MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 71 Over-the-top red superstar 2 (2)

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Ben's face froze.

This is absolutely the fastest time he has had to argue with his lover since he crossed over.

Yun Yan looked at the little guy who couldn't put it down and reminded, "Do you want to post on Weibo?"

Sang Jiuchi nodded wildly, "If you want it, of course you want it."

The corners of his lips curled into a smile, and his eyes were slyly.

Mixing up a pot of porridge on the Internet, he likes it the most.

Didn't you say he posted it? Lao Tzu is married, post your sister.

Looking at Sang Jiuchi's successful expression, Yun Yan didn't feel disgusted, but felt that the other party was cute.

Sang Jiuchi took out his mobile phone, put the two marriage certificates on his lap and took a photo.

In Yun Yan's surprise, Sang Jiuchi grabbed Yun Yan's hand neatly.

Holding the phone in one hand, the other hand and Yun Yan's broad and warm hand are intertwined.

With a "click", the photo was completed.

Sang Jiuchi looked at the photo with satisfaction for a while, and suddenly sighed regretfully, "Hey, it's a pity there is no ring."

Yun Yan locked his shoulders.

Ah, this.

It is he who is not thinking carefully!

Yun Yan asked tentatively, "Why don't you buy it now?"

Sang Jiuchi's eyes lit up immediately, "Go!"

They bought a pair of rings, put them on, and Sang Jiuchi took another photo.

Two hands, one large and one small, one white and one dark.

Two identical rings are clearly visible.

Sang Jiuchi nodded with satisfaction and posted the photos and wedding photos online.

The network, which had gradually subsided, boiled again.

[Grass, I clarified yesterday, are you going to post a wedding photo today? This slapped Yun Yi's face into the sky. 】

[It turns out that Sang Jiuchi is already married. Yesterday, some people's fans said they posted it. 】

[Laughing to death, chasing after his married ex-boyfriend and scolding. 】

[Clarify that the wedding photos will be posted the next day, isn't it still posted? ! They both broke up for half a year, and they all found their respective partners. It has not been announced yet. Sang Jiuchi is obviously trying to get Yunyi's traffic. 】

[Shut up, Sang Jiuchi didn't officially announce the breakup, wouldn't Yun Yi make it official? It seems that the two have negotiated, and no one needs to say who. Besides, Sang Jiuchi has been out of business for half a year, and he hasn't signed a contract since he terminated the contract. Is it necessary to rush? 】

Yun Yi, who was already aggrieved, quickly saw this Weibo.


Why didn't he know that Sang Jiuchi was married!

I thought it was his derailment first, but I didn't expect Sang Jiuchi to be more ruthless than himself?

He just fell in love, and he has already entered the grave of marriage?

Is he the one who got dumped? !

The author has something to say: Yun Yi: Is the clown actually me? !