MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 56 save people

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   Chapter 56 Saving People

   "The pot is ready to eat!"

  Looking at Lu Ze and Pei Gan's eyes entwined like knives, sparks splattered everywhere, Lin Suisui couldn't care about defending himself any longer, and coughed softly, temporarily breaking the deadlock in front of him.

   "Liu Niangzi is good at cooking."

   Pei Gan took the soup bowl that Lin Suisui handed over, and looking at the milky white soup, he complimented him before he even tasted it.

  Lin Suisui chuckled: "The prince hasn't eaten yet, how do you know the cooking is good?! Maybe it's just a good-looking appearance, but it's really unpalatable!"

   "Liu Niangzi should have heard of a saying, it's called a beautiful meal! Just such a good appearance has already won four or five points. As for the others, sometimes it is not so important."

   Pei Gan was not embarrassed to be broken, on the contrary, he looked more calm and harmless than Lu Ze who was sitting beside him.

   But I don't know if it was because of Lin Suisui's interruption this time, but Pei Gan stopped talking about Zang Jifeng when he just came over, and when I talk about it, it's a lot more relaxed.

   But the more so, Lu Ze and Lin Suisui couldn't take it lightly.

   This meal looks very rich, but in fact Lin Suisui almost suffered from stomach problems.

Lin Suisui was relieved until Pei Gan, who had eaten and drank contentedly, left, turned her head to look at Lu Ze, whose face was no bigger than hers, and complained in a low voice, "You said, he came here today. What is it for?!"

"I don't know, I'm not really here for dinner anyway!" Lu Ze stared at the direction Pei Gan was leaving, and after a long time he couldn't hear the anger in his tone: "Calculate the days, we should be able to arrive at the station in less than a month. already."

   At that time, you can really get rid of this dog skin plaster!

   "Forget it, let's just know that he's a bad guy! We'll be relying on others along the way. Even if we're not happy, we can only swallow it!"

Lin Suisui frowned and sighed, and reached out to help Lu Ze clean up the rest of the dinner. Seeing the two wine jars still lying on the ground, her brows furrowed even more, and she turned to look at Lu Ze: "This time he I came here with wine, shouldn’t I be trying to get you drunk?!”

   "It's just this jar of wine, it can't fill me."

  Lu reached out and patted Lin Suisui on the shoulder to reassure her, then reached out to take the soup pot in her hand, and whispered, "Go and rest in the car, I'll just pack up."

   It was already dark now, and he was worried, and he couldn't bear to let her go to the nearby stream alone to soak in cold water to wash the cooking utensils.

   "I'll accompany you." Lin Suisui wasn't sleepy at the moment, so she simply thought about being with Lu Ze, and also being able to have a company.

  Lu saw that she was in good spirits, so he didn't stop her. He smoked a well-lit firewood as a torch in the bonfire, turned around and took Lin Suisui to the stream together.

   "I really can't see that you can do anything."

Lin Suisui squatted on the stone by the stream and held up a torch to help Lu Ze light up. Seeing Lu Ze skillfully washing dishes and pots, she couldn't help but chuckle and praise: "I thought, a big man like you, It is believed that a gentleman cooks from afar."

"Then we would all starve to death if we followed this rule when we were fighting outside the army." Lu Ze snorted lightly, and sneered at this kind of statement: "These words are all those who stand and talk without backache. Only the pedant can say it!

   Take it as a joke, don't take it seriously! "

   "Then you were fighting in a foreign army before, was there no one around to take care of you?!"

Lin Suisui tilted her head, as if vaguely in her memory she also had the memory of assisting as a military doctor in the military camp, but at that time in the camp, let alone the high-ranking general, it was the little leader who led a hundred and ten people to eat. Clothes and so on, are also served by someone!

  I think Lu Ze is the dignified Prince of the East Palace. If he had led troops before, he would not have been worse off than the generals in the barracks, right? !

"When you're out on an expedition, if you chase out of the city and go deep into the grasslands or the depths of the desert to meet the enemy, who can take care of you?!" Lu Ze put the washed bowl into the clay pot, and answered Lin Suisui's question. : "If you are unlucky sometimes, it is normal to stay outside for ten days and a half months without taking a bath, how can there be so much attention?!

  The dry food and water I brought with me have been eaten and drank, so how can I take care of so much in order to survive, and even at the most difficult time, in order to quench my thirst, I can drink my own urine! "

  Lu stood up, handed the clay pot to Lin Suisui, took the torch from her hand, and led her back along the way.

   It's just that Lu Ze didn't take two steps this time, and Lu Ze stopped and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Suisui behind him with a look of alertness.

   "What's wrong?!" Lin Suisui, who had a bad instinct, didn't dare to move, she huddled behind Lu Ze, her voice was extremely low: "Yes, did you meet a wild wolf again?!"

   On this side of the North, everything else is good, but the wolf and hyenas are much more special! At night, a green lantern can be seen from time to time outside the camp, which are all wild wolves attracted by the refugees!

Fortunately, there are many people in the refugee camp, and there are bonfires burning. Those wild wolves are not too afraid to approach, but they are not willing to give up the delicious food they bring to their mouths, so they have been stubbornly staying outside. leave.

   Just waiting for those who don't have long eyes to run out of the refugee camp, so that they can have a snack!

  Lin Suisui subconsciously thought of this possibility. Although she had the experience of dealing with wild wolves and jackals before, she still instinctively felt a little nervous and afraid when she thought of those cunning and terrifying beasts.

   "Did you hear that human moan?!"

   Lu turned his ears, and in the raging north wind, he tried hard to identify whether the moan that had just entered his ears was real or an auditory hallucination.

   Hearing Lu Ze's question, Lin Suisui didn't dare to be careless. Together with him, he also tried his best to detect the surrounding movement. It didn't matter if she heard it, but it really made her hear some strange noises.

   "Over there." Lin Suisui tugged at Lu Ze's sleeve and pointed to the bush on her left hand: "It seems that the sound is coming from there."

"Follow me, three steps away, not too far, not too close." Lu Ze turned his head and explained in a low voice what Lin Suisui should do next. The direction that the movement came from walked past.

  Lin Suisui carefully followed behind him, and only after walking less than six or seven steps forward, she could already keenly smell the faint smell of blood in the air.

   Continued to walk forward for more than ten steps, just standing by the bush, you can clearly see that there is a person lying in a pool of blood in the thorn bush...

   One more update.

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   In order to advance, in order to rush to the list!! Seek all kinds of support~~~~~~

   I love you all!



   (end of this chapter)