MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 066 exists only revenge

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Yin Hong's blood sprinkled like rain, and the face in the square was dyed red.

At this moment, time is still.


This is the snoring sound of the square.

Hearing this snoring, the nameless responded slightly from the sluggish state.


A drop of blood is still dripping, like a teardrop, dripping on the face of the square.

Looking at the face with a little pain in the square, the nameless slowly bowed his head and looked at his body.

There, the dark blade pierced through the innocent and tender body, bringing out a large piece of blood.

The blood on the face of the square overflowed from the corner of the nameless mouth and dripped on the face in the square.

As for why the party has such a painful expression, the reason is very simple.

It’s just because the dark blade that runs through the nameless body also penetrates the side of the square.

It was a pain, until this time it hit the nameless mind.

Unnamed with a blank expression, while feeling the pain, slowly turned his head and looked at his back.

There, there are people who are unfamiliar and familiar.

A heroic tall figure.

Like the generals of the generals.

The Tianyu Meima stood behind the nameless, and the long knife in his hand pierced the nameless body. The expression on his face did not have a slight movement, and his eyes were even more indifferent.

"Brothers... adults...?"

The nameless dumbfounded his unilateral address to the other party.

However, the Tianyu Meima seems to have heard nothing, and the line of sight is not even placed on the nameless body. It is only in the square that is being pierced by his own long knife with the nameless ride. Indifference.

"Is the last moment to escape the heart of the heart with an unknown name? Should you say that you are?"

With that said, the Tianyu Meima slowly pulled out his long knife.

The nameless body lost its power and gradually fell on the side of the square.

Like the last blow of the two, the Umbrella and the beautiful horse raised their weapons high.


At this time, a sharp dagger cut through the air, like a bullet hitting one of the eyes of the Tianyu Meima.

The bird of the United States and the United States look like a condensed weapon, almost a conditioned retraction weapon, blocked in front of it.


In the crisp sound of the cross, the sharp dagger from the blast was smashed, and the squad of the squadrons popped up and fell.

However, with the flying of the dagger, one foot suddenly squatted on the chest of the Tianyu Meima.


In the moment when the smack sounds, the Tianyu Meima is hit hard, the body is directly smashed, and the heavy squatting on the roof of the car not far away, after rolling a few times, it stopped.

"Coughing..." In this way, he coughed up a blood, holding an unknown name, struggling to get up from the roof.

"Cough..." Anonymous also coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and the body suffered more serious injuries than the square.

The square was only pierced by the flank, and it is estimated that it can hold.

As for the nameless, the entire abdomen was directly pierced and the injury was extremely serious.

If it is not because the party has noticed the arrival of the Tianyu Meima in advance, regardless of the pain in the neck, and with the nameless effort to sideways, this meeting, the party and the nameless are afraid to die.

After all, at the beginning, the Tianyu Meima was aligned with the heart of the square and the nameless.

The party ignored the pain of the attack, staring at the front and taunting.

"I really deserve to be a famous hero, I don't hesitate to start from the back of others, and I still have to cut down with my own people. It is really shameless."

Tianyu Meima did not pay attention to the ridicule in the party, but just slowly got up.

Looking at the square with the unlisted knees, the Tianyu Meima did not show a slight emotion, but his eyes became a little stunned.

"Do you know?" Tianyu Meima said with a sigh of relief: "You have hindered my plan."

"And then?" Fang Li gently breathed his breath and replied: "Do you want to add a revenge to me like a wanderer?"

"No, I just have some feelings." Tianyu Meima looked at the party quietly, and said: "Now, the hunting people are destined to die, this city has fallen, and there is no way to reach King Kong. And maybe, I have no way to revenge."

"So, have you regretted it?" Fang Li said as if he was talking to a stranger: "I regretting inviting me to walk together."

"No, I don't regret this. I am very glad to be able to meet you." Tianma Meima shook his head, with the indifference that people could not see what they thought, saying: "I was quilted. Forced to recognize the world, understand the cruelty of the world, and understand the human heart."

"My father regarded me as a prop, and in order not to take risks in the full battle with Kabane, I chose a conservative approach, selfish and timid."

"In the past, those high-ranking officials who continued to compliment me because I was the son of the generals also thought that I was a stranger in the front line fighting with Kabane. I respected me."

"People didn't think about fighting with Kabane. They just wanted to survive and stay in the cage made of steel."

"So, the world has long been wrong."

"These are all because of fear."

"People are afraid of Kabane."

"People are afraid of the future."

"People are afraid of fighting."

“People are afraid of others and even fear themselves.”

The Tianyu Meima, who was told this way, finally turned his eyes to the square, and his eyes blossomed.

"But you are a strange existence."

"You don't know how to fear."

"You don't know how to die."

"For the things you want to do, you can rush forward without hesitation, whether it is facing me or facing the entire hunting community, you are fearless, and finally succeeded in defeating us."

"So, I appreciate you very much, and I don't feel annoyed by what you do. The opposite is very joyful."

Having said that, the fascination in the eyes of the Tianyu Meima gradually condensed and turned into a dead ash.

"Unfortunately, unlike you, my existence is only revenge."

"Now, it was destroyed by you, then I will only have the last road to go."

After that, Tianmu Meima took an injection from her arms.

An injection of dark plasma.

Looking at the injection, the look in the square suddenly changed.

Immediately, under the gaze of the side, Tianma Meima forced the injection into his heart.

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