MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 084 I am very unfortunate to tell you

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It is almost the same as the last time you entered the copy world.

This time, after receiving the message of the mission, Fang Li immediately felt that the whole person was sent out in a whirlwind.

When the vision in front of the eyes was restored and the sense of dizziness subsided, Fang Li discovered that the surrounding environment had completely changed.

From a rather quiet personal residence, it turned into a serious apron.

In front of the apron, there is a military helicopter.

Before these military helicopters, there were three people.

A cigarette in his mouth, looks like a young man.

A teenager with a hooded jacket and a glaring white hair.

A big sister who is light and bold and has a very hot body.

These three people are facing the side.

No, it should be said that they are facing the many military talents including Fang Li.

I saw that there were soldiers standing in military uniforms around the square, neatly arranged.

In the square, he was one of these soldiers, and he was wearing a military uniform.

Looking at this military uniform, Fang Li suddenly realized.

"It seems that this time the space assigned to me is the ordinary soldier of the Extreme East Branch."

Since the space equipment can be equipped in the form of virtual armed weapons except for weapons, it is completely optional to not show the appearance. Therefore, when necessary, the space will give the main **** messenger when giving the basic identity of the Lord God messenger. Replace your body.

Since Fang Li has now changed into a military uniform, even if the space does not prompt, Fang Li can understand what identity he has obtained.

Under such circumstances, Fang Lie silently mixed in the military ranks, and the intelligence of this replica world emerged in his mind.

According to the knowledge of the party, this world is no different from the previous world. It is a world that allows mankind to survive in the last days.

Moreover, in terms of the degree of danger, the world is stronger than the last world.

Because, in this world, there is a "god."

--- Waste God.

A horrible monster that suddenly appeared in the early 2050s, only to devour everything.

They have all kinds of shapes, but they all have one thing in common.


Prey on everything.

Whether it is organic, inorganic, living or non-living, everything in this world is their predator.

Therefore, the world has long been preyed by the gods, and there are only a few ruins.

People's weapons can't play any role in the gods.

For humans, these monsters that have swallowed everything are undoubtedly impossible to resist.

Therefore, people are not afraid of this kind of monster in the name of "God", but face it with heartfelt fear.

In this case, one company stood up.

One was originally researched on biotechnology, but because of the successful use of the cells of the gods, the creature weapon called "God Machine" was developed, which can effectively fight against the gods and let humans gain the power to fight against the gods - - Finlay.

In this age, this enterprise is the real world hegemon, managing and even governing the existence of all human beings.

Through the development of the **** machine, Fenlier formed a combat force against the gods, and in this end of the world barely maintained the survival of mankind.

The three soldiers standing in front of the military helicopter are the soldiers who can use the **** machine.

People call it a **** machine.

However, more people call them like this.

----Bite of God.

A messenger that exists specifically to fight against the gods.

It is this existence of the three people who stood before the military helicopter.

Moreover, the words in the square can be recognized, and the three people are all very important roles in the original work.

There was a cigarette on the mouth, and it seemed that some of the young people who were stalking were called the rain palace gentian. They were the captains of the first unit of the Farnil Extreme East Branch. One was a battle, and the strength was strong. All count the characters of the old qualifications.

The boy with a hooded jacket and a glaring white hair is called Soma. He is a member of the first unit of the Farrell Extreme East Branch. He has fought with the gods since childhood and has a genius with extraordinary ability.

The sister who is wearing a lighter, bolder and hot body is called Orange Saku, and is the deputy of the rain palace gentian. It can also be regarded as the vice captain of the first unit of the Finlay Extreme East Branch.

At this time, this army, which is the strongest level in the entire East Branch, is facing all the soldiers present.

"It seems that everyone is here."

Orange Saku night uses this sentence as an opening statement.

This big sister has a hot body, but there is a kind of gentleness that can't be said in the sound.

Then, Orange Saku, who turned his eyes to the rain palace gentian, said: "Captain, should you come out and explain the status of the mission?"

"Well, don't worry so much." Rain Palace gentile took a sip of cigarettes and turned to the white-haired boy on the side and said, "Soma, do you have anything to say?"

"No." The white-haired teenager named Soma did not even look at the crowd. He said very indifferently: "I really don't understand why our mission is to bring some ordinary soldiers and let them die."

Soma’s words made the atmosphere at the scene completely deadlocked.

No way, this white-haired boy is a bit too ugly.

However, the soldiers present did not have a dare to say the refutation of the words, but a tight face.

Because everyone knows that Soma’s words are not unfounded.

"The only thing that can deal with the gods is the gods." Soma will turn his head away, and the words are merciless. He said: "The ordinary soldiers have no need to go."

"Don't say that, Soma." Orange seems to be a little bit sighed for a long time, sighing and saying: "The part of the battle is naturally responsible for us, but there is not only a part of the battle in a battle. Our mission this time is a bit Special, it is very important for the average person to be a backup."

"You don't have to remind, Saku night, in fact, Soma understands." Rain Palace gentian is used to Soma's cold words, do not care to smoke the hands.

Immediately, the rain palace gentian stepped forward and turned his gaze to the soldiers in front.

"Although I feel that it is not necessary, here, let me introduce myself."

"I am the captain of the first army of the Fennel's Extreme East Branch, the Rain Palace gentian."

"I am very unfortunate to tell you that we have to go to the battlefield."