MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 497 VIP

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  The people in the casino naturally cannot reason with others.

  Breaking into the gate of the courtyard viciously, he smashed and smashed Li Wei, and then directly surrounded and forced the completely stunned Zhou family to demand the money back.

   If you don’t pay it back, you will have to chop your hands and feet!

   They even took over their yard, dragged their Zhou family's daughter and child to sell to pay off the debt!

Although the Zhou family is used to being domineering in normal times, they are like little white rabbits surrounded by wolves when faced with a group of debt-seeking thugs in the casino who even have a few lives hanging on them. There is no power to fight back at all.

  In order to pay off the money, the Zhou family could only grit their teeth and reluctantly collect the money.

  But even if the whole family took out all their savings, it would still be far behind.

  Old man Zhou is definitely unwilling to touch the shop and house. If these are used to pay off the debt, his family will really go to drink the northwest wind.

   When there was really no other way, old man Zhou thought of Song Zhou.

  Even if the Song family's shop is not easy to touch now, the Song family still owed them money before, and the IOU was written in black and white, and the Song family would pay them one hundred taels even with the principal and interest.

  Although it is still half a year away from the final repayment date, isn’t it forced by the situation right now?

  Song Zhou is his daughter, and now the Song family's money is in her hands. Isn't it reasonable to return the money to help the family get through this difficult time?

  If the one hundred taels of silver were counted, there would not be much deficit left.

  Old man Zhou was thinking about letting the Song and Zhou family add some more at that time, so that this crisis could be overcome!

   It's just that old man Zhou thought well, but he didn't expect that Song Zhou would not cooperate at all.

When old man Zhou brought Mrs. Wan and several daughter-in-laws to Song Zhou and asked her to pay back the money due to family difficulties, Song Zhou didn't say much, and said happily that he would pay back the IOU when he saw it. money.

  But when Mrs. Wan asked Song Zhou to make up the remaining shortfall in tears, Song Zhou rarely refused.

  Anyway, no matter how much old lady Wan cried, and even later, old lady Wan was forced to die, Song and Zhou still remained unmoved, and they were unwilling to spend half a cent on anything.

   Song Zhou's reasons are also very good.

   It is right to ask her to give money every year to be filial to her parents, but let her, a married woman, spend her own money and her daughter's own money to pay off the gambling debts of her natal family's worthless gambling brothers...

That's impossible!

Old man Zhou was very angry, but the threats he had made to his daughter in the past were no longer effective at the moment. Just as old man Zhou was so angry that he wanted to let his daughters-in-law catch Song Zhou, and when he wanted to teach her some lessons, he was originally detained by the casino. The three Zhou Dalang who were caught also rushed in from the outside.

   Without waiting for Song Zhou to react, they, together with a group of people who came behind them, blocked Song Zhou's mouth and tied their hands, and dragged her out regardless of her struggle and resistance.

  Old man Zhou was also taken aback by this sudden change.

He also didn't expect his sons to do such a thing, but after hearing Zhou Jia Dalang's explanation, as long as the nobleman they saw in the casino ordered, Song Zhou would be arrested and sent over to them. After his gambling debts could be written off, old man Zhou didn't have any hesitation.

  Not only did he ignore his daughter who was begging for help with tears in his eyes, but he also helped the three sons together, turning the struggling Song Zhou to the door and stuffing it into the tung oil carriage parked outside.

  Wan Pozi cried all the way, but she really only cried sadly.

  She didn't reach out to save her daughter, but cried all the way about her life, and hoped that Song Zhou could understand her and cooperate willingly, giving up herself to save the lives of her three brothers.

  When Lin Suisui rushed over with Da Ya and the others, the Zhou family was still gathering at home and making noise.

  Although the debts of the casino have been settled, old man Zhou is still brooding over the **** done by his sons. As soon as he got home, he called the three sons into the room and scolded them all the time.

   It's just that before the training was finished, there was a deafening loud noise in the yard outside.

   The Zhou family, who were all staying in the room talking, were taken aback. They squeezed out together, only to see that their yard door had been kicked open from the outside.

   "Where is my aunt? You return my aunt!"

Da Ya took the lead and rushed into Zhou's house with short legs. When she saw old man Zhou and the others standing under the eaves, there was no admiration for her relatives and elders, her eyes were filled with only a deep sense of immortality Endless hatred.

"Did you lose your mind and go crazy, you **** girl? Who has seen your mother? Go away, you little bastard!" Zhou's boss had just been trained by the old man Zhou, and he was suffocating in his heart. Hearing Da Ya's accountability, he became even more angry.

  He didn't dare to lose his temper with the thugs in the casino, but it was more than enough to deal with a little girl like Da Ya.

   "My aunt is the one who disappeared after you went to my house! Who is it if you didn't take my aunt away? Don't deny it, return my aunt!"

  Da Ya clenched her fists tightly, her immature voice was full of tears, but she didn't show any weakness and turned back against Zhou Jia Dalang's cursing.

   "Well, you little bastard, do you still dare to talk back?"

   Zhou Jia Dalang gritted his teeth and began to roll up his sleeves. Now even a little girl like Da Ya dares to come and grin at him. If she doesn't teach her a lesson, won't the world be turned upside down in the future?

"I advise you to stay awake and hand over Song Zhou's whereabouts earlier!" Yuanniang followed Da Ya from outside the courtyard gate with a sullen face. Lin Suisui was surrounded by three guards to protect her safety.

  Actually, it would be fine if only Yuanniang entered the door, but the guards behind her were quite imposing, which made Zhou Jia Dalang, who was still thinking of teaching the big girl some lessons, immediately frightened.

  He subconsciously shrank back behind Wan Pozi, but he still kept bluffing, staring at Yuanniang, blowing his beard and staring, shouting: "You, who are you?

  This is my house, you, why did you break into my house for no reason?

  I can warn you, if you don’t leave again, I will report to the police! "

   "Okay, when the head catcher from the yamen comes over later, you just go and explain to him, and see what you all did in Song's house just now!"

Yuanniang snorted coldly, she didn't pay attention to Zhou's vain warning at all, she turned her head, looked at the old man whose face changed greatly because of her words, and continued bluntly. He said: "If you hand over the Song and Zhou clan now, things will be fine, but if you are still pretending to be confused here, then no matter what happens next, don't regret it!"