MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 079 Skills that cannot be learned smoothly?

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The party that left the auction house immediately couldn’t wait to return to the residential area, and went to the stone pillar of 11273 to push open the door that only he could open and enter his personal residence.

Because there is no development relationship, the personal residence in Fangfang is still the desolate open space. It doesn't look like a place where people live. Even the beasts will not choose to live here.

However, space has the design function of providing a personal residence. As long as the redemption point is spent, it is possible to purchase a set of personal residence designs provided in the space to change the personal residence of the individual.

Of course, the more luxurious the residence, the more exchange points it will cost.

Fang Li naturally would not let this personal residence that will accompany him to death in the future. It was originally bleak, and he planned to build it later, not to mention how luxurious, but at least to make himself comfortable.

However, now, Fang Li has temporarily refused to do so.

As soon as I entered my personal residence, I saw a pile of items resting in the middle of the open space.

Among them, there is a piece of equipment purchased by Fang Fang, and there is also a prismatic crystal with a rainbow-like luster.

When I saw the crystal, I took a deep breath and went up to take the crystal.

In this moment, the system sounds in the mind of the square.

"Detecting the existence of the crystal of the skill, the skill has been sealed, and the choice to use will give you the opportunity to learn the skill. If the learning condition is not met, the skill crystal will be invalidated."

"No. 11273, the skills you acquire have strict requirements on the soul of the individual. If your soul cannot meet the requirements of learning, you will not be able to acquire this skill. Please choose carefully."

This kind of system prompts the sound, so that the somewhat excited heart in the square is like a splash of cold water, and it is half cold.

“The skills that are required for the soul?”

Fang Li was really awkward, and then there was an impulse to hit the wall.

This magical skill actually has such learning conditions?

"It's no wonder that the main **** messenger who got this skill chose to take it out for auction. It's not that he is too stupid, but he is worried that he can't meet the learning requirements at all, and he chooses to give up."

The main **** messenger who feels that he can enter the space of the Lord God and is able to acquire such powerful skills cannot know the preciousness of this skill.

Moreover, the auction process has some clues.

After all, if the other party really wants to sell high prices, then it is best to apply to the auction house for a notice.

As long as the 1000 redemption point is spent, the master ambassador of the auction item can apply for a notice to the auction house, and the main **** messenger in the main **** space will receive a system prompt.

Even if there are no 1000 exchange points, then the main **** messenger can also carry out big propaganda and then auction, then the final transaction price will not give people a big bargain, and they can make a big profit.

As a result, the main **** messenger who got this skill did not make a notice, nor did it carry out propaganda. In this way, put such a powerful skill on the auction house and silently conduct the auction.

In this way, the main **** messengers who only see the powerful effects of the skills have a great chance of not paying attention to the learning conditions.

For example, Fang Li, because of the fear that those high-ranking big men will come over to participate in the bidding sooner or later, the result is too anxious, did not notice the learning conditions, and invested in the auction.

Presumably, the rest of the main **** messengers did not notice this, or simply noticed that it was not open, so it caused a commotion that was smashed by people.

However, the fact is that this is cheap and wrong.

“25,000 redemption point?”

The party could not help but smile.

Considering the powerful effects of skills, although there are harsh learning conditions, the value of skills has plummeted, but this price should still be acceptable.

"If you can learn, it is really a big deal."

"If you can't learn, it's a living pit."

"Don't you learn?"

Fang Li really hesitated.

If you choose to study, but do not meet the learning conditions, then the skills of the storage skills will be completely scrapped, equivalent to 25,000 redemption points.

If you don't choose to study, you can return it to the auction house to sell it. I believe that there will be some high-priced buyers who are willing to take risks, and it is very likely that they will get more than 25,000 exchange points.

How to choose, look at yourself.

After a while, Fang Li finally got a decision.

"The exchange point is gone, and you can earn it again."

"But if you miss this skill because you are afraid of it, then there is no chance for a second choice."

"In exchange for a limited amount of wealth for an infinite opportunity, value."

"This risk, I have reason to take it."

Perhaps the main **** messenger who got this skill is not willing to gamble, so he chose to give it up, use it for auction, and then use the redemption point obtained from the auction to redeem the skill that suits him better.

Such considerations are also understandable.

However, the square is different.

Originally, Fang was not a timid person.

When the decision is made, it must be decided.

Risks and opportunities, that are coexisting.

If you think too much about risk, then the opportunity will only leave you.

Therefore, Fang Li resolutely chose to use.


The spar, which emits a rainbow of light, is suddenly broken and turned into a powder.


A large amount of powder trembled, turned into a grain of light, covering the whole body.

Then, these light spots are all integrated into the body, so that the whole body is also emitting light.

In the next moment, there is an illusion in the square.

All of one's own is exposed to the outside, just like the illusion of being examined and researched.

In the process, the glare of the light has been blooming in the square.

Until a while, the system's tone suddenly sounded.

"No. 11273 meets the skill learning conditions and acquires the skill mark."

When the sound fell, the radiance of the large body of the square gradually disappeared.

Immediately, on the back of the right hand of the square, a pure white tattoo flashed out.

It was a six-pointed star tattoo like a magical array.

The ring made up of incomprehensible runes encloses the six-pointed star of the scorpion, but the six sharp corners of the six-pointed star are seen from the ring, and the edges of the six-pointed star are connected by a ring. same.

Looking at the tattoo, I laughed.

And, still laughing.

The laughter resounded throughout the open space and did not calm down for a long time.