MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 493 settled

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  Chapter 493 settled

Song Zhou almost used up all the courage she had accumulated in her whole life. She gritted her teeth and stood in the middle of the mourning hall. She greeted the elders of the Song clan with bad intentions and vicious eyes. things.

  She is not stupid, so she naturally knows what kind of purpose these people have in her house today.

  Once this boy stays at their house today, it is tantamount to crossing Minglu directly. After that, it will be difficult for her to drive him out again!

  The Song and Zhou family's tough attitude was also something that the elders from the Song family did not expect.

  After all, when the family members needed to come forward for something, the Song and Zhou family who came with their mother-in-law, Mrs. Guo, had always been meek and timid.

   Not to mention saying a word or two, I dare not even raise my head.

  So they didn't put Song Zhou's mother and daughter in their eyes at all from the beginning, they just wanted to bring this child over, and then threatened Song Zhou's, and the matter would probably be done!

  But this time their ideas came to nothing.

  Song Zhou's tough attitude completely exceeded their expectations.

   This also led to them coming here for a long time, saying threats and saying Huairou's words, but it was of no use at all, and Song Zhou insisted on not nodding her head to compromise.

   The scene fell into a stalemate for a while.

  These clan elders dare not say it outside, but they have always walked sideways in the Song clan.

   Now that Song and Zhou, a woman who is not in their eyes at all, is disobeyed in front of them, how can they bear this tone?

  One of the hot-tempered old men couldn't bear his temper, and threatened and cursed Song Zhou fiercely. Seeing that she was still stalking her neck and not bowing her head, she raised her hand directly at Song Zhou in a fit of anger...

   It's just that before he slapped this slap, he was stopped by someone grabbing his arm in mid-air.

Yinqiao was not polite to such an old guy who beat a woman, she directly increased her strength in her hands, until the old man was pinched to the point of crying and begging for mercy, then she reluctantly let go of her hand under Yuanniang's eyes, heavily With a push, he collided directly with the clan elders behind him whose expressions changed drastically.

"Yo, this doesn't make sense, so I just want to play a rogue, right?" Yuanniang took advantage of Yinqiao to stop the old man, and hurriedly helped Song and Zhou back to a relatively safe place, and then she was quite disdainful He looked up and stared at the elders who were unceremoniously mocking.

   "You big men with big beards all gang up to bully a helpless widow, you are really kind!

   After living so long, I don’t even want to lose my face, right? "

   "You, who are you?" Seeing the sudden appearance of Yuanniang and Yinqiao, the elders of the Song clan over there were obviously a little surprised.

Especially the old man who had just suffered a big loss in Yinqiao's hands, became even more angry and shouted at Yuanniang and the others dissatisfied: "This is the housework of our Song family, you outsiders should stay out of their own business! "

"Outsider? This is my sister! Something happened to my sister's house, I, a girl, came over to see what's wrong?" Yuanniang was not frightened by the old man's bravado, she just snorted coldly, Continuing to stare at him with disdain, he asked back: "But speaking of outsiders, I'm a little confused by your Song clan. Wasn't my sister's husband expelled by your Song clan in public yesterday?

  So now you bring this child here, who do you want to adopt as a son? "

  Yuanniang's question made the old Song clans on the opposite side foolish on the spot.

  Yeah, Song Jianxing has now been expelled from the Song clan. His name was crossed off the family tree by the patriarch overnight, and even crossed out, there are naturally...

   "Song Jianxing made a big mistake and was expelled, but the old Song Tou is still a member of our Song clan! So naturally, our clan should come and worry about his daughter-in-law's funeral!"

   It was also one of the clan elders who reacted quickly. Although it was a bit reluctant, it was better than standing there awkwardly without being able to say a word.

   "Ha, I heard you just said that you want this child to call my sister's mother-in-law Grandma!

  Then here comes the problem, my sister’s mother-in-law’s only son has already been expelled from the Song clan by you, so who will write this child’s name when he is adopted?

  I can't let my sister's mother-in-law not even have a son, just pop out a grandson out of thin air, right? "

  Yuanniang pinched her handkerchief to cover her mouth and couldn't help laughing, she looked at the clan elders with mocking eyes: "If you want me to say, your Song clan is really very smart!

  My sister, mother, and daughter are four, and now there is only this shop to survive. You are good, in order to grab other people's money, you really don't even want the face of the whole family! "

  Yuanniang's words were on point, and naturally, the crowd of onlookers immediately echoed her.

   It's not that the onlookers want to meddle in their own business, but that the eating behavior of the Song family is really ugly!

   Comparing your heart to your heart, if this kind of thing happens to you or your family members, no matter what happens, it will be unacceptable!

   Several elders of the Song family saw that they could not take advantage of it at the moment, so they looked at each other and decided to sneak away first, and only came back after discussing it after going back!

   It's just that it's easy to come now, but it's a little difficult to leave now.

  Wang Butou got the order from Tang County Sheriff, and left the crowd with a sullen face like this with a group of brothers. Without saying a word, he waved at the elders of the Song family who were still stunned and didn't react: "Take them all away!"

   "Hey, you guys, why are you arresting people?!"

   "That is, what law did we break, why do you want to arrest us?"


   Several clan elders were chained to their upper bodies only to realize that something was wrong, and immediately began to struggle violently regardless.

  But Wang Butou was not used to them, facing the resistance and accusations of these old men, he just snorted coldly, and then cursed at them full of anger: "You didn't break the law?

  Using power to bully others, using the name of the clan to bully and **** the family property of orphans and widows! You are so shameless for money, how dare you say you are innocent?

  So many people are watching in broad daylight, but you can't deny it!

  Brothers, stop dawdling! According to the order of the governor, take all the ones back! "

  (end of this chapter)