MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 26 Master Star's Counterattack 6

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The flying mecha driven by Li Yuan didn't seem to be fighting, but more like toying with his opponent.

Two mechas with completely unequal combat power are not worthy of standing on the same arena.

So Li Yuan has been flying, he is high above, his feet do not touch the ground.

Huang Chi's mecha lost both arms, leaving only the torso and two legs wrapped in the cockpit in the middle, which means that Huang Chi's armor basically lost its combat effectiveness.

In such a situation that one side is out of combat, both sides will generally stop, and the winner will wait for the loser to get out of the cockpit and surrender.

But Li Yuan didn't give Huang Chi a chance to surrender, he raised the machete high in his hand again.

In the stands, Dai Luolin's eyes were already filled with killing intent, "President Zhou, should we stop them?"

Zhou Guan was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, Your Highness, we have no right to interfere once the game starts. Unless one side surrenders, Huang Chi has not surrendered yet, which means that he still wants to fight again. We cannot suppress the determination and perseverance of the children."


Dai Luolin glanced at Zhou Guan and winked at the lieutenant behind him.

The lieutenant immediately understood and started to contact his comrades outside through the contactor on his wrist.

They are escorting His Highness to select the mecha maker. In order to protect His Highness's safety, they are parking a flying mecha outside this academy.

But the flying mecha is still a long way from here, and the lieutenant was also a little anxious. He looked down nervously, hoping that Huang Chi could persist until the flying mecha's rescue.

But the moment he contacted the pilot of the flying armor, Li Yuan had already controlled the mecha to dive down at extreme speed.

The goal is to go towards Huang Chi's cockpit!

Dai Yani, who was outside the arena, was already blushing from tears. She desperately clawed forward at the fence of the stand, trying to rush in to stop Li Yuan.

There were two classmates beside her who were holding Di Yani tightly, and then they held her body.

Seeing that Li Yuan was about to rush in front of Huang Chi, Huang Chi's mecha suddenly squatted, raised his feet and swept hard, his feet lifted and fell, and he threw a big pendulum.

Li Yuan didn't expect that the other party could resist, so he didn't check it for a while, and he firmly hit the record.

The flying mech fell heavily on the ground, rubbed the ground and flew out for a few meters before stopping.

"Heh", Dai Luolin's expression softened a little, and he smiled for the first time after entering the academy, "As expected of the grandson of General Huang, he can still think calmly in a difficult situation, not in a hurry or impatient, good work."

Li Xiang and Zhou Guan's faces were slightly ugly, but they didn't say anything.

Li Yuan suffered a dull loss and flew into the air again.

The mechs designed by the students are all ordinary mechas. In order to be able to fight against the strong Zerg in battle, coupled with the insufficient hardware conditions of the materials, the overall mecha will be slightly bulky.

But the mecha designed by Sang Xiaoyin for Li Yuan is very flexible. It has slender limbs, and the joints are connected with special metal materials, which can allow each joint to move flexibly.

The outside of the mecha is coated with a layer of blue thermal insulation coating, which can ensure that the mecha can fight normally in cold environments. It opened two metal fans diagonally behind it, and a faint blue fire was sprayed outward from the bottom of the fans.

Where you can see the firelight, you can vaguely see the traces of air distortion.

This is the key to its ability to fly. Sang Xiaoyin designed a tiny kinetic energy device imitating super energy.

This kinetic energy device is not as durable as super energy, and can last for only 20 minutes of flight, but it is easier to obtain than super energy.

He can win this game in 5 minutes, but not at all in 20 minutes.

Sang Xiaoyin didn't know when he had stepped into the viewing area. He was wearing the school uniform. Worry was written on his red face because of the cold. He held his hands on his chin and prayed silently for Li Yuan.

Li Yuan saw Sang Xiaoyin through the camera. He flew up in the air with a smooth mecha, turned twice, and dived down again.

During the dive, the shoulders of the flying mech suddenly opened, revealing two rows of dark cylinders.

The light yellow light spots slowly condensed in the two rows of cylinders, and the more they gathered, the bigger they became.

In the stands, someone was already exclaiming.

"It's a plasma cannon. This mecha even has a plasma cannon installed. What kind of genius is the designer? Is this really a student's work?"

"But if the plasma cannon is fired, is this mecha still alive?"

"First, he chopped off his right arm as soon as he got up. Just now he flew directly towards the cockpit, and now he is using the plasma cannon. Are you planning to kill the opponent directly?"

"Shh, be quiet, the driver is Li Yuan."

Hearing that the driver was Li Yuan, the loud noise just now stopped abruptly.

Everyone bowed their heads in embarrassment and cast sympathetic glances at the mecha waiting to die on the stage.

Li Yuan wants to kill, who can stop him?

Dai Yani broke down and rushed to Sang Xiaoyin's side, begging Sang Xiaoyin in a low voice: "Please, let Li Yuan stop, we lost, we admit defeat."

Sang Xiaoyin's expression was very innocent. He grabbed the railing in embarrassment, "This is the battle of the mecha masters, and our voices can't get in at all. Besides, once the plasma cannon is activated, it can only shoot out, and there is no situation where it stops halfway."

Dai Yani glared at Sang Xiaoyin angrily, "I just said a few words in the classroom, you don't need to put people to death. It's me who speaks ill of Li Yuan. If you have the ability, come to me, Guan Huangchi. What's up?!"

Sang Xiaoyin raised her head and looked at Dai Yani with almost pity, "You think too much."

Dai Yani was stunned, "What?"

Sang Xiaoyin lowered her voice, "Li Yuan just wanted to test the power of the mecha, he didn't target anyone, but the opponent happened to be the only seedling of General Huang. Even if he killed Huang Chi in front of everyone, so long as he didn't. If you surrender, you can keep attacking, this is all reasonable and legal, how can General Huang still ask His Majesty to kill Li Yuan to avenge his grandson?"

Hearing the word "Du Miao", Dai Yani's cry disappeared.

Her face changed slightly, and she looked at Sang Xiaoyin in shock, "Did you do this on purpose?"

Knowing that Huang Chi was the only heir of General Huang, he was so arrogant that he killed Huang Chi directly in front of everyone's eyes.

Even if General Huang asked His Majesty for justice afterwards, His Majesty could do nothing.

General Huang is a close friend of His Majesty, but His Majesty, his grandson's hatred, can't help him, it will only make the two people apart, they are trying to divide His Majesty and the Huang family!

Sang Xiaoyin sighed, "I said it was just a coincidence."


too disgusting.

That face in front of me is disgusting.

Dai Yani couldn't control her movements any longer. She raised her hand high and dropped it heavily, slapped Sang Xiaoyin four or five times with her bows left and right, and only stopped her hand until her face turned red.

Sang Xiaoyin didn't seem to expect that the other party would make this move, and was immediately beaten stupid.

There were many people on the viewing platform, the sound of slap after slap was so loud, everyone around looked over.

Sang Xiaoyin covered her face, her eyes filled with tears immediately, "I have told you all about the weaknesses of the mecha in advance, why are you still unwilling to let me go."

The people around were whispering.

"It turns out that the kick of the mecha just now was because of the weakness. I said why he is so powerful."

"In order to win, intimidate the opponent's weakness in advance, and deserve to lose."

"The level difference is too big, even if you know the weakness. When a mecha is strong enough, its weakness is no longer a weakness."

Dai Yani was already **** off, and her good upbringing couldn't stop her from swearing, "I'm **** Nima, Sang Xiaoyin, you green tea bitch, Sang Jiuchi is also stinked by you? Poison, why don't you feed the bugs!"

Sang Xiaoyin turned a deaf ear and continued to cry.

"This seems to be the young lady of the Duke's House, and her temperament is a bit hot."

"Where is this hot temper, it's just a bullying little sister, bullying people because she is the royal family?"

Dai Yani suddenly shut up and looked at Sang Xiaoyin in horror.

He did it on purpose!

Deliberately angering myself, deliberately letting myself beat him and scold him, and then smear the royal family.

Sang Xiaoyin is too scary, he is not a little pitiful at all, but a poisonous snake.

Dai Yani suddenly felt powerless, she held on to the railing with difficulty and looked towards the playing field.

In the arena, the plasma cannons on the shoulders of the mecha flying in the air were ready and waiting to be launched.

Dai Luolin glanced at the lieutenant, and the lieutenant made a hurried gesture of 1.

There is an energy wall above this school, and it took some time to open the energy wall.

1 second, 1 second to come.

Dai Luolin hid in his cloak, trembling slightly.

His slightly dark lips pursed slightly, and worry flashed in his eyes.

1 second, I hope it's too late.

Li Yuan's plasma cannon had been loaded, and at that moment, six light-yellow lasers rushed towards Huang Chi.

Once these lasers touch the mecha, they can instantly cut the mecha into several pieces like cutting tofu, not to mention the fragile humans in the mecha.

Seeing that the six laser beams arrived in front of Huang Chi's mecha in an instant, a figure and a red light suddenly flew straight in mid-air.

The figure only had time to throw Li Yuan's mecha aside, but it was still a step too late to stop the launch of the particle cannon.

Li Yuan's laser was fast, and the red light was even faster, and he plunged into the arena.

The red light and the six lasers reached the ground almost at the same time. With the arrival of the six lasers, the ground exploded.

The flying dust enveloped the whole in a fog, and nothing could be seen clearly.

The three people at the top of the stand squinted and looked down. All three of them were high mental powers and could detect what happened below through mental power.

After a while, there was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Zhou Guan was surprised, Li Xiang frowned, and Dai Luolin was more surprised.

Vacuuming devices were installed around the stands, and as the vacuuming devices were activated, the shrouded fog gradually dissipated.

Just when everyone thought that the mecha on the ground was sure to die, the scene in the stands shocked everyone.

In front of the broken mecha on the ground, a teenager floated there.

He was wearing a silver battle suit with a humiliating dog tag around his neck.

He was suspended in front of the battle armor, and his slender body was fully revealed under the wrapping of the battle suit.

There was also a light blue barrier open around him, and small ripples would appear on the light blue barrier from time to time, as if resisting some attack.

Behind him, the mecha, which he thought would be cut into several pieces, stood intact.

The height of the mecha is about five meters. Humans who are less than two meters should be very small compared to it, but people's eyes are drawn to the boy who suddenly appeared in front of them, and they can't look away.

Dai Yani saw the person coming and shouted excitedly, "Sang Jiuchi, it's Sang Jiuchi."

Sang Jiuchi heard the sound and looked towards Dai Yani, the dog tag on his neck rang with the jingle.

Smiling at Dai Yani, Sang Jiuchi turned around and said to the mecha, "You step back, this game should be mine."

Huang Chi sat in the cockpit, his body already soaked with sweat. He just walked through the gate of **** just now, and he realized the gap between himself and Li Yuan. Not daring to continue fighting, Huang Chi hurriedly drove the mecha back and withdrew from the battlefield.

Dai Yani ran over as soon as she saw it, and hugged Huang Chi, who had survived the disaster, tightly.

Above the sky, Li Yuan's mecha is still being controlled by another flying mecha.

Li Yuan's mecha is tyrannical, but it is still too inferior to the real super-energy flying mecha.

The mecha, which was arrogant just now, is now like a child whose arm is restrained by an adult, unable to move at all.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Sang Jiuchi's suspended body floated upwards and stood firmly on the top stand.

The blue barrier around him slowly disappeared and changed.

Everyone looked carefully, only to realize that Sang Jiuchi did not float for no reason.

There was a palm-sized black ball suspended above his head and under his feet. The energy shield was emitted from this black ball, and finally formed a circle of energy walls to enclose Sang Jiuchi.

After Sang Jiuchi landed, the two black **** flew to the left and right above Sang Jiuchi's shoulders as if they were alive.

The first thing Sang Jiuchi did when he stood in the stands was to set his eyes on Dai Luolin.

He looked up and down Dai Luolin, and finally fixed his eyes on his deep eyes.

When he was looking at Dai Luolin, Dai Luolin was also looking at Sang Jiuchi.

The teenager wore a silver-gray nanomaterial battle suit with a thin layer of silver-white armor over the battle suit. His slender and straight legs outlined a graceful shape in the battle suit.

The young man looks extremely beautiful but not feminine, but instead has a reckless and reckless growth.

For some reason, at the first glance of the young man, Dai Luolin actually heard the sound of his heart beating violently.

Dai Luolin originally wanted to take a closer look at the boy who suddenly appeared, but when he saw the dog tag on his neck, Dai Luolin stopped his gaze.

His eyes were fixed on the dog tag, and murderous malice poured out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"What's your name? Who put this on for you?" Dai Luolin dragged the boy to him.

He wrapped his arms around the slender waist of the young man, poured his mental energy into the other hand, and easily took off the humiliating dog tag from Sang Jiuchi's neck, "I killed him."


Li family?

The gloomy gaze instantly turned to Li Xiang, but Li Xiang didn't know it, just looked at the dog tag in surprise.

The strong male hormones suddenly approached, Sang Jiuchi subconsciously supported Dai Luolin's chest to stabilize his figure.

The familiar soul aura came from Dai Luolin's body continuously, constantly stimulating Sang Jiuchi's nerves.

He relaxed his body and let out a long sigh, [It's him, that's right. 】

My love, we meet again.

Sang Jiuchi watched Dai Luolin pinching the dog tag so easily that it was deformed and threw it aside, and laughed lowly.

No matter what it becomes, no matter whether there is still memory or not, the lover is still so short-sighted.