MTL - I’m a Professional at Seducing Rivals In Love [Quick Travel]-Chapter 24

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Zong Zi glanced at the big pot of pigweed in his hand, and then at the two pigs in the pen.

One look at the pig food, and another look at the pig.

The two pigs seemed to have sensed the unusual atmosphere, stopped their leisurely pace, and made a sound of "snoring".

Xi Zheng dawdly hid behind Zong Zi with a pot of pigweed in his hand.

Tan Jinxue stood beside her, without urging her.

The cameraman Liu looked at the situation in front of him from behind the camera, and somehow felt that he didn't talk much, and the boy who seemed a little silent had a dark temperament.

No, no, he must have thought too much, the camera Liu shook his head.

Zong Zi finally made up his mind.

He pulled open the small door of the pigsty and stepped in.

The pigsty is full of mud, and it is almost impossible to pick a place to stay.

While Zong Zi was still thinking about how to approach the two pigs, the pigs had already moved quickly.

Xi Zheng opened his mouth wide in shock.

Two pigs, one big and one small, rushed towards Zong Zi!

By the time Zong Zi reacted, it was already too late. The big pig rushed to the food bowl in Zongzi's hand, and its huge head hit Zongzi's leg heavily.

Zongzi's center was unstable, and he leaned back! All the pig food in his hand was spilled on the ground.

Not to be outdone, Little Pig is striving forward!

For food, the two pigs naturally tried their best, but they didn't expect to win easily. They immediately changed their goals and stared at the food on the ground and ate quickly.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of chewing from the livestock, and before Zong Zi, who had fallen to the ground, had time to stand up, he was pushed back and forth by two pigs, one big and one small, and almost fell to the ground.

Zong Zi felt pain in his body, angry in his heart, and gritted his teeth.

This place is extremely stinky, these two pigs are ugly, this place is really against him!

Thinking of his embarrassment being seen by Tan Jinxue next to him, the young man was filled with anger.

But under the camera, he still can't do anything to that hateful person.

The pig doesn't care how much the male protagonist dislikes their "appearance" and "body fragrance", it only has delicious food in its eyes, and there is no difference in other things, so it ignores them all!

The big pig arched towards Zongzi again.


As soon as Jiang Xuan came out of the house, she saw that urban boy who had raised her eyebrows just now was being bullied by two pigs in the pigsty.

She usually feeds the two pigs in the family, so the little girl is naturally familiar with the way, and it didn't take much effort to drive away the two pigs that were rubbing back and forth in front of Zong Zi's face.

Zong Zi propped himself up and stood up, already covered in mud all over, he was in a panic.

Jiang Xuan blasted away the pig, opened the door of the pigsty, and let Zong Zi come out. She couldn't help being surprised: "Who told you to bring the basin into the pigsty? Did the pig eat or eat you? I didn't see there was a trough over there." ?!"

The little girl didn't speak easily, and choked to death when she opened her mouth.

Zong. Delicate body, weak temper, bad temper, middle school two, eldest master Zi, was tragically besieged and oppressed by two country pigs, and finally rescued him calmly by relying on a little girl who was two years younger than him .

Being ridiculed by others can only bear with shame and drooping eyes.

Xi Zheng consciously poured the pig food in his hand into the pig trough at the side, and watched the two pigs quickly put their mouths into the trough to eat, retracted their hands with lingering fear, and took several steps back.

The happiest thing about this pig-feeding incident was the cameraman Liu, who took enough material for the first episode; the happiest thing was the little fat man Xi Zheng, fortunately he didn't go in ahead of Zong Zi; This time, she got rid of the evil spirit of the whole world.

Only Zong Zi felt a burst of despair after becoming angry from embarrassment.

There are still three months, how to survive?

Tan Jinxue glanced at him lightly, "Get some water at night, you can wipe it off."

Zong Zi ground his molars for a while, looked at the large mud stains on his body, and nodded.

[Ding—Actor love value: 5]

Tan Jinxue paused as she was about to leave, her expression was somewhat blurred under the dim light.

If the male protagonist can also attack...

She now has 190,000 love points in her account. If this world can conquer all the two pillars of male and female protagonists, the balance of love points will surely increase at an alarming rate.

Tan Jinxue needs this very much.

As for whether Zong Zi in this world is a shy thing, it will be discussed later.

The rooms of Zong Zi and Xi Zheng were arranged in the place where Tan Jinxue originally lived.

"You two sleep on the bed, and the quilt will be brought to you later." Tan Jinxue said to the two city children.

Zong Zi turned his eyes on Xi Zheng's horizontally developed figure, and turned to Tan Jinxue expressionlessly: "Where do you sleep?"

Tan Jinxue didn't expect that this self-centered young master would even think of asking her where she was going, so he said, "I slept on the floor."

This room was originally converted from a utility room, so it was very narrow. On the floor, I could only lie straight, squeezed between the foot of the bed and the writing desk, almost unable to turn over.

"You come to bed."

Tan Jinxue was a little surprised. Before she came and asked "Why", Zong Zi said, "He is very fat and can squeeze."

—You come to sleep with me, because this fat man will squeeze me and affect the quality of my sleep.

Really concise.

Tan Jinxue took a look at the "sad" fat little Xi Zheng, and took her quilt from the bed||without discussing it.


After today's rooster dismounting and the hero of the two pigs, Zong Zi's arrogance is temporarily a head lower, and when talking about Jinxue, he feels a little bit of the same.

Xi Zheng let out a long breath of relief. He didn't want to sleep on the floor, and couldn't help feeling more fond of the high-spirited "Brother Xue".

Zong Zi didn't speak any more.

He was really too tired today, and he didn't have the energy to argue anymore.

This impoverished place, and this soft, hard, and reckless guy in front of him, made him feel exhausted.

The two city children were so sleepy before ten o'clock that they lay down and fell asleep. Xi Zheng also snored a little.

Tan Jinxue went out with a basin and poured the footwashing water on the ground.

Then he saw Jiang Xuan. The little girl was sitting on a rock in the corner of the yard, where she used to sit and read.

Tan Jinxue put down the basin in his hand and walked over.

"Why don't you go to bed?" The boy's voice was fierce.

Both he and Jiang Xuan are used to this way of getting along, if they don't use this tone, they really don't know how to speak.

The girl looked up at Tan Jinxue, "I can't sleep."

Jiang Xuan thought that he just came to ask a question and left, but she didn't want to talk about Jinxue and sat down beside her.

"Go to city C and study hard, don't be stubborn."

Jiang Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then hummed: "Who cares about you."

The "boy" was not angry, but said lightly: "Mom is getting old and her health is not good, don't let her worry about it."

Jiang Xuan was still unconvinced, "It's you who made her worry!"

Tan Jinxue said coldly: "It won't happen in the future."

It's like saying something trivial.

Jiang Xuan didn't expect him to say that, and was stunned for a moment.

The two fell silent. The sky at night in the countryside is not polluted by lights, it is as pure as black velvet, and the stars twinkle above the heads of the "brothers and sisters".

Jiang Xuan suddenly asked: "Why do you want me to go?"

She never understood.

In her eyes, Tan Jinxue is such a selfish, heartless, white-eyed wolf. If he can go to the city to study, and even get funding from the rich people in the city, he will definitely be like a life-saving straw. Just as tightly in his hand.

——Why did you push it to yourself for no reason?

The voice of the "boy" was still cold and impatient: "I have a scholarship from the school, do you have it?!"

Just as Jiang Xuan stalked her neck in dissatisfaction, she was robbed by Tan Jinxue and said: "I can pass the university entrance examination in the high school in the town, can you do it?!"

Jiang Xuan was so angry with him that she gave him a hard look.

"I'm much better than you, just wait and see!"

She flicked her ponytail and turned away.

Tan Jinxue was still sitting where she was, looking at the immature and unstretched back of the heroine, with a smile on her lips.

"I'll wait." He whispered.

the next morning. It was half past four.

"Get up! Get up!"

Tan Jinxue yelled twice, but the two people on the bed didn't respond. He had to push one by one.

"Wake up—"

Fatty Xi Zheng rubbed his eyes in a daze, and uttered two ravings, while Zong Zi's reaction was astonishing—

He kicked a leg out of the quilt very quickly, and went straight to Tan Jinxue who was standing by the bed.

Tan Jinxue's hand was ill, he grabbed Zong Zi's ankle and pulled it down!

—Successfully obtained a naked male lead.

Zong Zi, who was directly dragged from the bed || to the ground, finally woke up in an instant. When she raised her head, she saw Tan Jinxue's face, and she was suddenly filled with anger.

"what are you doing?!"

Tan Jinxue took two steps back so that he could stand up from the ground.

"Get up, or you'll be late if you don't leave."

He glanced at Zong Zi lightly, as if looking at a child who couldn't take care of himself.

This made Zong Zi very angry. He got up from the ground repeatedly, and was about to rush up to grab Tan Jinxue, when a chill made him realize that he was barely wearing any clothes.

He quickly put on his pants, stared at the camera in the room, and ran to the camera Liu when he went out.

Tan Jinxue stood at the door with her arms folded, without stopping her.

"The episode just now was not allowed to be broadcast, did you hear that?!"

The sixteen-year-old boy was in the period of changing his voice, and when he lowered his voice to threaten others, not only lacked deterrent effect, but also a little funny.

In the camera, Zong Zi was dissatisfied, his hair was messy, and his eyes became darker and brighter due to anger. Cameraman Liu Yishun gave a close-up.

He suppressed a smile, "Then what, I have to ask the director. I'll see if I can not include it in the feature film."

The boy stared at him again, then turned and went back to the house.

In the car that came to shoot, Zong Zi and Xi Zheng's mobile phones and various belongings were all confiscated. The two of them are really penniless now, they only have 200 yuan a month for living expenses, which is still handed over to Jiang Xiuhua by the program group, so it can't reach them at all.

The two urban children had never gone to school on a mountain road more than ten miles away penniless with breakfast on their backs.

At five o'clock in the morning, Tan Jinxue set off with two "classmates from the city".

Cameraman Liu Ye followed behind with two staff members, shaking the camera lens in hand, and could only see the hurried figures of a group of people in the dark night, mixed with Xi Zheng's increasingly heavy breathing.

There is also a creek to ford on the way to town. At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, the stream gurgled and flowed, still carrying a biting chill. The deepest part of the water is about knee deep.

Tan Jinxue quickly rolled up her trouser legs, and stepped in without hesitation with her usual expression.

The little fat man Xi Zheng stopped abruptly, swayed twice, almost fell into the creek, watched Tan Jinxue in front of him take a few steps quickly, and sighed in shock: "Wow, Brother Xue, Have you practiced martial arts?! Floating on the water, hey!"

Tan Jinxue turned around, and said to the two who were stuck behind and hesitated by the stream: "There are stones under the water, look carefully, just step on the stones and come over."

Xi Zheng still didn't dare to go into the water, he just felt that it was pitch black all around, and this originally not deep mountain stream lay in front of him, like a natural moat that was insurmountable.

Zong Zi from behind pushed him, "Hurry up."

The little fat man shrank his neck in shock from his tone, struggled for a while, before Zong Zi who was behind was completely impatient, and tremblingly stretched his feet into the stream.

—I was immediately gasped by the biting cold water.

He tremblingly took two steps forward, and heard Zong Zi also get into the water behind him. He was much faster than him, and he was behind him in a short while.

Tan Jinxue in front had almost reached the bank at the other end of the stream, so she stopped and turned around to wait for them.

Xi Zheng only felt a lot of pressure.

In the front was Tan Jinxue who dared to confront Zong Zi to throw the ancestor out of bed, and in the back was Zong Zi who had a weird temper and even dared to provoke the program crew. He was afraid that if he walked too slowly, he would be reprimanded again.

— This is the wolf before the tiger!

The little fat man unknowingly quickened his pace, only wanting to get to the other side of the bank as soon as possible, so as to end this torture as soon as possible.

The bad thing was his panic.


With a stagger, Xi Zheng fell into the stream!

The weightlessness made him close his eyes tightly in fright, waiting for the heavy fall.

Wuwuwu, he didn't want to fall into such cold water, even if he didn't drown, he would definitely be frozen into ice cubes!

But the expected pain and cold did not appear.

A hand stretched out from behind, grabbed Xi Zheng's collar, dragged him back with a force, and regained his foothold on the slippery stone.

False alarm, Xi Zheng patted his chest with his chubby hands, suppressing the heart that had already jumped into his throat.

This happened too fast, Xi Zheng hadn't had time to react in the blink of an eye.


The author has something to say: Shanglian: The rooster in Rongshu Town dismounts

The second line: Liangtian Village Erzhu Opera hero

Banner: Zong Zi is unlucky

Give the male lead some wax again~ Although the classmate Zongzi is so delicate and bad-tempered now, his strengths and advantages will be reflected later. Brother Xue's attacking aura is getting stronger and stronger