MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 157 That is... the Blue Silver Emperor?

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  Chapter 157 That's... the Blue Silver Emperor?

   "Damn it, the way back is blocked!"

  Dugu Bo, who kept fleeing ahead, was very anxious.

  After finding out that it was Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo who were chasing and killing him, he had no intention of fighting at all, knowing that he was not his opponent, of course he ran away!

  At first Dugu Bo wanted to escape back to the Heaven Dou Imperial Capital, but the enemy chased him out from behind. If he wanted to escape back to the Imperial Capital, he had to turn back, and he would face Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo head-on.

  So he can't escape back to the imperial capital, he can only run in other directions.

  But Dugu Bo also knows that running away like this is not an option. Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo are both higher in level and stronger in soul power than him, so they will be caught up sooner or later.

   When the time comes, World War I will still be unavoidable.

   "Dugu Bo, grab it without a fight, you can't escape!"

   "Who told you to meddle in other people's business so much and ruin the plan of Wuhundian!"

  Ju Douluo heard Dugu Bo's question, and for the sake of his opponent for so many years, he opened his mouth to tell the truth, letting Dugu Bo know exactly how he died.

  Dugu Bo, who was still fleeing in front of him, suddenly became ugly when he heard the words, somewhat remorseful.

  If he had known earlier, he would not have helped Prince Xue Xing and Prince Xue Beng, but even if he was given another chance, Dugu Bo felt that he would still choose to do so.

  Prince Xue Xing would not hesitate to help someone who could save his life.

   And he may not necessarily die now.

   "By the way, this place is not too far from Sunset Forest, I should be able to get there!"

   "With Haotian Douluo, the father of the little monster, there, the old Chrysanthemum and the cold-faced ghost behind are nothing at all!"

  Suddenly, Dugu Bo thought of someone who could save him, Tang Hao.

   And he just happened to know where Tang Hao is now.

In Dugu Bo's view, Tang Hao was able to smash even Qianxunji many years ago, and when he appeared in the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy, he also showed such a strong performance, not to mention destroying Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo Two people, at least repelling two people is absolutely no problem.

  After thinking of this, Poison Douluo slightly adjusted his direction, and then rushed towards the Sunset Forest.

  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo followed closely behind, relentless pursuit.

   Behind them are Mo Bai and Qian Renxue.

   "Don't worry, we just follow up slowly, Dugu Bo won't be able to escape!"

  Looking at Qian Renxue next to her, who seemed a little anxious, Mo Bai comforted her.

   "Hmm!" Qian Renxue responded, but her pace did not slow down, her eyes were full of coldness.

  She didn't want Dugu Bo, a meddling bastard, to run away. Her years of hard work were ruined by this bastard.

   Seeing this, Mo Bai didn't say anything more.

   He can understand Qian Renxue's mood!

   Then Mo Bai and Qian Renxue just followed behind Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and kept chasing after them.

   Until entering the sunset forest.

   After chasing here, Dugu Bo was about to be overtaken by Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

  Seeing that Dugu Bo was about to fall into their attack range, and when he could use the martial soul fusion technique to restrain him from the two-pole static domain, Dugu Bo got into a hole.

   "Your Majesty Haotian, save me!"

   After Dugu Bo fled into the natural cave where the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi was located, he immediately shouted into it.


   Tang Hao, who was meditating next to the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin in the Eye of Binghuo, changed his expression slightly after hearing Dugu Bo's plea for help, and quickly opened his eyes and stood up.

   While standing up, Tang Hao also condensed his broken limbs with soul power, making himself look like a normal person.

   "Your Majesty Haotian, you are indeed here, that's great!"

  After Dugu Bo saw Tang Hao, his expression was overjoyed. Tang Hao really did not leave here and was saved.

  While Dugu Bo opened his mouth in surprise, his figure quickly fell to Tang Hao's side, turning his head to look at Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo who were chasing after him.


  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who were chasing after them, shrank their eyes slightly after seeing Tang Hao's figure inside.


   "Is that Tang Hao?"


  After seeing Tang Hao inside, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo immediately turned around and left, not daring to stay longer.

   "Huh~ Thanks, Tang Hao, if you weren't here, I would be finished today!"

   Seeing Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo run away, Dugu Bo immediately heaved a sigh of relief, and thanked Tang Hao next to him.

   "What happened? How did you get chased by the two of them?"

   Tang Hao's expression was not at all relaxed, he frowned, and asked Dugu Bo.

   After all, Tang Hao now knows better than anyone else that he is almost a **** now, not to mention his broken limbs, and his soul power level is only 75.

   If Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo really come in again, let alone save Dugu Bo, he himself will be in danger.

"Because of…"

  Seeing Tang Hao asked, Dugu Bo also briefly explained what happened.

   "Wuhundian is so despicable!"

  After hearing Dugu Bo's narration, Tang Hao couldn't help being shocked by the operation of Wuhundian.

   Fortunately, this was discovered, otherwise, the Heaven Dou Empire would fall into the hands of Spirit Hall in a short time.

   Then, it is impossible for anyone in this world to shake the Hall of Spirits.

  As for his family and Haotianzong, as the enemies of the Spirit Hall, life will not be easy!

   After Dugu Bo finished speaking, his eyes were shocked because he saw Tang Hao's condition: "Tang Hao, this is..."

  Dugu Bo looked at Tang Hao in disbelief, and couldn't accept the facts before him, Tang Hao actually lost his arm and leg.

   Isn’t this amazing? Who on earth has the ability to make Tang Hao like this?

   "I'll talk about this when I have a chance. I'm afraid that the two of them will come in again now. My soul power level is only 75. If they come back, we will be finished!"

   Tang Hao shook his head, then said with a heavy expression.

   Speaking of which, Tang Hao's expression was also very ugly, not only because he was worried that Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo would come back again, but also because his position was exposed this time.

  Wuhundian knew he was here, so it was impossible not to chase him down.

  Then his wife, A Yin, must be transplanted away from here again, and she can no longer grow rapidly with the help of the Binghuo Liangyiyan.

   This is what really makes Tang Hao uncomfortable.

  But he had to take Ah Yin away again!

   "What? You are only level 75 now?"

  When Dugu Bo heard Tang Hao's words, he was immediately frightened, and his expression suddenly became tense again.

  If Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo really come in again, then he and Tang Hao, who is only level 75, will hardly be opponents of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo!


   "His Highness Mobai, His Highness Qian Renxue!"

   "Hurry up, Tang Hao is also inside, we must leave immediately!"

  When Mo Bai and Qian Renxue rushed over, they saw Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo retreating quickly, and spoke eagerly to explain the situation.

   "Tang Hao?"

  Mo Bai's expression also changed when he heard the words.

  Why is Tang Hao here? No wonder Dugu Bo ran this way.

   "..." After hearing Ju Douluo's words, Qian Renxue's expression turned ugly, because she understood that the appearance of Tang Hao meant that she could no longer chase and kill Dugu Bo.

   If possible, she certainly doesn't want to retreat.

   Not only Dugu Bo, but Tang Hao was also the chief culprit who killed her father. If these two could be eliminated, Qian Renxue would be willing to do it out of a thousand and ten thousand, but she couldn't.

   "Elder Ju, Elder Ghost, Tang Hao is the only one in there? Can you two join forces and really can't deal with Tang Hao?"

  Qian Renxue asked Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo unwillingly.

  If the two of them can deal with Tang Hao, and there are only Tang Hao and Dugu Bo, she will dare to join hands with Mo Bai to deal with Dugu Bo.

   "Your Highness, it's not that we want to grow others' ambitions, it's that Tang Hao's strength is too terrifying!"

   "Even if the two of us join forces, it will be difficult to fight against Tang Hao!"

   Ju Douluo said with an ugly expression, it wasn't that he was really afraid of Tang Hao, and they wouldn't say that anymore.

  To be honest, they were really psychologically shadowed by Tang Hao before.

   "Your Highness Qian Renxue, let's go quickly!" Ghost Douluo also spoke at this time.

   "Star Eyes!"

  At this moment, Mo Bai opened his star pupils and looked inside.

   Not being able to catch Dugu Bo, he was just a little regretful, but not too disappointed. He opened the star pupils, and just wanted to confirm the situation inside.

  The star eyes opened and condensed into a line, and Mo Bai used the line of the star eyes to scan in.

   Soon, Mo Bai saw Dugu Bo.


   Then when Mo Bai's starry eyes swept across another figure next to Dugu Bo, Mo Bai's expression suddenly changed slightly.

  Because he could see that the soul power level of that figure should be the soul saint level, it couldn't be Tang Hao at all!

   "Elder Ju, Elder Gui, you have been deceived. Apart from Dugu Bo, there is only one soul sage there, and that is not Tang Hao at all!"

   After seeing clearly Tang Hao's level inside, Mo Bai's eyes lit up, and he said to Ju Douluo and the others.

  Mo Bai didn't know that Tang Hao had lost his rank, so he made a wrong judgment.

   "What? It's not Tang Hao?"

   "How did you know, Your Highness Mobai?"

  Ju Douluo was startled when he heard Mo Bai's words.

   Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes also brightened upon hearing this.

   "My eyes can see through a person's soul power. The soul master next to Dugu Bo, the soul power level is only the soul saint level, it cannot be Tang Hao!"

   Mo Bai turned his head to look at Ju Douluo and the others, and said.

  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Qian Renxue and the others looked at Mo Bai, only to find that Mo Bai's eyes are indeed a bit unusual at the moment, with little stars shining in his pupils, like a sea of ​​stars.

  Under these eyes, Ju Douluo and the others felt as if they had been seen through something, and immediately understood that it was the ability to see through a person's soul power that Mo Bai said.

  Knowing that Mo Bai has such a pupil technique, they were still very surprised.

  But at this time, they were not too surprised by this, but by the news Mo Bai said.

  The one inside is not Tang Hao?

   "Your Highness Mobai, are you sure?"

  Ju Douluo took a deep breath, and asked Mo Bai again for confirmation.

  In fact, they were really afraid that it was Tang Hao in it. If it wasn't for Tang Hao, they wouldn't behave like this if they were any Titled Douluo.

   "I'm not sure if it's Tang Hao, my eyes can only see through soul power, but I can be sure that the soul master inside is only at the soul saint level!" Mo Bai replied.

  Hearing Mo Bai's words, Qian Renxue, who was quietly protecting her chest with her hands, breathed a sigh of relief, and then put her hands down.

  After knowing that Mo Bai has such a powerful pupil-seeing soul technique, she was really worried that Mo Bai could even see through her clothes.

  Now hearing what Mo Bai said, Qian Renxue immediately felt relieved.

   If this is seen through, she will suffer a lot!

   "Since the person inside is not Tang Hao, let's go in quickly and don't let Dugu Bo get away!"

   Then Qian Renxue opened her mouth and made a decision.

   "Yes, Your Highness Qian Renxue!"

  Hearing Qian Renxue's decision, combined with Mo Bai's judgment, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo hesitated for a moment before nodding.

   Then the figures of the two rushed in again, but they were a little more careful than before.

  When they went inside again, they saw Dugu Bo and Tang Hao again.

   This time, after having Mo Bai's judgment, the two of them were still terrified, but they stared at Tang Hao seriously, wanting to see if the Tang Hao in front of them was real.

   After watching Tang Hao carefully, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo also quickly discovered Tang Hao's condition.

  The state of the severed arm and foot, they didn’t pay attention to it just now, and they were taken away all of a sudden. Now that they have taken a closer look, how can they hide it from them!

   "It's Tang Hao, but it's Tang Hao with a broken limb!"

  Ju Douluo smiled at Ghost Douluo beside him.

  Although it was confirmed that the other party was really Tang Hao, after seeing Tang Hao's current state clearly, they no longer had the initial fear.

   No wonder His Royal Highness Mo Bai said that the other party only has the level of Soul Sage.

   "Tang Hao, I never thought that seeing Your Excellency again would be like this!"

   "We came to look for Dugu Bo today, and we didn't expect to meet your Excellency, and it was under the condition of losing a limb, Tang Hao, you didn't expect that either?"

  Looking at Tang Hao, Ju Douluo suddenly laughed.


  After Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, Mo Bai and Qian Renxue followed closely behind.

"His Highness Qian Renxue, His Highness Mo Bai, the other party is indeed Tang Hao, but don't worry too much, he has already lost a limb, and his soul power is only at the level of a soul saint!" Ghost Douluo reported to Qian Renxue and Mo Bai One sound.

   "It's really Tang Hao?"

  Mo Bai and Qian Renxue were shocked when they heard the words, and they were even more surprised when they heard that Tang Hao in front of them had broken a limb. Who did it?

"That is…?"

   While Mo Bai was surprised, his eyes were quickly attracted by a blue silver grass behind Tang Hao.

  He was too familiar with that golden pattern, he had seen it before on Tang San's Blue Silver Emperor.

   "So, that is a Blue Silver Emperor?"

  Thinking of this, Mobai's eyes suddenly lit up.


  (end of this chapter)