MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 97 Spit blood!

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   Chapter 97 Hematemesis!

   In the end, Du Yuanyi still chose to gain 60% of the hope.

  Lin Suisui explained what she needed to prepare, and while waiting for the two medical officers to prepare the medicinal materials and related things, she took out the tools she had brought with her when she came.

   dipped the blade of the blade in spirits and carefully sterilized it with flames.

  The same is true for needles. She prepared in an orderly manner, and it was also because of her calmness that Du Yuanyi, who was in a state of restlessness, relaxed a little.

   He looked at Lin Suisui's calm attitude and skillful movements, and once again couldn't help but doubt her identity.

   Such a medical aunt with superb medical skills, does it need to take such risks to travel all the way to the north to settle down? !

   "No matter how good your medical skills are, you're still just a woman." Seemingly seeing the scrutiny in Du Yuanyi's eyes, Pei Gan answered his questions before he could speak.

   Du Yuanyi's original suspicion was instantly dissipated because of Pei Gan's words.

   Yes, no matter how good medical skills are, she is only a woman!

   She is not qualified to sit in the hall, and most people, except for female family members, few people are willing to accept a woman for diagnosis!

   On the contrary, in the private sector, there are not so many rules and regulations, and she has more opportunities to help people diagnose diseases. Instead, he wanted to be left.

  Ma Boisan boiled over and poured half a bowl of Du Yuanruo. After confirming with a silver needle that Du Yuanruo had completely fallen asleep, Lin Suisui began to help him deal with the wound again.

   cut off the necrotic flesh, and then used a silver needle to pierce the acupoint to stop the bleeding, and then began to carefully help Du Yuanruo repair his severely damaged arm.

   The needles used by Lin Suisui to suture the wounds were made from local materials, and the most common embroidery needles; and the thread was Du Yuanruo's hair, which she ripped off at will, and boiled it in spirits and used it to sew.

   This kind of practice is not to mention ordinary people like Du Yuanruo who are not too proficient in medicine, even the two medical officers standing next to them are dumbfounded.

   "What else would you use?!" Hearing the muttering of the medical officer next to him, Lin Suisui still had the energy to respond in an orderly manner: "How many of those shark lines can be produced every year?!

   Sometimes it’s not enough to use it on those nobles. What about ordinary people and soldiers who are wounded on the battlefield? Repair wounds, this is the most simple, effective and easy to obtain material. "

  Lin Suisui's movements were very fast, and by the end it was almost an afterimage. The damaged meridians were repaired and sutured, and the epidermis connected to the last flesh and blood was also repaired one by one.

   No matter how fast Lin Suisui's movements are, the next day will be bright when the last stitch is finished.

"Okay, the rest is up to him!" Lin Suisui applied medicine and bandage to Du Yuanruo's wounds again, and then turned to look at Du Yuanyi who was beside him, and whispered, "His Don't do violent tearing and movements in the past few days. If it splits again, the arm will really be abolished!

   This injury is a bit serious, and he has to get through a high fever next.

   also ask the prince to take care of him. "

  Lin Suisui wanted to stand up as he spoke, but he was a little unsteady because of his exhaustion all night. Lu Ze took two steps forward very quickly, and directly hugged her whole body.

   "Two princes, you don't need Zhuojing for the rest. Let me take her back to rest first."

   Before Pei Gan and Du Yuanyi could speak, he turned around and strode away towards the tent door!

"What you asked just now was ridiculous. I said it before that there is no peace in our refugee camp! But you have the hearts of villains and think what I will do to you! I will not let me live with you. The area is patrolled and protected!

   Now, your brother was sleeping well in the tent, but he was moved to the field outside. If it wasn't for Qianhe's effective inspections, he would have been eaten by the wolves long ago to the point where only a skeleton remains! "

Pei Gan waited for Lu Ze to leave with Lin Suisui, and then turned his head to look at Du Yuanyi, who had a cold expression on his face with disdain: "Du Shizi doesn't thank my subordinates for saving your brother's life, but instead questioned him. I attacked your brothers, aren't you too kind and revenge?!"

   "If it weren't for you, who would it be?!" Du Yuanyi suddenly raised his head and stared at Pei Gan: "My brother was taken out and thrown into the wild, and Qianhe brought someone to rescue him!

   Don't you think it's all too coincidental? ! "

"Where's the evidence?! Du Shizi, if you want to convict me, you need to show evidence! Otherwise, you will be revenge! Although I and you have different political views and different people, but it is not yet that you must die. the point!

   What's more, if I really do it, then I should throw you out without knowing it. Your brother's wine bag and rice bag are worth my effort? ! "

Pei Gan was not annoyed, he just stood up slowly from the armchair, came over and patted Du Yuanyi's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice: "Du Shizi, you are a smart person, you don't need me to spend any money here. Tongue!"

   "Pei Gan, if you kill me today, then it's time for our two houses to tear our faces apart! You're not that stupid, and I'm not that stupid either!

   When you did something to my brother, it was nothing more than forcing me to take my brother back to the capital! "

  Du Yuanyi raised his hand to avoid Pei Gan's hand on his shoulder, and responded with a sneer: "Okay, this time I'm not as good as others, I lost your move, I admit it!

   But it's too long to come to Japan, Pei Gan, there will always be a day when you will fall into my hands! "

   "This is true, there is a deep misunderstanding!" Pei Gan sighed with a headache, raised his hand and made a gesture towards Qianhe, and saw Qianhe holding a letter and handing it to Du Yuanyi.

   "I asked you to take your brother back to the capital, for your own good!

  If you know what your brother has done along the way, and even what he wants to do next, you will probably think that he was injured today because of the blessing of the ancestors of your Du family!

  Otherwise, you Du Yuanyi will lose more than just the face lost in front of me! That is the head of your entire clan! "

  Du Yuanyi gave Pei Gan a suspicious look at the letter, but he did not reject the letter sent by Qianhe.

   He still knows a lot about his incompetent younger brother. If you want to say that he will do something intriguing, it is definitely impossible, he is not so capable and courageous!

   Therefore, the first reaction was that this letter must be played by Pei Gan again here!

However, what he didn't expect was that he just opened the letter and glanced at it, and the whole person's face immediately became ashen, and a smell of fishy sweetness overflowed in his throat. Blood spurted out...

   Hair sutures the wound~

   I checked some information before!

   Not to mention, recently, it is said that there was a broken arm suture in our country, which was sutured using the long hair of the hospital nurse at that time!

   Ancient Chinese medicine also had surgery!

   The most common type of suture used in traditional Chinese medicine should be mulberry thread.

It is to take the bark of the mulberry tree, remove the epidermis, and then take the thicker meridian in the middle, then use the outer skin to rub the meridians finely, grind the meridians into thin threads, and then use a series of processes such as cooking and disinfection, and the final product is to suture the wound and Mulberry thread that can be absorbed by the body.



   (end of this chapter)