family would turn their backs and ask the Song family to pay back the money!

  So Song Jianxing was forced to have no choice but to come up with such an idea of ​​poisoning his wife! After all, the Song Zhou family has been childless for so many years, and it is not ruled out that she will commit suicide because she can't give birth to a son.

  He thought he had thought everything out properly, but he didn't want to fall short and poison his own mother to death in the end!

   I have to say, Dalang Song, your heart is really cruel!

  You saw that the matter was a foregone conclusion, so you simply thought about killing Song Zhou to silence her, and then charged Song Zhou with poisoning her mother-in-law.

In this way, you can not only get rid of the crime of killing your own mother by mistake, but also take the opportunity to get rid of the Song Zhou family you want to solve, and you can use the reason that the Song Zhou family poisoned your mother to directly rely on what you borrowed from the Zhou family. The silver is not returned!

  Just don’t forget, the law of heaven is clear, and those who do evil will be punished by heaven! You counted everything, but you forgot to dispose of the arsenic pack you bought from outside. I have arranged for someone to trace the source of the arsenic along the arsenic pack I found in the kitchen!

   And I also ordered people to go to Fang's house and bring back the eldest lady of Fang's family. Whether she is pregnant or not, I will let Po Wen know after a while!

  Song Jianxing, the evidence is solid now, you can't escape! "