MTL - I’m From The World Of Punishment-Chapter 1504 The jungle is not peaceful

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After returning home and feeding the wolf who was waiting to be fed, Luo Huai went out again and said, "Lang, I'm going to deliver meals to Sister Yuxi. Be good at home."

"Okay~" Ah Lang, who held the paintbrush between his upper lip and nose, saluted Luo Huai who was going out like a treasure.

Painting is now a serious "job" of hers, and it is also a daily hobby. With her fine painting style and plot, "A Lang Da" has already gained a lot of prestige among the girls in the college.

Of course, the more important thing is that the money earned from comics can be spent by A Lang himself, even if she buys a lot of snacks, the sisters don't care about her, hehe.

Here, Luo Huai finished delivering a love lunch to her sisters, and met an acquaintance again in the green belt next to the teaching building.

"Hey, Li Ming, are you on patrol?" Seeing Li Ming with a striking armband on his arm coming towards him, Luo Huai turned around and walked beside him.

"Hey, just shopping in the college, the boss is stingy, and he doesn't even give him a bicycle."

"Isn't there a school public bicycle?"

"Don't mention it, it's not enough at all." Li Ming sighed helplessly, "I don't know what's going on recently, just this morning, a notice was sent down from the superior, asking us to arrange two to three people to patrol the whole school every day, especially the teaching area nearby."

"It's probably because the five of you are all huddled in the office and can't stand it?"

"Really?" Li Ming gave him a squinting look, "We're not fishing in the office, we have a lot of documents to deal with... It would be nice if we could come out for a walk."

"Then what were you complaining about just now..." Luo Huai complained about him.

"got used to."

Forget it, don't talk about it.

"Is it peaceful in the academy these days? I just passed by the commercial street, and it seems that there are still not many people, especially those who enter the wild area."

"That's because the notice came down two hours ago." Li Ming said, "Originally after the crisis of the skeleton giant was resolved, after two days of observation and additional monitoring methods, the academy was going to reopen the wild area, but suddenly another document When I came down, it was said that the opening of the wild area had to be delayed, and there was no specific deadline for the delay for a few days. The student clubs below were almost scolded. I received a notice and prepared for a long time, but they were not allowed to go. .”

"A group of people were stuck at the gate of the wild area. Sister Long and the others took people there to maintain order. I was lucky. I happened to be patrolling the other side at that time, so I didn't get called. When you passed by, there should be people already there. It's been evacuated."

"Huh? So what's new in the field?" Luo Huai smelled melons.

"Well..." Li Ming glanced around and lowered his head slightly when he saw no one around, and whispered, "I heard that there is a secret realm in the wild area."

"Oh? Could it be that there are very powerful monsters in this secret realm? Or is it that the entrance to the secret realm is relatively stable, and some monsters came out of it?"

"It's not, but it's worse." Li Ming said, "It seems to be a secret realm of the undead."

"Huh? Undead Secret Realm? Is it like the biochemical world of God?"

The biochemical world is still connected to the mortal world, and the various zombies in it can also be regarded as a kind of undead, but the energy concentration of the world over there is not high, so the zombies are more supported by viruses.

I'm afraid it's the kind of pure undead, it's hard not to be connected with the dead air released by the skeleton giant a few days ago.

The energy of death energy is not an energy that can be completely dispelled simply by dilution. It is an energy that will spread with death. Monsters often die in the wild area. When these deaths encounter death energy, they will help them Growth, according to the generation principle of monsters, it is possible to generate undead at this time.

What's more, if a certain place is extremely dense with Yin Qi and death, leading to the accumulation of Death Qi, it is not impossible for a secret realm to appear.

Li Ming doesn't know much, but he knows a lot more than ordinary people, "The secret realm is different from the biochemical world. It seems to be a secret realm that is being formed. There is almost no content in the inner world, but it is very connected to the mortal world. Stable, the breath emanating from the mouth of the secret realm is affecting all kinds of creatures in the surrounding area."

"The academy and the official side are coordinating, and they are preparing to let the official send someone to eliminate this secret realm, so that the wild area can be reopened."

"Hearing what you said, I'm a little interested." Luo Huai became interested.

"I really envy you to do whatever you want every time." Li Ming didn't mean to stop him, he knew that Luo Huai was capable, so envy was really envy.

It's just that his personality still makes him more inclined to have a stable job. After proving himself to his family, the family has always been proud of his job.

And when Luo Huai heard his words, he patted him on the shoulder meaningfully, and said, "Are you envious? Guess how many times I've scratched, it hurts a lot."

Don't think that you can be resurrected, that you are fine after death.

"Hmm..." Li Ming probably didn't quite understand that feeling.

"If you don't understand, think about it again." Luo Huai slipped away with a cool back.

"..." Li Ming was speechless, "This guy looks like he's looking for an NPC to complete a mission every time... As soon as he hears the news, he just leaves."

It's really... Luo Huai can have something to do every day, but isn't it just arguing with people here and there every day.

According to his statistics, UU Reading, Li Ming and Feng Shu, who work in the government, are particularly likely to spawn missions, while Zhang Ziwen and the others, although the chances are small, have a high probability of being able to spawn events.

Hoho~Of course this is just a joke.

After passing the guard, Luo Huai jumped directly into the wild area.

What Li Ming said just now was all secret news, not many people knew about it, but the official side had already taken action.

He wanted to try to see if he could join the team, and if he couldn't, he would go it alone.

It's not that he helped the officials solve everything, it's good, these matters are also their achievements, if they are robbed by him, let alone thank him, I'm afraid they have to blame him.

That's why he always makes a move when he needs to save the field, or he just fishes, and doesn't make a move until the critical moment.

He noticed that the number of surveillance drones over the wild area had increased, so he hid under a tree, then teleported and became invisible, and ran to a higher altitude than the drones.

On the road at the edge of the wild area, you may be able to see the official person. With his authority, not to mention joining the mission, but to accompany him to watch, he will definitely be accepted.

After all, who doesn't want to be safe while on a mission? And you don't have to worry about being robbed of your achievements.

At this moment, by the side of the road, a car of people was getting out of the car. Looking at their signs, they were officials dispatched by the government.