MTL - I’m Always the Villain-Chapter 79 Over-the-top red superstar 10

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Zhou Dao and Zhou Su both have the surname Zhou, but they are not related by blood.

The two have known each other for a long time, and the man's friendship has lasted a long time.

But this time, Director Zhou just wanted to scold his mother.

He can already imagine how shocking it will be after the first episode of this variety show is broadcast, but Sang Jiuchi quit in the first episode, and he doesn't think the remaining few people can continue the excitement of Sang Jiuchi.

The beginning is the peak.

The part of Sang Jiuchi is too wonderful to be cut out.

Sang Jiuchi said he was afraid?

deceive who?

When the case was concluded, he didn't see that Sang Jiuchi was afraid at all, but at the scene it was a one-to-one match.

Who else can I find about this? Besides finding Zhou Su, the agent of Sang Jiuchi, what else can I do?

After sending Sang Jiuchi back to the apartment, Director Zhou called Zhou Su: "Zhou Su, Sang Jiuchi wants to quit the show, please persuade him, aren't you his manager? This show will make him popular Top stream, do you know that!"

Zhou Suyi heard the anxious tone in Director Zhou's words, and he asked slowly: "Did something unpleasant happen in the show? Our family Sang Jiuchi is usually very well-behaved, and usually he will not be so willful. things to come.”

Director Zhou hesitated for a moment, such a big thing can't be kept secret, that old fox Zhou Su will know sooner or later.

"It was during the expedition, the location chosen was very lucky, and the topic was already full. This episode of the show and Sang Jiuchi will definitely explode, you know?!"

Zhou Su: "What's the luck? Is Sang Jiuchi there? I want to talk to him."

Director Zhou: "He didn't. We just came back from the police station, and he has already returned to the apartment."

Zhou Su caught the keyword: "Police station?"

Director Zhou: "Sang Jiuchi has made a great contribution this time. When he was investigating the case, he discovered the pile of bones and historical relics buried under the horror house. This time, not only the police station, but also the cultural relics protection bureau will thank Sang Jiuchi. "

Zhou Su's heart skipped a beat, "A corpse, or a pile?! Damn it, Lao Zhou, what kind of **** luck do you have? Your show is going to explode!"

Director Zhou: "Who said no? The problem is that the soul character Sang Jiuchi told me to quit. He won't listen to my words. His economic contract is in your hands. He will definitely listen to you."

Zhou Su remembered the non-existent poverty alleviation economic contract: "...well, to tell you the truth, our company has always been open-minded towards artists, and all actions take the artist's wishes as the first consideration."

Director Zhou: "…"

Zhou Su: "Besides, I said good things when I signed the contract with you to ensure the physical and mental health of the artist. I have seen the corpse piled up, and I need to bring him back for psychological counseling. If this thing is not handled well, it will leave a psychological shadow. Yes, in serious cases, he may also suffer from mental illness, so you can't ruin this child's future career for one of your programs, right?"

"You earned it too, I'll listen to you, if it wasn't for Sang Jiuchi's discovery, you wouldn't know there was something under that horror house even after the filming was over. Our family Sang Jiuchi sacrificed himself to make you a success, you said is not it?"

Director Zhou: "…"

Or should we say that Zhou Su is the ceiling figure of the entertainment agent?

It is to be able to say that black is white, and white is black, how can it be beneficial to one's own artist.

Zhou Dao's breath was stuck in his throat, neither entering nor exiting.

In the end, he sighed helplessly, "I will send someone to send Sang Jiuchi back tomorrow. After his psychological counseling is over, I hope he can still come to our show. As for the liquidated damages..."

Zhou Su: "Brother Zhou, you don't need to take my face. Everything is done according to the contract. Since it was the breach of contract proposed by our family Sang Jiuchi first, we must follow the contract, and there will be no less than one point."

Director Zhou: "We are not short of this money."

Zhou Su nodded frantically on the other end of the phone, "Understood, I haven't been in the entertainment industry for a year or two."

Director Zhou was silent for a while, "Zhou Su, you are still you after leaving the entertainment industry for so many years. You are right about Sang Jiuchi, his future is limitless."

Zhou Su said a few more polite words to Zhou Dao before hanging up the phone, staring at Yun Yan, who looked a little lost.

Yun Yan: "Sang Jiuchi is coming back? What happened? The Thriller House scared him?"

The two were eating, Sang Jiuchi left for three days, and Yun Yan came to him for three days.

Every time I see myself, I hesitate to speak, but never speak.

Zhou Su is a person, so he could already see what he was thinking, "You care about him so much?"

Yun Yan: "The two of us have an agreement. He is now my legally recognized marriage partner. I just want to know the situation."

Dead ducks have tough mouths.

Zhou Su rested his cheeks with one hand, and looked at Yun Yan, who was opposite him, with his other finger, "You've been very diligent in coming to me for dinner these days, it's been three days. The number of times can catch up for three years. If you do this again, I think you are going to pursue me. "

Yun Yan's cold and serious expression suddenly seemed to have swallowed a fly, "Don't be disgusting with me, I'm just looking for you by the way, nothing to do."

Zhou Su: "Is there really nothing wrong? Director Zhou called me just now and said that Sang Jiuchi was frightened."

Tension flashed in Yun Yan's eyes, "What the **** is going on?"

Zhou Su: "Sang Jiuchi made a great contribution this time. He helped the police solve a cross-century murder case."

Yun Yan was so nervous that he grabbed his hands, "Murder case?! Is there anything wrong with him?"

Zhou Su's eyes flashed, "You also said that you are not interested in Sang Jiuchi, you are so concerned, you clearly like him."

Yun Yan looked at Zhou Su in front of him suspiciously, "I like him?"

Zhou Su not only wanted to be an agent, but now he also started to be an emotional mentor, "I ask you, have you thought about Sang Jiuchi in the three days since he was gone?"

Yun Yan's eyes were dark and unclear.

More than just thinking about it, just thinking about it every day.

Sang Jiuchi's figure seemed to be embedded in his mind, lingering.

Seeing that Yun Yan didn't answer, Zhou Su sent out another soul torture: "Have you ever imagined that he would do something strange?"

Yun Yan suddenly raised his head and glanced at Zhou Su in shock.

Can he guess this? !

Under the gaze of Zhou Su, Yun Yan slowly buried his head.

Zhou Su sent out the third soul torture: "Why are you looking for me? Is it really to have dinner with me or to find out about Sang Jiuchi's presence there? Are you still feeling good when you hear that he is coming back? Happy? Hearing that he was hurt, do you want to hurt that person yourself?"

Yun Yan finally raised his head, he nodded, and reluctantly said "um".

Zhou Su sent out the fourth soul torture, "Now imagine that the two of you will end your contract in two years, and you will give him a sum of money. How about it?"

Yun Yan's face suddenly became ugly.

Zhou Su threw four questions, and finally raised the corners of his lips happily. His fingers were stained with water on the table, and he drew a picture of Cupid's arrow hitting a heart on the table.

"Congratulations, you are tempted."

Yun Yan looked at Zhou Su in surprise, and then said, "I like Sang Jiuchi?"

Zhou Su glanced at Yun Yan like an idiot, "When you say it's young, you like it, when you say it's old, it may have risen to love."

"Think about what you've done before, it's about to become the famous double standard of Yun's. You say it's for revenge, but what can you do for revenge? At least I know, even if you don't follow Sang Jiuchi got married. With your current financial capital, it would be easy to overthrow a Yun family. Your father thought you had only one company, but he never imagined that you had already registered a company abroad. Helping you take care of the company abroad.”

"With your ability, you still need to get married to get revenge? You just said it and lied to yourself."

"Think about it again, why did you insist on marrying Sang Jiuchi?"

Yun Yan's beautiful eyebrows are clustered into the word "Chuan".

Why do you want to marry Sang Jiuchi?

At first, I saw that face on a whim.

After a fleeting rise, in the office where the lights were not turned on, he was pulled into it by Sang Jiuchi's gaze.

The vast stars in those eyes fascinated him a little, turning him from rising to absolute.

He really didn't need to marry Sang Jiuchi to take revenge on the Yun family.

He never took Yun Yi in his eyes. In his opinion, Yun Yi was just a house dog hiding behind his parents, who couldn't do anything except rely on his face to eat.

He didn't even need to destroy the Yun family on purpose, as long as the Yun family was taken over by Yun Yi, within three years, the Yun family would be destroyed.

Why should he take revenge on someone he doesn't care about?

From the beginning, he got married for Sang Jiuchi.

All the pretexts are high-sounding excuses, and everything is to satisfy his own selfish desire to take that beautiful and clean young man as his own.

It turned out that he was such a disgusting man from the beginning.

Originally, he wanted to get Sang Jiuchi, but Sang Jiuchi had to accept that he got married because of revenge.

Trample on Sang Jiuchi's dignity and on the other's longing for love.

Yun Yan felt bitter in his heart, and it was only at this moment that he realized how much he had done.

On the other hand, Sang Jiuchi cooks for him, maintains him on the Internet, and thinks of him everywhere.

The better Sang Jiuchi usually treats him, the heavier the self-blame accumulated in his heart at this moment.

No matter how rich he is, he is just a paralyzed waste. He can't give Sang Jiuchi happiness but wants to trap him.

He also said that Yun Yi was trash, and he was the most trash person.

Slowly, Yun Yan's eyes overflowed with pain that could not be ignored. He raised his head to look at his dog-headed military officer and asked for help unprecedentedly: "I seem to have done something that I am sorry for him, our marriage relationship is only two years, what should I do? manage?"

Zhou Su: "What else can I do? Only a sincerity can be exchanged for a sincerity. Since you like each other, you must show your sincerity."

Yun Yan, who never knew what low self-esteem was, hesitated for the first time: "But, I am a cripple."

Zhou Su glared at Yunyan: "Damn, Yunyan. When did you sacrifice yourself for others? If you are worried that you are disabled and not worthy of Sang Jiuchi, then you will give him to me. The first time I see this child, I will I like it, but it's a pity that you took the lead, I thank you in advance for taking care of me for two years."

Yun Yan glanced at him coldly, "Zhou Su, do you want to die? Don't provoke Sang Jiuchi."

Zhou Su was going crazy, "You yourself feel unworthy of Sang Jiuchi, and you don't want others to pursue Sang Jiuchi. What? You like people, do you want them to be single for life? Are you a man? Whoever stipulates that love is divided into three, six, nine, and so on, as long as you like him, he likes you, and when did our big boss Yan shrink so much in doing things. Love is selfishness, desire, not giving up."

Yun Yanru was struck by lightning, he tried hard to chew on Shao Zhousu's words, and finally looked at each other with burning eyes, as if he regarded him as a love expert.

Zhou Su pinched his nose, a little embarrassed.

The first time I saw the admiration for myself in the eyes of Big Brother Yan, it turned out to be because of love.

Long live love!

Long live Sang Jiuchi!

Yun Yan bid farewell to his love strategist, while sitting in the car, thinking about getting along with Sang Jiuchi a few days ago.

Memories alone are full of fragrance and sweetness.

So this is love.

It's so sweet.

Turning on the phone, Yun Yan opened the Sang Jiuchi chat window on the top.

He didn't want to delete the chat content in it, and slid his long fingers on the phone, flipping to the beginning of everything.



One after another "husbands" appeared on the screen, and Yun Yan could see the warm and clear appearance of the young man's mouth with a smile.

Zhou Su is right, he likes Sang Jiuchi, selfishness is his nature, he is not willing to give up even a penny in the mall, how can he be willing to push such a beautiful Sang Jiuchi out.

If Sang Jiuchi was really pushed out, he would definitely be depressed to the point of madness.

He is disabled, but he is not disabled. He can't hug Sang Jiuchi and walk, but he can make up for Sang Jiuchi in other places.

In the end, he took advantage of everything, and he couldn't let Sang Jiuchi suffer, right?

The driver looked at the dazed boss from the mirror, "Boss, are you going back to the company?"

Yun Yan retracted his thoughts and regained his cold face: "No, go home."

Sang Jiuchi will go home tomorrow, and he has to prepare well at home.

The driver turned the steering wheel, turned a corner and drove towards Yun Yan's house.

Yun Yan continued to turn his head down and flipped through his phone. The chat records on the phone were already three days ago.

Sang Jiuchi left for only three days? Why does he feel like a century has passed?

Just when he recalled the good times with Sang Jiuchi, the phone rang suddenly. It is an unknown number, and the remark shown below is "Express Delivery".

Thinking of Sang Jiuchi's request before he left, Yun Yan hurriedly answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, hello, are you a relative of the 'cute beast'?"

Cute behemoth? Is it the shopping name of Sang Jiuchi?

"Yes, I am."

"Hello, I'm a staff member of Feifeng Express Co., Ltd. This time I'm calling mainly to apologize to you. I contacted the buyer several times, but he turned off the phone, so I found you from the backup contact. That's right, first of all, I'm sorry for the delayed delivery due to the typhoon a few days ago. Also, when I was delivering the goods just now, I accidentally put the courier under a heavy object and overwhelmed it."

"The express box was squeezed, and I saw that the item written on it was 'jade', and I had to handle it with care. I'm really sorry, this is my mistake, you can check it in person to see if there is anything inside. Is it okay to have no damage? If it is, I will do my best to compensate, and I am really sorry.”


Young people like Sang Jiuchi still play jade?

Yun Yan quickly sketched a picture of a jade-like beauty playing with a crystal clear jade pendant in his mind.

Nothing wrong with it, it's beautiful.

Yun Yan: "Okay, where are you now?"

Courier: "I'm at the delivery address now, I can find you."

Yun Yan: "No, wait a minute, I'll be home in ten minutes."

Ten minutes later, when Yun Yan arrived home, he saw a courier who looked like an ant on a hot pan through the car window.

Yun Yan got out of the car, and the courier immediately came up with the box.

The box is quite large, and the top four corners and the carton have obvious signs of being squeezed, not like a small jade pendant, but like a jade carving.

The courier was about to cry, Yun Yan stretched out his hand towards the courier, "Give me the box."

Putting the box in his hand, Yun Yan felt the weight inside again.

A full 10 catties, a very heavy jade.

He was about to open the box when he suddenly thought of Sang Jiuchi's instructions before he left.

"Never open my courier!"

Yun Yan's hand on the box paused slightly.

But if you don't open it, what if the jade inside is broken? Sang Jiuchi called him on purpose, probably because he liked the contents very much. If he came back to open the box and found a broken item inside, how sad would he be?

He just glanced at it. If it was broken, he would secretly buy a new one for Sang Jiuchi. If he didn't have him, he would repack it in a new box. Otherwise, Sang Jiuchi would find out the abnormality.

It's all white lies.

Yun Yan suppressed the little excitement in his heart, took the courier's knife with deep curiosity, and opened the courier from behind.

The front receipt should be glued to the new box, but it can't be damaged.

Driven by great curiosity, I opened the back cover and entered a pile of foam **** and a vacuum shockproof bag.

Uncovering the vacuum shockproof bag, Yun Yan's faint smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly froze.

His fingers suddenly stopped, and a trace of panic and tremor flashed in his eyes.

He looked up at the courier. Because of the vacuum bag, the courier couldn't see what was inside.

Seeing Yun Yan looking at him with a dignified and embarrassed expression, the courier's eyes turned red.

Jade, he must not be able to pay, what should I do?

Yun Yan coughed in embarrassment, his fingers naturally put the vacuum bag on the jade again, and whispered: "The shockproof inside is very good, the jade is fine, don't worry."

The courier almost cried with joy, but fortunately he was fine, otherwise he would not be able to pay for selling him.

Yun Yan continued: "Can you give me a new cardboard box?"

The courier hurried back to his small four-wheeled vehicle, "Of course no problem."

He quickly took out a box about the size of the carton in front of him from the carriage and handed it to Yun Yan, "Brother, I'm really sorry this time, can you please not give me a bad review?"

Yun Yan's hand that caught the box paused, and a rare smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "How can it be a bad review, of course it's a good review."

"One more thing, this thing is my lover's, he is very precious. If he knows that the thing is pressed, he will be furious, and I am afraid that he will give you more than a bad review. If he calls you back, you are most likely to Don't talk about the broken packaging. Don't worry, I won't tell him either."

The courier was almost moved to tears. There are still many good people in this world, but the husband is willing to help him hide it from his wife.

Great man, great man!

Yun Yan looked down at the box with a very subtle expression on his face.

This is really, a pleasant surprise.

Happy and surprised.

Yun Yan returned home with the box and the box, locked the door firmly, and then controlled the wheelchair to the bedroom and closed all the curtains.

After turning on the light, he reopened the courier that he had been holding in his arms.

Open the vacuum bag, take out the contents one by one, and place them neatly on the bed.

A total of 12, from small to large, arranged at one time.

If it weren't for the courier, he wouldn't know that Sang Jiuchi had this hobby.

Yun Yan's brain made up for the picture of Sang Jiuchi holding self-sufficiency, and his face suddenly turned red uncontrollably.

He picked up a jade, put it in his hand, and quickly put it down.

Really hot.

Look at the jade on the bed, and look at his waist.

Yun Yan swallowed his saliva and fell into deep thought.

The model Sang Jiuchi likes seems to be able to meet the standard.

In my mind, this time I started to make up more vicious images.

Seeing that the picture was about to get out of hand, his mobile phone rang suddenly, and the crisp voice cut through the silent air and pierced his glued heart.

Yun Yan took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID: Madam.

When he saw the two words on the caller ID, Yun Yan almost missed one of his hands and threw the phone out.

Phones are also hot.

Looking at the dazzling jade, and the caller ID on his mobile phone, Yun Yan suddenly had the illusion that someone had stolen the goods and got it.

He still remembered that he promised Sang Jiuchi that he would never open the courier.

But now I not only opened it, but also took it out to enjoy it.

Not only appreciate it, but also make up for the use of Sang Jiuchi.

He was afraid of dying.

His heart was beating wildly with uncontrollable tension, as if it was about to pop out of his throat.

His fingers were also trembling slightly, Yun Yan tried to say a few words, but found that his voice trembled uncontrollably.

He tried to take a deep breath, and just when his heartbeat and tremors eased, the phone ringing stopped abruptly.

Yun Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, the bell rang again with perseverance.

The caller ID is still Sang Jiuchi.

Yun Yan knew that he couldn't escape, took a deep breath and answered the phone: "Hello."

The author has something to say: Da Bai: Ah, ah, I finally wrote about sweet love, so happy.

Yun Yan: I am also happy.

Sang Jiuchi: ... eyelids twitch a little.