MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 28 Master Star's Counterattack 8

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"So, I asked you to accompany the prince to choose a suitable mecha maker, but he found one for me..." In the splendid conference hall, the man sitting in the uppermost throne frowned slightly, and after a while, from the throat Four words were squeezed out of it, "A prospective fiance?"

The man is in his thirties, his facial features are handsome and firm, and he is five or six points similar to Dai Luolin.

Quan Mu Chenxing's most distinguished man rubbed his slightly sore eyebrows: "How is the prince now?"

The lieutenant, who was kneeling on the ground, bit his head and said, "Report to Your Majesty, His Highness' mental strength was very unstable after his rampage, and he is still in a coma."

On the field of competition, Dai Luolin's mental power almost caused a catastrophe. His powerful mental power could crush even the Zerg, let alone humans.

If it wasn't for Sang Jiuchi rushing to the front to stabilize Dai Luolin, I'm afraid everyone present at the time would suffer.

The lieutenant remembered what happened at that time, his chest could not help shaking a little, and a little cold sweat could not help oozing out of his back.

When everyone was retreating, only the rebellious young man stepped up to the challenge, and his powerful mental force easily crushed his protective wall.

Just when he thought that the young man was going to be turned into powder by His Highness's spiritual power, the young man unexpectedly kissed His Highness.

It was that kiss that caused His Highness's mental power to fluctuate, and the irrational His Highness regained a bit of his consciousness.

Afterwards, His Highness forced Sang Jiuchi back to the spaceship with the remaining strength, and passed out after confirming it was safe.

Before falling into a coma, His Highness pointed at the young man and said, "You have to be responsible for me."

The lieutenant remembered what His Highness said, and silently hammered his chest.

Shouldn't it be "I'll be responsible for you"?

And it's just a kiss, there's no need to rise to the level of "responsibility", right?

Was His Royal Highness at that time bewildered by the madness of the spirit?

The emperor sighed, "What did the doctor say about the prince's condition?"

The vice general's eyes flashed with sadness, "The doctor said that His Highness, because of this mental runaway, caused his originally recovered body to have a diseased reaction again. And... And because he has already experienced it once, His Highness's body cannot withstand the second high-intensity treatment. The disease this time is irreversible."

The dignified emperor's face suddenly looked like he was ten years older. His face that was not angry just now is now full of sadness, "The doctor said how much time does he have?"

The lieutenant's hand supporting his knee trembled slightly, and his five fingers were bluish-white due to excessive force, "The doctor said... Your Highness can live for a year at most."


A loud bang.

The emperor's fist slammed heavily on the throne, the raised totem pierced his palm, and the emperor's palm suddenly burst into bright blood red.

The lieutenant's eyes were already red, and he stared blankly at His Majesty's blood-red palms before listening to the emperor lowered his voice and sighed in pain, "When the emperor wakes up, ask him what else he wishes."

In a word, the lieutenant immediately burst into tears.

In one year, the man who once fought decisively on the battlefield has only one year left to live.

As a man who has worked hard to reach his current status by relying on his own strength little by little, the vice president does not believe in ghosts and gods.

But this time, he couldn't help but want to ask the sky above his head how much he was going to torture Dai Luolin.

When Dai Luolin was an 18-year-old adult, his mental power was suddenly upgraded from S-level to 3S-level, which was the first 3S-level mental power in the history of the entire interstellar.

But before everyone was happy, Dai Luolin was infected with the disease.

In order to resist the disease, Dai Luolin followed the doctor's advice and took risks to wash his body over and over again with powerful mental power.

But this method is a method of killing a thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred. The diseased cells are washed away under his super mental power, but his body has become very weak because it takes a long time to recover. .

When he was on the field that day, the lieutenant saw that Dai Luolin was a little uncomfortable, so he lowered his head and reminded him to leave.

I just didn't expect such a thing to happen later, let alone that His Highness would go wild!

God, is this trying so hard to want His Highness's life?

In the luxurious and luxurious bedroom, the huge floor-to-ceiling windows bring in the insufficient sunlight into the room.

The sun shines on the only luxurious giant bed in the room, and through the translucent bed curtain, two men can be vaguely seen lying inside.

One of the men was slightly tall, with handsome features and pale complexion. Even with his eyes closed, he could feel the intimidating majesty of his body.

The man was wearing a simple white pajamas, and his body was hidden under the velvet duvet.

The pale skin was covered with strong muscles, tight but not knotted.

Beside him lay a teenager who was still wearing his silver armor. It's just that the layer of armor covering it has been removed, and the dark green cloak behind him is not there.

Instead of wrapping himself in the quilt, he lay directly on the quilt.

He was in a half-curled state, with one hand tightly held by the man.

The boy's brows twitched slightly from time to time, as if he had a nightmare.

The sky outside the window is still thick with fog, shrouding the entire sky in a psychedelic haze.

A gust of breeze blew gently from outside the window, blowing the translucent gauze curtain like smoke and mist, like the ripples of water in the blue waves, as light as water.

The pale man slowly opened his eyes in the breeze.

The goal is the young man's gorgeous and delicate face.

The sleeping boy no longer had the arrogance and arrogance he had when he opened his eyes. At this moment, he was more like a bunch of lily-of-the-valley flowers that were growing wildly in the garden.

Pure white.

Dai Luolin could even smell the faint fragrance of the blooming lily of the valley.

The boy's tightly closed eyelashes trembled a few times, like a butterfly flapping its wings.

Then, the boy opened his eyes.

The sparkling eyes are like a pool of spring water, overflowing with warm light.

Dai Luolin has felt that he is different from others since he can remember.

He seems to be born with a natural mission.

Destroying the Zerg and saving the interstellar space, this is like a brand engraved words that always reverberate in his mind, making him enter the battlefield at the age of 13.

Military exploits, achievements, everything is just an accessory for killing the Zerg.

In his planned life, he only killed Zerg and saved the world, and he never planned to start a family.

But the first time he saw the young man on the field of play, his soul was constantly clamoring to get him and tie him to his side.

At that moment, his steely heart actually loosened, and he gave birth to the desire to start a family.

Yes, desire.

It wasn't just an idea. At that moment, his mind went back and forth a thousand times, and he even imagined the scene of growing old with a young man.

He desperately wanted to get the boy, as if as long as he didn't tie the boy to his side, countless people would discover the beauty of the boy in the next moment and become his rival in love.

Dai Luolin smiled, opened his mouth, and planned to say hello to the boy.

But when he opened his mouth, he suddenly noticed that there was a smell of sweetness in his throat, and a blood spurted out uncontrollably.

Dai Luolin's whole body suddenly tensed, and he forcibly swallowed the mouthful of blood while the boy was still dazed in his eyes. He was hit with a heavy hammer in his mind, almost unable to stabilize his body.


He is sick again.

And this time, the disease is more turbulent than the first time. This time the disease seems to be revenge for his first strong washout.

It did not give Dai Luolin any chance of buffering, and directly invaded every inch of his body while he was in a coma.

"You're awake." The boy's voice came from the side. His voice was like the wind in May, with infinite warmth.

Dai Luolin pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Well, why are you here?"

"You have been holding me since I was unconscious, and I can't even if I want to go." The young man smiled and put his fingers in Dai Luolin's five fingers, "You caught me on the spaceship, and you yelled at me to be responsible, I Where can you go without being here?"

The young man's expression was a little strange, and then Dai Luolin remembered what he had done before he fell into a coma.

Dai Luolin gave a wry smile, and just as he was about to speak, there was another taste in his throat.

The disease seems to be to punish Dai Luolin for his first resistance, and he tortured him again and again as if he was ruthless the second time.

Dai Luolin's eyes changed, he pulled his hand away, turned his head and spat out blood on the ground.

The blood fell on the ground and bloomed into a flirtatious and terrifying rose.

Dai Luolin wiped the corner of his mouth hastily with his sleeve, looking at the boy with helpless and lingering eyes, "I was delirious before, I will have someone send you back, sorry."

He thought for a while, and then continued, "I heard that you were expelled from the school when I was in the stands. If you still want to go to school, I will ask the adjutant to reapply for you. In addition, if you have anything else you want, just tell me. , I can satisfy you. I took you away in front of everyone's eyes, this is your compensation."

Sang Jiuchi: "Don't you want a mecha maker?"

Dai Luolin's deep eyes were blocked by the drooping eyelashes, "I don't need it anymore."

Sang Jiuchi pulled Dai Luolin's wrist and put his hand on his pulse, "You are sick, but you were fine before."

Dai Luolin nodded helplessly, "I didn't expect it, you see, I went to the competition site to select a mecha maker, but now I don't need it anymore."

Sang Jiuchi looked at Dai Luolin with beautiful eyes, "You can satisfy me with whatever you just said."

Dai Luolin nodded earnestly and reverently, "As long as I can do it."

Once he wanted to have a young man, thinking that he would be able to embrace Jiutian Jiaoyue in his arms immediately.

But since he knew he was about to die, he had given up on this idea.

He is about to die, but the boy still has a long way to go.

He was even fortunate that he was in a coma, and all his confessions and conversations did not have time to speak out.

The boy is a genius, and he will definitely become a person who will change the whole planet in the future.

But he is just a passerby of him, all he can do now is to do his best to lift the boy closer to the sky.

Dai Luolin swallowed the sweetness that had not dissipated in his throat: "You are a mecha maker, right? You want equipment support, advanced drawings, etc., as long as you want, I can satisfy..."

"I don't want any of these," Sang Jiuchi interrupted him suddenly, staring wildly at Dai Luolin with a pair of aggressive eyes, "I just want you."

Dai Luolin stared at Sang Jiuchi in a daze, but saw Sang Jiuchi laughing. Sang Jiuchi supported the bed with both hands and slowly approached Dai Luolin. Appears smooth.

He was obviously wearing clothes all over his body, but he seemed to be wearing nothing, and the curves of his whole body were fully revealed in Dai Luolin's sight.

But after a while, Sang Jiuchi and Dai Luolin were face to face, and Dai Luolin could even count the number of crow-feather-like eyelashes in Sang Jiuchi.

Dai Luolin couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Sang Jiuchi supported the bed with one hand: "I want you to drive my armor to destroy all the Zerg. You are not allowed to die until my wish is fulfilled."

Dai Luolin's expression stiffened for a second, "Destroy the Zerg?"

Sang Jiuchi glanced at him narrowly, "Of course, otherwise what do you think it is?"

Dai Luolin lowered his head to hide his embarrassed blushing face, "It's nothing."

"The disease is not a terminal illness," Sang Jiuchi got off Dai Luolin's bed and put on slippers that were neatly placed on the ground. "I have studied the cause of the disease in the past few days, mainly from the pollutants from the Zerg."

"This contaminant is similar to a pheromone. They attach to any place and can be said to be pervasive. Pollutants invade the living body through the air, food, etc., and constantly interfere with the cells in the living body, causing the cells to divide and produce errors when they divide again. Split the formula, thereby causing lesions."

"The current common treatment method is drug treatment, which can kill the diseased cells. However, it cannot correct the division formula that has been changed in the body, so it can only cure the symptoms and not the root cause."

"To treat this kind of disease, we have to fundamentally solve it and reverse the division formula. I probably knew how to reverse it through deduction two days ago, but there is still a lack of practice. Can you help me get a few Zerg?" Sang Jiu While talking, Chi walked towards the hanger.

Dai Luolin turned his head to look over, his eyes suddenly froze, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

The boy's slender arms stretched out behind him and unzipped the battle suit, and his snow-white skin was instantly exposed to his gaze.

The young man took off the battle clothes wrapped around him as if no one else, and bathed his body in the sun.

Sang Jiuchi flipped through a piece of clothes from the closet, "Sorry, let me use your bathroom. You've been holding me these days, and I haven't showered for several days."

Dai Luolin swallowed, "please."

Sang Jiuchi smiled, picked up his clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Dai Luolin stretched out his hand, opened his mouth to speak, and finally closed it slowly.

That dress is his shirt.

He originally wanted to ask the maid to prepare close-fitting clothes for Sang Jiuchi, but somehow he swallowed it back.

Silently watching Sang Jiuchi enter the bathroom, Dai Luolin got up and dressed and went out.

He came back after a while, with an extra piece of clothes in his hand, and several men in military uniforms followed behind him.

The lieutenant is among them.

Seeing Dai Luolin wake up, the lieutenant really didn't know how to tell him the bad news of the disease.

He didn't know what to say, but Dai Luolin spoke early.

He is a prince and a soldier.

He has been on the verge of death countless times on the battlefield, and he has long regarded life and death lightly. Just now, he was sad because he couldn't have a boy forever, not because he was afraid of death.

His life's mission is to kill the Zerg, and there are many people in the interstellar space who inherit his will.

Kill him, and there will still be warriors behind him.

Although he is dead, the spirit of the interstellar annihilation of the Zerg will not perish.

He believes that one day all the Zerg will be killed in battle, and at that time, the universe will be turbulent, and the stars will be bright.

The only regret is that I didn't have the chance to see such a scene.

After Dai Luolin walked into the bedroom, the guards and the lieutenant wanted to follow him in. Dai Luolin thought that Sang Jiuchi was still inside, and his eyes were blocked at the door, "Lieutenant Yang, go do something right now."

Vice-General Yang did not dare to refute: "His Royal Highness, despite your orders."

Dai Luolin: "How many Zerg are there in the experimental base in Area A?"

Vice-General Yang: "There are still about 200, and the rest are distributed in several experimental bases around."

The experimental base in Area A is the closest Zerg research base to the Imperial Palace, but the experimental base A is not too big, so the number of Zerg accommodation is small.

"Enough," a voice suddenly came from behind Dai Luolin, everyone looked up, and immediately lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Sang Jiuchi came out wearing only one of Dai Luolin's shirts. Dai Luolin was much taller than Sang Jiuchi, and his clothes were two sizes bigger than Sang Jiuchi's.

He was wearing Dai Luo Lin's clothes as if a child had stolen an adult's clothes. His eyebrows and eyes widened because he had just taken a bath, his face was ruddy and unparalleled.

Dai Luolin quickly blocked Sang Jiuchi. Sang Jiuchi walked over while wiping his wet hair and stepping on water droplets, "There are two more things. First, I want to go to the college, and I still have some things to do. Two, there are some very important research results in my apartment, please help me move them all over."

Vice-General Yang suppressed the shock.

Move, move over?

This, this is the rhythm of living together? !

The prospective fiancé is about to become a fiancé so soon? !

Sang Jiuchi thought for a while, and then added, "Research results are very precious, you must be careful when moving."

Vice-General Yang didn't care about the preciousness that Sang Jiuchi said at first. He was a person who had seen the world. In his opinion, the preciousness in the mouth of a student party was at most an exaggeration that had never been seen in the world.

But when Deputy General Yang opened the door with the combination lock Sang Jiuchi gave him, he almost knelt on the ground.

At a glance, he saw the green plants growing recklessly on the balcony.

Those green plants were not like the dry and sallow plants he had ever seen before. The plants in front of him were emerald green.

They are like elves in the sun, stretching their bodies wantonly.

At the end of the branches, round and shiny fruits hang heavily from the branches.

A small fruit is actually fruitful.

And on the right side of the plant there are some vegetables, the slender rhizomes of the vegetables grow tall and straight, like a green futon.

"Boss, this is the research result that the imperial concubine said! This is, is this a fruit?" A guard shouted in surprise. He wanted to get close to these green plants, but he was afraid that his approach would contaminate these vigorous plants.

King, Queen?

Vice-General Yang glanced at the guard, good guy, the future is bright.

Deputy General Yang led the crowd to slowly approach the balcony, only to discover that there was a glass cover outside the green plants.

This should be the ecological circulatory system that the princess reminded him before.

Vice Admiral Yang was stunned for a moment, why should I follow the name of the imperial concubine?

Looking at the balcony that was only a few meters away, Vice-General Yang suddenly sighed.

He has indeed never seen such fresh fruit, but this amount can only be supplied by a few people at most.

And plants have regular growth patterns. These plants can be eaten two or three times a year when they are grown and eaten.

The best of the best, only noble people like Your Majesty and His Royal Highness can enjoy it.

Deputy General Yang ordered, "You guys must be careful when you carry it. This is a priceless treasure and must not be damaged."

After he finished speaking, he started to walk around the apartment, he didn't know which items belonged to the princess. If this is the case, then move everything that can be moved, if it is not the imperial concubine's, then send it back.

Vice-General Yang quickly stopped in front of the desk.

On the wall in front of him, there was a clearly visible piece of letter paper.

The handwriting on the letter paper is like the rebellious character of the imperial concubine.

First, complete the task;

Seeing this, Vice General Yang suddenly narrowed his eyes, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

mission accomplished?

Could it be that Sang Jiuchi approached His Highness deliberately with a purpose? What mission does he have?

Could his purpose be to hurt His Royal Highness?

While His Highness was in a coma, he had already inquired about Sang Jiuchi's background. He had seen Sang Jiuchi's previous test results and mental strength tests, all of which were from the back of the crane.

The illiterate who was once ignorant turned into a mecha genius overnight, and it would be a lie to say no doubt.

If Sang Jiuchi really approached His Highness with bad intentions, he would be the first to kill Sang Jiuchi even if he resisted the decree!

Then, he saw the second

Second, destroy the Zerg;

Deputy General Yang was stunned for a moment, and saw the next one.

The more he looked down, the more ashamed he became.

Each one has only four simple words, but the heavy mission in those four words is like a mountain pressing in front of him.

But he didn't know what the first task was. He was so viciously suspicious of Sang Jiuchi just now. It was clearly Sang Jiuchi who rescued His Highness from the rampage regardless of his life.

He carefully tore off the letter paper on the wall and put it in the transparent bag. Deputy General Yang put his eyes on the desk again.

On the desk, there is a stack of thick drawings.

He flipped the drawings at will, and as the drawings flipped, Deputy General Yang gradually became solemn at first, then turned into stunning, and finally turned into excitement and admiration.

All of these drawings are drawn with a ball, which is the small mecha that Sang Jiuchi played two days ago.

On this drawing, Sang Jiuchi introduces its structure in detail.

He even treated the ions with a special reactor, reorganized the ion connections, and reorganized the internal structure of the ions into a form that could be split and aggregated at will. What they can see with the naked eye are two small balls, but in fact there are countless ion mechs linked individually.

The more energy absorbed by the shield held up by the mech, the stronger the structure between the ion mechs will be.

This is a process that is close to infinite storage of energy, and the stored energy can be released through ion fission in the future.

As for why Sang Jiuchi can be suspended, this is because a special weightless space is added to the energy wall supported by the ion mecha, thus realizing the visual effect of suspension.

The body in the weightless space is very light, which is why Sang Jiuchi can easily dodge Li Yuan's mecha attack under the traction of the ion ball every time.

Pulling an elephant can be laborious, but pulling up a strand of hair is easy enough.

In addition, this mecha even has an automatic defense function. Even if the operator does not have time to react, the mecha can automatically identify obstacles and dodge intelligently.

Sang Jiuchi calls this kind of intelligence "artificial intelligence brain".

Artificial intelligence? what is that?

Although this plane is also a technology plane, because the things it faces are different, the development direction of the previous plane is also different.

The convenience intelligence developed in the previous plane, but the survival mecha developed in this plane.

The people here don’t know what an artificial intelligence brain is. The lack of resources for many years has forced them to concentrate all resources on making mechas. They are already stretched thin in terms of control and have no energy to develop artificial intelligence at all.

According to the description of the drawings, these ion mechas are not difficult to control, even simpler than controlling a normal mecha.

Because of the assistance of the artificial intelligence brain, the control of the mecha will be very easy to use.

He flipped back and found that the following set of drawings had not yet been drawn, and only a few large characters were written on it: Unmanned Mecha.

Vice-General Yang read these drawings with relish, and he has a lot of aftertastes.

He carefully placed the drawings in the box again, and saw several tubes of reagents in the corners.

The reagent is contained in a closed transparent glass vessel with a dark green liquid inside.

And on the outside of the box containing the reagents is a label:

Return Green 3.0 (successful and ready for use).

On the back of the label is a photo of a green plant.

Deputy Yang's hands suddenly trembled, and he almost knelt on the ground.

Even though he wasn't so excited when he saw Ma Xingkong's mecha picture that day, when he saw this reagent, he only felt that his heart was shaking.

"Return the Green", and the photo behind.

Even a fool knows what this means. Has Sang Jiuchi devised a way to transform the land? !

Vice-General Yang suddenly thought of the four goals of Sang Jiuchi just now.

He thought it was just Sang Jiuchi's fantasy, but is Sang Jiuchi really going on? !

He must go back quickly, kneel in front of the imperial concubine and ask what this is!

If the land management is really successful, does it mean that food and fruit will no longer contain toxins? !

They are human and have to eat. Eating food that has taken away toxins will cause poisoning, but not eating will only cause death faster.

All food has toxins, even the royal family eats it, it is no more than the difference. Fewer toxins will be provided to the upper echelons of the royal family, and more toxins will be found in the food of ordinary people.

There is a reason why His Royal Highness got sick so early. He has been on the battlefield since he was 13 years old. The battlefield is filled with the heaviest Zerg toxins.

The food they eat contains toxins, which is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, and everyone will eventually be poisoned, so the average age of this interstellar planet will be getting lower and lower.

They sometimes think desperately, maybe the Zerg has not been defeated, they have already extinct themselves, and finally the Zerg will easily occupy the planet.

Vice-General Yang moved the box containing the reagents with trembling hands this time, for fear that others would break it.

And next to this box there is a box, which is like a lamp, and the line on the lamp is connected to two square black boxes.

In addition to the light, there is a small glowing ball in the box. There is also a sticker on the outside of this light:

Radiation wavelength 4.0 (to be tested)

I don't quite understand what this is, but since it is put together with the green reagent, it should also be a very important thing.

Vice-General Yang simply also held the box in his arms.

He looked around again and made sure that everything that could be moved in the room had been emptied by them before leaving completely.

At this time, Sang Jiuchi had already arrived at the experimental base in Area A.

The Zerg were locked in a huge glass cover. Sang Jiuchi looked at their huge bodies, and felt a little disgusting in his heart.

Anything ever seen suddenly magnified thousands of times doesn't make a good impression.

This Zerg is exactly the same as the locust that he has seen on the technological plane, but it is much larger than the locust.

The locust stared at Sang Jiuchi with its vision network, and suddenly the locust tilted its head, as if looking at Sang Jiuchi suspiciously.

The tentacles on its forehead swayed, and its mouth made a harsh "hissing" sound.

And with the neighing of the locust in front of Sang Jiuchi, the locusts not far away also neighed as if they had received a signal.

But for a moment, the locusts in the entire laboratory became restless.

They spun around the glass impatiently, banging their heads desperately in the glass.

But their feet clung to the ground, desperately backing away.

The locust itself seems to have a contradiction. Its body wants to retreat, but something is controlling them to rush forward.

This kind of change made Sang Jiuchi a little curious. He even pulled a stool over and quietly observed their strange behavior.

F001: [Master host, these are all low-level Zerg, and have not differentiated enough intelligence. So when I see you, I will be deterred by your coercion out of instinct. But there should be a higher intelligence behind them that controls them, and that higher intelligence is very hostile to you, so these Zerg have such contradictory reactions. 】

Sang Jiuchi held his head lazily, watching the self-mutilation of these Zerg so quietly.

But for a moment, the Zerg had already fallen to the ground, and their legs were twitching upside down.

F001 was really hairy when he saw it. If it was a cat, he would definitely be able to clearly see a circle of hair frying from head to tail now.

After a while, Vice-General Yang rushed to the laboratory with a lot of things.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, he saw several Zerg looking like they were dying, "What's going on?"

The few white coat researchers who had been standing beside him also shook their heads, "I don't know, it's been like this since this gentleman came in."

Vice Admiral Yang glared at him, "What this gentleman, this is our imperial concubine."

Researchers: "…"

Deputy General Yang dropped these words and walked towards Sang Jiuchi.

He put the box on the table next to Sang Jiuchi, and his voice was a bit flattering, "Empress, I moved all your things outside, and as for those plants, I moved to Your Highness. You have It's time to go outside and take a look, and I'll send it back if it's not yours."

Sang Jiuchi glanced at the box held by Vice General Yang, and rummaged inside to find the small ball of light.

While holding the small ball of light in his hand, he took out what looked like a lamp.

As soon as the shimmering ball appeared in Sang Jiuchi's hand, the bugs that were pretending to be dead suddenly jumped up.

They stared at the small ball in Sang Jiuchi's eyes. Although there was no look in the meshed eyes, everyone could still feel their persistence.

Sang Jiuchi moved slightly in his heart and raised the small ball of light.

As his hands swayed in mid-air, the heads of those Zerg swayed along with them.

Vice Admiral Yang was shocked, "Empress, you also designed this thing? What is this?"

Sang Jiuchi was not disgusted by the title of "Imperial Concubine", he shook his head and told the truth, "I don't know, I picked it up from the garbage."

Vice-General Yang remembered that Sang Jiuchi was picking up trash before: "..."

Picking up something from the garbage dump is so alarming to the Zerg, the princess is worthy of being an emperor.

Sang Jiuchi got tired of playing, threw the ball into the box, and then raised the light.

He fiddled with the lights a few times, and then said to Vice Admiral Yang, "Turn off the lights in this room."

Vice Admiral Yang hesitated, but His Highness once said that no matter what the princess said, she would do it.

So Vice-General Yang winked at the researcher, who hesitated for a long time before turning off the light.

In the huge laboratory, it was suddenly dark.

In the darkness, Vice-General Yang could only hear the terrifying sounds of the Zerg rustling.

Their feet rubbed against the glass windows and the ground, and their mouths kept making a "hissing" sound.

Even though he knew they were locked in a glass cover, the sound of being so close at hand still made his scalp tingle.

"The Zerg mutates the human cell division formula by releasing pheromones. In this analogy, it is equivalent to the Zerg building an infinitely huge radiation zone with pheromone. Human beings are constantly eroded in the radiation zone, and finally become diseased."

In the darkness, Sang Jiuchi's voice came from beside him.

His voice was calm and calm, obviously he was only sixteen years old, but Vice-General Yang always felt that his indifference was not like what a teenager should have.

"They use quantity to win. When they invaded this planet, they spread pheromones in all directions of the interstellar space. But we don't have that much quantity, we can only win by quality."

Vice-General Yang was a little puzzled: "What is the quality?"

Sang Jiuchi: "Lieutenant General Yang, what can fill the room instantly."

Vice-General Yang was stunned, "What... is it air?"

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he suddenly thought of the light that suddenly turned off, "Is it light?"

Sang Jiuchi laughed, "Yes, light. Light has the duality of waves and particles. Where air cannot reach instantaneously, light can spread at an extremely fast speed. Since they use air, soil and ocean as a medium, then we will Try it with radiant light."

As Sang Jiuchi's voice fell, the light in Sang Jiuchi's hand suddenly turned on.

Immediately, the warm pink light light instantly illuminated the space in front, and even the part of the area behind the light was smudged brightly.

"This is the radiation light I developed based on the pheromone characteristics of the other party. It can directly invade the Zerg's body and make them produce the human cell division formula. But don't worry, this radiation light is harmless to the human body. We humans and Zerg are two opposites. races, the division formula that works for them is bad for us. Conversely, the division formula that works for us can be fatal to them."

As he said that, a rich yellow liquid actually flowed out of the translucent eyes of the Zerg on the opposite side.

A few minutes later, the Zerg who were still alive and kicking fell to the ground one after another.

They straightened their stiff legs, and this time they didn't pretend to be dead, but actually died.

"Faster than I thought, it seems that they are really afraid of the human cell division formula." Sang Jiuchi turned off the light, "Of course, the main function of this light is to reverse the human cell division formula. Putting patients back on the formula for human cell division."

Vice Admiral Yang: "!!"