MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 31 Interstellar True Master Counterattack 11

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On the day of the war with the Zerg, the Zerg army that covered the sky crawled out of the ground.

No one would have thought that the Royal Mecha Academy, which was dubbed the highest interstellar university, was actually the home of the Zerg!

The energy shield placed above hindered the attack of the Zerg, but the Zerg spent decades finding another way and directly penetrated into the human race.

But at this moment, the streets that were supposed to flee in terror were empty.

As early as two days ago, the royal family issued a first-level escape notice, and all the humans hid in a concentrated manner under the orderly arrangement of the soldiers.

This air defense area was built by the Empire long ago.

Entering here, people know that the empire is not a group of useless rice buckets.

They had already prepared for the worst, anticipating that the Zerg might make a comeback someday in the future.

And this air defense area is the last hope against the Zerg.

A lot of food and water were stored in the air defense area, and special soldiers distributed them in an orderly manner.

Over the interior of the air defense area, there are also several huge projections that can broadcast the pictures on the battlefield here in all directions.

Most of the people were family—family members gathered together, except for the occasional baby cries, all quietly and nervously staring at the big screen.

On the screen, a mortal battle between the Terran and the Zerg is about to start.

Surprisingly, however, there are not many mechs on the screen.

The Zerg can fly, and the ground and sky are full of Zerg, covering the sky and the sun.

But in front of the clear-colored Zerg army, there were only dozens of small machines flying in the air.

Those mechs were small, each one looked about the size of an adult.

If they hadn't seen the power of long-range mechas a few days ago, people wouldn't believe that small mechs could be so powerful.

Only these dozens of mechas are really enough?

The soldiers of the Li family had long been evacuated due to the mutation.

The Li family's 6 million combat power was completely destroyed in an instant.

The only people who can fight the Zerg now are the three million warriors of the royal family.

There are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Zerg on the opposite side, but there are only three million on their side.

One bite and one saliva on the other side can drown them, can they really win?

Some citizens could not stand this cruel torture and blow, and began to cry in despair.

But as soon as they cried, they were met with dissatisfaction from the people around them.

"Why are we crying? We are hiding here safely now, leaving the danger to the soldiers in front. They didn't cry, why should we cry?"

"Don't cry, all you can do now is trust them."

The cry gradually disappeared, and the air was heavy again.

Just when people were a little worried, someone heard the sound of the mecha burning energy.

Soon someone noticed the situation outside, "There is a sound of mecha outside, and the sound of the mecha on top of my head is activated."

Soon, someone else said: "I have it on the top of my head too."

"And on top of my head."

Some of the video footage was transferred to the top of the air defense area. Around the air defense area, there were more than a dozen small machines.

The picture changed, and it turned into the figures of Sang Jiuchi and Dai Luolin.

The two people should now be in a place similar to a mimetic cockpit, with several small chips attached to their foreheads, and the chips are connected to a large instrument, which seems to be a remote-controlled instrument.

When Dai Luolin's always majestic face appeared on the TV, people fell silent.

Compared to the sense of oppression that Dai Luolin brought, Sang Jiuchi seemed much gentler.

Sang Jiuchi smiled and reassured everyone: "You don't need to panic, we have dispatched a sufficient number of mechas outside the air defense area. The royal armor will do everything it can to protect the safety of every citizen."

He paused and continued: "We will definitely win. In my dictionary, there is no word for defeat. In our future, there will be no zerg infestation."

"Not only that, the air polluted by the Zerg will become clear again, and the sun will illuminate the earth. Everyone no longer has to hide for fear of disease. You can breathe the fresh air outside and enjoy the splendid warmth. Sunshine, go for succulent and delicious food."

Sang Jiuchi's voice was gentle with some kind of powerful persuasion, and people fell into Sang Jiuchi's imagination of the future, and they even forgot their fears unknowingly.

"At this critical juncture, the royal family still hasn't abandoned us. They sent us so many mechas to protect us, and Mr. Sang is still on the line to appease us in his busy schedule. What else should we be afraid of?"

I don't know who said that.

But this is the sentence that speaks to everyone's heart.

Fear slowly faded, firmly climbing people's faces.

They want to live, and they want to experience the future that Sang Jiuchi said.

And they--will survive, Mr. Sang said, he won't fail, then--won't fail.

They have witnessed too many miracles on Sang Jiuchi, the small mecha at the beginning, and the drone armor later.

The treatment of lesions, and even the restoration of human alienation.

Even if they didn't believe anyone, they would definitely believe what Mr. Sang said.

The air defense area was quiet again, this time people were watching the TV seriously, and everyone was sweating for these mechs.

They knew they were all unmanned mechas, but they couldn't help but worry.

Soon, there was a commotion in the Zerg.

Along with this commotion, two huge silver-white Zerg slowly crawled out from the depths of the ground.

And beside the two Zerg, there was a Zerg so small that he could barely see his body.

Among them, a white insect king groaned, and the timid Zerg began to crawl forward uncontrollably.

It jumped on the backs of the other Zerg species and started rushing towards the mecha at the forefront. Finally, it rushed to the front, then vacated-jump, and flew in front of the mecha.

And this seems to be an offensive signal.

The mecha at the head is the one driven by Dai Luolin. There was no expected tearing in the picture. On the contrary, Dai Luolin easily escaped the attack of this little Zerg and shot out from the eyes of the mecha. - Daoguang.

As soon as the light hit the little Zerg, the Zerg's body began to change.

Its hard shell turned into a soft body, but in a moment, the Zerg turned into a naked, coding human.

Everyone stared at that face, and they didn't know who shouted, "It's Li Yuan! That Li Yuan from the Li family!"

And it was this - a shout that exploded the pot in the crowd.

"He's not dead yet."

"I heard that he and that Sang Xiaoyin have legs. I didn't expect that Sang Xiaoyin would not forget to take him when he became a Zerg."

"This human traitor not only wants to harm humans, but also joins the Zerg himself."

"It is a sin for the Li family to give birth to such a child."

Seven, seven and eighty-eight discussions were heard one after another, but the Zerg in the picture became restless.

The Zerg saw that a tender human body suddenly appeared above their heads, and they couldn't hold back their desire to bite.

Li Yuan has not lost consciousness since he became a Zerg. He has now become a human, and he still retains all the memories of the Zerg in his mind.

He still remembers how he used his hard shell to pet other Zerg, and how he was bullied and insulted by other Zerg.

He even remembered that he was summoned by the insect king and had to go to please Sang Xiaoyin, kneeling under them to watch the disgusting picture of them having sex.

But now he is not in the mood to think about those disgusting things. He looked at the Zerg flying over suddenly, and suddenly understood in his heart that the Zerg wanted to eat himself.

Seeing the approaching Zerg, Li Yuan wanted to escape.

But he was in mid-air, unable to escape at all.

At the moment, there is nothing around him, and there is nothing to defend against the attack.

The Zerg galloped over and was about to come to him in the next moment.

Li Yuan's face was pale and frightened.

Outside the TV, there are already people who can't bear to watch this picture.

Sometimes - an individual can promote a family, - an individual can destroy a family.

Back then, General Li Xiang slashed the head of the Insect King angrily, and the Li family, which was originally unknown, quickly became the most powerful family in the empire.

But now, Li Yuan's actions have once again pulled the Li family down from the altar.

He even stepped on both feet, causing the Li family to fall into hell.

Although they hated Li Yuan, it was like slow motion - they couldn't bear to see a similar kind being bitten by the Zerg in front of their eyes.

Seeing that a large number of Zerg couldn't bear the delicious taste of humans and rushed towards Li Yuan, another small mecha suddenly moved.

At the critical moment, the small mecha held Li Yuan in his hand and rescued Li Yuan in the form of a protector.

At the same time, dozens of mechas around them started at the same time.

Everyone watched in horror, and soon they discovered that the war that they thought was not dominant turned out to be shifting towards the human race.

Although the light mecha is small, its combat effectiveness is outstanding.

There were countless rays of light in their eyes, and wherever the light went, countless Zerg fell to the ground and died.

Knowing that if you advance, you will die, but the delicious human beings are right in front of you, and the Zerg once again rushed towards Li Yuan without fear of death.

Li Yuan, who thought he was rescued, realized that this mecha was using himself as a bait.

But even if he knew, there was nothing he could do.

All he can do now is to accept his fate, and accept his fate as an obedient bait.

In the past, he was also the king who was aloof. In school, he covered the sky with only one hand.

Whoever he makes is better than whoever he makes, he makes anyone uncomfortable.

He is like a puppet master who controls everything.

But now, he has become the powerless and controlled person.

When the pain and torment he once inflicted on others is now fully retributed on him, he will know how terrible it is to be unable to control his own behavior.

At this moment, he regretted it.

He wanted to escape, but couldn't, so he could only watch the Zerg come towards him.

Mecha's attack speed is fast and efficient.

And these mechas are very flexible, they seem to have eyes all over their bodies, and they can flexibly avoid all attacks every time.

Seeing that the ground is full of Zerg corpses, there are more Zerg behind the Zerg.

The Insect King realized that such a single attack just kept dying, without any attack effect.

Then it neighed in the sky, and hearing its neigh, the Zerg who blindly attacked with brute force froze all over.

All the scattered Zerg quickly gathered together.

The originally chaotic formation began to change. Zerg, you stacked me, and I carried you.

But for a moment, it turned into a Zerg mountain dozens of meters high.

The black behemoth crawled towards the city, and wherever the Zerg went, the ground was barren.

The Zerg army began to attack the depths of the city, trying to swallow the entire city.

In the center of these Zerg army, the king and queen of Zerg are surrounded by stars like the moon.

Just when the Zerg army had approached the center of the city and was about to attack the human air defense area, the sky opened the energy cover without warning.

At the same time, the experimental area surrounding the city suddenly shot a strong blue beam of light towards the sky.

Eight beams of light shot out in unison, instantly breaking through the dense fog shrouded in the sky.

Immediately after the beam of light reached the clouds, it converged into a single point.

The condensed blue light suddenly exploded, and countless dazzling and dazzling sunlight no longer hindered, scrambling to illuminate the land.

Where the sun shines, the Zerg have turned into dust.

The Insect King realized that something was wrong, and quickly neighed again, letting the other Zerg cover up on himself and the Insect Queen.

Can be useless.

The Zerg above quickly turned into powder, but the sunlight did not weaken.

The Zerg below turned into ashes again, but in just a few minutes, the Zerg army collapsed, leaving only the insect king and insect queen hidden in the innermost.

The Insect King immediately started digging a hole in the ground, trying to get in to avoid the sun's rays.

But it had just dug half a meter, when it was hindered by the hard texture.

This ground has long since been replaced with a hard steel plate, and it is a steel plate specially designed to fight against the Zerg.

No matter how hard his sickle was, it couldn't cut through these steel armors.

Seeing that the sun had broken through the Zerg outside, the Zerg King saw the desperate and fearful eyes of the Queen.

Because the queen is pregnant, it is not convenient to move.

Just when the sun hit the queen insect, the king of insects gritted his teeth, threw himself on the queen of insects, and used his hard shell to help the queen of insects to block the sunlight.

The queen of insects Sang Xiaoyin was stunned for a second, and then she heard the king of insects whisper: "I didn't have time to protect you last time, and this time I will never let you take a step ahead of me."

After saying this, in Sang Xiaoyin's eyes, the insect king turned to ashes.

The insect king's shield didn't stop anything, and soon, Sang Xiaoyin also felt the pain of burning her body.

He watched his body turn to ashes, but he couldn't do anything.

He realized his dream of being a queen, and he did become a queen.

But his dream of being an empress only lasted for a few days, and then it shattered.

Before dying, Sang Xiaoyin's mind suddenly appeared in the past.

He grew up in a wealthy family, surrounded by pampering since childhood, without any harm.

He once thought that he was favored by his parents because of his mecha talent, but thinking about it carefully, he was just a baby who couldn't even speak at the time.

It wasn't until the age of five that he showed his mecha talent.

But before that, petting has always been around him.

If he hadn't greedily provoke Li Yuan and Zhou Guan, or provoke Sang Jiuchi jealously, he would still be the most beloved child in the eyes of his parents.

Li Yuan loves him because of his face, and Zhou Guan loves him because he is the queen of insects.

Only Sang Xuning never remembered anything in return for him, that was his true love.

But he tarnished Sang Xuning's love for himself, and threw his heart on the ground to trample it.

Even later, he even wanted to kill his parents.

He is so sorry.

The previous scenes flashed in front of him like a revolving lantern, and he suddenly burst into tears.

It would be great if life could be repeated. If life could be repeated, he would never provoke Li Yuan and Zhou Guan again, and would only stay with Sang Xuning.

If he could do it all over again, he would never be blinded by jealousy and would not hurt Sang Jiuchi.

But life cannot be repeated.

He's still going to die.

—Tears slid from the corners of his empty amber eyes, fell to the ground, and melted into the dirt.

The tears disappeared quickly, as if they had never appeared.

In the Royal Hospital, Sang Xuning looked at the tear in the corner of Queen Worm's eye, and his chest twitched for no apparent reason.

Soon, he breathed a sigh of relief, and there was no more confusion in his eyes.

All the human beings in the interstellar space looked at the bright mirror sky in shock and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

The sky has been grey since they were born, and they thought the sky was that color.

Even when Sang Jiuchi was describing the color of the sky for them just now, they were just exaggeratingly fantasized about it.

But it's fantasy, and they don't expect too much.

In their fantasies, the sky is just a little brighter.

But when Sang Jiuchi pierced the sky today, they knew what translucency was.

And these sunlight can kill the Zerg, how did Sang Jiuchi do it?

On the TV screen, the picture of Sang Jiuchi was suddenly connected again.

Sang Jiuchi: "Let me explain to you, a few days ago, we developed a radiation wavelength that can change the genes of the Zerg. In order to wipe out the Zerg, we chose to launch the radiation wave into the sky on the final decisive day. We are in A lot of energy and spiritual power are injected into the radiated light waves, and the most important spiritual power is provided by the prince Dai Luolin."

"The light wave that is integrated with the spiritual force and energy can instantly dispel the toxins once deployed by the Zerg, and then the light wave is suspended in the air in the form of particles. The sunlight penetrates the particle light wave, temporarily changing the wavelength of the sunlight, and dispelling the spirit contained in the particles. Forces fuse and transform into radiation waves that can mutate the Zerg. That's why the Zerg will be wiped out when exposed to sunlight."

"From today onwards, we will send such light waves into the sky every once in a while, and after a period of time all the toxins in the air will disappear. At the same time, we will also inject antidote into the ocean, the ocean, air, The land is an internal circulatory system, and after a period of circulation, all the toxins will disappear."

"As I said before, everyone will soon be able to eat safe and harmless food, and the diseases that have plagued generations of people will become a thing of the past. By then, human lifespan will also be greatly extended, reaching a hundred years of life. Our doomsday is over, but our future still has a long way to go, surrounded by the remnants of war."

Sang Jiuchi paused and said again: "The Zerg is not yet extinct. Although we can no longer see the Zerg, they may still exist in a corner of the interstellar space. But everyone, the Zerg is hateful, but Since species exist, they must have their own rationality. After this battle, they will never be able to return to their former life."

"Our mission now is not to exterminate the Zerg, but to use the limited power in reconstruction. Please rest assured, Mu Chenxing has awakened from today, and now Mu Chenxing is full of substances that the Zerg fear, they will no longer dare to Coming. There are other galaxies beyond our Mu Chenxing, and we will use this awakening to protect other planets. The Zerg can no longer be as rampant as before.”

In the end, Sang Jiuchi laughed and said, "Now, please open the door and go meet the sun."

As Sang Jiuchi's voice fell, the picture stopped abruptly and turned into darkness.

As if hearing the call, everyone rushed out of the door.

Outside, the warm sun washes away the winter chill.

People looked at the ruins around them and couldn't help kneeling on the ground and kissing the land.

saved, they were saved.

Zerg, disease, pollution...

All the doomsday threats have become the past tense because of Sang Jiuchi's words.

How desperate they were in the past, how much hope they are now full of.

Everyone knelt on the ground, bowed their heads in the direction of the palace, and felt the hard-won happiness.

Sang Jiuchi is not only the savior of Mu Chenxing, but also the savior of this interstellar space.

Over the next few months, as the Zerg no longer existed and higher-level light mechs existed, the army recruited all the heavy mechs.

Including scrap iron mechs that can no longer be used in the garbage heap, they have also been recalled.

These mechas were dismantled and re-melted into raw materials for Mu Chenxing's reconstruction.

The main subjects in the academy are no longer mecha makers and mecha controllers, and now there are various majors in the academy.

From greening renovation, clothing design, to aviation and architecture, everyone can freely choose the major they want to pursue according to their own intentions.

The royal family began to build schools all over the place, including in the most remote villages and tribes.

The royal family also promulgated a compulsory education system, and children who were once unable to go to school because of poverty joined them in their studies.

Although learning can be painful at times, they never tire of feeling the freshness and fulfillment.

The sky is bluer than the sky. When the toxins in the sky, ocean and land are completely dissipated, people find out that Mu Chenxing is not a cold galaxy.

In the past, Mu Chenxing was shrouded in thick fog all the year round, and the temperature was below 0 degrees all year round. Every day they go out they have to wear thick cotton coats.

And now they know how warm it is under the sun.

People took off their heavy clothes and put on fresh and bright summer clothes, and everyone joined the reconstruction of the planet.

The Sang family's mecha was also recalled by the royal family and received a compensation payment.

Sang's father and Sang's mother felt ashamed. They then sold the Sang's enterprise and donated all the compensation and the money from the sale of Sang's to Mu Chenxing's reconstruction work.

After that, Sang's father, Sang's mother and Sang Xuning opened a fruit stand in a small town outside the imperial city. All the fruits were carefully selected by them, trying to be clean and fresh.

Seeing that the three-month deadline is coming soon, Sang Xuning is waiting for the arrival of Sang Jiuchi every day.

On the last day of the three-month period, accompanied by Dai Luolin, Sang Jiuchi got off the aircraft and appeared in front of Sang Xuning.

Sang Xuning looked at Sang Jiuchi in front of him, and was a little sluggish.

In just three months, Sang Jiuchi has changed a lot.

The former Sang Jiuchi was like a fierce little beast, fiercely facing others with sharp teeth all the time.

But now Sang Jiuchi has become more peaceful under the protection of Dai Luolin. His once reckless eyes have softened a lot, and his whole body is full of a temperament that is as gentle as jade and elegant as water.

Sang Xuning was a little sad again.

Why did the former Sang Jiuchi bite others with his teeth every day?

Isn't it because they are the hunters who hurt Sang Jiuchi?

He used to compare Sang Jiuchi and Sang Xiaoyin more than once.

At that time, Sang Jiuchi was savage and fierce, but Sang Xiaoyin was always gentle, well-behaved and indifferent to the world.

The more Sang Jiuchi attacked the surroundings, the more he thought Sang Xiaoyin was cute.

But isn't all this caused by themselves?

Sang Jiuchi was not attacking at all, he was just defending himself by attacking.

Who is not born with a peaceful life? But with no one to protect him, he can only transform into a wolf.

It was Dai Luolin who gave him the protection that made Sang Jiuchi, who had turned into a beast, become a human again.

Once they didn't cherish Sang Jiuchi, but now Sang Jiuchi is no longer someone they can touch.

The soldiers surrounded Dai Luolin and Sang Jiuchi and came to Sang Xuning and Sang's father and Sang's mother. Sang's father and Sang's mother also looked at Sang Jiuchi with burning eyes, but in the end they didn't say anything.

The three of them knelt on the ground in unison, and said with difficulty: "See Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness."

Now they are just subjects of Sang Jiuchi, members of tens of thousands of subjects, nothing special, that's all.

Sang Xuning looked up at Sang Jiuchi with guiltful eyes after kneeling and bowing. His voice was a little hoarse because of his excitement, "Three months are up, are you here to take your kidney?"

- Hearing the word "kidney", Dai Luolin, who had been accompanying Sang Jiuchi as a guardian, suddenly released a fascinating spiritual force.

Damn these people!

What's the use of repenting now?

They now know that there are various reasons for repentance, but the main reason is because of Sang Jiuchi's success.

But if Sang Jiuchi didn't succeed, the Sang family would still not notice Sang Jiuchi, and they wouldn't realize what they had done wrong at all.

They will still sweetly form a family of four with that Sang Xiaoyin, who will care about Sang Jiuchi's life and death!

The kidneys were dug up back then!

He investigated what happened to Sang Jiuchi before and after, including holding the wrong one, picking up garbage in the garbage for a living, being carried back, and later being kicked out.

They don't deserve to be forgiven at all!

They dug up Sang Jiuchi's kidneys without telling him that he would only live for three years!

Humans do not have all evils, but they also - will definitely pay the due price for the evils they have done, and they cannot be forgiven with just one or two sentences of repentance.

- Thinking of what would be waiting for Sang Jiuchi if he didn't succeed, Dai Luolin was frightened for no reason and hugged Sang Jiuchi tightly from behind.

Of course Sang Jiuchi knew what Dai Luolin was afraid of. He patted Dai Luolin's arm soothingly and looked down at the three people kneeling at his feet.

Sang Jiuchi looked down at the man in front of him, "The three-month deadline is up, I'm here to retrieve my kidney."

Sang Xuning never took luck, he nodded seriously: "Okay, I'll go with you."

In the tears of Sang's father and mother, Sang Xuning followed Sang Jiuchi to the flying chess.

A few days later, when Sang's father and Sang's mother were planning to prepare for Sang Xuning's funeral, Sang Xuning returned to them with a cane.

In the surprise of Sang's father and mother, Sang Xuning spoke with difficulty and told what happened before and after.

"My kidney problem was caused by the toxins of the Zerg in the air." Sang Xuning's expression was a little disappointed, "Mom and dad, we owe Sang Jiuchi a few lifetimes. After the kidneys, some of the toxins are diluted. Then, some time ago, after I became a zerg, I was transformed back into a human by the grace of Sang Jiuchi."

"The treatment technique he used can remove all the toxins in the human body, and at that time, the toxins that had been lingering in my kidneys had already been cleaned up. So even if Sang Jiuchi retrieved his kidneys, I didn't die. It's just that I only have one kidney now, and my body is not as good as before. I can expect to survive for ten years, and I can't do some rough and tiring work at all."

Sang's father and Sang's mother have already cried, "We kept saying that we should return everything to Sang Jiuchi, but what should we give back to him. He saved the three of us, even the one we depend on for survival now. The environment is what he won."

The three hugged and cried for a while, and finally knelt down and kowtowed several times in the direction of the palace.

I thought that the white-haired man would send the black-haired man, Sang Xuning would die, but unexpectedly, Sang Xuning came back.

With guilt and gratitude, they wept with joy. The three of them bowed and finally supported each other and returned to the cramped and cramped home.

They will live with guilt forever from now until death.

Two years later, Sang Jiuchi officially came of age and graduated with the highest honors from the Mecha Academy.

At that time, Dai Luolin had changed from a prince to a prince.

That day, the entire Mu Chenxing was covered with flowers, and the crown prince Dai Luolin married his lover in a sea of ​​flowers.

The wedding of Dai Luolin and Sang Jiuchi ushered in the blessings of all the stars. Their wedding scene was broadcast live, and after several years, it reached the top of the annual broadcast volume TOPNO.1.

On that day, the whole country celebrated.

The celebration was held for three days and three nights. People sang and danced, wishing and happy under the scorching sun and stars.

In just a few short years, the stars have undergone earth-shaking changes.

With the remote help of Sang Jiuchi, the planet that once died due to the persecution of the Zerg got rid of toxins, and it also ushered in life again.

Refugees from other planets who had fled to Mu Chenxing before thanked Sang Jiuchi for their help. After the refugees returned to their planet, they began to rebuild with the help of Mu Chenxing.

After several years of hard work, these planets have basically completed the reconstruction of their own planets.

The interstellar network link was re-established, and Mu Chenxing, as the most prestigious planet in the entire interstellar, deservedly became the main star.

A long time later, someone found traces of the Zerg in the forest.

It's just that these Zerg only appear in twos and threes, and their bodies have become very small, only the size of a human arm, and have lost their harmfulness.

People recall that Sang Jiuchi once said that "every species has a reason for its existence".

Sang Jiuchi later publicly explained the reason for the emergence of the Zerg army.

Zerg are timid and harmless when they act alone, but as the number of them in a confined space increases, their pheromones will interfere with each other, so that they grow up and multiply.

As long as their numbers are controlled, the Zerg can coexist peacefully with humans.

People remembered the popular science of Sang Jiuchi, but in the end they didn't kill them all and let them go.

As the main star of Mu Chenxing, the changes can be described as vicissitudes.

The roads that once had no green plants were planted with greenery on both sides, and technology began to develop in the direction of convenience.

The ubiquitous artificial intelligence makes the whole society full of comfort and pleasure.

There are fewer and fewer diseased creatures in the ocean. In just a few years, there are no diseased creatures in the ocean anymore.

Human beings have long been able to eat enough from the past, and now they think about how to eat well.

Food has become an important research topic in this society.


Because the princess' mouth is really stubborn.

In order to satisfy the taste buds of the crown prince, the prince issues a reward order every so often.

In order to meet the idol Sang Jiuchi, countless people began to study food.

But in a few years, Mu Chenxing has become the most edible planet in the entire interstellar.

A few years later, His Majesty announced his abdication.

Dai Luolin ascended the throne as the emperor, and Sang Jiuchi was the queen.

In the following decades, Dai Luolin and Sang Jiuchi have been in love with each other.

They supported each other for decades until Dai Luolin was about to die.

On this day, the gray-haired Dai Luolin was lying on the bed, surrounded by countless subjects.

Sang Jiuchi, who was also gray-haired, held Dai Luolin's hand tightly, and Sang Jiuchi heard Dai Luolin whisper, "Many years ago, I have been having a dream."

"In the dream, it was also me and you. It was a completely different world from here, and you and I have wanted to go through this for many years. I still remember asking who you are in the dream, and you said that you came from nothingness. "

Dai Luolin's voice was small and light.

But Sang Jiuchi heard it clearly, and then he heard Dai Luolin ask, "Are you happy in this world?"

Sang Jiuchi's eyes were a little blurry, he nodded: "I'm very happy, thank you."

Dai Luolin's eyes were also a little red, and he smiled with relief, "That's good, can I see you again in the future?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded vigorously, he stroked Dai Luolin's old but handsome face, and said in a low voice, "Yes, the soul of a person is immortal, and we will definitely meet again."

Just when Dai Luolin was about to close his eyes, Sang Jiuchi suddenly said to the system in his mind: [F001, give Dai Luolin the 1 million plane points of the task you posted. 】

F001 was stunned - down: [Wh, why, I use this point to save the master. The last plane is a last resort, and this plane can no longer be given. 】

Sang Jiuchi: [Come on, trust me. 】

F001 took a deep breath, and finally obediently transmitted the plane points to Dai Luolin: [Ding! The following will transfer the plane points. Transfer target: Dai Luolin. Number of transfers: 1 million points. 】

As a piece of white light enveloped Dai Luolin, "Ding! Congratulations to the host, the plane points are 100% integrated. 】

The system hummed.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Luolin smiled and closed his eyes during Sang Jiuchi's kiss.

Watching Dai Luolin leave, Sang Jiuchi also left the plane with the help of the system.

There is nothing to worry about in this interstellar space. The heir has been cultivated long ago, and it will only become more prosperous in the future.

With the separation of Sang Jiuchi, F001 thought of the system sound again: [The conditions for identifying the master of the plane are met, and the master will be recognized below. Ding! If you have succeeded in recognizing the Lord, please prepare God to name the plane. 】

In my mind, on the long shelf on the black bottom frame, there is a green ball next to the blue ball.

The green ball is a little bigger than the blue ball, and it is also spinning.

Below it is a black dialog box with a blinking cursor.

- Back to life for the second time, this time Sang Jiuchi didn't hesitate too much, and directly took a name: Mecha Star.

After gaining control of Mecha Star, Sang Jiuchi sank his consciousness into this plane. He adjusted the timeline backwards and forwards, but he still did not find Dai Luolin's figure.

Sang Jiuchi had no regrets as he had long anticipated that this might happen.

After thinking for a while, he moved the timeline forward again, returning to the time node when the original owner was not retrieved.

He overlooked the plot from the perspective of God. In the vast and yellow sand, the original owner wore a hood and a long robe to pick up garbage from the garbage heap.

Just when the Sang family was about to find the original owner, Sang Jiuchi blocked the original owner with his thoughts, and the Sang family returned without success.

Sang Jiuchi looked at the figure of the Sang family who had left regretfully, and cast his eyes down again.

He was very curious what the plot after the original owner was.