MTL - I’m a Professional at Seducing Rivals In Love [Quick Travel]-Chapter 29

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[Metamorphosis Thirty-first Episode 2 Leading Video]

The picture is a little blurry, and the date and time unique to the surveillance video are displayed in the upper left corner.

The tall and thin boy has long legs, straight and powerful.

— It can be seen from the appearance of the 1.8-meter tall man who was kicked by him straight back several steps away, unable to move.

The quality of the video was poor, and the angle was weird, but the boy's aura still couldn't be concealed from the screen.

A few lines of headlines with prominent colors brushed across the frozen frame—

"What is the reason for the beating?!"

"The rural protagonist's unexpected force value!"

"Cheating on the exam?! Campus violence?! The third monthly exam of Big Banyan High School is unexpected!"

The video edited some clips of the three protagonists in the high school class, but finally stopped at the place where Tan Jinxue beat someone, which suddenly whetted the appetite of the audience with suspense.

It also drew a lot of comments.

The red sweater is very warm: watching the film, it seems that you are talking about beating someone near the snow in the examination room? Whoa, would love to know what's going on!

Yang Yang Yang: Anyway, I believe in my Brother Xue

Grilled Polish sausage: Hahaha, I saw a clip of a little fat man talking about Jinxue and calling him brother Xue, so cute!

Sweet and sour short ribs: I think there is a reason for Brother Xue to beat someone... Sigh, I don’t know why, I’m afraid that Brother Xue will be punished by the school.

Lao Zhai 999: Is it wrong to beat someone no matter why? ! The brain above is flooded? ! It's also drunk that rural children can win favor by selling poor things...

Ripe chrysanthemum: The upstairs is biased, which eye sees him misbehaving?

The audience's anticipation for the second episode reached its peak almost immediately after the pilot video was released.

Monday morning.

After the morning self-study, it was time for the usual flag-raising ceremony of Darongshu High School. All classes lined up neatly on the playground, and the students seemed to be filled with a different atmosphere, like anticipation, nervousness, and eagerness to watch and gossip.

The reason is nothing else. Today is the day when Tan Jinxue, No. 1 in the second grade of high school, conducts a self-criticism in front of the teachers and students of the school.

The principal and vice-principal attended for the first time, which caused a whisper among the students.

Everyone saw the van belonging to the film crew and the cameras placed on both sides of the rostrum.

Even the standard bearer seemed a little absent-minded.

Sun Chao held his self-criticism book and stood behind the rostrum with an irritable face waiting to go up. He turned his head to look at Tan Jinxue, but he didn't show much hostility. He said with a playful smile: "Good student, wait You can't get along anymore, how about you come and hang out with Brother Chao?"

He is someone who has actually experienced Tan Jinxue's power, although that kick didn't kick him out, but it also made him hurt for several days.

If such a powerful stubble can become my little brother... Hehe...

I have to say that some people are born to heal their scars and forget the pain.

Tan Jinxue looked at him indifferently, and her eyes turned around in front of Sun Chao's abdomen.

Sun Chao suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and even his already healed stomach seemed to start to ache again.

He laughed twice: "I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding."

Tan Jinxue nodded: "Knowing humor is a good thing."

Sun Chao didn't dare to stroke the tiger's beard again. He saw that there was no review manuscript in the young man's hand, thought it over and over again, and swallowed the question back.

—Could it be that a good student doesn't even have a manuscript for the review? !

"Now I would like to invite Teacher Liu Lu, the dean of the second grade of high school, to speak. Everyone is welcome."

There was sparse applause outside.

Sun Chao snorted disdainfully, couldn't help but turned his head and said to Tan Jinxue: "This girl is not a good bird, why do you think we are both punished?! They want to use it to show up on TV. This opportunity will set the school on fire!"

Sun Chao, with the haircut of the second killer Matt, squeezed the review in his hand with a "squeak".

When he attempted to plagiarize in the examination room, he still looked like "I won't be a grandson if I don't beat you to call you grandma", but now because of the school's punishment, he wants to be a brother and sister with Tan Jinxue.

Tan Jinxue raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

"In order to maintain our school's school spirit and discipline, strictly punish cheating and campus violence, and ensure fairness and justice, our school has dealt seriously with the two students involved."

"What we want to cultivate is upright and civilized people. To be a human being, the most important thing is character, not grades. This is the end of my words."


The most important thing is that character is not achievement, and these words are clearly aimed at the former "number one" to talk about Jinxue.

"The two of us are stools for people to climb up! Hmph, strictly punish cheating and ensure fairness and justice, she can tell **** like flowers!"

Sun Chao blew his beard and stared, and quietly observed Tan Jinxue's expression.

Tan Jinxue still didn't show any anger.

Inexplicably, Sun Chao felt that such tranquility seemed even more terrifying.

Before his brain with simple circuits had time to think carefully, he listened to the voice coming from ahead.

"Now it is student Sun Chao who will make a review to the teachers and students of the whole school."

Sun Chao angrily shook the review manuscript in his hand and went to the stage.

The voice of Sun Chao dryly reading the manuscript came from the stage.

" behavior, I am sorry to the parents who have placed high expectations on me, to the school that has worked so hard to train me, and to the classmates who have been badly influenced by me..."

Or the end of a parallel sentence.

Tan Jinxue guessed that this review was also ghostwritten by an unlucky classmate under the threat of Sun Chao.

He has long been used to reviewing things. The school knew about his problems long ago and never cared about him. These days, as long as he doesn't lower the average grade in the class, the school won't bother to care whether he hit his classmates or copied his homework.

Sun Chao's self-criticism came to an end very quickly, probably not even 2,000 words.

Tan Jinxue came to power.

The weather in May is already a bit hot, and the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning is a bit dazzling.

The boy was wearing a formal school uniform, a navy blue tunic jacket, buttoned up to the top button meticulously.

Liu Lu, the director of the teaching office, frowned.

This kid is really interesting, he obviously accepted the warning and came down to make a review in public, but he still calmly and indifferently, as if he came up to accept the award.

Regardless of the principal's stop, she picked up the microphone in front of her.

"Before talking about Jinxue's self-criticism, I still have a few words to say."

Tan Jinxue was hung in the middle of the rostrum, receiving the attention of thousands of students below.

"Actually, the school is also very surprised that students with good grades are involved in violent fights. But adhering to the principle of treating all students equally, the school will never shield or defend anyone. Regardless of good grades or bad grades, our requirements for students are unanimous."

It's as if she didn't know that the school had reached an agreement with director Kang Baiyu in private, that Tan Jinxue would conduct a public review, but the punishment would not be included in the file.

Liu Lu has a standard and elegant smile on her face. The light is good now, so she should look good on camera.

The students wanted to film the flag-raising ceremony because of "Metamorphosis", and they had a class meeting before, and the teachers gave them instructions, so that no accidents should occur on the scene.

But Liu Lu's words sounded a little too hypocritical.

Teacher Sun stood at the back of the line and let out a soft "Pooh". The teachers standing next to her also agreed.

The water flows downhill and people walk uphill, so it's okay for Liu Lu to try her best to climb up. The key is that she shouldn't use students as stepping stones.

What's more, anyone with a little conscience will not turn a blind eye to that child's excellence and tenacity.

The principal pulled Liu Lu's clothes underneath. Seeing the principal's disapproving gaze, Liu Lu put down the microphone embarrassingly, and signaled to Tan Jinxue that it was time to start.

She had read the self-criticisms submitted by the two children in advance, and it didn't matter if Sun Chao's was written by someone else, after all, that child was a frequent visitor to self-criticism. His real grades are really bad. Now is the critical moment for the school to attack the teaching evaluation. The teachers turn a blind eye to Sun Chao's plagiarism, which is actually a kind of acquiescence in disguise.

This time, it's just for the program team to make a show, otherwise, if we only deal with the counterattacks and not the beatings, it will inevitably be a bit too unreasonable.

And Tan Jinxue's review was indeed well written.

"I shouldn't let the hidden violent factors in my body occupy my mind", "My family's poverty makes me too utilitarian, and I can't treat exams with a normal mind", "I am under pressure from my family and my mother, I took this wrong step, and I hope to be forgiven by teachers, classmates and the school.”

It was tearful, sincere and sincere, and fully analyzed the deep-seated reasons for his "mistakes", vividly expressing the inferiority and conceit of a rural child, and sincerely begging the school's forgiveness, as if he had lost his way.

She knew that the little phoenix that flew out of the mountain nest was such a person.

Hmph, rural kids? Good grades are nothing more than hard work, and the psychology is not good at all.

Liu Lu feels that she understands the needs of the program group well - isn't what they want the image of such a rural child?

She even proudly "helped" Tan Jinxue to revise a few points in his review.

So much so that I didn't notice that I didn't have the manuscript of the child's review book in my hand.

Tan Jinxue bowed to the teachers and students in the audience before speaking.

"I admit my mistake."

"My mistake was that I didn't cheat on the exam."

"My mistake was that I resisted school violence."

"My mistake was that I reviewed a right thing."

Liu Lu was still immersed in her satisfaction, and still had a smile on her face. She didn't notice that the "criticism" said by the young man on the stage was completely different from the manuscript she had read, and she didn't even notice the surprise on the principal's face next to her. .

Tan Jinxue still had a calm voice.

"Yes, I was wrong. I'm sorry, I was rightly wrong!"

"If it's right to accept it, it's right to swallow it, it's right to flatter it, then I have nothing to say!"

The students below finally became agitated. Many children who didn't know the ins and outs still asked each other, and those who knew the truth spread it around excitedly, whispering to each other for a while, and even the formation was almost thrown into chaos.

Liu Lu was pushed hard by the principal below, and then she came back to her senses, and then heard the boy say:

"I reviewed myself, but I don't feel that standing here today, I should say something that everyone imagined."

"Cheating and school violence should not be tolerated!"

"Yes, I take the exam very seriously, because I know that I deserve every point, because I know that there are many people like me who rely on this exam to fight for a future."

"I know there's no real fairness and justice."

"I know there will be more last resort and compromises ahead."

"But I don't want to deceive myself when I still have the ability to tell the truth, to convince myself that only capital and power can define what is right in this world."

Liu Lu's dark face could not be covered by the foundation, she picked up the microphone and shouted loudly: "Tan Jinxue, you—"

The microphone made a sharp "squeak", completely suppressing the second half of her speech.

Liu Lu patted the microphone angrily. Usually, this thing would break down, but today it was really hateful that it dropped the chain at a critical moment!

She didn't see the small movements of the students at the mixing desk on the side of the rostrum.

Tan Jinxue was not affected at all, and she continued: "My mother only had a primary school education, and my family is very poor. She always hoped that I would become famous. But she said, what is more important is to be an upright person."

Every word of hers is a statement of the facts, no misery, no "deep remorse", and no begging for forgiveness.

"I was wrong. I chose to be a man of integrity."

She turned around and smiled politely at the school officials sitting behind, then turned to the teachers and students in the audience: "My review is over."

Liu Lu was trembling with anger, and the headmaster's face was ashen.

Thunderous applause suddenly broke out from the audience.

The author has something to say: After eating mutton for three days in a row, the author successfully got angry hhhh

Let me give you a pear flavor in sugar water~

All the red envelopes from the previous chapter have been distributed, please pay attention to the lucky little cuties~