MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 60 Horror Playground (15)

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"Does sexual selection mean sexual selection? It means between the opposite sex..."

Jin Tianyi smiled but wasn't smiling.

Chu Huai was inexplicably guilty, and subconsciously changed his words: "It's... the process of human beings choosing a suitable sexual partner after a lot of consideration."

Jin Tianyi nodded, looking at the project list thoughtfully: "This choice should be relatively narrow, without considering material things, and purely from the perspective of personal physiology."

"The choice is related to sight, hearing, touch and smell. Vision can be understood as appearance, hearing should be the other party's voice, and smell is smell." Chu Huai roughly understood.

When they went in, there was a sudden blur in front of them, and after a while, the two looked at the strange conveyor belt in front of them, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Chu Huai quickly looked around, not knowing where he was, the only thing he knew was that he couldn't see anything except Jin Tianyi's face and the conveyor belt in front of him, the surrounding was pitch black, as if light couldn't get in here.

The sound of the conveyor belt starting suddenly came from the air, and in the darkness, it seemed that there was a huge object being transported by the conveyor belt and approaching them.

After about two minutes, Chu Huai really saw something.

It was a huge cube, about two meters long on a side. The cube was covered with a black cloth, making it impossible to see what was inside.

In this atmosphere, Chu Huai was still a little afraid of something jumping out of the black cloth suddenly.

He was on guard, but the cube passed quickly and was transported to an unknown place.

Before Chu Huai had time to breathe a sigh of relief, he discovered that a steady stream of cubes were being brought in and then transported away.

Suddenly there was a tingling pain in his head, and the words in blood appeared.

"The book project of sexual psychology is launched, introducing the rules of the game."

"There are forty-three cubes in total, twenty-one are filled with people, and twenty-two are filled with ghosts."

Chu Huai was taken aback, wondering why the numbers of humans and ghosts were different.

The scarlet words continued: "Taskers choose their 'other half' after considering the four sub-items of vision, hearing, touch, and smell. If they choose a ghost, they will become their food; if they choose a person, they can take them with them. leave."

Ghost food?

Chu Huai understood instantly. This is like in nature, some animals will eat their sexual partners after having **** to obtain nutrition for their offspring.

It is understandable that there are ghosts in the cube, but why are there still people...? And the sentence "take him away" doesn't seem to be fake, it should be a real person...

Another question is that this project is obviously a couple project, but it does not reflect this at all when looking at the rules of the game.

After waiting for a while, the sound of a loudspeaker suddenly came to my ear.

"After identification, the couple Jin Tianyi and Chu Jiao, Jin Tianyi likes Chu Jiao more than Chu Jiao likes Jin Tianyi."

Chu Huai's eyes widened: "???" Can you all identify this thing? !

Chu Huai smiled innocently at Jin Tianyi, and cursed secretly.

Jin Tianyi's smile was not a smile, he knew it in his heart, but it was too embarrassing to be exposed by the dungeon.

Just as Chu Huai was about to explain, the loudspeaker began to press again: "Chu Jiao's love value for Jin Tianyi: 5, evaluation: The snow-white thighs of the sisters on the street make my heart flutter."

Chu Huai said in his heart that his mother sells batches, what kind of **** is this.

He held his respect and said: "...It is estimated that the full value is 10."

The loudspeaker seemed to be in poor contact, so it got stuck for a while, and then added: "...full value is 100."

Chu Huai had a look of lovelessness.

Jin Tianyi smiled dangerously at him with a raised face. He also thinks that Chu Huai is awesome, with a love value of 5, he can still sleep with him every day.

Chu Huai lingered: "It is destroying our... relationship, you must not believe it!"

Jin Tianyi said casually, "I know."

"I believe in you." Jin Tianyi smiled half a smile.

Chu Huai's scalp was numb, and he felt that he couldn't hold on any longer. He stopped pretending, and he stopped pretending when he went back. Just pretend to be a fart. If Jin Tianyi asked him to settle accounts with Qiu Hou, he would be completely cold.

But right now... this hurdle has to be passed.

Big Horn suddenly realized his conscience and saved him a wave: "Trust value 95, evaluation: You are my best comrade."

Jin Tianyi was stunned for a second, this result surprised him.

He trusts me? Jin Tianyi smiled, feeling a little relieved.

Loudspeaker: "After the evaluation, tasker Jin Tianyi entered the cube and became the twenty-second person."

"What?!" Chu Huai was shocked.

He finally understood why the numbers of people and ghosts were different.

Loudspeaker: "Tasker Chu Huai selected Jin Tianyi from the cube, and he can take him away. If he made a wrong choice, Jin Tianyi will be left in the project of the Book of Sexual Psychology, waiting for the arrival of the next destined person."

Chu Huai's expression froze for a second. It turns out that this is where the book of sexual psychology is linked to couples. The people in the cube are the people who were left behind after participating in the copy.

Their other half should have made a wrong choice in sexual selection and were killed by ghosts, so they stayed and waited for the next humble opportunity.

"It's not fair!" Chu Huai yelled, and glanced at Jin Tianyi.

In this kind of game rules, he is definitely on the favorable side, because the right to choose lies with him, and humans and ghosts are equally divided. Even without the screening of the four links of audio-visual, touch, and smell, he still has a 50% probability of choosing the right one. This probability is too high. , as long as you have a little luck, you can leave.

But for Jin Tianyi, it was different.

He's... one forty-four. As long as he is not selected by himself, he will be left behind, waiting extremely passively to be selected by others.

day to day.

Even to the point of death, I cannot leave.

The world entrusts the right of choice to the shallow one in love, isn't it just playing tricks on them? Because they will be shaken, there will be too many uncertainties, relatively speaking, they will know less about the other half, and it is easier to choose the wrong one.

And if it happens that the couple is pregnant with each other, and one wants to get rid of the other, then just deliberately choose the wrong one...

Chu Huai thought carefully and was terrified.

Jin Tianyi smiled and didn't take it seriously: "Choose with confidence, if you can choose the right one, I believe you."

Chu Huai was startled, before he could remember what to say, Jin Tianyi had already stepped onto the cube that was parked in front of him, and walked in lazily.

Covered with a black cloth, Chu Huai couldn't see him for a moment.

The conveyor belt started running again, and the cube containing Jin Tianyi disappeared in an instant.

Chu Huai's heart suddenly throbbed violently, and he felt great panic for no reason.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and waited for the session to begin.

Loudspeaker: "The first link, the sense of touch, each square will stay in front of the tasker for ten seconds, and the tasker will reach into the square to touch it for the first round of screening. During this period, the tasker's other senses will be Shielded, the ghost will be restrained during the sexual selection process and will not cause harm to the tasker."

"The first round begins in three minutes."

Chu Huai thought about it, and there is actually not much difference between ghosts and humans, because ghosts are transformed after death, so whether there is blood on the body, whether there are fangs, whether the clothes are tattered, body surface temperature and other indicators have become reference standards, but Also really general.

And this method of "touching" is also very particular. Let's not talk about how much area can be touched in ten seconds, and where it can be touched is also very metaphysical. What if it happens to touch a place without blood?

A pen and paper suddenly appeared in front of him, probably for him to record the serial numbers for fear that he would not be able to remember.

Honestly, it's exciting. He didn't know what the **** he was going to touch.

Three minutes soon passed, and the first cube was transported from the conveyor belt. Chu Huai soon found out that the situation was a bit bad, because the position of the touch was selected by the things in the cube, divided into upper, middle, and lower.

He touched the warm face of the first cube, which is most likely to be a person, but according to the delicate skin, it should be a woman, anyway, it is unlikely to be Jin Tianyi, the feel is not right.

While concentrating on touching and recording, Chu Huai began to wonder, is his judgment standard too one-sided?

Are people with high skin temperature really human? Is the whole body cold really a ghost? What if that ghost was burned to death, and that person was in a world of ice and snow?

Who knows exactly what's going on inside the cube, he can't see or hear.

And what are the clues? The clues should help him a bit.

Touching number 24, Chu Huai froze for a second, then immediately crossed out the number.

Jin Tianyi...not that small, ahem, and he won't be so wretched.

Guilty, sinful, Chu Huai really felt the mood of those things wanting to come out, because something even pushed his chest into his palm, which just made him get rid of these things.

All the obscene things he has done in his life are here. But think about it, what if a man with a weak will chooses to abandon his lover and take others away...

Chu Huai sighed inwardly, feeling that the tactile part was too tortured.

It was finally over, Chu Huai looked at the numbers on the paper and still had a headache, because he was not looking for someone, he was looking for Jin Tianyi, so he went all the way, only sure that twenty were ruled out, and there were twenty-four more.

These are basically excluded by gender, and the next link is the most difficult.

Big horn: "The second link is the sense of smell, which will start in three minutes."

Chu Huai looked solemn, and he felt that he might not be able to smell it. Jin Tianyi didn't seem to have any smell on him.

Tobacco smell? He hasn't smoked much since he was with him, and recently even the smell has disappeared from him. It seems that we can only continue to exclude.

At the beginning of the second round, Chu Huai really felt confused. He was not sensitive to smells and could not smell them at all.

Chu Huai became confused after just eliminating the smell of sweat, body odor, and blood.

Hearing twenty-seven, Chu Huai's eyes suddenly froze.

A very strong **** smell, the kind that hits the nose, which is different from the smells just now, it seems... the blood is very fresh. Just by smelling it, one can tell that the amount of bleeding is not small, but if the amount of bleeding is large, why didn't he feel it in the first round of touching?

If he was really covered in blood, he must have assigned him to the ghosts and got rid of him early on...

Is he the ghost he missed in the first round, or...

Chu Huai raised her throat.

Is he Jin Tianyi?

The blood most likely... started to flow after the first round.

If it was really him, did he self-harm...? To take the pressure off him, to give hints, to leave no stone unturned... self-mutilation.

Although Chu Huai couldn't see anything, he still closed his eyes and told himself to calm down.

Because the second round of sense of smell was working, Chu Huai's vision was blocked, and the black cloth on the cube was not covered again.

Chu Huai's face was close at hand, and Jin Tianyi looked at Chu Huai with closed eyes in the cube through a thin layer of glass-like thing.

Jin Tianyi smirked, reached out with a sly hand, and made a gesture of touching his face.

He must have smelled it.

Jin Tianyi still wanted to laugh, but he only hoped that he wouldn't dismiss himself as a ghost.

He is the guardian of the horror world. If the copy fails, he will not die, but his memory will be erased, and he will continue to complete his mission in another unknown apartment.