MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 19 Framed Tech Genius 19(1)

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Major General Li Yu rushed into the competition hall and saw the four people hugging and crying at a glance.

The five members of the M national team pulled their heads and bowed their heads in dejection, like a pair of eggplants beaten by frost.

Li Yu couldn't believe it, "Is this a win?"

He always thought that the previous game was won because of Sang Jiuchi, and the other four were just assembled by Sang Jiuchi to make up the number.

Sang Jiuchi was not surprised by their victory, "The four-dimensional code is not a book for the day, but a reference book for the benefit of the people. Since I designed the four-dimensional code, I have been thinking about how to make it easier for the public to understand. I introduced the construction environment, computing methods, language generation, etc. in the simplest language, forming an easy-to-understand teaching book."

"I made experimental data on the learning situation of the four of them, and I came to the conclusion that this version of the teaching book is not bad. Those who have the code foundation before can quickly understand the logic of the four-dimensional code, although they can't achieve mastery. But it is more than enough to deal with Team M."

Major General Li Yu was at a loss for words, "I heard you said before that they are No.1 in each region?"

"The four of them do represent four different types, but they are not No. 1. If you really want to count, you should only be counted in the middle. Only in this way is the value of research. After all, learning is to teach most people." Sang Jiuchi winked at Li Yu and put his long index finger to his mouth, "But this is a secret between me and you, don't tell them a few, in my mind they are NO.1."

Major General Li Yu: "…"

Why does he think that one day he will be fooled to death by Sang Jiuchi?

Seeing the arrival of Sang Jiuchi, everyone pulled Sang Jiuchi up.

Sang Jiuchi shared their joy, "How did you win just now?"

Cook was in high spirits, "How else can we win, didn't you say bombed, we will blow up their firewall."

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows.

Ha, all I can say is "good job".

Sang Jiuchi swept across the scene and saw the figure of a blond man on the podium. No matter how simple it is, as the president of the association, he still has to award the champion at the end.

The man was hidden in the darkness, and a dim light and shadow flickered in his blue eyes.

When the awards were presented, Christine hung the medal around Sang Jiuchi's neck, and when the two of them got closer, Sang Jiuchi whispered, "This time it seems that I am slightly better."

Christine's hand holding the medal belt was slightly firm, "We'll be long in Japan."

Sang Jiuchi smiled, "I think we may meet again in the future, but I'm afraid there will be no future this time."

Christine's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I want to try and see if I can eject you from this plane."

Christine suddenly reacted to something, and suddenly made a move to grab Sang Jiuchi's wrist, "What do you want to do?"

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were quick and his hands were fast, and he stretched out his hand, and the two suddenly became a handshake gesture.

Within the range that Christine could hear, Sang Jiuchi said, "Christine is the main **** of that twisted plane."

The surrounding air suddenly solidified, and the cheering stopped abruptly, the white doves flying in the sky stopped there, and even the hair fluttering due to the shaking stopped moving against gravity.

At this moment, only Sang Jiuchi and Christine were able to move.

Christine looked at Sang Jiuchi quietly, and the fireworks just flew right in front of him.

Kristin flicked away the fireworks in front of him and stared at Sang Jiuchi in the air. After a long time, he laughed, "I remember you."

In the next second, the solidified air suddenly returned to normal, and the white dove in the sky flew high.

"Christine" in front of Sang Jiuchi frowned and thought for a second, then immediately regained his senses. He arrogantly looked up at the young man standing on the championship stage, said "Congratulations, young man" and walked away.


In the distant void, the man sitting on the throne in the Temple of Light slowly opened his red-gold eyes.

He stretched out his pale right hand and grabbed it casually in the void. When he opened his hand again, there was an aqua blue ball inside.

The other hand of the man on the throne flicked his fingers towards the water-blue planet, and a group of black shadows attacked the water-blue sphere.

There is ample time?

It also depends on whether you can survive the divine punishment of the Lord God.

When the slender and white fingers turned over, the aqua blue ball had disappeared.

The man lowered his red-golden eyes again, resting on his temples with one hand, and once again pretended to be majestic and dignified.

A mere tasker is just an ant-like existence, and he can be wiped out with a snap of his own fingers.

He even dared to challenge himself, just like that **** God of War.


On the solemn podium, the national anthem of China has begun to be played.

The five people held the trophy in their hands and watched the national flag of China slowly rise during the national anthem.

All the Chinese people are also staring at the screen quietly at this moment, they hold their chests reverently, feeling the strong beating from their hearts.

For the first time in the 50 years since the International Cyber ​​Security Competition was held, a Chinese player has won the championship!

The bright red is like the vigorous rising sun. This is a nation that is trying to grow up, and its future has infinite possibilities.

At the same time as the national anthem was played, the Dai Group released the introduction of the latest ultra-smartphone on its official website, and will hold a press conference two days later. Once the announcement was released, it was quickly reprinted by major media, and even the official media reposted it to him for the first time, and added a title on it: Using technology to benefit life.

After the awards, Sang Jiuchi dropped another blockbuster during the live interview.

Reporter: "Mr. Sang Jiuchi, what are your plans next?"

Under the world's camera, he said word by word, "Next, I will fight back against others' false accusations against me. I will sue X Technology in the International Court of Justice. They have stolen my intellectual property."

Case closed?

It's okay, I'll sue you this time.

The next day, accompanied by Major General Li Yu, Sang Jiuchi went to the International Court of Justice to file a case, and then returned to China.

Major General Li Yu was recalled to the base on the first day he returned to China. As soon as Li Yu entered the headquarters, he almost tripped over the equipment all over the floor. "What, what is this?"

Several colleagues are checking the location against the radar image and talking on the walkie-talkie: "Another one is found, 48.3235 north latitude, 87.4523 east longitude, in the southern sea area, it is moving slowly, please search this area immediately."

Seeing Li Yu coming back, a few colleagues sneaked up and said, "Thanks to Mr. Sang's new radar detection device, this is what we found in the past few days. Good guy, there is a detector buried under our experimental base in District 8. , we don't even know, these days have been busy for us."

"Major Li, my brothers envy you to death. You have the opportunity to get close to that Mr. Sang. You don't know, many of our scientific researchers want to meet him, but they are too busy to have any chance."

"Who said there was no chance." A very intimidating voice came from the door. When everyone heard this voice, they immediately stood up reflexively and saluted.

Accompanied by the majestic voice, two figures walked in from the door.

The one on the left was tall and strong, with gray hair neatly combed back. He was dressed in a military uniform, with a military cap on his head, and several medals for military exploits hanging on his chest.

And following him was a beautiful young man.

The moment they saw the young man, almost everyone's eyes lit up, but the one who was still standing beside him was cowardly again.

"From today onwards, Mr. Sang will guide you in your homework as our exclusive consultant," the general glanced at them, "You **** give me a good chance to study every minute and every second, do you understand?! "

Everyone looked at Sang Jiuchi in unison, and their eyes could not wait to swallow him alive.

This is the pool god, the living pool god.

They must learn! Study without sleep!

Fortunately, Sang Jiuchi has seen the world, "I will come here for the next period of time, firewall, encrypted signal transmission, information interception, radar detection, etc., I will provide you with all help. But in a few days, the International Court of Justice The court session, I will be away for a few days."

Some people are worried about Sang Jiuchi: "The court will start in a few days. Chi Shen, you put your energy here. What if you are not fully prepared for the court?"

Sang Jiuchi: "It doesn't matter, the evidence has been submitted. I have 100% confidence in winning this lawsuit. I have never plagiarized, so why should I be accused of this."


A man was sitting slumped in front of a villa. He was wearing a large windbreaker, a sun hat, large sunglasses and a mask that covered half of his face.

This is the high-end residential area of ​​Dai Luolin's villas. There are almost no people on the wide residential road, and the man standing here is extraordinarily abrupt.

The man didn't know how long he waited, and as the sky darkened, a dark commercial vehicle was slowly approaching in the distance.

The moment he saw Sang Jiuchi getting off the car, the man rushed forward, but just as he was about to rush in front of Sang Jiuchi, seven or eight people suddenly appeared from the side and surrounded him.

These people were dressed in black suits, with fierce expressions on their faces, and they all held guns in their hands.

The man was instantly frightened, and quickly raised his hand to take off the mask: "Don't, don't shoot. Jiuchi, it's me, Zhou Lichuan."

The moment the mask was taken off, a man's beautiful face was revealed. Zhou Lichuan's face was very tired, but it did not cover his coldness. Instead, there was an extreme fragile feeling, which made people want to protect him.

Sang Jiuchi looked at Zhou Lichuan up and down, "Is something wrong?"

Zhou Lichuan looked at his former lover. Not long ago, he was hiding in a garbage heap like a dead dog waiting to die, but in a flash, he rebounded from the bottom and became an unattainable person overnight.

Who is the most popular person in China right now?

It deserves to be Sang Jiuchi.

After a month and a half, the stains on his body have been washed away except for the plagiarism problem.

And he is now suing X Technology, and the last bit of plagiarism will definitely be cleared up soon.

How did he belittle him in front of the public at the beginning, and now those words have bounced back to himself like poison needles one after another.

Now his reputation has been mixed, because of his previous remarks, from time to time, fans of Sang Jiuchi will go to his Weibo to attack him.

Sang Jiuchi is now a hot man in China, and even the country is looking for him to cooperate.

Everyone knows that they are at odds with Sang Jiuchi, and their backer Song Qing has made such a change. Now the opponents in the entertainment industry are watching their jokes.

If he hadn't betrayed Sang Jiuchi at the beginning, and now he is standing next to Sang Jiuchi, how could he be reduced to this point.

He clearly chose the best stock from the very beginning, but he actually chose Song Qing's pig backhand!

Zhou Lichuan frowned, and the sense of vulnerability that made people want to protect became more obvious, "Jiuchi, I used to be sorry for you. But I've been with you for four years, save me for the sake of these four years. , please, Song Qing wants to kill me."

Sang Jiuchi smiled, "If he wants to kill you, you should call the police. What's the use of looking for me?"

Zhou Lichuan shook his head desperately, "No, he, he took hold of me and asked me to help him launder money, and I didn't want to do those illegal things, so he threatened me to make the photos public. It's over, Jiuchi, I know you are a computer expert, only you can do this, please save me."

Li Yu, who had been standing beside Sang Jiuchi, immediately asked, "Money laundering? What kind of money was laundered?"

Zhou Lichuan hesitated for a while, but still said with difficulty, "Song Qing is a master hacker. He hacked several accounts some time ago and got a lot of black money."

Li Yu frowned. Some time ago, the police did receive several major fund theft cases. Several people's accounts lost a lot of money for no reason. The more was hundreds of millions, and the less was tens of millions.

The other party's methods are very sophisticated, and the traces on the Internet have been wiped clean.

Could it be that Song Qing stole the money?

Li Yu asked seriously: "You saw him steal it with your own eyes?"

Zhou Lichuan nodded, "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, some three or four hundred million, some tens of millions. I always thought Song Qing was a gentleman, but since he got out of the intensive care unit in a car accident, it has completely changed. He beats and scolds me at every turn, and I know that this is his true face. Jiuchi, forgive me, I was deceived by him at the beginning."

Zhou Lichuan opened his tightly wrapped arm, and his arm was blue and purple, and there were deep marks on his wrist.

I thought that these injuries would win sympathy for myself, but these men are all made of steel, and they don't even blink an eye.

Li Yu even went to the side to make a phone call.

He waited for a while before Sang Jiuchi's response, and awkwardly retracted his arms into his sleeves.

At this time, Li Yu, who suddenly came over with the phone, said, "Zhou Lichuan, can you still find evidence of Song Qing stealing money?"

Zhou Lichuan quickly replied: "I don't know if I can find it, but I know that he always transfers the money to an overseas account. By the way, there is one more thing, X Technology Company paid him a huge sum of money a long time ago. At that time, I always thought it was a business relationship. But you said in front of the media that X Technology Company stole your intellectual property, and I was wondering if Song Qing stole your firewall secrets and sold it to X Technology Company. remuneration."

Sang Jiuchi, who had been watching Zhou Lichuan's performance, played with his middle finger, "Are you saying that you don't know about Song Qing stealing the secrets of my firewall?"

Zhou Lichuan shook his head desperately: "I don't know. I don't know anything about computers. He never tells me such things."

Sang Jiuchi: "But when I was at my worst, Song Qing stood in front of me as a winner and told me that you stole my core firewall technology."

Zhou Lichuan hesitated for a moment, then suddenly covered his mouth and exclaimed, "So that U disk was used for that! Song Qing gave me a U disk at that time, saying that I could view the computer's Internet records. During that time, you kept ignoring me, I thought You have someone outside, so I listened to his nonsense and inserted the USB flash drive."

Sang Jiuchi raised his eyebrows, "So, since you didn't know anything from the beginning, you were all bewitched by Song Qing?"

There were tears of remorse in Zhou Lichuan's eyes, "Jiuchi, you know me. I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. If I hadn't been deceived, how could I have misunderstood you."

Sang Jiuchi looked into Zhou Lichuan's guilty eyes with dark eyes, "Then why did you give me medicine for the Shuangfei incident?"

Zhou Lichuan shivered at Sang Jiuchi's gaze, "It's Song Qing, you never touched me in the past four years. It was Song Qing who encouraged me to take the initiative, so I invited you to the hotel. I don't know drinks at all. There was something inside, and Song Qing was the one who took me away later. When I finished my work and went back, I saw your Shuangfei news. I was in despair for a while, and all I thought was that you betrayed me, so I was angry and unilateral. parted."

Sang Jiuchi stared at Zhou Lichuan, his eyes seemed to be able to see through his soul through appearance.

Zhou Lichuan panicked in his heart, but the expression on his face became more and more innocent.

Li Yu frowned as he listened to it, and Zhou Lichuan's tea-like speech made him a little unable to listen. But after all, this is Mr. Sang's private affairs, and he is not easy to intervene.

After a long time, Sang Jiuchi sighed, "It turned out that Song Qing was the one doing the trick."

Zhou Lichuan burst into tears in an instant. He wanted to jump up and hug Sang Jiuchi, but someone immediately surrounded Sang Jiuchi.

Zhou Lichuan had no choice but to shake his head while crying, "I deserve it all, but I didn't cherish you well, I'm sorry, Jiuchi."

Sang Jiuchi took a step back, "You go back first, I will find a way to do this. Since Song Qing's problem is so serious now, you'd better leave him quickly."

Zhou Lichuan shook his head, "No, he is still holding my handle, I can't go."

Sang Jiuchi: "What is he holding you for? I can't help you if you don't tell me."

Zhou Lichuan looked at the men in black around him with a very ashamed expression, "Can I speak to you alone?"

Sang Jiuchi, "Let's just say it here, they all signed a non-disclosure agreement."

Zhou Lichuan gritted his teeth, "He gave me medicine and took a lot of photos of my bed. Those were not of my own accord, he forced me. But once those photos leaked out, I couldn't argue with them."

Sang Jiuchi sighed again, "I understand what it feels like to be framed by others, don't worry, I will help you. Before I clean things up, I can only temporarily aggrieve you to stay by Song Qing's side."

Zhou Lichuan's eyes suddenly lit up, "No grievance, thank you, Jiuchi, I knew you would definitely help me."

Before leaving, Zhou Lichuan was still reluctant to part, "You are willing to help me like I did to you before. Jiuchi, can I still come to you in the future?"

Sang Jiuchi rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment, "If there is a chance, of course you can."

After sending Zhou Lichuan away, Li Yu pursed his lips and stared at Sang Jiuchi, "I just communicated with the police, and the amount and time of the electronic theft case are correct. I have already told the police about this clue. But I think Zhou Lichuan also It's not as innocent as he said, do you really want to help him?"

Sang Jiuchi: "I said I want to help him, but it's not necessarily too late."

Just as Zhou Lichuan was approaching him, he detected the monitoring equipment on him, and after thinking about it, he knew who installed it for him.

Zhou Lichuan left Sang Jiuchi's residence, put on his mask and sunglasses again, and wrapped himself tightly.

The eyes also recovered from the pitiful helplessness just now.

He can't just fall down like this, Sang Jiuchi must have discovered something to dare to sue X Technology Company with such fanfare. Now that he surrendered to Sang Jiuchi, he could save a little bit.

Song Qing has long been useless since he turned into an ugly monster wrapped in fish skin, but if he let it go, it would still be there.

If he can't break up with him, then give Song Qing as a gift to Sang Jiuchi and send Song Qing to prison.

In this way, he can justifiably dump Song Qing, and take the opportunity to return to Sang Jiuchi.

Sang Jiuchi really still loves him, Zhou Lichuan's eyes flashed fiercely, as long as he and Sang Jiuchi were together again, he would be that much-anticipated star again.

Zhou Lichuan stayed outside for a long time, until he received a text message from Song Qing on his mobile phone before he reluctantly returned to his residence.

Song Changbai used the best medicine for Song Qing, and Song Qing also had a great life. Not only did he not die in the intensive care unit, he was also discharged from the hospital soon. It's just that new skin hasn't grown on his body, and he can only wrap the injured area with a bandage.

Because of his original words, he could only bite the bullet and take over the dirty work of taking care of Song Qing.

When Zhou Lichuan returned home, he saw a mess on the ground.

The ground is full of broken bottles and cans, and the glass **** all over the floor has almost no place to settle.

Song Qing sat in front of the computer and stared at himself with a pair of scarlet eyes. Most of his body was wrapped in bandages, and only his hands and eyes that were not seriously injured were still exposed.

Zhou Lichuan's heart was "giggling", and he tried to smile: "What's the matter?"

Because of the injury, Song Qing's voice was hoarse like a rusted steel knife being sharpened on a dead tree, "Where did you go?"

Zhou Lichuan lowered his head to pack his things, "The company has an announcement, I'm going to work."

Song Qing sneered: "Fart, you went to Sang Jiuchi."

Zhou Lichuan's hand trembled slightly, "What nonsense are you talking about, who doesn't know that he and I are old and dead..."

Before he could finish speaking, a recording suddenly rang.

—It’s all Song Qing…

—Or Song Qing…

Zhou Lichuan suddenly raised his head, "Are you monitoring me?!"

Song Qing's laughter was like the fallen leaves in October, "Shhush" kept ringing, "You bastard, if it weren't for this, I wouldn't know you dared to fool me like this."

"Isn't that money stolen for you? You send information to the police with your backhand. Zhou Lichuan, you are really insidious. You don't know about drug use? You don't know about stealing firewalls? I'm torturing you for your injuries? You That's not what you said when you 'pull harder' one by one. Zhou Lichuan, if you want to send me to prison, don't force me to die with you!"

"Do you think you can clear things up without knowing anything? Beautiful, I have a record of everything we colluded with at that time, even the overseas account I registered with your identity information. You If you want to hurt me, do you think Lao Tzu didn't leave a hand?"

Zhou Lichuan only knew that Song Qing still kept some bed photos of his dark history, but he didn't expect that the other party also kept a hand in these places.

He was a little disgusted by the pit and couldn't react for a while. After a few seconds, Zhou Lichuan had to bow his head, "Song Qing, this time it was my fault."

Zhou Lichuan slowly approached Song Qing after putting down his things, "Is there any remedy?"

Song Qing also had to sit in a wheelchair because his leg was also injured.

Seeing Zhou Lichuan admit defeat, his violent heart calmed down a little.

Pulling Zhou Lichuan in front of him, Song Qing threatened: "If you want to destroy me, I will destroy you first. I have already wiped out all the records in advance, and the overseas accounts have also been cancelled, so no one can find them. My proof. And you, I've put a lot of good stuff online and you're going to be ruined from today."

When Zhou Lichuan heard the words, he quickly picked up his mobile phone Weibo, and the whole Weibo was spreading seed resources.

Just now, dozens of G seeds suddenly flowed out on the Internet.

There are more than a dozen videos and a few photos in it. After opening it, the protagonist is Zhou Lichuan without exception.

The Zhou Lichuan in it is so wild that it is staggering. Almost every video is overweight. The men in it are all coded, but Zhou Lichuan's face is clearly visible.

No one would have thought that Zhou Lichuan, who has always been as light as a chrysanthemum, turned out to be like this in private, and countless netizens ran to Zhou Lichuan's Weibo to write comments.

[No wonder Sang Jiuchi calls Zhou Lichuan Teacher Zhou, and it really is Teacher Zhou. 】

[These actions of Teacher Zhou, tsk tsk, are very difficult. 】

[The person is on the bed, already empty. 】

[No matter how wild he is in private, it is also his own personal behavior. This person who released the video is too much? 】

[The person who puts the video is not a good thing, so is Teacher Zhou. Don't you see the date below the video? Counting the days, he hadn't broken up with Sang Jiuchi when he was playing these games. Although the man on the opposite side had a mosaic, the body that failed to manage was not Sang Jiuchi at first glance, and he was not alone. 】

[It keeps saying that Sang Jiuchi is promiscuous, and I think the most promiscuous person is Teacher Zhou. 】

[The latest date is the evening of June 23. I remember that Song Qing happened to have a car accident that night, right? No wonder I couldn't make it to the hospital the next day. It turned out to be having fun the day before. It's so cheap. 】

Zhou Lichuan looked at these comments, only one sentence flashed in his mind: It's over, it's over.

He looked at this dark room, the broken glass on the ground seemed to have announced his fate.

A moment ago, he was still imagining that he could get rid of Song Qing's torture immediately, but the next second Song Qing dragged himself back to **** again.

It's all Song Qing's fault, everything about him was ruined by him!

Zhou Lichuan glared at Song Qing angrily, and his arrogant eyes were filled with madness. He rushed towards Song Qing like crazy and scuffled with him.

Song Qing was injured and couldn't stand Zhou Lichuan's beating at all.

Outside the window, the bell of the police car rang. During Zhou Lichuan's beating, Song Qing spat blood on the corners of his mouth and laughed: "The police have come, you have to work harder. Deliberately hurting others, starting in three years, don't you want to send me to jail? Send you in first."

Fight with me, Zhou Lichuan, you are still a little tender.

The bell outside the door had already rang, and Zhou Lichuan's eyes were red. He looked at the wide-open balcony, unable to control the demon deep in his heart, he pushed Song Qing directly and rushed over.

It was only at this time that Song Qing realized what Zhou Lichuan was going to do. The terrible memory of falling off the cliff once again impacted his memory.

He tried to escape, but his leg was still in a cast. Song Qing twisted his body desperately, shouting while twisting, "Zhou Lichuan, you are crazy! You are murder, murder, you will be sentenced to death!"

Zhou Lichuan sneered and pushed Song Qing to the balcony. This is a thirty-story building. Once it falls, it will be shattered.

"Song Qing, if you fall down this time, you won't be able to save me. Do you still want to send me to jail? The moment you posted these photos on the Internet, I was sentenced to death. Do you think I'm still alive now? I am finished, my life is finished. Song Qing, go to hell!"

Ignoring Song Qing's struggle, Zhou Lichuan lifted the wheelchair.

The police outside the door had already sensed something was wrong, and they hurriedly fired a few shots at the door and rushed in.

And the moment they rushed in, Song Qing was thrown down by Zhou Lichuan.

Just when Zhou Lichuan wanted to laugh happily, Song Qing grabbed the corner of Zhou Lichuan's clothes.

Zhou Lichuan dodged and was dragged down by Song Qing.

The police only had time to see their falling figures, and had no time to rush to save them.

After a while, the sound of watermelon cracking came from the ground.

Screams and sirens cut through the sky.

A few police officers went down to deal with the scene, while the rest began to search the room for evidence.

They brought a search warrant, and the mess didn't hinder the police's search.

Suddenly, a policeman pointed at the computer and called out, "Boss, come and see."

On the computer desktop, the traces that Song Qing had previously erased actually reappeared on the computer, the account that should have been cancelled was restored, and even all the evidence he had hidden was placed on the computer desktop!

And these records even have photos of themselves killing others!


"Zhou Lichuan came to see you?" A book of warm coffee was sent from behind to Sang Jiuchi, who turned off the computer, stretched, and took a sip of coffee.

The man in front of him was wearing a light coffee-colored bathrobe, which was wrapped casually, revealing a large honey color.

The man had the fragrance of mint mixed with shower gel on his body just after taking a bath.

His hair was wet and hanging by his ear, and a drop of water dripped down the tip of the hair down the collarbone, crossed the man's tight chest, and fell into a hidden area.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes darkened, "I came to block the door when I got off work in the afternoon."

Dai Luolin flipped up his hair, "I have told the guard that I will not let this person in in the future."

Sang Jiuchi put down the coffee, got up and sat directly on Dai Luolin's lap, "Are you afraid?"

There was a faint smile in the young man's eyes, and his hands began to spin on Dai Luolin's shoulders, "I'm afraid that I will reunite with Zhou Lichuan, so you are dressing up like this to tempt me?"

Dai Luolin gave a hoarse voice and laughed affectionately. He supported Sang Jiuchi's waist and wrapped a lump of ups and downs along his tight waistline, "En."

Sang Jiuchi held Dai Luolin's cheek: "Don't worry, he won't appear in the public eye from today, everything is over."

Dai Luolin held the boy in his arms with all his strength, and a delicate and lingering kiss fell on the boy's face.

Sang Jiuchi raised his head, his slender swan neck was raised high, his mouth was slightly open and he gasped silently. His body is like a lone boat in the wind and rain, floating at will in the coercion of huge waves.

The huge waves were fierce and surging, as if they were going to blow him into the extreme sky, and they seemed to be dragging him into the unsettled darkness.

Sang Jiuchi's eyes glittered with water, and the love of spring covered the corners of his eyes. It is like a drowning Guluan, hugging the only support under its body tightly, neighing and screaming in the wind and rain.

The news of the deaths and crimes of Zhou Lichuan and Song Qing were announced almost simultaneously.

The deceased is the greatest, and it stands to reason that these should not be discussed any more. It's just that the behavior of the two people is really abhorrent, and netizens can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Both of them are strong in their respective fields. They should have used their abilities to help the people around them, but they only thought about how to trap and climb up. Song Qing even came up with the idea of ​​prying the motherland.

The two of them are a good match together, they are nothing.

One is ungrateful, one is betraying the country, and their fate has been doomed from the moment they move their crooked minds.

With the exposure of Song Qing's crime, the truth of the crime of X Technology Company was revealed and the evidence was conclusive. The International Court of Justice quickly sentenced X Technology Company to the charge of plagiarism, and withdrew the previous charge against Sang Jiuchi.

So far, all the stigma on Sang Jiuchi has been washed away.

After Song Qing's car accident, the Song family quickly made a cut with X Technology Company. They gave up the opportunity to expand overseas business and brought the strategic direction back to China.

Money can be made, but not all kinds of money can be made.

The economic sanctions order against Dai by the International Association for Science and Technology has not ended, but Dai is already not afraid of any economic sanctions.

Since their latest products came out, they have quickly reached strategic partnerships with surrounding friendly countries.

Day's mobile phones and firewalls based on the latest technology are the best equipment at present, and the things are also inexpensive.

Dai signed batch after batch of orders, but rejected the member organizations and member states of the International Science and Technology Association that had imposed economic sanctions on Dai.

Dai even said that if you want to purchase their products and learn their technology, the first requirement is that you are not a member of the International Science and Technology Association.

International Science and Technology Associations have long lost their original aspirations, and once other countries' economies have a rising momentum, they will definitely become the target of suppression. Not only China, but other countries are also suffering.

The non-member organizations have long complained about the association's actions, and now Dai Luolin's blatant suppression not only did not cause backlash, but instead attracted goodwill.

In order to keep their technology from falling behind other countries, one country after another has withdrawn from the International Association for Science and Technology.

Soon, the International Association for Science and Technology had only a handful of members.

The International Association for Science and Technology, which used to be the hegemonic position of one word, has only existed in name only.

For domestic companies, Dai did not hide their secrets.

Dai's has publicly disclosed the production base several times, providing domestic enterprises with opportunities to visit and learn, and promote the overall improvement of the domestic technology level.

The four-dimensional code technology written by Sang Jiuchi has been published several times after typesetting and revision. Once this book was published, it quickly became a compulsory course in domestic universities, and middle and high schools also included some basic content into the scope of study.

Countless countries that want to learn are moving closer to China.

In just a few years, global technology has undergone an overall leap, and two-dimensional codes have begun to be gradually eliminated.

Those members who insisted on the International Science and Technology Association were gradually eliminated by the times because they were unable to access higher technology. In the end, they had to choose to compromise and quit the association one after another.

But in just a few years, they found that they could not keep up with the pace of the times.

Several of their members once possessed the most advanced technology in the world. They were confident that they could survive it, and even conceited that everything was just a gimmick for China.

But when they could no longer catch up with the big army and humbly followed behind others to learn advanced techniques, they were shocked to discover that they were the clown. They are no longer the bosses sought after by others, but the old people abandoned by the times.

In just a few short years, Sang Jiuchi has made great contributions to the country of China, and the scope of research is astounding. Sang Jiuchi and Dai Luolin have also been awarded the highest national honor by the country for their outstanding contributions. title.

Maglev light rail trains and cars, AI smart housekeepers, medical body remodeling technology, etc. Among them, the most troublesome non-polluting energy has also been realized under his research, and the technology field centered on Huaguo is rapidly being established.

Now Sang Jiuchi is basically