MTL - I’m Against the World-Chapter 78 A good father is a family 21

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Warned by the picket, Qin Yilan stopped laughing, she jumped out of the car and let Gao Yuan drive the car away, picked up the backpack on the ground and crossed the road to the van.

"Xiao Tian," Qin Yilan remembered that the girl was called Tian Xinya, she handed over the backpack: "What's the matter?"

"Sister!" Tian Xinya was very happy to see Qin Yilan, greeted Qin Yilan with a smile, and said nonchalantly, "I broke up with my husband."

Seeing that she was in a good mood, Qin Yilan didn't say much, and took out a simple medicine from her backpack: "There is an injury on the forehead, I will take care of it for you."

Qin Yilan took out iodine and wiped her forehead: "Why did you make trouble?"

"I think I'm dirty, think I'm being passed around."

Tian Xinya snorted: "He has been questioning me since I came back, and I didn't plan to hide it from him. I didn't do those things voluntarily. One shot and two disbands."

"He can't accept it, so let's break up. I won't force him, but guess what?" Tian Xinya, who was calm before, became excited: "He didn't give me anything, Let me go straight away!"

"Why?" Tian Xinya gritted her teeth angrily: "We both came out of Lancheng with nothing but two clothes and no daily necessities. When we arrived at the residential area, in order to survive, I went to the mission hall every day. I do the heavy lifting for at least ten hours a day.”

"In the end, people were good, saying that his cervical spine was not good, he couldn't do physical work, and he had easier work of transporting garbage and sweeping the streets. Team up to go out to collect supplies."

"Just like him, when he sees zombies, he screams and wants to hide away, he dare not go to far places, and no one is willing to take him with him, he is just like those old, weak and sick people The disabled teamed up and wandered around the villages near the settlement."

"Those villages have been raided many times, what else is left? Every day I come back with some tattered pots, rotten bowls and plastic stools."

"He said that he found all these belongings and refused to give me the things. This is true. The supplies of this car are indeed all he got back."

"But if I don't go out to work every day to earn credit coins, he can't even pay the residence tax, and he can't even pay the entry and exit fees for entering and leaving the residential area, where would he have the opportunity to collect these things And this van, I spent 80 credits to find someone to get it back."

refuse to give."

"I don't agree, he hit me, now it's alright, he didn't take anything but credit coins, hahahaha..."

Tian Xinya laughed wildly: "Sister, how can there be such a stupid person? Credit coins can only be used in residential areas. Now that he has been expelled, what is the use of credit coins? "

"Uh..." Qin Yilan couldn't figure out what the brain circuit of Tian Xinya's husband was, she guessed: "Maybe it's because I can't see you, I just want to get revenge on you? He will take it away if he doesn't need it. Make him comfortable if you can't use it?"


Tian Xinya nodded: "He is a man who is more intelligent than a fool, incompetent and hated for the rich. What he used to love most was to point the country and comment on current affairs on the Internet, and hate the air. , I originally wanted to divorce him, but the cataclysm came."

"The two families died cleanly, leaving me and him." Tian Xinya sucked her nose and pressed down her tears, "Without a single family member, who knows that I can do it by myself. When I live, I’ve been married to him for two years, and I’m closer than anyone else. I just thought, the world has become like this, what’s the point of being picky? already."

Tian Xinya laughed at herself: "How could I know that I have encountered such a thing, and people will not follow me."

Qin Yilan wrapped her wound and patted her shoulder to comfort her, she smiled happily at Qin Yilan: "Sister, I'm really not sad, I don't need to bear his expenses, I People can live more easily.”

Tian Xinya's straightforward and unpretentious character is very attractive to Qin Yilan, she said to Tian Xinya seriously: "Although I am not your sister, but let's go through adversity together, what's the matter? It can be regarded as half a relative, if you have any difficulties, come to me."

"Yeah!" Tian Xinya's eyes were red, she nodded heavily: "You will always be my sister."

Qin Yilan returned to her house, Gao Yuan had already unloaded all the small supplies, only a few pieces of furniture were left, when she saw her coming, Gao Yuan hurriedly waved: "Hurry up Come on, I've requested a half-hour parking time."

After moving the furniture, Qin Yilan followed Gao Yuan out to park. On the construction site next to the east gate, they saw Wei Hang who was working with Xing Yizhuo on his back.

Weihang shipped cement in bags today. It should be because the cement was too dusty. He put a large plastic sheet on his body. It is estimated that he did not have a mask. The scarf wrapped around his mouth and nose, revealing only his gray eyebrows.

With Xing Yizhuo on his back, Wei Hang is not lazy, his speed is not much slower than the adults next to him, because he is weak and his steps are more hasty.

After watching these two children for a while, Gao Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, she frowned and said to Qin Yilan: "Next time we go out to collect supplies and take Weihang with him, Xing Yizhuo can be put in the nursery. go."

"You need credit coins to put in the nursery. Wei Hang brought some supplies when he came in. What he needs now is credit coins, not materials." Qin Yilan glared at Gao Yuan, "Why don't you send some Credit coins for him?"

"That's fine, with credit coins he can..." Gao Yuan, who was talking vigorously, turned her head and saw Qin Yilan's face was not good, and her voice lowered involuntarily, " Put Xing Yizhuo in the nursery..."

"Then what?" Qin Yilan squinted slightly: "You can take him out to search for supplies, and he can come to you if he has something to do in the future. Anyway, you are an adult and can do more than him. , these little brothers are so pitiful, it doesn't matter if you take care of them all the time, right?"

Gao Yuan dare not say yes.

In fact, she thought so, Wei Hang is a good child with love, righteousness and responsibility It won't take much to take care of them within the range, but for these little brothers, it can greatly improve their living conditions.

But Qin Yilan's expression made Gao Yuan feel that if she dared to say "yes", the consequences would be serious.

She immediately smiled at Qin Yilan to please: "Sister, I will listen to you, sister, if you say you can help, I will help, if you say you can't help, then I will definitely not mind my own business. hey-hey…"

"You help him once and a half times, and you can help him for the rest of your life?" Qin Yilan rolled his eyes at Gao Yuan: "Blind and successful."

Sometimes a little help in a difficult situation can make a person survive, why should they be stingy with showing kindness to others?

Gao Yuan didn't understand Qin Yilan's actions. After the incident with the Tiger Leopard Group, she was used to obeying Qin Yilan. Qin Yilan was not willing to let her help Wei Hang. Even if she was a little unhappy, she still followed Qin Yilan back. .

I caught the chicken today, Qin Yilan killed the chicken, raised the coal stove, and simmered a large pot of chicken on the stove. another person.

"Hello Yanjing, I'm Yang Weidong." The visitor politely shook hands with Qin Yilan: "I'm star fruit's father."

Carambola, one of the sixteen girls in the cold storage.

"Hello," Qin Yilan shook hands with him politely: "Is the star fruit okay?"

"It's not bad, I'm very surprised that she can come back alive," Yang Weidong pulled out a slightly bitter smile: "I always thought she had died."

It can be seen from the appearance and the speech that this Mr. Yang Weidong is a determined person, Qin Yilan does not think he is looking for her for comfort, she raised her brows: "Mr. Yang is here Yes?"

"Carambola is my daughter, you and Gao Yuan saved the starfruit, I have to appreciate this life-saving grace, in the future, whenever you two use me, just come to me, I will live 8, row 5, block D."

Yang Weidong made a statement first, and before Qin Yilan could speak, he smiled and handed Qin Yilan a map: "Of course, you can't just say vernacular to repay your kindness, there is a grain processing factory in Chaideng County. , the three grain depots in the factory are all full, and the zombies in there have been cleaned up by me. I will send this news to you and Gao Yuan. The red line marks the road that I have explored. The road is in good condition and can be Military card."

The food in the three granaries, Rao Qin Yilan couldn't help but be moved, she immediately declined: "Thank you Mr. Yang, I just happened to save the star fruit, I really can't bear your gratitude. ."

"When the star fruit disappeared, I looked for her like crazy. During this time, I couldn't sleep at all at night. As soon as I closed my eyes, she looked bloody. Fortunately, she came back alive. "

"Saving her may be a convenience for you, but for me, this is an unrequited kindness. If this kindness is not repaid, I will not sleep well in the future."

Yang Weidong's expression was very determined: "I handed over the map to you, and I will not go to Chaideng County in the future. If you don't accept it, the grain in the granary will slowly rot or Just wait for someone else."

Speaking of which, Qin Yilan can't do it if he doesn't answer, Yang Weidong bowed to Qin Yilan, turned around and left without waiting for Qin Yilan to say anything else.

Linlin's eyes were already red while holding Guoguo, Qin Yilan sighed and comforted her: "Although Guoguo doesn't have a good father, she has a good mother, what you did for Guoguo, No less than Yang Weidong did for starfruit."

Lin Lin kissed the forehead gently, but she didn't shed any tears.

Wei Hang came to send credit coins to Qin Yilan again, Linlin packed him a bowl of chicken, Wei Hang repeatedly refused, Linlin grabbed him and wouldn’t let go without the chicken, Wei Hang refused , had to take it.

He looked at the bowl in his hand, bit his lip and said to Qin Yilan embarrassedly: "Aunt Yan, can I return the credit coins every ten days in the future?"

"Okay, I'll pay it back every ten days." Qin Yilan waved at him.

Wei Hang suddenly felt like a pardon, and ran away impatiently with a bowl in one hand and Xing Yizhuo in the other.

Qin Yilan looked at Weihang's back as if he was running away and explained to Linlin, "Don't give him anything when Weihang comes back."