MTL - If You Don’t Go To Hell, Who Will?-Chapter 29 Zhongyuan is jealous.

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There was an open space in our backyard, and it was later turned into a vegetable garden by my father who saw the needle. The garden is filled with seasonal vegetables and absolutely pure natural green organic food. When I was in City B, I bought a few tomatoes that were accumulated with fertilizers and hormones. The feeling was that I opened my eyes and knew that I was eating tomatoes, but when I closed my eyes, I didn’t know that I was eating God’s stuff. .

So when I ate the tomatoes that my dad planted again, I burst into tears. My dad was panicked at the time and persuaded me. "Hey, don't you have a few tomatoes. Is it a bit of a good exercise?" (The exercise indicates that the pear is very big ==)

On this day, I was holding a cucumber in my left hand and a tomato in my right hand. I was eating with great interest, and I guessed what kind of moth was going to happen to Zhong Yuan. He went out after lunch, and now it’s late, not yet back. I asked him what to do, he just said mysteriously, you will know when you get there, and it seems like you are working underground.

Although he despised his sneaky sneaky, but the days without Zhong Yuan are equal to no oppression, I have to hurry and cherish this kind of day. So I hung a hammock under the phoenix tree, lying on it, swaying, watching the saplings of the tree, and licking the cucumbers.

Suddenly, a figure blocked my view.

Zhang Xu is standing beside me, bending slightly and looking down at me.

I was shocked by the man who suddenly came out. I quickly sat up from the hammock and looked up at him. "Zhang Xu... Is there something?"

Zhang Xu holds a bamboo basket in his hand, like a little girl who picks mushrooms. He saw me look at him, his face was red, he bowed his head, silenced for a while, and finally said, "Why don't you call me Zhang Xu brother?"

I grabbed my long hair and replied, "Oh, I am more ignorant." If I don't change my mouth, I will be laughed at by some guys>_<

Zhang Xu still kept his head down, twisting and pinching for a long time without saying a word, it was like a smug little daughter-in-law. I really don't understand what made him so shackled. I remember that he talked to me before and was not as enemies as he is now. What's more, he has been a squad leader for more than ten years. When talking to others, the basic Can you do it with generous decent?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt a headache. I simply didn’t think about it. I took a sip of the tomatoes in my hand and asked him straight away: “What are you looking for?” The old words are excused, and Lao Tzu has been tortured for a few days. I want to rest now.

Zhang Xu’s bamboo basket in his hand was handed to me. "This is a new one from my family, and my mother asked me to bring it to you."

I looked down and saw that there were a lot of plums in the bamboo basket, which was bright and round, fresh and full, and it was drooling when I looked at it. I swallowed and swallowed my teeth and shook my head and said, "No, there are still many in my house. You should keep eating." Although I am embarrassed, I have to prove to my dad with practical actions that I am a fan People.

Zhang Xu put the basket of plums on the small table and said: "This year's plums are growing well, and they are collected and tasted for the neighbors. Nothing else."

He said this, I am embarrassed to resign. Ok, then I have to be polite... I stared at the plums, secretly rubbing my hands, and doing anything, it’s all clouds.

After Zhang Xu put down the plum, he stood still and did not move. I was embarrassed to eat the red plum in front of him, so I asked: "Do you still have something?"

Zhang Xu once again showed the shyness of the little daughter-in-law, and I had to pay for it in a messy way, and glanced at the plum on the table. The little fresh fruit, like a little man, beckoning to me, "Come and eat me, come eat me..."

Zhang Xu made a lot of determination. He raised his eyes and stared at me straight. He said, "That, Mull, I really want to ask you, are you and Zhong Yuan... are the relationships between men and women?"


I thought that he was going to say something that stunned the ghosts and spurs people. As a result, he twisted and twisted for a long time, just to inquire about me and Zhongyuan’s gossip. Although the scandals between me and Zhongyuan have been recognized by most people, I still need to deny it in the principle of being honest and honest. So I shook my head and said, "How is it possible?" If you are tortured to death, if you become his girlfriend, God, I can't imagine it.

Zhang Xu does not seem to believe, "But..."

"We really are not the relationship between men and women." A voice suddenly rang. I looked back and saw Zhong Yuan walk into the courtyard with a bag in his hand. He approached, stood still, looked at me first, then smiled and turned to look at Zhang Xu, said: "We are just watching each other's relationship."


I knew that there was no good word for this.

Zhang Xu’s eyes wide open, look at Zhong Yuan and look at me again. It’s been a long time since I came back, “You...”

Zhong Yuan continued to maintain a viper-like smile. "How do we have nothing to do with you? If you want to know, I can reveal it to you a little, for example," he suddenly turned his head and smiled at me. "For example, well, wood has confirmed my size."


I feel that I seem to understand a little bit what Zhong Yuan is saying, suddenly bowed his head and his face burned out. Zhong Yuan, you are such a beast. This kind of words can be said, my name, my innocence, all destroyed in your hands!

I calmed down my shy mood and looked up to explain something, only to find that Zhang Xu had escaped.

I was annoyed at Zhong Yuan and dissatisfied: "Why do you want to talk to him?"

Zhong Yuan smiled calmly. "What did I say?"

I was angry, and I really didn't have the courage to clarify my words, so I had to blush and turn my head and ignore him.

Zhong Yuan came over and sat in a hammock, staring at me. He touched my arm gently and said, "Hey, don't tell me you didn't see it, that Zhang Xu has an idea for you."

I sneaked aside and avoided him. "It seems to be a little bit, but..."

"So," Zhong Yuan interrupted me. "I am actually helping you. You certainly don't like to be entangled by him, right?"

I thought about it, it seems a bit reasonable, but this way, I really can't accept it. So I blamed: "If you say those words, it will make him misunderstand. If you pass it out, everyone will think that I am a person who is not self-love. No one will dare to marry me in the future."

Zhong Yuan smiled and said: "No one wants you."

I am completely angry. To put it bluntly, this guy is actually helping me with my nephew and destroying my famous festival? I don't understand, I hired him to provoke him. Thinking of this, I glared at him with anger and frustration, and said, "When Zhongyuan did not abuse me so many times, what if you can't eat well?"

Zhong Yuan suddenly pulled down his face and stared at me without a word, staring at my heart straight hair. Zhong Yuan has this ability. Sometimes he doesn't talk, and you can kill you with your eyes.

I coughed and said with courage: "When you look at it, you obviously want to destroy, and what kind of heart is it?"

"Wood." Zhong Yuan called me and suddenly raised a hand and buckled my head. I was shocked and my back was stiff. He suddenly approached me, and the tip of his nose almost touched my nose. He stared at my eyes, and the dark black scorpion clearly saw a face with wide eyes and a guard. He rubbed his eyes and then turned his head and whispered in my ear: "Sometimes, I really want to kill you, one hundred." Then he stood up and strode away.

I still sat stiffly on the hammock and my back was cold. I know that Zhong Yuan hates me, but I don't know that he hates me so much. It is not enough to torture me every day. There is even the urge to kill me!

I really don't know why Zhong Yuan saw me so dissatisfied. I and my classmates and teachers get along very well. Sometimes I don’t really have a red face. Even I often destroy the laboratory instruments. The lab teachers don’t blame me too much. Sometimes I calculate the payoffs. I will also give me a discount. But now, why am I standing in front of Zhong Yuan, but he always abuses me and wants to kill me>_<

I want to think about it. The final conclusion is that it is probably because Zhong Yuan’s vision is too high. Well, as his sparring and accompanying reading, maybe my work is not good enough to make him dissatisfied? Khan, this person is too close to the bend, he is not satisfied with him, he said, he said that I will certainly change.

I did a profound self-reflection and found that my attitude was not very friendly. Anyway, Zhong Yuan really helped me. I didn't even say thank you, but blocked him... Hey, I am really abominable.

Now this proud boss is a little angry, I seem to need to comfort him.

So I carefully washed the basket of Zhang Zi, who was brought by Zhang Xu, and put it back in the basket. Then I carried the bamboo basket and knocked on the door of Zhongyuan.

Zhongyuan leaned against the door frame, and his chin was slightly lifted. He looked at me with a very condescending attitude. "Is there something?"

"Zhong Yuan, this is for you." I gave a basket of plums to him like a treasure, and smiled happily.

Zhong Yuan looked down at the plum in the basket and raised his eyebrows. "What did Zhang Xu bring?"

"Well! I didn't eat anything, I will keep it for you!" I found that my dog's legs were much deeper and sweaty.

Zhong Yuan just had some palliative faces suddenly sinking. "I don't eat."

I was stupid. I didn't know where I had offended him. I had to stand in the same place and watch him slyly, hoping that he would give an explicit statement.

Zhong Yuan did not speak, and the two stood face to face for a long time. Finally, Zhong Yuan finally sighed and said: "Stupid, is your hand not sour?" He said, licking the bamboo basket in my hand and pulling me into the room.