MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 461 Turn the corner and meet sorrow

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Hong Ming still didn't die in the end, even though the slash was quite deep.

Without Tsunade and Mute, Sakura just used it to practice.

And Hongming's death wish was also dispelled by Toki's repeated persuasion.

So Hongming finally decided to help Zhu Lu to secure his position as a great name and use the rest of his life to build this country. Only in this way, after he died, would he have the face to see Lord Da Lu.

For such a result, the ibis is also relieved.

If Hong Ming really just kills himself here, that's the trouble.

And she really needs a strategist minister like Hong Ming to help her make plans and manage the country.

At least in terms of loyalty, Hong Ming can use it with confidence.

Just beware of being used by people with ulterior motives.

And being able to find the murderer so smoothly and resolve the dispute over the daimyo, Tsunade and others have contributed a lot.

The ibis immediately offered a large amount of money to express their gratitude.

"Since it's a mission entrustment, then I'll accept these and don't need to take them any more."

"Is it really enough to take only so much?"

"Enough. As for who we are, we really are..."

"I understand, I understand! You are here to carry out a secret mission, you can't let others know, I will definitely keep this secret."

Tsunade had a tangled expression of pain on his face, and he didn't know if he should admit that he really came from Konoha.

"Let's go."

When they walked out of the Daming Mansion, Silent Sakura and Shion were both dizzy and dazed.

Did you get the money?

And by the way, it solved a Z change and established the name of a country.

This is too bizarre.

They still feel a little unreal.

Tsunade, on the other hand, had a majestic look on his face, and his chin was about to rise to the sky.

Then, when they walked around a corner, an uninvited guest stopped in front of them and squinted at them with a smile.

"What a coincidence, we meet again."

Tsunade stopped in an instant, turned around and wanted to escape, but the flying section carrying the **** March sickle appeared from behind, cutting off their retreat.

"Hehe, yes, why is it so coincidental? Is there anything? Let's go first."

Tsunade smiled heartily, trying to get away with it.


Fucking coincidence!

After Tsunade left, Shinji thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he caught up.

This is also thanks to the bright moon.

The room was filled with the smell of Tsunade and others. After following the smell along the way, they came to the outside of the Daming Mansion, and then watched a good show from a distance.

"It's okay to go, but before we go, should we settle the account?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Then say something that you can understand. Those who see it will have a share. I don't care how much you caught just now. I will let you go."

Shinji said sternly.

He is not for that little money, but for this bad breath.

Tsunade's expression instantly changed to a dangerous one.

Want money?


No money, no life!

"If you have the ability, come and get it."

"Okay, then don't blame me for being rude."


Shinji clapped his palm lightly, instantly switched positions with Mute, and then punched Tsunade's back.

Black Flash!


Black sparks exploded suddenly.

Tsunade didn't expect that the other party would fight when he said he would fight, and he would attack from behind without talking about martial arts, and if he didn't pay attention, he was directly sent flying.

"Master Tsunade!"

The girls immediately exclaimed.

Tsunade felt suffocated after landing, gritted his teeth, this **** really dared to do it!

Yes, Shensi not only dared to move his hands, but also dared to move his feet.

One acceleration, Otto kick!

This time Tsunade was ready and punched it hard.



Like a comet hitting the earth, the two sides refused to give in to each other.

Then there is the close-body fight you come and go. Every punch and every kick is powerful. After a while, the ground is full of potholes, and even the surrounding walls are smashed. I don't know how much.

Seeing this, Mute loudly persuaded her to fight, but no one listened to her at all.

As soon as there was a slight movement, Feiduan threw the Bloody March Scythe out and inserted it right into the ground in front of Mute.

"I advise you not to intervene. Of course, if you must intervene, I don't mind killing you first."

Anyway, Mute also treated Feiduan at the beginning.

So Feiduan is just a warning for now.

If it were someone else, the **** March sickle thrown out just now would not be stuck on the ground, but on the other person's body.

Mute was very helpless, but rationally did not continue to expand the battle situation.

It is still in a controllable situation. When the winner is decided, or one side gets angry, it will be over, and it will not rise to the level of life-and-death struggle.

But if it gets messed up again, it will be hard to say.

On the other side, Sakura stood there anxiously, this kind of battle was not something she could participate in.

Then she realized that Sasuke was standing in front of her.


"Don't move, watch quietly, or I can't guarantee your safety."

Listening to Sasuke's cool tone and looking at Sasuke's handsome face, Sakura couldn't help blushing, "Sure enough, Sasuke-kun is still worried about me."

"Well, I'll listen to No wonder Sakura is the heroine of Naruto, but so many people hate her all the time, sometimes this **** love brain is really unlikable.

Mute and Sakura were both being watched, and Shion was no exception.

Tamamoying hugged Jiaoyue, with the trumpet Isofu on her shoulders.

Although she didn't speak, Shion understood what she meant.

"Is this really okay? Don't they know each other?"

Hearing the roaring sound and vibration not far ahead, Ziyuan couldn't help but ask.

"Probably maybe... no problem. Although that guy has a bit of a bad personality, he is still quite measured. This time, he may be a little angry. Just wait for the breath."

"But this movement is too noisy. Are you sure they didn't want to punch each other to death?"

As soon as Ziyuan finished speaking, Tsunade stepped on the ground and came out, and then Shensi knocked down a building with one punch.

This kind of power... if it hits people, it will definitely kill them! must die!

Then she saw that Shinji punched Tsunade's stomach, and a black spark exploded. Tsunade just spit out blood, and then clenched his teeth and knocked Shinji to the ground with a headbutt.

Tamaoying swallowed her saliva quietly, and said unsurely, "It shouldn't be."

Also, who kills with fists?

The quickest way to kill someone is of course with a weapon!

No matter how bad it is, you can release ninjutsu.

Unless this person only knows physique.

But it was clear that Shinji wasn't one of those types of people who only knew taijutsu.

Tsunade also understands, so don't look at the tragic fight, but it's really not the level of life and death.