MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 090 standing on the top of the gods of the gods

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When the party in the party saw the soldiers who came to support, the army in front of it was also set up and started shooting.

Of course, human weapons have no way to threaten the wild gods at all.

But just as Fang Li has just been able to contain the gods through close combat, the shooting of the guns can at least somewhat contain the attack of the gods.

Therefore, the ridiculous gods surrounding the people's body in the square have become difficult to continue attacking in the rain of bullets, and the encirclement is suddenly disrupted.

Taking advantage of this time, the party and the party finally broke away from the ruins of the gods and rushed into the ranks of the army.

"Is it okay?" Fang Li put down the skylark in his arms and asked politely.

"No...nothing." The skylark seems to have finally recovered consciousness until now, watching the eyes in the square completely changed, and said with surprise: "You are so powerful, you can defeat the gods."

"Down down?" Fang could not help but laugh.

Anyway, isn't that a downgrade?

Although he did not use the sinister eye, but just now, Fang Li also made all the stops, but the result was that even a wild **** could not be defeated, only to suppress.

"Although it is not a small god, it is not a big god."

Because it is the relationship of the collection of cells, the more a large number of **** cells are combined, the stronger the body shape and ability of the gods.

After all, if every **** cell has a function, the bigger the body, the stronger the power of the gods.

Depending on the size and ability, in general, the gods can be divided into small, medium and large.

Small wild gods are easier to deal with, and the average god-eater can basically kill them. In the hands of the rain-fighting gentian, orange-soy night and Soma, such as the god-riding elite, it is basically a knife and a gun.

The medium-sized wild gods are more difficult to deal with. Just like the King Kong, the general gods are going to fight alone, and it takes a lot of effort.

As for the big wild gods, it is even harder to deal with.

It is said that there are still a variety of variants of the wild gods above the large wild gods.

Those wild gods are either huge in size or intensified in their ability. Even if a devotee is besieging and trying to destroy each other, it is extremely difficult and very dangerous.

And those wild gods who stand at the top of the gods and are crowned with the names of the gods in various myths have the ability to turn a region into a scorched earth for a moment, and it is hard to imagine.

The **** of despair is so difficult to deal with.

Just now, the King Kong dealt with King Kong can only be regarded as a medium-sized wild god. Under the condition of not using the cards, it can only be suppressed and pinned.

"If it is not for the promotion of AGI (agile) to strengthen the strength of the foot to some extent, then I can not even harden to pick up the initial blow?"

Just as upgrading STR (power), VIT (durability) and AGI (agile) can improve physical strength to a certain extent, upgrading AGI (agile) is sure to improve the strength of the foot to some extent.

Otherwise, if the strength of the foot is insufficient, how can it break out the speed of extraordinary people?

Therefore, the promotion of AGI (Agile) can strengthen the strength of the foot to a certain extent, and even strengthen the toughness of the muscle, so that the agile can be fully erupted and played. The panel given by the main **** space is only the result after the dataization, and it is impossible to be fine to each one. Part, but it must be reasonable.

"Just, my task is to be completed, it is estimated that it really takes a lot of work."

Just when the party was caught in such meditation, the Rain Palace gentian stood up.

"I am the commander of the first unit, the rain palace gentian." Rain Palace gentian said: "Who is the person in charge here?"

"It's me." A middle-aged man stood up and said something that was not angry and said: "I am the captain here."

"Can you tell me about the current situation?" Rain Palace gentian directly cut into the topic. "Isn't the attack of the gods not after three days? Why is it now starting to appear on the periphery?"

In the face of the question of the rain palace gentian, the captain had a description of suffering.

The result is that the faces of the people have changed.

"First attack troops?" Rain Palace gentian said with amazement: "You said that the wild gods that appear here are only the first strike troops?"

"Yes." Shangyu’s face nodded and said: "According to intelligence, the number of wild gods gathered outside the Russian branch is too much. The small wild gods cannot calculate. The number of medium-sized wild gods is at least tens of thousands, even the big wild gods. With nearly a thousand, the scale is unprecedented."

It is said that the rain palace gentian, orange saga and Soma are all taut, and the skylark is somewhat overwhelmed.

Next to it, the square also frowned.

Although I don't understand Russian and can't understand Japanese, the Lord God messengers have the hidden ability to make obstacles in communication. The language of others will become a familiar language in their own ears, and their own language will be heard by others. In the ear, that will become the language recognized by others in the subconscious.

Therefore, the party can still understand what the captain is saying.

It is because of understanding that Fang Li had to have a question.

And this question, the first forces of the gods are also there.

“Why are there gods of this size coming together to attack?”

Rain Palace gentian uttered this natural question.

"In any case, the gods of this scale will gather together to attack, and it is still so purposeful, even the first attack troops, it is too doubtful?"

Upon hearing this sentence, the captain suddenly became silent.

Then, the captain revealed a heavy news.

"Although I don't know the specific reasons, the reason why the gods are so crowded together to attack, according to speculation, should be a leader..."

This sentence makes a chill in the hearts of everyone.

"Leading..." Rain Palace gentian looks dull and whispered: "Can you lead the heads of a lot of wild gods, including the big wild gods?"

If this is the case, then there is no doubt that the other party may only be the kind of horror of the mythical name.

Knowing this, the party can't help but smile in the heart.


Unexpectedly, this time the wild crusade is actually so dangerous.

Of course, the task of the Lord God space did not allow the party to defeat the terrible leader of the horrible god.

Therefore, the horrible head of the ridiculous god, just like the one in the world, is a hidden task that cannot be reached.

"So, what should I do?"