MTL - Illimitable Until Death-~ 095 Dance in the beasts

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In today's world, Finlay is equivalent to the hegemon of the world. From the original research facility of biological sciences, it has become a giant with the gods and the private army. It is powerful.

Contrasting with such a force, it is equivalent to confronting all human beings, and will definitely be obliterated in the true sense.

The same is true in the square.

Although this time the sneak investigation was due to the task assigned by the Eastern Branch, but this is not a good thing, so the Rain Palace gentian needs to be so concealed, let Fangli investigate the Russian branch.

Presumably, the Eastern Branch should have long suspected that Aphrodite’s massive attack would not be related to the Russian branch itself.

However, this is only doubt.

Without evidence, there is no reason to ask the Russian branch of the branch of Finlay.

It is because of this that the Extreme East Branch needs someone to sneak into the investigation.

"It is clearly the facilities under the same power, and it has to be so intriguing."

But these have nothing to do with the party.

If the Eastern Branch wants to investigate, then it will be investigated.

The party is only interested in the reward of this task.

Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of the front, and you can do it without revealing your identity.

It is not a big deal to hold the branch of the Russian branch.

Then, the party pretended to be a patrolling soldier and walked in the direction of the commander's office.

In the condition of having the identification card, the individual automatic doors are successively opened on the forward route of the square, opening a road leading to the command room.

Along the way, in addition to the Fangli, there are naturally patrolling soldiers.

However, the soldiers here are all well-trained, very obeying the military regulations, not chatting and farting during the patrol, even if they see a strange person patrolling in the square and feel a little strange, then did not do anything, still carry A rigorous atmosphere continues to patrol.

In this way, Fangli only needs to bow his head, let the military cap cover his own appearance, and let the monitor not take his face, so that he can go to the destination smoothly.

At least, it was very smooth at the beginning.

It was not until the arrival of an automatic door that Fang Li stopped.

Looking at the tightly closed automatic door, the expression in the square was somewhat helpless.

"Sure enough, with the authority of ordinary soldiers, can't go to the commander's room at all?"

Although it is a matter of course, Fang Fang still feels helpless.

If you can go straight, you can save a lot of trouble.

"no solution anymore."

The square touched a black bracelet worn on his wrist.

This inconspicuous bracelet is the black ring that the party spent on the 4000 redemption point auction, with 1×1×1 space.

The square just touched the wristband of the enclosed space gently, and the dagger like a crescent moon appeared in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the pupils in the square suddenly turned and turned into the magic eyes of ice blue.

A crack like a dead line suddenly emerged in the world of the square.

The square stared at the heavy automatic door in front of him and stared at a dead line in the door.

Immediately, the hand reached out and the moon blade in the hand, gently stroked on the cracked dead line.


A subtle cracking sound passed into the ears of the square.

In the automatic door that is closed, the safety bolts that are snapped together are cut off directly.

Fangli confirmed the situation around him and found that no one passed by. Suddenly it was a force. He opened the door in front of him and shook it into it. The dagger in his hand was a stab and stabbed into the siren next to him. in.

The newly-emerging siren was stunned and directly dimmed.

Fang Fang put away the dagger, turned around and re-opened the door.

"I hope to complete the task before someone discovers the failure."

As a result, the party could not help but speed up some speed and go forward.


On the way to the command room, the room suddenly heard some noise.

"That is…"

Fang Li subconsciously looked to the side.

There, there is a door.

There was a glimmer of light in the door, which proved that there was still a light inside.

The square was slightly breathed, and then it was heard.

On the other side of the door, some snoring sounds are ringing.

Hearing the snoring, the eyes blinked slightly.

"The cry of the gods..."

That's right.

That is the cry of the gods.

“Why is there a cry of ridiculousness in the important facilities of the Russian branch?”

And, still in such a late night?

This made the party have to be suspicious.

"Is it related to Aphrodite's aggressive attack?"

When I think of it, I will go up to the door and look through the door to see the scene inside the door.

However, the scene that was printed in the eyes of the party made him kneel on the spot.


In the deafening roar, a head has a ghost-like face and a long tail, and the wilderness like a beast is rushing over the wasteland and rushing forward.

In the direction of such a group of wilderness, a girl is holding up her arms and calmly facing the monsters.

It is a very beautiful girl.

The girl has a silver shawl with long hair like a moonlight.

The age is not large, so a delicate and beautiful face still has a little childishness, adding a little cute to this beautiful.

However, under the lovely appearance, the girl has a well-developed and delicate body. The upper part is full, the body is hot, and it is very attractive.

It’s such a cute and beautiful girl. At this moment, it is holding a clunky broad sword with a bronze body. A pair of blue eyes are staring at the beasts that are coming from the front. A feeling of indifference that makes people feel heartfelt.

That expression is like being uninterested in everything in the world, and holding a great hatred towards the wild gods in front of you. Although it is not distorted, it is very cold and ruthless.

Immediately, the girl is setting up a bulky weapon and also rushing forward.


Under the cold drink, the girl fiercely waved the huge weapon in her hand, and fell heavily on the face of a wild **** who came to the face.


Along with a smothering, the wild god, who is a lot bigger than a girl, was directly shot and fell to the ground.

As soon as the girl turned her body, she continued to slam the surrounding gods.

That skill, although not quite how good, is also extremely good.

The party was surprised.

Of course, what surprised the party was not the girl’s skill, but the identity of the girl.

"Is it her?"